Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Side of a Saiyan ❯ CHAPTER 5: Memories and Visions ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

CHAPTER 5: Memories and Visions

A-N: well long time no type eh? Well I can explain, I've been in my school play : Pollyana IT was very fun and I enjoyed it. I became closer to some of my friends and made new ones! I've also learned why guys always complain about wearing ties, their evil!

Just incase u don't know I'm a girl but I played a guy's role.... well on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own DB/Z/GT so Nah Nah na you can't sue me cuz you won't get much money any ways, probably just my Pollyana pin.

The two connected by tails woke early to get ready. It was very difficult to accomplish their morning tasks, to use the bathroom they had to slip their tails under the door. They ate their breakfast quickly so they could go out and stretch. Trunks and Hannah stretched out in the dewy green grass, the cool morning air was refreshing to the two. Hannah was in the middle of doing sit-ups when she remembered something important.

^Flick, Trunks I have training with Piccolo.^ Hannah exclaimed loudly as she hit the ground.

^I just have to watch you. Don't worry about it Hannie.^ Trunks said as he calmly played with a string of grass.

^ Hope you can meditate boxer boy.^ Hannah snickered as she and Trunks walked in for a glass of water. As they did Piccolo arrived.

Hannah felt Piccolo's Ki and walked with Trunks back outside. She followed the Ki signature to a huge rock. It was pretty big and very round for a rock. Hannah stared down the rock a few more seconds until she got any idea.

*Piccolo why are you a rock? Have you hidden your self? * She mentally sent to her teacher.

*Right kid, I used my ki to mask myself.* Piccolo replied to Hannah in her mind.

^Hannah have you found Piccolo yet?^ Trunks asked confused and bored from his rock seat.

^ Yeah boxer boy he is the rock in front of us.^ ^Hannie are you feeling ok? That's a rock not Piccolo.^ Trunks looked harder as Hannah gave him a look that stated that she was dead serious.

^I see him now, he is using his ki to hide himself.^ *Cool trick Piccolo!* Trunks said happily. Piccolo stared at the two kid amazed. Last time he had checked Trunks mental energy it was lower, now it was even with Hannah's. Maybe it had to do with their tails being connected. He really hadn't studied any type of Saiyan mating process.

*Hey kid what's with the tails?* Piccolo asked Hannah as she sat with Trunks on the ground.

*We're bonding according to my father.* Trunks shot back at Piccolo through his link.

'Saiyans' Piccolo thought to himself.

*Well kid we'll continue your lessons when your tails detach. It's harder to hide your self and another with your ki.*

*Ok sir.* Hannah said respectfully to Piccolo adding a bow at the end.

*You should still meditate to stay fit.* Hannah and Trunks sat in the grass crossed legged and straight. The two had been in deep meditation for an hour and a half when something happened. Both started seeing the others memories.

%%Trunks' memories%% (Hannah is seeing this)

A little 4 or 5 year old Trunks ran around C.C. bouncing with energy. His mother had promised him a trip to the park today. This was special, something he didn't get often since he had to train with his father. Trunks could hardly wait for the thrill of the slides and the swings. Bulma brought Trunks his coat and he quickly forced himself into it. He took his mother's hand and they began to the park. Trunks swung on the swings, slid on the slides and was spun on the merry-go-round. But yet he still had a ton of energy. Bulma was sitting on a small green park bench watching her son so content and happy that she didn't notice the ki's coming up behind them. That is until the stick cracked and someone began to talk in a bone chilling voice.

"You women give me that child." Barked a teenager with black hair. The teen stood beside a blond who looked not as amused with the whole thing and just was plain out bored. Bulma was in shock, who were they and why did they want Trunks? She tried her best not to let her fear show to the strangers.

"Can you not hear? Give us the child." Trunks climbed up the nearest tree suppressing his ki as low as it would go. From his hideout he could see the two people talking rudely to his mom. Trunks decided that he would help his mother out as soon as he knew why they wanted him.

"Why do you want my son? Who are you?" Bulma stated in a voice that sounded strong or at least she hoped it did.

"Woman we have no time for your insolence. GIVE US THE BOY!" The black haired one shouted, Bulma saw an evil glint in the boys eyes, they didn't even look human.

"What are you?" Bulma managed to get out before she began to shake.

"You are wasting my time give me the boy or I will blast you." The blonde one stated as the black haired one moved closer to Bulma.

"No." Bulma strongly spat out.

"No? You dare refuse us? I think it is time to end your pitiful life." Trunks saw the black haired teen raise his hand and saw the ki ball forming in it. Trunks jumped out of his hiding place and grabbed his mother. Up in the sky Bulma called for Vegeta with her mind and he came and picked them up from their new hiding place from the evil people. Which Bulma believed were androids. This was the beginning of the androids rain of terror. (A\N After that the regular android saga takes place.)

%%Hannah's memories%%

Hannah dawdled beside her mother she had just learned how to walk. She knew they (Hannah's mom, her and Adam) were going to the palace to visit grandpa and uncle.

^Momma, tis grampie's mad?^ Hannah asked her mother has they neared the plalace.

^No dear, he isn't in fact he wants to see us and so does your uncle. Please you two be on your best behavior for me.^ The twin's mother asked gently.

