Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ Tien,Vegeta and the Pink Blob ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tien ducked as a huge beam shot out from Gohan's hands as he battled furiously with Dabura,the king of demons.
"Trunks never mentioned little green men and huge red demons when he told his story.Is this really that dimension?I dont think so....."Tien muttered to himself.
Krillin and Piccolo landed on a cliff above,unfortunately forgetting to lower their power level.Dabura knocked Gohan back into the floor next to one of the pink fighters,who Tien overheard his name as Kiaoshin.Next to him stood Kibito,his servant.
Tien saw Dabura getting ready to blast Kibito away.Tien kicked Dabura into the side of the ship.The little green man,Babidi,ran back into the ship,closely followed by Kiaoshin and Gohan.
"Quickly Gohan!The Buu-pod.He could be awakened with all your power!Hurry!"And ignoring Tien,they flew in.Kibito stared into Tiens eyes.
"Who I am?"Tien finished off.
"I am from a different dimension,but from the same planet I think."
"Right"The Pink fighter said."Yes,I think I have heard of inter-dimensional travel.I am a Kai"
"A Kai...?Like Grand Kai?"
"Who?Oh yes,the guardian of the north quadraint who lives over snake way.A great wise fighter,he is.The person you saw enter the ship is Kai of ALL of the four Quadraints."
"I see"Tien replied."Well,I am not alone,I have Vegeta with me.
"That man?!!He was controlled by Babidis evil magic.I'm afraid he is fighting Goku right now"
"Its not the first time Vegeta went wild.Yes,I know Goku and Vegeta,they are in our Dimension,and we are being hard pressed by androids that seek to destroy us."
"I think I might be able to get you back to your own dimension,but first may I once more ask for your help in fighting against this evil creature."
"Who is he?"
"Well,he goes by the name of Majin Buu...............
............and that leads us to here.Inter-Dimensional travel can be acheived by destroying one perticulary strong power,which rips a hole in the fabric of time and space.Destroying Buu might help you in some way"
"Okay"Tien nodded his head."I'll do it.This Buu is going d-"
"oh!"said Kibito.Vegeta had appeared out of the distance,wiping rubbish off his face.
"Nice prediciment you put me in,three-eyes."
"Get back Vegeta!"
"Its okay!Spirit Cell was controlling me.I'm sorry for all of this Tien,but I couldnt stop him.I fought but he overpowered me-he brought back old fires of hatrid between me and Goku.........grrr!Damn him!C'mon,explain where we are and what the situation is"
"Well"Tien said,rather unconvinced at Vegeta's tale of events,"It all started with a wizard named Bibidi....................and thats it."
"So thats how we get back.Lets go hunt this pink blob out!"Vegeta shouted.The door of the ship opened as Gohan and Kaioshin dashed out,bracing themselves for a fight.
Babidi and Dabura strided out,and Babidi created a sheild around both of them and they settled by Kaioshin,who couldnt do a thing.
"WHAT THE??!"Vegeta shouted.
"That.......that power........"Tien said.Kibito gasped as Buu,the terror of the universe,stepped out to greet his new "friends"
Piccolo and #18 were still laughed merrily.
"Well.Lets go see how Cell3,Gotenks and the rest are doing,and find out whats up with those pink fighters."
What met their eyes was a suprising sight.Cell lay motionless with heavy blood loss and no tail in sight.Gotenks,android 24,Goku,the two pink fighters where no where to be seen.
"What is going on here?I cant even sense Goku's power!"Piccolo said
"He definately wasnt destroyed,we would have felt it.........what is up he-he-hehaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!"18 shouted,as a giant tail shot out through the sand and engulfed 18 just as it did with the kind-hearted 24.It sucked her up like a candy.Piccolo fired continuing beams,but Cell used instant translocation to appear behind Piccolo.With 18 devoured,he turned his attention to Piccolo.He jumped up just as Cell's tail hit the sand where Piccolo was standing.
"Where is he?18!!!!!!!18!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Piccolo yelled.He turned round to see Cell speeding up towards him.
"Bakurikamah!!"Piccolo shouted.The giant beam exploded upon impact with Cell.He fell to the floor,smoking."Get up Cell.I'm not taking your bluff!"he kicked Cell3 in the stomach.He jumped up and began kicking and punching,with Piccolo defending valiantly.But with thousands of people,18,21 and the Cells of himself,the Z fighters and many others,Cell3 was too strong.Piccolo slowly began wearing down........
"Krillin,Spirit Cell is still about!Careful!"Yamcha whispered.The three,Gohan,Yamcha and Krillin had decided to choose between one of them and he would go up to inspect interior of the ring of mountains.Krillin tip-toed round the edge to see Gotenks and 24 laughing and shouting
"What the??!That little traitor.......what is going on?I gotta save him!"Krillin yelled.He jumped forward and fired his destructo disc.Gotenks easily knocked it away like a grain of sand.
"Gotenks!What are you doing with him?"They both looked at him.
"Were friends now Krillin!24 is good now!And he's really funny!"Gotenks said.
"ahhh........ummmmm.....if you say so......."Krillin said."Stay there you two,things arent all safe yet."they both ignored him and began telling jokes with each other.
"humph!Go relax........."Krillin grumbled.He came to the opening of the ring of mountains to see Cell3 battling it out with Piccolo.
"heeeeeee.......ha!"Piccolo kicked hard on Cell's head.He jumped up into the air and dived down,headbutting Cell3 into the ground.Cell kicked Piccolo back and fired a new attack.
"Myukamekuzu!"Piccolo shouted.A huge multi-coloured cloud came down to the suprised Cell.He walked through it,fell to the floor.His energy started to drain,and fly up to Piccolo.
