Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ Gotenks ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



"It was,"Goku explained,tucking into a freshly prepared meal in the hyperbolic time chamber,"just after I sacrificed myself to kill Cell on King Kai's planet.He took me touring the other world.On my travels I learnt,among other things,the fusion dance.When two people of almost equal weight,height,power and race,do a certain manevour,they join bodies,put their power together and double it.Say,if two people of a power of 5 million fuse,make that 10 million,then double it.Good,eh? ."Goku said,as his grabbed up a bowl of noodles and started eating greedily.
"Learning ballet on his space travels now,is he?"Vegeta said to himself.He was not feasting,but training ceaselessly.He once more had the burning desire to surpass Goku.
"Now,"Goku said through a mouthful of rice,"We must practice it soon.It goes like this; Put your arms opposite from Goten,Trunks. Stand on your toes Rotate your arms in a clockwise motion toward your partner.As you do this, take three small steps toward him. Lift your knee up in the air.Point your knee the towards each other.Put your fingers out towards your partner and touch fingers with him to complete the fusion.Remember to pin your foot to the ground.That shoud comptle the Fusion dance.If you've dont it right you will become a strong fighter,as I have explained."
"If we dont do it right?"Goten asked.
"A number of things may happen.We shall see.Come on,guys"The three,with Dende and Popo,exited.Goku positioned Goten and Trunks,and they practiced.
As they practiced,Goku kept giving some information out;
"Trunks,your too powerful........it only lasts for half an hour.......Goten,your finger isnt straight enough."
After an hour,they had practiced,according to Goku,enough.He told them to extort the full power,it would be best to start off at SSJ.They did so.The positioned themselves correctly.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssion........HAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"They put their fingers together.There was a blast of light.Goku's intent face was lit up.Popo and Dende's wide eyes glowed in their amazement.As the light faded,a figure stood before the three.Their mouths dropped open.Down below,Cell and the androids suddenly jolted.
"What is that power???!!"Gero Questioned.
"It just appeared,"Cell said
"Its coming from that damned tower"25 said
"Then thats were we go!"Gero ordered.
"Spirit,we're on the move!"21 called to spirit Cell.He swooped down
"Yes master"he called in a ghost/robot type voice.A few miles away,at the house of Master Roshi,a feast was taking place.Android 18,Ox king,Chi-Chi,Bulma,Marron,Videl,Mr.Satan,Dr.Briefs,Bra and Mrs.Briefs were all seated and eating happily.All except 18.She had a bad feeling.A strange,calling type feeling.That was Dr.Gero's commands.She,if you remember,is still part android.As Master Rohsi opened up his Sports swimsuit edition 5,a visitor arrived at the window.As Chi-Chi went over to inspect,she found it was Urani Baba.
"Seriously,"She told them,"You need to be more prepared for visitors.......some arent always welcome.Especially at this time..."
"What do you mean,'this time'?"Bulma asked.
"Well,"Baba said,pulling out her fortune-telling orb,"take a look"It showed the city.Quite normal.Then,it showed Cell flying over it,firing beams down as he went.
"ARRRRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH!"they all cried in unison,except Baba.Behind them,the Androids.The ball magnified #20 into 18's eyes.
"No!"she said.
"What is it,18?"Videl asked
"Its.......Gero.I must go!"Before anyone could stop her,she flew through the closed door,knocking it down into splinters.Baba and the rest watched as the androids reached the base of Korin's tower.They flew up it at amazing speed.The ball scrolled upwards to see them properly.They reached Korin's point.
"Its been blown in two!"Ox King cried.The androids landed.Yajirobe came into veiw.Cell walked up to him.
"Is that some kind of Cell........but red?"Roshi asked.
"Yes,"Baba said,watching the ball,"he is cell3."
"Look!"Videl shouted.Cell had put a finger in the air.He used the Dodonpa on Yajirobe.He fell back onto the floor,bleeding.Korin came out,carrying a bag of Senzu beans.Cell picked the bag from his hand.He then kicked Korin out of the way.He fell off the tower and down to Earth below.
"Korin!Yajirobe!!!"Ox king shouted.Meanwhile,up on the tower,Goten and Trunks had just defused.The first one went very wrong.It came out half Goten,half Trunks.This one made them be very strong and fat,but very slow.Goku told them to power up.
"Thats it,Goten.Trunks,a bit lower.Good.Now...."
"Fuuuuuuuusssssssssssion........HAAAAAAAA!!!!"A blinding flash of light lit the lookout again.As it cleared,Goku,Popo and Dende looked on with hope.
"Has it....?"Dende asked.Suddenly,power so great all 3 fell over,a warrior emerged into veiw.He was amazing.A streak of black hair in the middle,surrounded by a ring of pink.He was slightly taller and fatter than the two,but his power was very great.
"Good,good!"Goku said,happily.18 suddenly appeared on the lookout.
"Quickly!"she said."The androids.....Cell3!"The androids appeared behind her.She powered up put Dr.Gero used the red-wave technique.
"Argghhhhhhhh....Goku.....its....controlling...me....."She yelled.The fused duo of Goten and Trunks jumped forwards and kicked Dr.Gero.He was smashed into the floor and he lost focuse.18 regained herself and to stumble around like a drunkard on the lookout.Cell came up behind.
