Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of the Androids ❯ Piccolo's Plan ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Piccolo finished whispering to Krillin.Cell was lurking close.Piccolo grasped Krillin's arm harshly and a white thread shot between them.Piccolo transfered his power to Krillin,leaving just enough to survive.
"Do me proud,cueball........"Piccolo said.He fell back onto the floor.Krillin flew up,placed him safely on the mountain.He flew back down and landed by Cell.He powered up and fired a huge beam and held it there.Cell was beaten back.Krillin pressed on,with all of Piccolo's power and lots of Cell's power,he was holding out quite well.He lifted up his hands and pushed Cell back,his blue beam against Cell's purple one.
"Krillin!"Piccolo shouted down best he could."Dont waste energy.....you know what you have to do!"Krillin screwred up his face and the beam knocked Cell back into and through the ring of mountains.Krillin used the Ashi Kara Kamehameha,blasting himself up into the air.He flipped over,and an almighty explosion destroyed the sheild that trapped Goku and the others down below.
"KRILLIN!!!!!!!!!"Goku yelled,just as piles of sand fell down and engulfed him.Gohan,Gotenks,24 and Yamcha all came skidding into the ring of mountains,to see that the cavern was huge.It was growing huge and sand was tipping down.It dragged Yamcha in,next Gotenks.Gohan and 24 jumped quickly out the way as the sand sunk in.It was now flat and normal,looking just like a plain desert.Piccolo fell and hit the ground with a thud.Gohan ran over.Behind him,Goku crawled out spluttering.
"Dad!"Gohan said.
"Gohan,your energy!You've grown so much since when we were fighting in the gravity room.........oh Krillin"he said
"I know............such a brave man............"24 said.
"Who?An android!"Goku yelled.Gohan turned to see him.
"aahh...ahhh....get back!"he shouted.But Gotenks had appeared wearily and said quietly;
"Its okay,he's not like them."Goku looked discernfully at him.24 stood tall and proud.Goku returned to his normal self.
But what everyone was forgetting,was that android 25 was still alive after 23 saved him from 18's ice attack.He slipped out from under the sand next to Piccolo and sped off to destroy as much of the Earth as possible.The ice attack had frozen his circuits.He had forgotten his objective of killing Goku,and now just wanted to kill as much as he could.#20 grabbed found Myuu's hand in all the sand.It was cold,and 20 presumed him dead.He clambered through the rubble and sand until he reached the top.He peered out to see Cell walking out calmly from the mountain,while it crumbled to the ground.The ring was broken.Gero teleported high to another part of the ring of mountains,high up.His hair waved about as he watched Cell creep up behind Gotenks.He kicked Gotenks to the floor.Goku ran forward but Cell blocked his flailing arms and kicked him into the sand.Gohan ran forward,and Cell kicked him high into the air.24 stepped into the path of Cell.
"24?What....why didnt you take care of these imbiciles?"he asked,slightly worried.24 said nothing,but bounded forward to Cell like a outraged bear,knocking Cell down.He headbutted 24 in the stomach and used his tail like a whip.He knocked 24 to and fro and slapped him from under the chin,knocking him into the air.He coiled it round his neck and dragged 24 down again.He whipped him high up,and as he fell back down,Cell kicked him up again.He extended his tail and used it like a vacuum,sucking 24 down.Yamcha suddenly appeared and punched Cell in the face.He let go of the tail,and 24 fell down to Earth.Cell cradeled his face.He fired a small beam from his eyes,pushing Yamcha back until he tripped over 24 and fell flat onto his back.Gohan came up behind Cell.He elbowed Gohan,turned round and punched him into the oncoming Gotenks.24 and Yamcha came up from behind.He ducked and they punched each other.Cell lifted himself into the air.
"Is this the best you fools could muster?ahahhahh!"he shouted down.But he didnt see Goku coming up.He sliced Cell down the middle,and Yamcha appeared by his side,slicing him across the waist.The 4 chunks of flesh fell onto the sand.20 opened his mouth wide.25 had just destroyed a city.He swerved round amazed.Gohan and 24 turned round to see his body.Gotenks defused,and Piccolo got up wearily from the sand.
