Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ 20's Revenge ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



Yamcha,Krillin,Chaou-Zu and Tien,walked out of their bedrooms sleepy-eyed,to see the wild,ferocious Vegeta destroying the Hyperbolic time chmaber.He blasted away large parts of it,creating large purple holes.Unknown to the other Z fighters except Piccolo,these were rips in the very fabric of the dimension.Vegeta,wildly blowing away chunks of the room,finally reached the precious door.It exploded into splinters.
"Come on,guys.Lets get out of here.I think Vegeta needs some quiet time."Yamcha said.He hurried up to were the door used to stand,to find rubble and smoke.As the smoke cleared,Yamcha found only the wall.
"Where.........where is the door?"He said,puzzled.But Vegeta had other ideas.Tien pounced on the wild Vegeta,just before he was about to destroy Yamcha.Yamcha,confused and frightened for his and the other's lives',pulled away at the Hyperbolic time chamber's wall.He finally reached a large,green portal.Just before he was about to touch it,something in the rubble stirred.Piccolo was dragging Gohan out.
"Come on,you three-eyed fool!"Vegeta yelled at tien.He used his solar flare to stun Vegeta.
He kept it going,for he knew Vegeta would recover almost straight away.
"Hurry...."Tien urged,fighting to keep up the Solar flare attack.Vegeta was flailing on the floor in agony.
"No,dont touch it Yamcha!"Piccolo said,feeding himself and Gohan Senzu beans."Its a rip in the dimension.Who knows what what time or place it will transport you to?"Yamcha quickly withdrew his hand.Tien,struggling with holding up his attack,withdrew and grabbed a Senzu bean.Vegeta,almost blinded by Tien's superb attack,fell to the floor.
"You.....you three-eyed goon.....you'll be next,after that clown Kakaroto.You will!"He yelled,struggling to his feet.He stumbled and fell right next to the Senzu beans.
"Whats this?"He asked,smiling."The precious Senzu beans.......yum."Vegeta picked it up and ate the bag,along with all its contents.Vegeta suddenly grew very muscly.His eyes became fully operational.He was much stronger.
"So..."Tien said."This is what happens when someone has too many Senzu beans.Lets see what you can do against me!"Tien ripped off his long Toga.Underneath he wore a white vest.That clothing was weighed,and that already increased his power by taking it off.But none in that chamber could be prepared for what happened next.
Meanwhile,in the rubble that was Gotenks' grave,18 and Goku lay hidden among rocks on the mountainside.Cell,satisfied that Gotenks was finished,was apparantly sniffing his way through the mountains.He could smell something,but not yet knew what.Suddenly,his eyes widening,he knew.Swooping down like a hunting Hawk,he reached Gero,whispering to him;
"Master!I have found him.......The one....Goku!What should we do?"Suddenly an explosion was heard,an a hole was blasted into Cell's stomach.He fell to the floor,and behind him,hair glowing gold,the unharmed Gotenks stood before the surprised androids.
"You could finish our fight for a start."Gotenks said,hands outstreched,laughing.
"My.....Creation...."Gero mourned.He stooped over Cell3,but #25 held him back.
"Master,you must get our lifelong enemy,that fiend Goku.The others and I will heal Cell,do not worry."as he finished,the others bent down over the injured Cell.Gotenks was staring at his fingernails and tapping his foot.
"Are you done here?"he said,absent mindedly.
"Not quite!"25 replied.He turned once again to Gero."Go,master.Hurry!"he begged his master
"Okay....."Gero said,reluctantly.He powered up and started to clamber up the closest mountain.
"Quickly!"Goku whispered,dragging 18 around so Gero would not see them as he climbed up.
"Lets do this!"Gotenks yelled,pointing at the now healed Cell.
"Gladly,brat."he called over.
Meanwhile,up on the lookout,Popo and Dende were struggling to keep on their feet as the lookout shook.Smoke billowed from certain area's and flames erupted in others.
"I think,Mr.Popo,something is wrong with the Hyperbolic time chamber."
"Yes,Dende.But we cant go there.The flames are blocking the way."
"I fear for them,Popo"Dende said,fearfully.
Inside,Tien,now stronger than all in the room save Vegeta,was beginning to power up more.
"Look at me,you Earthling three-eyed freak.Look!My muscles.I am an SSJ3,as I have called it."
"I do not care what SSJ you are,for I am the most powerful in the room.I shall defeat you."
"ahahah!Bring it on,earth-boy!!"Vegeta,muscles bulging,started to power up the same time Tien did.Piccolo brought himself and the others high up in the air to safety.Cracks and potholes started to appear.The cracks of Tien's power met Vegeta's,and they opened up wide.Fire spouted out,high into the air.Tien and Vegeta grabbed hands,and a crater appeared around them.
