Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess Saga ❯ Race is on ( Chapter 11 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Race is on
They all landed on the plat form that held Denda's home. Mr. Popo was there to greet them as Denda was getting the chamber ready for them.
“Well guys how are we going to pair up and go in?” Trunks said to the group that was standing there.
“Well I and Angel can go in first, and then you and your father could go, Trunks and Gotten, Piccolo and Krillon.” Vegeta said back to them and they all agreed except for Krillon who said “Why me and him? Last time he almost killed me.”
“I will go easy on u this time.” Piccolo said to the little man.
“Yea right, that would be the day.” Krillon said back.
Just as that was said Denda showed up and announced that the chamber was ready.
“Angel, can u and Vegeta wait for a while? Let the others go first so we can talk.” Denda said to her. Vegeta was not happy about it but he gave up and went search for food since it was almost morning.
“What is it that you want to talk to me about?” She asked as they went to the gardens.
“It's your powers that you have.” He said. “I have seen them before and they are not all due to the saijin race. Have there been other things that have came to you and surprised you?” He asked.
“There have been a number of things that have come and surprised me. But where have you seen this before and is it the reason why The Master wants me?” She asked.
“I have seen this in a race that is long gone, well not me personally but my predisor has. I think he has other reasons why he wants you. Your kids are full of anger towards you and they have no idea who their father is. As for his other child he is still alive but don't tell him that.” Denda's said to her as she was thinking.
“I know they hold a grudge towards me, I understand why. I just wish I could have taken them with me, but that was impossible at the time.” She said as the tears streamed down her face. The sun peeked through the tree and she got up and also went to find food.
The day came and went as Krillon and Piccolo came out of it, Piccolo looked great but his friend was not a happy camper. “See I told you guys he would try to kill me.” He said with a half smile on his face.
The next ones to go in were Vegeta and Angel. They went in and she immediately put on ICP to warm up with and as well the rest of the music she liked to spar with.
“What kind of shit is that?” He asked.
“That is the music I use to spar with, it get the blood pumping.” She said back as she suckered punched him in the chest.
The song Cherry Pie was playing as they were ducking it out when a blow came from Vegeta and knocked her into the wall of the building.
“Son of a bitch that hurt.” She said and blew her stack came back to him with eyes they were pure black no iris. She was glowing a deep red.
“What the fuck happened?” He asked to himself. He has never seen that side of her. That is when he sensed that she was not herself and it was something else that was coming out. It was more powerful than he was and whatever it was he pissed it off.
“Angel snap out of it!!!!” He said as he was be chased.
“No, this is me big brother can't handle it?” She whispered back to him which sounded like she was talking to him naturally.
She got to him and grabbed him and squeezed him until he passed out. She woke him up and then he was pissed and turned to ssj2 and came at her with both fists and connected in the face with phased her about an inch. He never gave up on it either. With the last blow she grabbed him and punch him in the gut so hard he spewed blood. Threw him to the floor like a rag doll.
He still did not give up and he was on his feet giving it all. Just to get her to snap out of what was with her. When he finally got his arms around her and her face to his he kissed her long and hard.
To his delight she responded just as fierce and that is what snapped her out of whatever it was. She came to and pushed him away from her as fast as she could.
“What the hell just happened?” She said as she went to the building that she was at.
“You blacked out. I have never seen you like that ever; I do not want to see that again either.” He said as she went into the room to freshen up.
“So did I scar you?” She asked.
“Yes, it is like you went Orzuro but never made it to the monkey part.” He said to her.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” She said back as she came out of the bathroom. “You want to continue?” She asked.
“Why not we still have half an hour to go, even though that is like six months in here.” He said.
As that hour went by, Kakkarot was standing by the door and listen to what was going on. Even as he was doing that he felt a presence somewhere in the universe that was on its way to where they were.
They came out and was greeted by Goku and the gang. “We have a thought why not all of us go in and get it done?” Goku said.
Vegeta said he was ready to go for that. Angel shock her head no and said that she was powerful as it is and did not need to go back into it.
So she spend the rest of day resting from the chamber In her dream she saw a man that wore a black trench leather coat and very long black hair and green eyes that went on for miles. Then he turned in to the Master and he was strangling her with his hands and she could not move because he had her pinned up against a wheel that had spikes that was digging into her skin.
Waking up in a cold sweat she got up and got a hot bath. It was time for the rest of them to ge t out of the chamber and she was waiting for them.
“I think it is time to get home with this and the rest of the time we can train in the gravity or outside by Goku's I think the other halves are worring about you guys.” Angel said as she took to the air and lead the pack to their home.