Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Royal Family ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Note: it's me again. I'm working as fast as I can on this I go back to school on the 7th of this month so that will slow me down a little. Sorry it can't be helped. Please Review!! ~_~

Dragon Ball Z

The Royal Family


When Vegeta was four, King Vegeta was planning to attack Freiza to get rid of him once and for all.

"Why did we align ourselves with Frieza any way?" Kisha asked a little confused and angry at the same time.

"Yeah! He just uses us as his personal slaves. We are killing in his name and not for Saiyans. I don't like it." Prince Vegeta said agreeing with Princess Kisha.

"It's better to align with the devil instead of be in his way. Until your strong enough to kill the devil." Kind Vegeta said with a smirk on his face. For several days the planned and tried to find the best way to destroy Frieza. A saiyan was no match for him, but if every one fought as one they would be able to do it. Still there was that damn Saiyan pride. So they decided to destroy his ship with his on it.

When the day came to attack him, he called for prince Vegeta to be brought to him. They did as they were told. King Vegeta knowing that his only son was on Frieza. They boarded the ship. Frieza was waiting for them along with all his worriers, except Vegeta, he was locked in a dark cell.

"Grab the Princess but don't put her with the Prince. Kill the rest. I'll take care of the Planet!" Frieza said and turned to look at a screen Bardock was the only Saiyan besides the boarding party to fight Frieza. Zarbon grabbed Kisha and Dadoria Killed King Vegeta.

"NOOO!!!" Kisha yelled trying to get away from Zarbon, but she couldn't. He took her to a cell near Vegeta's then through her in it.

"I ever get my hands on you Frieza I'll kill you, you Bastered!!" Kisha yelled, "I SWEAR IT!!!" She screamed. This got Vegeta's attention he looked up then stood up.

"Kisha is that you?" Vegeta said walking towards his cell door.

"Of course it's me Vegeta!!!" Kisha said still very angry.

"What's going on? Why are we here?" he asked in a little scared tone.

"Vegeta…Frieza is…is trying to kill all Saiyan's." Kisha said.

"What about dad is he all right?" Vegeta asked. He didn't ask about his mother because she had died the same way as Kisha's mother.

"Oh Vegeta… he's…he's dead. He was the first they killed." Kisha said on the verge of tears.

Ten minutes later Frieza told Zarbon to bring Kisha to him. When Zarbon and Kisha arrived at his side Zarbon wouldn't release her. Then Frieza blew up the Planet Vegeta. Then Zarbon let go of her and she fell to her knees.

"Don't tell Vegeta what happened today! If you do I'll just have to kill you and him." Frieza said.

"I swear I'll kill you or some Saiyan will." Kisha said with tears falling from her eyes.

"We shall see. Zarbon take the Princess back to her cell."

Later that night when the guard had fell asleep she told Vegeta what she had seen. They both vowed one of them would get revenge.

"Hey Vegeta! Do you remember what dad said a few day's ago?" Kisha asked.

"Yeah! About the devil?" Vegeta answered.

"Yes that's what we're going to do!" Kisha said.

"Oh it worked perfectly last time." Vegeta said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well Vegeta we are all that's left. So we have to do some thing." Kisha said in an up set tone. They argued for the next hour, but decided to go along with that plan.

Two years later they found Raditz and Nappa. Frieza now had his Gynu Force and Saiyan Force. Every one even Frieza himself ridiculed and humiliated the Saiyan Forces. Finally a year later Frieza told them what really happened to planet and King Vegeta. Nappa and Raditz couldn't stand working for him anymore, but couldn't figure out why Vegeta and Kisha still bowed to his orders. But Vegeta told them that they (Vegeta and Kisha) knew all along who destroyed their father and their planet and he realized that all that truly mattered now was strength so they could defeat Frieza and he, himself could become ruler of the universe. So they all decided to continue to work for Frieza.

Frieza seeing that Vegeta was not surprised by the news summoned Kisha.

"I told you not to tell Vegeta" Frieza said.

"I told him what was going on when you sent me to my cell the first time he figured the rest out for himself." Kisha said. Frieza told Zarbon to teach Kisha a lesson. He didn't want to kill her just make an example out of her. She was held by Dadoria and beat by Zarbon. When she was took back to the Saiyan forces living quarters she was almost dead. About ten minutes later Vegeta came in and found her lying on the floor. He moved her to a bed and took care of her for the next two weeks. When she got better she told him what happened.

"You mean they did that to you because I didn't look surprised!" Vegeta said in surprise.

"Yeah! But don't do any thing we're not strong enough to defeat Zarbon and Dadoria more-or-less Frieza." So they stayed loyal to Frieza.