Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Phantom Of The Opera: DBZ Style! ❯ The Curse of The Phantom? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I...*sighs* You've seen this message more than four times already, I think you know what I'm going to say, so I'm not going to.

Guess who's back, back again? KT's back, tell a friend! Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back...Yep, KT-Chan's on her crappy little computer happily typing away with one single goal: Making fun of the Z-Senshi! ^.^ Yeah! ^___________^ Ok, now on with the story:

(Same scene, same people, blah blah blah....)

Katie: Hey Heather, could you sing that one segment in Act One please?

Heather: Oh you mean the first thing that I actually get to sing?

Katie: Yeah, exactly.

Heather: (playing the part of Christine) ::singing::
Think of me

think of me fondly,

when we've said goodbye.
Remember me
once in a while -
please promise me
you'll try.

When you find
that, once
again, you long
to take your heart back
and be free -
if you
ever find
a moment,
spare a thought
for m-::stops singing:: AAAHHHH!! (falls down a trap door on the stage)

Everyone: What the-?!

Gohan: (kneeling on the stage floor and looking down the trap door) Heather, you ok?

Heather:...I think so. I didn't know that they're was a friggin' trap door in this stage!

Katie: I didn't either....

Everyone (except Heather, of course, she's stuck under the stage):.....*look at Katie with a terrified

look in their faces*

Goku: O.O The Phantom...It's the Phantom....

Vegeta: -.- Kakarot, you.....(is about to say something insulting to Goku, but then remembers the

last time he did that)....*sighs* There is no Phantom. He doesn't exist. ::thinks:: Baka.

Heather: Uh, could someone GET ME OUT OF HERE, ALREADY?!!!

Gohan: Oh yeah, sorry! ^.^' Heh. (lowers down a rope and Heather climbs out of the hole)

Heather: *dusting herself off* Thanks...Of all places, a friggin' trap door has to be put there! What the hell? And another thing, it opens the wrong way...

Sam: (finishing Heather's sentence)...Like someone wanted you to fall down there....

Goten: Woah, that's creepy.

Katie: Yeah...Who could've done such a thing?!

::A mysterious, echoing laughter fills the auditorium::

Goku & Katie: THE PHANTOM!!!!!! O___O *hug each other in fear*

Katie: *high-pitched voice (kinda in a South Park style too)* OHMYGOD!!!

Trunks: O.O

Vegeta: (getting pissed off big time about the whole ordeal) OK, THAT'S IT!! I've had enough of this bullshit!! *yells to the direction where the laughter came from* I'm going to give you to the count of five to show yourself, and I don't care if your a ghost or a person!! If you don't come by that time, I WILL BLAST THIS PLACE TO KINGDOM COME!!!

Goku: Oh shit...

Vegeta: ONE!

Goten & Katie: (put on Army helmets) Hit the deck! *dive down to the ground*

Sam: (hugging Gohan) O.O

Vegeta: TWO! *charges up a Big Bang Attack*

Gohan:....He means it, he really is going to blow this place up...

Trunks: That's not the scary part...He might blow up everything.

Vegeta: THREE!!

Everyone: (looks at Vegeta) O.O

Vegeta: FOUR!!!!!

(a little bit of black cape appears from high up above the stage)

Vegeta: *smirks* (flies up there and throws down to the stage none other than...)

Everyone: 17?!! O.O

17: @.@ Ow....

Katie: You idiot, why are you being so babyish about you not getting the part of the Phantom?!

18: Because that's the only way he can think...

Readers [yes, it's about time you guys start participating in this fanfic!]: Oooooo.....

Goku: How about we give him a part?

Vegeta: *glares at Goku* I'm not giving up my part!

Goku: I didn't say: "How about we give him Vegeta's part," did I?

Readers [more reader participation! ^___^]: Ooooo.....

Sam (never swears, FYI): Oh so it's a "When in doubt, get ticked off and other stuff like that" thing?

Yamcha: I thought it was: "When in doubt, get pissed off and other shit like that"? *CLANG!* OW!

Chi-Chi: *holding a dented frying pan*.....Grrrr....

Krillin: HA HA!! *CLANG!* OW! I didn't swear, Chi-Chi! What was that for?!

Chi-Chi: I don't know...I just felt like it....*looks like Hannibal Lector* MWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! KILL KILL!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! *chases everyone around the room with a frying pan in hand*

Everyone: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

17: (not with everyone that's being chased by Chi-Chi)....*sweat drop*

Goku: (running for his life) Chi-Chi, stop! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!

Katie & Heather: (dressed like referees) ::blows their whistles really loud::

Everyone: o.o *some stopped in mid-stride, with the exception of the Son Brothers and Goku who

are doing a stupid pose*

Katie: Ok, that does it! I'm getting very very pissed off...


Vegeta: O.O....(shakes off the shock) -_-*

Bulma: I thought I was the only one who could do that.....Hm, interesting....

Katie: 17, get your ass over here!
(he does)

Katie: Ok, you want a part in this play?

17: Yeah.

Katie: Well, you can't play the Phantom because I want Vegeta to play that

part...::looks over at Vegeta::

Vegeta: *nods in approval with a smirk*

Katie: So, let's see what we have left.......(looks in different directions)....WHERE THE HELL IS MY CLIPBOARD?!!

Krillin: (holding up the clipboard) Here it is, Katie. ::tosses it to Katie, and she catches it::

Katie: ^.^ Thank you. (looking at the list of characters) Hmmm...well, most of the parts were taken by other kids that also wanted to be in this...[Author's Note: remember, this takes place at a school...Of all places a school...-.- Oh well.]....Wait, I got a part for you! You can play the part of....

Readers: [even more reader participation! ^___^] *lean closer to the computer screen*........

Katie: Joseph Buquet! [pronounced "boo-gay"]

Everyone (except 17): *anime fall*

Readers:..............*anime fall*

Katie: What?! It's the only part I have open!

Teen-aged Guy: (from outside) Aw shit!

(Long Pause)

Everyone: -_-'

17: Buquet, huh?....Yeah, I'll play that part.

Katie: ^.^ Ok, so now everyone's happy!

Sam, Heather, & Katie: ::dancing on the stage:: Yea!!!! ^_________________________________^

Gohan: I hate to bring an abrupt end to this...But...

Bulma: What's the matter, Gohan?

Gohan: Opening night for this play is....Tomorrow.

Katie: Aw SHNIZZLEMINIZZLE! O.O We got to get to work!

Goten: (dressed like a slave-driver) Yeah, get back to work! ::cracks a whip:: *CLANG!*

Chi-Chi: (with a frying pan) -_- Grrrr......

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER FIVE!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Will the cast of the Phantom of the Opera be able to remember all of the lines, actions, and stuff for opening night?! Will every person who sees this production like it and leave in tears 'cause it's so beautiful? WILL THE NEXT CHAPTER HAVE A LOT OF STUPID STUFF LIKE THIS?!!! Well you have to keep your eyes open for the next chapter! [I'm bad, I know...]