Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Saiyan and the Mystic Warrior ❯ Chapter 3: News of Darkness ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Red Saiyan and the Mystic Warrior
By: Tuxedo Gohan

Chapter 4: Warning of Darkness

Gohan walked down for breakfast. It was the usual mega breakfast they gorged down. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Goten, could you be a dear and answer the door?", asked NiChan to her youngest stepson.

"Sure thing mommy", chirped Goten. He went to the door and there was a huge, purplish skinned man with a blue uniform similar to the Supreme Kai.

"Mommy, Daddy, there's a huge purply man at the door!!", yelled Goten. Goku got up and looked at him and knew exactly who he was.

"Shinibito, what are you doing here?", asked Goku.

"I have to tell you something, and congradulations on your wedding. I would have come but I had that disaster on Yardarat to see over.", replied Shinibito. The son family went outside and there were the Briefs.

"Hello, Kakarot, still training the brats?", asked Vegeta to his rival.

"Yep, Gohan and Goten are getting stronger everyday.", replied Goku.

"Not as strong as my son Trunks", responded Vegeta.

"Alright do I have to slam you two with the frying pan, again", blared Bulma. "Oh hi Goku, Gohan , Goten and NiChan", she added in a cheerful voice. She walked up to NiChan and they began discussing things.

"So NiChan, tell me what's this Agra like", she said low enough for no one to hear.

"Oh she's so sweet and nice", answered NiChan. The two women walked to the front wall of the house to talk about setting those two up.

"Alright here's the problem, there is a wizard named Darklon who is trying to release the Demon Kais", stated Shinibito very seriously with a very grave tone.

"What are those so-called Demon Kais, I can probably stop them myself!!!!!," proclamed the arrogant Vegeta.

"Vegeta, you said that when we fought Buu, and well we got our butts kicked.", replied Gohan.

"Who asked your opinion Kaka-spawn!!!!!!", said Vegeta.

"Alright you two, stop bickering", spoke Goku in his usual cheerful voice.

"Shut up Kakarot!!!!!!", yelled Vegeta.

"Alright, you three if you will quit complaining I will explain", spoke Supreme Kai. Then all of the sudden the Bran family appeared. Brussels, Kyla and Agra were flying toward the Son's front yard.

"Are we late Kakarot?," asked Brussels.

"No your just in time, Brussels", answered Goku.

"Kakarot is that girl a Red Saiyan?", asked Vegeta.

"Yes I am, Prince Vegeta!!!!!!!," spoke Agra mockingly.

"How about I teach you a lesson in royalty!!!!!!", blared Vegeta. Agra went into fighting stance when Gohan got inbetween them.

"Gohan, I can handle him. I don't need protecting."replied Agra to him.

"Vegeta's a powerful fighter Agra, I can't let you fight him", responded the protective Gohan.

"Hmm, I've seen enough.", answered Vegeta.

"Huh!!!", answered Gohan, Goku and Agra.

Meanwhile at the front wall,

"So what do you think about what you seen with Vegeta, Gohan and Agra?", NiChan questioned Bulma and Kyla.

"Well I have to say, I think that Agra would be a perfect girlfriend for Gohan?", answered Bulma.

"My baby has a mate, I'm so proud", replied Kyla with watery eyes.

The three women continued plotting the matchmaking plan for Gohan and Agra. Meanwhile with the men and Agra.

"There were once twelve kais that watched over the universe. Life was peaceful in other world until a white humanoid dragon apeared. This dragon was called Li Shenron the evil eternal dragon. He is now imprisoned in the Black Star Dragonballs. Each place will have one Black Star Dragonball and one Demon Kai. They represent the seven deadly sins that will destroy mankind", stated Shin to the group.

"What are these Black Star Dragonballs supposed to be?", asked Goku.

"They represent every selfish wish that was ever done by all other set's of the Dragonballs in the universe", answered Shinibito.

"So these Evil Dragonballs. Do they have the demons inside them?", asked Vegeta.

"No, they are keys to the separate portals to hell, each demon must come out of his own portal.", answered Shinibito.

"Are they like the Dragonballs when you get all seven together the dragon comes out?", asked Gohan.

"Yes they are which is why we need to keep Darklon from taking all seven, or else it could be the end of the universe as we know it.", the Kai replied to Gohan.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go!!!!!!", shouted Agra wanting to stop the evil. The group took off and soon NiChan and Kyla joined them.

"So, Goku honey, we gonna kick butt?", asked NiChan.

"Yep", chirped Goku as they went to the first place for a Black Star Dragonball.

Tuxedo Gohan: What do you think, please read and review good DBZ fans.