Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ Three Men in Trouble ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



It had been 5 days in Hyperbolic time chamber time. They had rested only once, to Vegeta and Piccolo's great dislike. They said the group must train many more days to even think about going up against Cell and the Androids.
Down below on Earth, Krillin, Yamcha and Chaou-Zu were celebrating their "Victory".
"Did you see my cool blast?" Yamcha boasted, laughing. As Krillin leant back, laughing, the silvery shape that was lurking above his head dived down his throat. The glow suddenly appeared over his body(Krillin is still bald)he straightened back up, staring at Yamcha
"Hey, Krillin, are you alright? You look kinda sick....."Krillin, like Gohan did, slashed Yamcha's hand back.
"Hey Krillin!" Yamcha wailed. But Krillin fired an energy blast towards him. Yamcha dodged quickly.
"That's it, Krillin." Yamcha powered up, but Krillin used his Destructo beam(Kienzan,thats it)on Yamcha. Chaou-Zu came up behind but Krillin turned it on him, slicing Chaou-Zu in half.
"Noooooooooooo!!!!!" Yamcha shouted. He knocked Krillin down into the hole below that was Cell's grave. Chao-Zu hit the ground, just in between the city on his right and the huge hole of rubble on his left. Yamcha jumped down, to see Chaou-Zu almost dead. His eyes were unfocused and he couldn't move or speak. Yamcha decided that he must be knocked-out. But he would be dead soon. He was about to go up to Dende and Mr.Popo, who both knew of the events and were worried, so Krillin could be healed, when out of the distance,6 people were flying towards him. Before concealing their power, nothing now was holding them back. Yamcha sensed Immense power, and bolted. They were too fast and strong,and caught up with him, cradling Chaou-Zu's sliced body. They laughed, and fired beams at Yamcha. He dodged one, but ran into the path of another. Yamcha would not stop though. He kept going, injured and tired, up to Dende on the top of the Lookout tower. He reached Korin's tower, almost dead. The androids blasted again. It hit Korin's tower, blasting it in half. Above, Dende and Mr.Popo gave a lurch as the tower tipped forward. Mr.Popo quickly got the fighters out of the Hyperbolic time chamber, as Yamcha reached the top. He fell over with exhaustion, and the two sections of Chaou-Zu's body dropped onto the floor. The androids reached the lookout, which was on an angle, like it was about to topple over at any minute. Vegeta ran forward to stop them killing Yamcha, and fought off the nearest one, which had a large #21 emblazoned on it.Vegeta punched him back,as number 20 came forward. It was Dr.Gero, ready for action. By this time, Piccolo had reached Vegeta's side
"Get away, namekian. I fight my own battles."
"Me, too." Piccolo said. he went for 21 as Vegeta engaged in hand to hand combat with 20.Gohan jumped forward and started blasting at #25,the strongest. Trunks went for 23 and Goten did the same. Tien pounced on 24 and used Massenkopapa, which Piccolo had taught him in their training period together. The lookout had become a battleground. Amongst the fray, Mr.Popo snatched up the two halves of Chaou-Zu and Yamcha, and brought them into the safety of the Hyperbolic time room. He fed Yamcha Senzu beans. Dende, who was inside too, attached Chaou-Zu's body together, and healed him. Both awake, they were ready to fight once more, but were requested to stay and train. They did as they were ordered,and began training once more. Outside the battle raged on. Gohan and Tien appeared. They fired two beams at the same time to android 25.Behind,Trunks and Goten were having trouble with 23.Vegeta and Piccolo were tiring too. Dr.Gero knocked Vegeta back. He put both hands to his head,and red air waves moved through the air. The androids quickly bolted to his side.The waves turned blue, and the Androids, all except 25,flew down to join Cell.20 hovered up above, as 25 landed in front of Gohan. He put out his hands and a line of white light came between them. He was draining Gohan's energy. Gohan tried to move, but to no avail. His eyes started to close and his body went limp.
"Gohan!" Piccolo shouted. Piccolo took off towards Gohan, but 25 was done. He put his hands down and teleported with #20 down to Earth. Gohan fell to the floor. Dende ran out.
"Gohan! Gohan are you okay?" But know one except Dende seemed to notice. They were all looking at someone who had just used instant translocation to get to them.
"DAD??!" Goten yelled, hugging the person. Dende turned around and he too forgot about Gohan. Goku had just arrived. He seemed fine. Not even a scratch.
"But how?" Piccolo asked.
"Well," Goku started, not even noticing his injured son," It happened after Gohan blasted me. I was thrown back into a cliff-wall and smashed through it. I was really weak. After some hours I saw a man coming out of the sand. I went over too him. He looked scared, and he ran off. I went down under the sand, to see if I could find Gohan. I only found this big rock. I threw it out of the way-"
"THREW!I COULDNT EVEN BLAST IT!!!!" Vegeta shouted in fury.
"That was the force field. It wasn't on" Goku told them all.
"How do you know?" Vegeta spat.
"Easy. There was a big button labelled door-field. I pressed it so Krillin could train." Goku explained
"Krillin? But he's dead!" said Yamcha, who had just appeared to see what the noise was about.
"He isnt. I'll explain later" Goku said
"Anyways, after I threw it out of the way, inside there was these fridge things. They had a sticker labelled "Steamer" on top of them. I went off to find Gohan, and I found a huge hole. It was filled with rubble. A silvery shadow.......in the shape of.....no, I must have imagined it-"
"Did you see cell?" Mr.Popo asked
"Yeah! Well, like a shadow" Goku told him
"That was spirit Cell. We'll tell you everything later. You just tell us your part in the story" Piccolo said.
"Okay!" Goku said." Anyways, the shadow-spirit thing flew off. Underneath the rubble this, this, this red cell thing came out. I don't know why, but I concealed my power and hid behind a rock. I had a bad feeling about him. He took off, and he looked angry. I went over to the rubble. I could sense someone underneath. I knew he was good, but his power was too low to tell exactly who he was. I looked for quite some time before I found Krillin, buried deep. I sensed evil power up here, so I didn't come up. I took him to the Steamer, and put a timer on. He should be done in some hours. I decided I was going to come up here to help. I used instant translocation, but I was too late it seems. Now, tell me your part in the "story"." The surprised group, all except Goku, suddenly went into sleep-mode, since they had already heard the tale.
Down below Cell had absorbed over 1/50th of the population, and was on the move. The androids destroyed the cities he left behind, and spirit Cell made riots by controlling them. With no one in their way, no one could stop them. Dr.Myuu caught up with them, after fleeing Goku.
"Listen!!!" he called." I saw Goku! Can you sense him?" The rest focused.
"Yes................"Dr.Gero said after quite some time.
"But where?"25 said.
"I'm not sure,25"Gero said.
"Lets wait until he moves." Myuu Suggested.
"Agreed" Gero replied. They all landed on the ground, closed their eyes, and tried to sense Goku's power.
Up above, Mr.Popo finished the whole tale. Goku looked hard
"So. They've come back for me. And they'll probably being destroying Earth on the way. Lets go.
"Where? Training?" Goten asked his father
"Well, to save the Earth. But now I think of it............yes. We will all train" Chaou-Zu and Yamcha hurried back inside to make sure Popo hadn't noticed their slacking off. As Trunks and Goten got up to train, Goku held them back.
"You, will protect the Earth. I have a plan. A word called Fusion plays a part. Let me tell you the story of what happened to me after the battle with Freiza.
Come in to the Hyperbolic time chamber. Time is important. Come on!"