Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Phantom Of The Opera: DBZ Style! ❯ The Rehearsal.....Part One ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The only thing I own that's somewhat related to this is my computer. Does that count?.....I didn't think so either.

Ok since you did not have the heart to tell me what you think of this fanfic....Yes, I'm talking to the people who didn't leave me a review......I'm just going to add the next chapter anyway....*sighs* All great artists are not recognized in their beginnings, anyway. -.-

(back in the auditorium, the Cast is practicing their lines, while Katie listens to the Orchestra play the music)

Orchestra (the school band): *plays the Overture really really fast*

Katie: *throws down her clipboard* No, no, no! You guys fucked it up again! It has to play slower and dramatic, not quick! What are you, the marching band?!

Drum player: Actually, we're the orchestra AND the marching band.

Katie: -.-....Oh. *mutters under her breath* So that explains why you suck......

(All of the Saiyans in there heard Katie and burst out laughing) [Don't you just love Saiyan-enhanced hearing?]

Sam: (looking at Katie) *to Heather* Uh oh, Katie's getting mad at the band again....

Heather: Who would blame her? The band sounds like a toilet flushing!

Band: (all play different stuff at the same time, making a loud annoying sound that resembles a toilet flushing. And it echoes through out the whole school)

Everyone: *cover their ears* (since the sound is too loud, you can only see their lips move when they talk) HOLY SHIT!!!!

Anyone that's outside of the auditorium: (you can hear what they say) What the hell is that!?

Random boy: Sounds like someone flushed the toilet and it backed up.

Random girls: EWWWW!!!

[Readers: KT-Chan, that's sick.]

[KT-Chan: I know.....I have a sick sense of humor.]

(Back in the auditorium)

*the band (finally) stop playing*

Goku: *pissed off* ......Katie?

Katie: What?

Goku: Could we do something worth while? (points at the band)

Katie: Be my guest.

(All of the Z-fighters pick up the members of the band, throw them out of the auditorium, pick up the

instruments, but place them gently outside the door, and then they slam the door shut.)

Heather, Sam, Katie, Chi-Chi, & Bulma: Thank you!

Z-Fighters: You're welcome.

(All of the actors get back to work)

Katie: (talking to Gohan and Goten) Ok, since we don't have a band to play the music....How are

we going to have this play work?

Goten: (sees a bunch of C.D.s on a table) Use a C.D.

Katie: (hugs her boyfriend) Great idea, Goten!

Gohan: I have to admit, that's a great idea....But none of those C.D.s have labels on them.

Katie: (looks at the C.D.s) Hmm, you're right. How do we know what C.D.s are the right ones to


Goten: Well, I guess we play them to see what they have on them.

Katie: ^.^ Ok! (she pops a C.D. in to a little boom box)

(the boom box plays "The Chicken Dance")

Everyone: What the--?

Katie: (presses the stop button) Ooookaaay, maybe it's this one! (puts in another C.D. in)

Yamcha: (talking to Chi-Chi) Ok, so your character's name is Carlotta...And my name is--

Boom box: (playing the C.D.) SLIM SHADY!!!

Goten: *bursts out laughing*

Goku: *rolling on the stage floor laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Gohan: ^_^' (presses the stop button).....

Bulma:.....Ooookaaay...That was stupid.

Chi-Chi: Yeah, I know....

Katie: Ok! OK! This has to be the right one! (puts another C.D. in the boom box)

Boom box:.............(Plays music from The Phantom Of The Opera)

Vegeta: It's about time you found the right one!

Bulma: Shut up, Vegeta!

Gohan: These C.D.s are fucked up!

Chi-Chi: (gets a frying pan out of nowhere and throws it square at the back of Gohan's head) Gohan, how many times did I told you not to swear?!

Gohan: (rubbing the back of his head) Sorry, Mom. Ow.....

Goten: Ha, ha! You got hit by a frying pan!

Gohan: *growls*......(charges at Goten)

Goten: O.O eep! *runs away* AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

Krillin: I have a feeling that this is going to be a loooong rehearsal....

Goku: Yeah.........

Trunks: ^.^ Well, at least I got a part in the play that I kiss Heather!

Everyone: (stops what they're doing and look at Trunks)

Trunks: (looks at everyone with a confused look on his face) What?....What did I say?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER TWO!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I think you guys would agree with Krillin on the long rehearsal. Well, the madness isn't going to end here!

Yamcha: (to KT-Chan) O.O You mean you have more stuff in mind to make ourselves complete asses?!

KT-Chan: Well, duh. This is a comedy fan fic, ya know.

Heather: (sing-songy) I get to kiss Trunks in the play! I get to kiss Trunks in the play! I get to--

Sam: Shut up, Heather!

Goten: Yeah!

Katie: *laughs like a maniac* Oh a little note for everyone: I'm KT-Chan's character!

Everyone: O.O EEP!

Gohan: Aw sh--(remembers what happened when he swore)...Aw shnizzleminizzle!

Goku: What the?

Ok, NOW this is the end of the Chapter! ^.^ Please leave me a friggin' review!