"Last time you escaped me,but not today..."He extended his tail.It opened up,but the fused Goten+Trunks rushed forward and used the big bang attack.Cell was blasted across the floor.
"I'm getting tired of fighting here.Lets go."Tunks+Goten said.
"What,"Cell called,getting wearily to his feet,"does a foolish sai-jin boy have to say on the matter?"Gotenks laughed.
"My name is Gotenks.Now,lets go"Cell was annoyed and embarrased.
"I can sense Goku in him.Any family member or friend of Goku will pay.And you performed a cheap trick on me.You must be taught how to fight,little boy,its not nice to attack a fighter who is occupied with another"he said,staring at #18.Gotenks once again laughed.
"You were trying to absorb her.Now thats bad fighting"he called to Cell,wagging his finger.He took off,down to a secluded spot.Cell,embarrased,outsmarted and annoyed,followed.
"No!"Gero called his androids and tagged along after Cell to protect him,if it be necessary
.Goku looked at Popo and Dende,before zooming after them.18 took off too.There was a long trail,with Gotenks at the front,followed by an angry Cell,a worried Gero,his obidient androids,Goku and 18.Gotenks was pondering to himself;he knew Goku would be angry and many people would die if he went to a city.He looked down.Below was a vast desert,with large hills and mountains surrounding it.
"Here!"he grunted at Cell.Cell landed.There was about 50ft distance between the two.Gotenks powered down from SSJ.His hair was now a mass of black surrounded by a wreath of pink.20 and the rest landed.Goku and 18 landed a bit further back,and he pulled her behind one of the mountains.He dragged her up to the top,where he put her down.He sat down next to her,so they could watch the fight below.
"Fusion,is it?"Roshi said,watching through the crystal ball.Chi-Chi pushed him out of the way
"My baby!Against that red monster!"Ox king grabbed her,kicking and screaming,and dragged her out of the way.
"Mine too!Trunks!"Bulma wailed.Behind them,Mr.Satan was in deep conversation with her daughter,about who she should and shouldnt date.
"That bird-boy is dangerous honey!"He told her
"His name is Gohan and he's my hero!"She reasoned.
"Fine"He said.
"Stop bickering!"Baba told them,"watch the ball!!"They all looked,except the grumpy Hercule and the crying Marron,fearful for her mother.Inside the ball,Cell had just started up the fight and wacked Gotenks.He hit it back.Cell punched again,and Gotenks once again deflected it.He gave Cell a punch in the stomach.Cell looked up and kicked Gotenks.He flew up in the air.Cell raced after him and used the Galic gun to knock Gotenks back down.He then used the Chou Bakuretsumaha,which made a gigantic explosion.The androids threw up their hands to shield their faces.Cell laughed madly
"ahahha!Foolish boy!I'll make your grave turn from rubble to dust!!!"Cell once again laughed.He pulled out two fingers,still howling madly,and performed a Bakuhatsuha attack.The hole turned to a sea of rubble.The mountains shook,almost crumbling.Goku jumped up.
"Noooooo!!!!!"He yelled in dismay.18 jumped up too.They looked donw into the mass of rubble.Was Gotenks alive?
Meanwhile,atop the lookout,in the hyperbolic time chamber,over 3 months.Vegeta would stop only once a week for food,and drink without resting.
Vegeta was,as the rest of the group soon noticed,becoming sick.Piccolo had tried to reason with the maddened Vegeta,but he would not listen.Gohan also tried,but Vegeta was even more angry at his attempt
"Get away from me,Kakaroto!"
"What does he mean?"Gohan later whispered to Piccolo.Piccolo said nothing,but inside he knew.Vegeta was slowly going mad.The lower,weaker surviving sai-jin.He would not stop till he was the strongest Sai-jin alive.
"Come on Gohan,time to train"Piccolo said,quietly.
"But,Veg-"Gohan asked.
"NOW!"He shouted.Gohan,utterly surprised at his usually calm mentors behaviour,Gohan joined Tien and Chaou-Zu.
But not long after,even Piccolo needed to face it.Vegeta would not stop to eat,let alone sleep.He wouldnt even pick up the food beans to relish himself.Something had a hold over Vegeta.The others asleep,Piccolo confronted Vegeta,noticing a pale glow about him.
"Vegeta"he whispered."Vegeta listen to me.Your acting strange.The rest of the group are getting scared.Vegeta?VEGETA??!"
"Get Away from me you green blob...........Okay,I'll fight you Kakaroto.Come here,let the fight start!"
"What the?Vegeta!Get a hold of yourself,I'm not Goku!"
"Too late,Kakaroto"Vegeta suddenly turned SSJ.Piccolo powered up.
"Your making a big--"But Vegeta had turned on Piccolo like a wild animal.He fired his Galic gun,knocking Piccolo back into the wall with an explosion,which woke the others.Vegeta laughed.
"What have you done??!"Gohan yelled,running forward.
"Back for more,Kakaroto?Yes,but I'm better now.......BETTER!!!"Vegeta blasted Gohan in to Piccolo,who was just getting up.Vegeta powered up even more.His hair lengthened.His eyebrows shortened and dissapeared.He grew slightly taller,as his hair reached thigh-length.It grew down to the floor,in glistening Golden threads.
Vegeta was now a dangerous SSJ3.

How will the Z-fighters fair in the Hyperbolic time chamber?Who will come to their aid?Piccolo and Gohan are down for the count.......and down below,18 and Vegeta stare on in Horror at this new Cell's destructive power.The Z-fighters luck is beggining to Run out...........

Part V coming Soon.