Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The legacy begins ❯ Rage!!! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Seeing his father dead Tyler lost all grips to sanity and released power unimaginable to the saiyans of this world.

Keno: his power I can't measure it, he must have at least one million strong.

Tyler: so you think that killing people is good as long as you stay alive?!

Montag: yes, yes I do.

Zach: you freak!

Mia: how can you think like that he's gone forever!

Montag: he should have never had tried to beat Dienstag.

Sonja: how can you say that!?

Montag: and to think he thought he would see you soon.

Mittwoch: hehehehehehe!

Tyler: you're first.

Mittwoch: WHAT?!

Mittwoch started to fire beams at Tyler but he easily dodged them all. Tyler appeared right in front of Mittwoch and kicked him into the air then grabbed his foot and threw Mittwoch into a hillside. Then Tyler started to throw energy balls all over the hill not caring if he hit Mittwoch or not. When the smoke cleared Mittwoch was lying on the hill with most of his armor torn to shreds.

Mittwoch: uh what happened?

Tyler: are you ready to say good bye?

Mittwoch: No, NO please don't

With a mean smirk on his lips Tyler charged up to shoot an energy blast. Meanwhile Mittwoch was pleading to Tyler to not kill him and that he was sorry. The last word Mittwoch herd before he was killed was Tyler saying "you deserve no mercy for what you have done" and that said Tyler released a blast that destroyed the entire hillside with Mittwoch on it.

Tyler: who is next?

Dienstag: you guy's go I'll take care of the, oh so powerful one hehehe.

Tyler: you can try anyways right?

Dienstag: no one liked Mittwoch anyway you did me a favor.

Tyler: I will give you another one, a one way trip to hell!

Dienstag: (makes a white orb of energy) I seriously doubt it.

Dienstag throws the ball; Tyler thinking he would throw it at him covered his face with his arms in an (x) shape. But the ball went strait into the air and stopped in the sky at the top of the dome.

Dienstag: haha now face a power so horrifying you won't even want to fight me.

Tyler: what are you talking about?

Dienstag stars at the orb and his body starts to expand and grow hairy but the armor doesn't break it just gets bigger with Dienstag's body. Tyler couldn't believe his eyes Dienstag has just turned into a giant monkey.

Tyler: how is it that becoming giant monkey helps you beat me?

Dienstag: you fool concentrate on my power as it rises!

Keno: he is right his power is 1,300,000 and Tyler has only 1,000,000!

Colt: no way!

Dienstag having the power advantage and not being as fatigued as Tyler he started to beat Tyler easily. Tyler tried to counter a couple of Dienstag's move but to no success. With a forceful kick Tyler was send right threw the wall of the dome.

Keno: TYLER!!!

Sonja: oh no.

Mia: we have to help him.

Lance: (starts to twitch) …no…we…must…uh…

Cody: lance you; your alive (hugs his brother)

Lance: AH, hey don't…touch me get that ice out of my back.

Cody: um, you sure?

Lance: yes.

Cody: (pulls the ice pick out of his brother's back)

Lance: (starts to bleed again) first we need to destroy that orb.

Tetsoe: I can do that!

Lance: Then we need to knock him out or cut his tail off.

Mia: how prattle, do we do that?

Lance: keep your power low and let Tyler keep him busy then just blast it off.

Zach: you make it sound so simple remember Zion and Mace and knocked out.

Mia: Sonja and I can do it.

Sonja: WHAT!!!

Mia: listen all the others are hurt or fatigued we have to do it.

Sonja: okay we'll do it.

Lance: okay then go!

All: right!


Tyler is getting punched into a mountain side. Tyler gets out of the mountain just before the giant ape blows it to pieces by a mouth beam. But Dienstag is fast as well as strong so when Tyler got out of the mountain he already was preparing for a kick, and it connects a foot the size of five Tyler's standing on each others shoulders hits him down into the ground.

Mia: okay, you ready Sonja?

Sonja: (makes a blade like little beam) ready, let's do this

Tetsoe: okay all I got to do is destroy this orb. (To be continued)