Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Saiyan and the Mystic Warrior ❯ Chapter 1:Training ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Red Saiyan and the Mystic Warrior
By:Tuxedo Gohan

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z

Chapter 1: Training

It was a normal day at the Son House, well as normal as a family of Superheroes could get anyway. Goku was training with his new wife NiChan and his sons with whom he had with his late first wife ChiChi. The mother of the two Son Children died of cancer about five months after Majin Buu and the family mourned. NiChan came into Goku's life and after about five months, and Gohan's motivation for Goku to move on, they were married.

"Hey Gohan, show me that Mystic technique again", demanded Nichan as she went into fighting stance. Gohan obliged his stepmother and powered up pretty high, but not too high. Even thought his stepmother was a full blooded saiyan nobody could stand up to Gohan's full power alone so he toned it down a bit. NiChan gathered her energy and went immediately to Super Saiyan 3 as she charged at him.

"Son you sure are fast", panted NiChan as she tried again and again to land a punch on Gohan, but to no avail. Goku saw this and for kicks decided to get into the act. He charged up behind Gohan and tried to land a punch but he vanished right before his eyes. He went SSJ 3 as well as he looked

*Elder Kai sure taught him well*, thought Goku as he looked around for Gohan. Goten looked on and decided to look for him as well. Then out of the blue Gohan appeared and thrashed his father into the ground. NiChan tried to attack as well, but to no avail as Gohan hit her in the stomach and sent her right beside her husband. Goten went Super Saiyan and tried to hit Gohan, but he was put in a one arm bear hug and after an atomic noogie was sent in with the Son couple.

The other Sons were getting up and trying to make there charge at the teenager. They were able to keep up with Gohan throughout the spar. After about five hours of very intense training that will
leave the land scarred for many years they went home for lunch.

*Hmm, it's a good thing I have all these ingredients and Bulma gave me all these ovens and stoves in this room*, thought NiChan as she walked through the 'food house' that Bulma gave them to put on there land. She zipped through the building and grabbed tons of hams, noodles, chickens, vegtables and all other sorts of food and put them in the many ovens in there one kitchen building behind the house.

Meanwhile at the main house, Goku was taking a bath in the heated bathtub while the other two waited fort there baths. After he took one the others took there baths and Gohan and Goten set the
table for dinner. Then a knock at the door was heard and Gohan answered the door. There stood two Saiyan's, one with the usual black hair except that it looked more human, and the other a red headed girl dressed in a t-shirt and a black pair of shorts, looked kinda like Videl actually in clothing.

"Hello is this the Son residence?" asked the woman with the Saiyan tail.

"Yes this is, why may I ask?", said Gohan.

"Because we are your new neighbors, I'm Kyla", introduced the woman. Gohan shook hands with her and the girl shyly came forward.

"Honey introduce yourself", commanded Kyla, but in a kind voice.

*He's really cute*, thought Agra as she walked up to him, *what do I say to him*.

*She's kinda pretty*, thought Gohan looking into her sparkling crimson eyes.

"Hi I-I'm Agra ", she stuttered while introducing herself.

"A-And I'm S-S-Son Gohan", he stuttered to her. All of the sudden a man came walking into the yard and up to the door. The man was very tall and muscular with the wild hair of a saiyan.

"Hey Baby", said the man hugging on Kyla.

"C'mon now Brussels, we are in somebody else's home", giggled Kyla.

"Okay, okay" said Brussels as he looked at Gohan.

"Hello, I'm Son Gohan", introduced the half saiyan to Agra's father.

"And I'm Brussels", said the man shaknig hands with him. Then he let them in and Brussels got the shock of his life when he saw Goku.

"Hello, Kakarot", greeted Brussels as he walked up to Goku. Goku was confused as usual as he didn't know the man.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?", asked Goku in his usual clueless way.

"Kakarot, I'm Brussels I know you don't know me but I've heard so much about you", spoke the man, who was about the same age as Son Goku.

"I go by Goku here on Earth, Vegeta calls me Kakarot though", chirped Goku in his usual cheerful way.

*You mean the Prince is here too, well we may have hit the jackpot as far as powerful warriors though. I expected Kakarot to be meaner and more arrogant, not this cheerful like his son*, thought Brussels as he observed the uncharacteristic saiyan.

Then Goten walked up to the group and saw the big man. He his behind his father when he caught sight of him.

"Son it's okay, he friendly and he won't hurt us okay, Goten", explained Goku as he patted his son on the head.

"Okay daddy", beamed Goten as he walked from behind his father. Kyla pulled out a lollipop and Goten took it with a smile. Then NiChan came in with the 'king's feast' and put the food down gently on the table. Then she saw the other Saiyans and started introducing herself.

"Hello I'm Son NiChan", said NiChan happily as she looked upon the Saiyan's. They looked at the food and then introduced themselves. Agra and Gohan kept looking at each other and blushed even more when they did so. Then the family dug into the feast.

"What do you think?", asked NiChan after she swallowed her ton of food.

"This is good NiChan", answered Kyla after gorging on her food.

"Yeah, Kakarot's mate is a good cook", responded Brussels with a smile, "like my wife's a good cook, too".

"Thank You Brussels", she said as she looked really shy.

"Yeah, Mrs. Son, so good and flavorful", chirped Agra as she gorged.

"Mom is a good cook", Gohan said after swallowing like a polite gentleman.

"Mmph, foo, foo, Mmph. Mmph", responded Goku and Goten with mouths full of food in both cheeks and noodles a mass.

"What did you say dad?", asked Gohan unfazed by the lack of manners. He was used to it after about all his life.

Father and Baby Boy slurped up there noodles in a way that would make Ms. Manners cringed to death.

*Disgusting*, thought Brussles at the slurping.

"That's my wife", cheered Goku.

"Momma's a good cook", said Goten happily. Evrybody laughed and ate the whole night through and they said there so longs.

"Hey, Gohan, see you in school tomorrow", stated Agra with a smile.

"Yeah, Agra see you tomorrow", responded Gohan as she walked away.

*She's pretty and no no Gohan you have a girlfriend. Hey wait a minute she broke it off a month ago, you dunce*, thought Gohan to himself as he entered the house and went to bed.

Meanwhile in the desert Darklon was looking for the Scrolls of Darkness, the documents that could release the Demon Kai's and Li Shenron, the Dark Eternal Dragon.

*Ah the map says that there here*, thought the Black Robed Wizard with wild gray hair and Golden Eyes. He went into the cave to search for those evil arts.

Author's note: I don't know who Agra's Parents are so I made two of them up. Please read and review.