Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Mystical Creature of the forest ❯ THE MYSTICAL CREATURE OF THE FORESTPrologue ( Prologue )

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The Mystical Creature of the Forest


Once upon a time, there lived a man named Trunks Brief and his wife Athena Brief how was pregnant with their first child, Athena new by the kicking and moving inside her stomch that it would be special. Because baby would be half saiyon and half human. That is why they moved from Capsule Corp to their house in the woods because Athena's parents lived near bye her father Bardock and her three brothers Turles, Raditz, three-year-old Kakkarotto. There lived also not faraway some magical Creatures with one gold horn the leader of this herd of unicorns was old and dying there was a prophecy that a human would have baby in the forest and the baby would have greater power the wind start to blow and the sky start to grow dark that mother would start to give birth to the new protector of the unicorns, when the old leader start to die the protector would have the hair color of blue water and the eyes of the deep blue sea, and on that night a messenger would be sent to see if the baby would have these coloring like the eyes and later the hair.

Mean wile 20 light years away on the home planet of Vegeta lived King Vegeta and his Quean how was pregnant also with heir to the thrown this is was formal home of Bardock and his family, Bardock went ageist Frieza order to kill King Vegeta witch Bardock told King Vegeta what Frieza was up to cause they were old friend s King Vegeta told Bardock to leave with his family so he wouldn't have to kill him, Bardock told King Vegeta if he needed any help to send word to planet Earth. Time past and Athena's baby was coming closer to her do date she was five days away the wind started to blow and the sky started to grow dark and the earth started to shake an rumble Bardock came in stumbling in the door along with her two older brothers Athena was about to have her baby, the same was going on at the palace on planet Vegeta the queen was giving birth to the prince of the saiyon but Frieza was up to steel the yoning prince but King Vegeta was going to send him off world when he turn Five years old with in trade of anther child how was sapost to be sent he sent word to Bardock's family that the prince would be sent. Athena was holding her baby girl, she named it Bulma she would have blue heir she had the blue eyes. They heard something out side the door so Bardock went and opened the door. There stood an old Unicorn with its horn glowing a bright gold. It walked in and touched Bulma's head, stepped back and collapsed dead on the cabin floor. After Bardock got out of shock he went over to handle the dead unicorn but before he could get close to it. Faded away Athena held her baby close to her. Father Bardock came over and confuted her same with Trunks her husband and two of her older brothers.

Time pasted and Athena Father Bardock Trunks her husband and her three of her older brothers and her little four year old girl playing on the grass. It was the day for Prince Vegeta and his young baby sister to arrive at the docking bay in town so Athena picked up Bulma off the grass, and suggested they all go into town pick up the Prince, and his sister up four them to go out to lunch they all nodded in saying yes. Therefore, they all got in the car, and headed to town to pick up the Prince Vegeta and Princess, and then go to lunch. They arrived just in time to see Prince Vegeta, and his sisters ship began to land but suddenly one of the ships started to smoke and then it cached fire, Prince Vegeta was scared for his sisters safety but suddenly their was a blue light brought the ship to a landing It safely then the blue light was disappeared, Prince Vegeta looked over just in time to a little blue hair girl in the arms of her mother but the light faded from the little girl and she fell asleep. Prince Vegeta knew it was Bardock's family, so Prince Vegeta went over, got his sister out of her spaceship, and walked up to Bardock's family. Athena said, "Hello to Prince Vegeta, and Princess Andréa". Prince Vegeta bowed his head, and Princess Andréa curceyed to Athena and Bardock's other part of the family.