"What do you think,Piccolo?"Krillin asked.
"I think,"he replied,"That Earth is finally going to be saved by one of its own people.And I think he is our only hope,not just against Vegeta,but even Cell."
Tien's ragged vest was almost ripped of by the ferocious winds generated by the power of the two fighters.Tien and Vegeta's power reached an extremely high level,and then it stopped.The fire and the howling winds died down.
"Feel that power,Gohan!!"Yamcha said.
"I know"Gohan replied.
Vegeta landed the first punch,a powerful uppercut.Tien dodged to the side and fire a beam at Vegeta's fat,muscly sides.He turned round and knocked Tien back.Tien jumped back and kicked Vegeta in the back.He was too muscly and large,which reduced his speed.He couldnt land one on the swift Tien.Vegeta powered up his "Big bang attack".Tien smiled and once again dodged.The attack blasted a giant hole in the wall.Another purple portal appeared.
"What are those?"Vegeta said.He smiled,as Tien turned to watch the portal.Vegeta,like a giant toad pounced on Tien.
"Tien!WATCH OUT!!!!!!"Piccolo yelled.But too late.Vegeta had landed on Tien's back.He struggled to throw him off.Vegeta held a firm grip on Tien's neck.Tien threw him over.Vegeta twirled through the air.
"NOOOOOO!"Tien shouted.But Vegeta was thrown into one of the portals.
"I must go!"Tien shouted.He jumped through.The portal was beginning to close.Piccolo looked uneasy.The door was destroyed.This might be their only hope.
Piccolo dived down and flew through.Gohan followed,as did Krillin and Yamcha.They all crashed through the brightly flashing green Portal.Flying through time and space,the Z fighters were in deep trouble.Vegeta,followed by Tien,fell down onto the floor.Vegeta's musles were normal once more.They lay knocked out for the moment.Piccolo fell out soon after,but some place and time far away.Last of all was Gohan,Yamcha and Krillin,who fell out from a different place from the others.Down below on Earth,bare seconds had passed in the tens of minutes that the other Z-fighters had to go through with,now lost in different dimensions of time and space.Android 20 had finally reached the top of the mountain.Down below,the little dots that were Gotenks and Cell were crashing into each other ceaselessly.Gero spotted a flash of blonde hair.
"Hurry,#18!"Goku whispered,pulling behind a rock.But the flick of blonde hair was enough.Gero stepped round.
"My creation?Making alliances with our enemy?That angers me,18.But I must destroy Goku and fulfill my quest of evil,shall we say.Get out of the way,18!"
18 fired a short beam.
"If Goku goes,I go with him"she said,grabbing Goku's hand.He blushed.But 20 wouldnt have it.He threw 18 out of the way,just touching her skin.Just like when the green waves touched her,18 fell to the ground,clutching her head,as a flashback came into her mind...
18 woke.She was lying on a cold metal bed.Stooping over her was a man with grey hair.Bright lights blocked out his face.He pulled out a metal instrument,and pulled it toward her face.She pushed away,to the man's suprise.Her bones ached and she couldnt feel anywhere below her thigh.She looked to see holes with wires coming out.Metal instruments lay everywhere,full of blood.On her right in another bed,17 was sleeping.Before she could notice anything else,she felt a slight jab,and fell asleep once more.
18 stopped wriggling like an injured worm,and stood up.
"You.....you did this!"she cried.She jumped forward,pulling back her elbow to strike.He knocked her down.She fell onto a ledge lower down,as below,Cell fired a kamehameha at Gotenks.
"Well,Gotenks,you seem to be a good fighter"Cell said,panting heavily like Gotenks.
"You.......hu.....havnt.....seen....ah.......the half of it........."He said.
"Is.........that...........so........"Cell wheezed,standing up tall."We will.......have to see about that,kid"
"ahaaha!"Gotenks laughed.Just as he powered up to fight again,his body started to split in two.
"Uh???"Cell said,puzzled.The two body's took shape and features.The two bodies were Goten and Trunks,now normal and weak.
"oh.....no!"Goku said,watching the battle below.Gero laughed.
"That power!Its been decreased!Looks like both Cell and I shall have a victory today!"he boasted.
Gero's hair stood up,as wind started to blow.He had started to power up.Goku,wanting to help the poor Trunks and Goten,was trapped.Defend himself and 18 and hope for the boys to fuse again,or,go down to defend them?If he did,20 might do something to 18....maybe control her again.It was all they needed,another enemy on the long list.Goku went SSJ,staring into his lifelong enemy's eyes,decisions clouding his already fearful mind............

What will the fate be for the two young sai-jins,#18 and Goku?More importantly,the rest of the Z fighters,now trapped in different Dimensions.Is there any hope?
As Goku and Gero stare into each other's eyes,out of the distance,two great powers can be sensed...............................but who?