"He's.......he's......gone....................."Goku said.
"Whoo-pi!!!!!!!!!!!!"Yamcha shouted.He landed next to Gohan,Trunks,Goten and 24.
"Yay!!!!!!!!!!"Trunks said.
"YEAH!!!ahahhah........."Goten said.They danced happily.
But not all was well for Tien and Vegeta.As buu stepped out,he blasted a huge ki attack knocking supreme kai back through a huge slab of rock.Gohan came up behind.He blocked Gohan's punches,and kicked Gohan back.He fired a huge beam after Gohan as he flew through the air like a bullet.He smashed through thickets and bushes and into a dense forest.Kaioshin,or supreme Kai,was next in line.Buu jumped on him,squashing him into the ground.Tien jumped on top of Buu,punching him.It just went through him,creating bumps in his skin.He turned around and knocked Tien into the ship of Babidi.At that moment,Trunks and Goten arrived.Vegeta and Kibito pounced on Buu.He knocked Vegeta back into Babidi's sheild wall.He smashed through it and Kibito came hurling after him.Dabura gruffly lifted Babidi out of the rubble.
"How did he,with ease,break Babidi's sheild wall?We must destroy Buu before he gets out of hand........"Dabura said to himself,and without warning,threw his Staff right through Buu's thick pink flab.Buu pulled it out and threw it towards Dabura.It went through his stomach.Buu's head tentacle pointed forward and Dabura became instant candy.Buu quickly shoved it in his mouth and ate ravenously.Krillin and Piccolo returned to their selves.The Vegeta of this dimension blasted into the scene,and stopped by Piccolo,Krillin,Goten and Trunks.Piccolo and Krillin grabbed up the young boys and fled.This new Vegeta landed next to Kibito and the normal Vegeta,as he got up.They stared at each other.
"wha.....?"this Vegeta said
"I'm from a different dimension.......look,were working together.Lets--"but Buu was back on the move.He ran forward and knocked Kibito right back into Babidi,still amazed at the defeat of Dabura.Babidi was knocked back to Tien's feet.Tien destroyed him with ease.He set his sights on Buu.Both Vegeta's were coming in from each side,giving Buu a hard time.He knocked the normal Vegeta into the ground.Vegeta 2 came from above,and smashed Buu's head in.Tien fired Krillin's destructo disc,slicing Buu in half.His top half floated over his legs and then joined together.
"WHAT??!"Tien shouted.Vegeta fired his big bang attack from the front.Buu fired a red beam back.Vegeta 2 came from behind and fired the galic gun,trapping Buu in between.Tien,Kibito and Kaioshin came from above.Tien fired a small kai beam from one hand,and Kibito and Kaioshin did the same.An almighty explosion destroyed Babidi's ship.The 5 fighters settled on the ground.Kibito said:
"The threat is over............the Earth,the universe........were all saved!"
"Maybe.........."Kaioshin said.
"No!"Tien shouted.In between the circle of the 5,Buu appeared.He had reformed.Tien brought up 6 destructo discs and sliced him up.He used his
to stop Buu from reforming.Kaioshin and Kibito powered up slowly.The two Vegeta's did the same act,one galic gun and one big bang,except much more powerful.Kibito and Kaioshin finished powering up and fired huge beams of power.Tien stopped his attack and fired his own version of Kamehameha,which was green.Slowly,the chunks of flesh turned to particles.They held it going.
"Keep going!!!!!!!"Tien shouted.They held in place.Gohan appeared from above and fired the final shot,eliminating Buu.The 6 fighters were all blown back in different directions.A huge portal ripped the sky apart,as the fighters fell back.Gohan fell through the portal,and Tien jumped after.
"Well,I think this is it!Goodbye,Vegeta,Kaioshin,Kibito."Vegeta said.He launched in after Tien.The portal began to lose its size.
"Oh no!GOHAN'S IN THERE!"Vegeta 2 shouted.He ran up to the portal,but it closed.
Cell's 4 peices lay moitionless on the ground.Up above,20 was horrified.
"No!I cant beat all of them...........not all.What will I do???!"he shouted."Where is 25?23?24?21?arrrrrrrghhhhhhhh!"he yelled in anger.25 in fact,was speeding on his way to see this new power.24 had become friends with Gotenks,and renounced his evil ways.21 had been absorbed with 18,and 23 was........thought to be dead.Though he was not.
