Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Bulma ❯ Chap 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Hi! Here's the Second Chap!

Gohan walked into his class and noticed that Erasa was talking to a girl with black hair. He sat down at his seat and saw that the problem that he proved equaled seven, was still up. [1] He started listening to Erasa and Videl's (sorry if you didn't know) conversation.

"Well anyway, Mr. Smith started asking him impossible questions and he got them all right and called them easy!" Said Erasa.

"Um… Erasa, isn't that him?" Said Videl

Slowly Erasa turned around and said, "So Gohan, how did the principal treat you?"

Gohan replied "Well, he said Mr. Smith accused me of starting an insurgence in the class." Seeing Videl and Erasa's confused looks on their faces he added "An insurgence is an revolt

"Well, you aren't in trouble are you?" Said Erasa

"No, I just can't correct any teacher anymore no matter how wrong they might be." Said Gohan

"Gohan, have you met my best friend Videl?"


"Videl, Videl Satan." Said Videl

Before Gohan could say anything, his biology teacher Ms. Troy walked into the room, read the problem on the board then asked the class "Who did this? "The class math nerd raised his hand. "Albert? You did this?"

"No Ms. Troy, it was the new kid…"

"Son Gohan." Said Ms. Troy cutting off Albert.

Ms. Troy quickly glanced at the classroom's seating chart and found Gohan.

"Mr. Son!" Exclaimed Ms. Troy

Gohan's eyes snapped to Ms. Troy

"Mr. Smith has told me about you. Let's see if you are as smart in Biology as you are in Math!"


"You heard me Mr. Son! Tell me.."

The same thing happened to Gohan in every class. At the end of school, he had heard so much about how he was just like Bulma, that he went to go to see her. Gohan walked into one of her labs and saw Bulma working on a new dragon radar.

Bulma saw Gohan walk in and asked "So Gohan, how was the first day?"

"Let's just say that all the teachers hate me"


"I'm too smart! For my math class, I had to go through a bunch of really easy questions then I was sent to the office after! Also that teacher told all of the other teachers what I did so when I came back, I had to do it all again!"

"Was the math teacher Mr. Smith?"


"He did that to me too. I might go back and see him. Get him straightened out. It's not your fault your smart! You are as smart as I am beautiful and that isn't a crime!"

"Thanks Bulma."

"No prob. But, can you help me with this? I want to make sure I got this right otherwise it would cost me six hours to fix it."

"What is it?"

"Well, I'm updating the Dragon Radar so that there is a walkie talkie mode."


"Well, if I connect the wires this way, will it cause a chain reaction causing the radar to be shot?"

"You could do it that way, but then you would have to move that circuit to the left a little bit."

"That's what I thought! Geniuses think a like!"

"Yeah! Well, I better be getting home before Goten tries eating my dinner."

"See you later!"


Gohan went home and the rest of the day went by without any interruptions.

The next morning, Gohan got ready for school and quickly ate his breakfast. He looked at his watch and said hurried good-byes. Gohan flew to school, and felt three familiar kis coming towards him. He landed a block from school and went to his homeroom. Then the principal's voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Attention students! Today we have a special presentation! After your teacher has taken attendance, will you go to the auditorium. That is all."

Gohan already had an idea of what was coming. Gohan groaned as he felt another familiar ki coming. His teacher was not even halfway done with attendance, he was called to the auditorium early.

He was walking to the auditorium, when he heard his name then was tackled by two hyper active saiyans. Gohan got to his feet and said "Goten, Trunks, what are you doing here?"

"welltrunk'smomwasdoingathingyatyourschoolandaskedifiwouldliketo comewithsotrunkswouldn'tbeboard!" Said Goten in a really fast breath.

"What?" Said Gohan and Trunks

"Well trunk's mom was doing a thingy at your school and asked if I would like to come with so trunks wouldn't be board." Said Goten

"Oh, well I have to go see your mom now trunks and PLEASE stay out of trouble. I wouldn't want to see you get starved again." Said Gohan

"OK!!!! BYE GOHAN!!!!!!!!!!!" Said Goten and Trunks

"The school is doomed" Said Gohan

Gohan continued walking to the audiotorium. Thinking that it was going to take too long he just decided to do his own version of instant transmission. Gohan popped next to Vegetta and Bulma.

"Hi Gohan!"

"Hey Bulma! You asked for me?"

"Yeah, I was going to show off one of my inventions."

"What is it?"

"Itis battle scouters. I was thinking that you could introduse me and help me demestrate how to use one of the `new' scouters."

"Yeah, I'ld do it!"

A few seconds later, he heard the many students of OSH entering the audiotorum.

"Vegetta. After this is done, you can spar with me."

The principal came up to Gohan and said "You may go out now."

Gohan took a deep breath and walked out to the stage. The room slowly got quiet. "Ok you guys! OSH was lucky to get her to present today, but we are pleased to welcome Ms. Bulma Briefs!…" Before Gohan could continue the room exploded with people talking again. Gohan waited until it was quiet to continue. "Ms. Briefs will show us one of her newest inventions and talk about her experiences at OSH. Without furter adu, MS. BULMA BRIEFS!" The room once again exploded with talking and clapping as Bulma walked out.

"Thank you!" Said Bulma. As she signaled Gohan to stay. "I would like Mr. Smith to come up here if he would please." Mr. Smith walked up. "Mr. Smith, you haven't changed since I had you! Now, why must you torment Mr. Son here? He is a genus and doesn't need your treatment that you have given him. You may go back now Mr. Smith. Ok! Now for my newest inventions!" Vegetta came out carring two scouters. "I call it a scouter. What it does, is measures how much strenth you have. Gohan, Vegetta, you may demenstate." They put them on and waited until each other's power levals showed up.The room waited silently as numbers went on the screen.

"Not bad first brat of Kakarot. I see you have trained, but not enough[2]" Said Vegetta

"Don't make me mad Veggie! Remember the last time I fought when I was mad? I thought I won, didn't I?"

"I have got to remember to give you evil lessons along with your saiyan history [3] classes."

"Kerlan Nupalli!!!!! [4]"

"E'l wever opalit!!!! [5]"

Gohan was now unaware of the many students watching him and mumbling things like "Gohan is going to fight Bulma Brief's internationally feared husband?" "Nerd Boy Gohan can fight?" "How long to you think this is going to last? I bet not even five seconds."

Vegetta and Gohan went into their fighting stances and were about to start when they heard "GOHAN!!!!! VEGETTA!!!! YOU BETTER STOP!!!!!"

So how was the second Chap? I did this all in one day so be nice. Right. Um… Review Please!!!! If you are wondering it wasn't Bulma. Guess Who? I don't know and really don't care now. Just Review Please!!! I'm all happy now because I got two CDs yesterday!!!!!! I got The Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter soundtracks!!!! They are both really cool. Now I have to figure out what fic I'll update now……


[1] As you should know, it isn't the students that move from class to class, it's the teachers

[2] Gohan trained a lot more in my fic than the series

[3] Vegetta gives Gohan lessons on his Saiyan history and is also teaching him the Saiyan language

[4] Let's fight in Saiyan

[5] I'm Ready in Saiyan

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