"Stop!"he shouted.The huge cloud hovered over Cell and exploded,creating a huge crater,throwing Cell down into it.Piccolo dropped down.He looked at his hands.
"I took a lot of power there.........."he said.Piccolo decided to wait for Cell to arrive,his confindence back to full scale.Piccolo's energy was low and he was getting tired.Cell,on the other hand,was easily beating Piccolo.
"arggh......ahh........that monster!!"Krillin shouted."I.......I.......I gotta do something!!!"he said.He ran up behind Cell and fired the largest Ki attack he could muster in a short time.Cell,confused and off his guard,was blasted sideways.Piccolo was lying on the floor,weakened and tired.
"Krillin!He..........he..........he told me about the sand"
"The sand?"Krillin asked
"Yes!Dont interrupt there isnt time for this.........I'm giving you my energy.Here's the plan,come close........"Piccolo said

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! !!"Maron wailed so loud even master Roshi's decrepid old ears were ringing.
"MOMMY!MOMMY IS..........IS GONE!"she cried so loud the panes of glass began to crack.She had seen her mother being absorbed by Cell,and seen her father getting ready to take on Cell.
"Its okay little blonde girl,I'll save you!"Satan cried,placing a hand on her shoulder."ahahh!When Satans around,never fear!"he cried.He boarded a ship with Master Roshi,Urani Baba and Bulma,on a mission to destroy Cell.As they took off,the wails of Maron could still be heard in the distance.
Meanwhile,Goku had given up kicking the solid sand.He landed on the floor,staring at his feet.
"It wont open...."a voice said.
"Who....?"Goku said.He turned around to see the two pink fighters,standing up,fully healed."How........who...?
"Sit down,Son Goku,and we will explain all"
Right!"Goku said,nodding.He obidiently sat and listened as one of the pink fighters spoke.He was much smaller,and his skin lighter.
"It was over 1000 years ago when this mess started.The evil Majin Buu was destroying our world and many others.The horror of the universe.He would soon have been you that fell prey to his horrific evil ways.It was these........"androids" that saved you.They were even more evil than Buu.Terrible,but not so mad as to destroy the universe.They said they were travellers from afar,seeking to kill an evil warrior named Goku.
"Hey!!"Goku yelled indignantly."I aint evil!Hmph!!!!!"he shouted unhappily.
"We didnt believe them.I had warnings from King Yamma about them-yep,they came from hell itself."Kibito piped in.Goku felt better at his words,and listened on.
"We were tracking the evil Wizard Babidi,Dabura and the pre-hatched Buu."Kaioshin said.
"Buu?"Goku asked.
"Yes.It all happened,like Kaioshin said,1000 years ago..............
..........and now it comes to us in our spaceship,following Babidi's progress,and keeping a close eye on these androids"Kibito answered.
"Yes",Kaioshin nodded in agreement."Not long after the two ship collided-and what happened next was unkown.The androids ship sped on after some weeks,and we boarded Babidi's empty ship.They(Babidi,Buu,Dabura and all their henchman)had been sliced open and little the floor.We knew this new power would wipe out the universe at any chance possible.
But that wasnt all;We speeded up super fast to see the android's ship meet up with another.This ship contained Bebi,the last of a dying race.He was seeking revenge against you,Goku"Goku jumped up saddened.
"ahh........ahh........oh........"Goku said dissapointedly.
"Its not your fault",Kibito comforted,"He was a Tsurufujin,a race long detsroyed by Sai-jins.He came to seek revenge against the last surviving Sai-jins;Goku and Vegeta."Kibito said.
"But he didnt get to you.The androids stopped him,sliced him open and moved on.This time me and Kibito inspected his carcas.They had devoured his Cells.They left plans and details about a creature they had made.Cell3,a re-incarnation of Cell and Cell2's Cells,with a jumble of other races thrown in."
"The equations and designs were amazingly complex.Gero must have been bent on destroying you Goku"Kibito said.
"Anyway,we left the Tsurufujin and his ship floating around,as we sped on.I left Kibito to check the plans and details.We found that this Bebi could posses the minds of others.They had drawn up plans for Spirit Cell,a hovering grey shadow that controls other people.We doubled speed and finally reached your planet.We had to be discreet and quiet about it.
5 years passed-due to the plans we accquired,we knew that they had a base in the city,and once in the mountains,and another hidden under the sand,which housed a "Steamer" "
"Able to raise people's power levels!"Kibito told Goku.
"Cell had his Cells modified,new androids were created and more and more people joined the Gero Inc. company.After 5 years it was ready.They destroyed a large complex in the center of the city,then they took off-All the androids-and another-Dr.Myuu.He helped create Spirit Cell and the Steamer."
"Him?"Goku gestured towards the floor,where 20 and Myuu lay moitonless.
"Thats him...........is he dead,Kaioshin?"Kibito asked.
"Maybe"Kaioshin replied uneasily.
"I was wondering...."Goku pressed.
"About your friends?"Kaioshin finished off knowingly.
"Yeah"Goku said."I wanna get out of here"Goku said.
"Well,Babidi's black magic is the best in the universe.We'll have to sit it out and let..........let fate see us out."Kaioshin said.He created a crystal ball,which showed Piccolo fighting with Cell.Krillin fired a huge Ki attack and began talking with Cell.
"Yeah,sock it to 'im Krillin!Yeah!"Goku said happily.
"Time for some audio-latest update"Kibito said.He waved his hand over and a blast of sound echoed through the cavern.
Fate would indeed see the fighters out..........but what did fate have in store for them?

Find out this and more in the next chapter of THE RETURN OF THE ANDROIDS,as Goku finds his way out of the bleak cavern........but at what cost?
And what of android 25,spirit Cell,20 and Myuu?These evil powers will soon show their true quality as the adventures of Goku hot up............