"Ahh........."a muffled moan floated up to Gero's ears.23 burst out from underneath a hail of rocks.
"23?What happened?"Gero asked,landing next to him.
"Uh......25........he was about to be killed.I tried to save him........he's lying down in the sand,I think.Android 18 and that green guy......teamed up,almost blew me to peices."he answered.
"No!"Gero said."I have a plan.See Cell down there?Ripped into peices.I have a plan........but it will take my life."
"Master?No!"23 said.
"No,23.This is the end of our mission.This is it!"Gero yelled.He powered up and blasted down towards Cell.Goku noticed and fired his Kamehameha.23 appeared and knocked it back.Goten and Trunks came up for 23,but he ducked and they hit each other.Gohan and Yamcha went for 20,but he knocked them back,spiralling to each side.24's turn was next.20 was suprised to see him powering up.He fired a huge ki attack at 20,who deflected it back to 24.He jumped out of the way,just as Piccolo entered the ring.He couldnt even punch.20 kicked him round a bit,before headbutting him,skidding,into the ground.He reached Cell and morphed himself into a silver blob.It covered all 4 of Cell's segments,brining them together with a blinding flash of light.
Cell was reborn,with Gero's power.A part of his torso that the blob covered was invincible.Cell roared like a beast,throwing his head back.The sky darkened as clouds etched over the sun.Forked lightning struck parts of the mountain,as rain started pouring down at a tremendous rate.23 hit the ground.Cell's eyes's were white.His power was going up so quickly the Z team couldnt keep up.25 arrived next to 23.They stared at each other,then back at Cell.Everyone was staring at this new beast.
"Gero was holding back......he had some sort of super power within himself."Goku said.
"Hatrid........he was bent on revenge....."Yamcha said.
Cell's power was almost tripled before it stopped.His skin was now pure gold.He looked almost completly different.The clouds went away,and the rain stopped.The sun appeared.Though it was an evil,cold sun.The rain seemed better to Goku and the others,as they stared intently,waiting for Cell's next move...
With a howling noise,Dende and Mr.Popo stared at a huge hole appearing in the center of the crumbling lookout tower.Gohan,Vegeta and Tien were thrown onto the floor.Clouds of smoke still billowed out of giant holes in the tower.Gohan stood up first.
"Where....?Buu?"Gohan said
"Buu?"Dende asked.
"Dende?What........where.......Buu....."he said,slumping back down,clutching his head.
"Who is Buu?"Mr.Popo asked.
"Its alright!"Tien said.
"Listen,this isnt the Gohan we know.And Gohan,were not the people you know.Inter-dimensional travel did this.Their is a way to get you back,though."Vegeta said.
"You must destroy some new evil that has arose in our world.Maybe that power will be enough to rip open the dimension!"Tien said.Gohan nodded silently.
"Anything........"he said.
"Let me heal you....."Dende said.He healed them all.
"Dende,Popo,I know this has never been asked of you before,but is it possible for you to come down with us?I'm sure we'll all need the healing power's we can get."Tien said.
"Yes!"they nodded together.They all took off into the air,following the humongous power.
"Whoa.......Cell seems to have grown much.......his power is way over quintuple the power it was when we sensed him.He's absorbed countless people,and someone else has been destroying huge parts of the world........"Tien said.
"The other androids no doubt"Vegeta told him.They landed at the ring of mountains.
"So much change."Vegeta said.Tien turned to Popo and Dende.
"Hide behind those mountains.....and were sorry for destroying the lookout........"Tien said,looking down embarrsed at himself.
"Dont be.......come on,Dende."Mr.Popo said.He dragged Dende behind one of the mountains.The three fighters stared at each other,then back at the golden,super-powerful Cell,knowing that many of the people in that clearing would not be coming back...........
And none,of course,noticed a little shadow,lurking behind dende.

The Z fighters all re-united,with a new member to help.Cell seems to have become so strong even the androids will turn against him.Cell has become more evil,smart and strong than ever thought imaginable.........who will save them now?