^Yes momma.^ The twins said in unison. Hannah gave her brother a little push and began to run around their mother on unsteady legs as best they could. The three walked up to the front gates of the palace and Hannah's mother grabbed the twins hands. They suddenly were confronted by the guards. Hannah puffed out her chest and tried to look tuff.

^You! What is your business here?^ Hannah's mother pulled back her hood. The guard looked at her in surprise

^I am here to see my brother and my father.^ The guards let her pass, Hannah was amazed by the size of the gates. They walked through many hall ways until they came to a set of ivory doors. Hannah 's mother opened them and walked in. Hannah's Grampie and Uncie were sitting in big fluffy chairs with the crest of Vegetsei embroider in them. The twins had been told all about their Grampie and Uncie from their mother. They looked up to the two in admiration. The twin's mother picked up Hannah and Adam and sat them on a chair together. Adam fell asleep in the comfy chair while Hannah was wide a wake. She tried her hardest to listen to what her momma, grampie and uncie were talking about.

^Kally I don't know how you hid this from me, we didn't know you even had a mate. Why didn't you tell us about them sooner!^ Hannah's Grampie asked angrily as he stood and paced.

^Daddy I had to do it this way. You wouldn't have accepted them or their father.^ Hannah's mom expressed loudly.

^Sis, please say he isn't below 2nd class.^ Vegeat asked taking a huge step towards his sister. He had a concerned look on his face. Kally could only nod her head at her brother.

^He is dear brother, he is.^ Kally's father looked awfully mad. His face was red, very red and his eyes were big.

^I let you do what you like when ever you like and this is what I get in return?! My bloodline foiled by third class filth! I even let you train.^ The king yelled, though sounding defeated in the end. As the adults yelled Hannah did something that surprised all the occupants of the room. She got onto her Uncie Vegeta's lap. One finger in her mouth she looked around and spoke softly to her uncle.

^Uncie you mad at momma, Adam and me?^ Vegeta looked from face to face in the room. Yeah he was a saiyan warrior but really who could tell his first niece that he didn't like her? Kally looked at her brother, surprised that he was being nice and not dejecting the twins.

^No Hannie how could I be mad at you? Your too cute.^ He proclaimed as he pinched her little nose. Kally smiled she knew her brother would like her and her mate's kids. The king, Kally's father did not find this good.

^Kally call your mate in and tell him to take these brats home. I don't want to see them again if you knew what was good for you, you'ld destroy them. ^ Tears started to well up in Hannah's eyes.

^Grampie you think I a brat and you don't love me?^

'Grampie no love me.' Tears were falling freely down Hannah's face as she asked.

^Yes you have ruined your mothers life go get blown up and save her the hassle. Kally picked up her child who had tears among her strands of hair that had covered her face.

^Father don't tell my daughter she isn't loved. She and her Brother are perfect. Nothing you say or do will ever change my love for them and their father!^ Kally picked Adam up with Hannah on one side and him on the other, walk out and left the building. This was Hannah's first meeting with her Grandpa and last. After that day Hannah's father left on a mission, he never came back and then the family had to start hiding from Frieza.

%End of memories Beginning of Hannah's Vison%

Hannah stood in a rocky area. High Ki's were everywhere. She felt the biggest coming from source near the other side of the ledge. She peeked up over a saw something that made her blood run cold. Frieza. Frieza hovered in mid battle fighting what looked like herself, only badly bruised version. She saw her uncle and someone else that looked familiar lying very still in a crater. She saw what looked like a mix of Trunks and Adam creeping up behind Frieza. Hannah suddenly felt a white hot light heading towards her. She looked and saw it was a Ki blast heading right for her. She did the only thing she could, scream.

%End of vison%

Hannah was screaming someone was holding her to the table where she lay. She couldn't move, she screamed more in terror. Someone was trying to tell her something but she didn't understand them. She just couldn't think straight, the golden light was too bright. Hannah squinted her eyes open making it so she could see their golden hair. She opened her eyes all the way and saw her Uncle and Trunks holding her down. Seconds later she realized that she too was golden. Hannah's screams subsided and she blinked. Bulma walked up to Hannah after she had snapped out of her screaming state.

^Hannah what happened?^

^I had a vison. I s...saw...I saw him.^ Hannah said while still shaking badly.

^Him?^ Bulma asked questionly.

^Frieza.^ Trunks said from the spot he was standing at.

^How do you know brat?^ Vegeta asked forgetting about the problem at hand.

^I could see flashes of her vison dad.^ Trunks answered.

^Uncle Vegeta how long was I like that?^ Hannah asked from her spot.

^An hour, the other brats left for school.^ Vegeta said as he looked Hannah over to make sure she was still ok.

^Hannie are you ok?^ Trunks asked concerned. Hannah sat up and hugged Trunks. Trunks didn't let go instead sat on the table with her.

^Yeah Trunks I am. Did you see all my memories because I saw a few of yours.^

^Yep I thought it was strange. You really didn't ever see your Grandpa again?^ Trunks said softly.

^No, we left soon after and the planet was destroyed.^ Hannah said has she bowed her head.

^Did you really have that dream last night Hannah?^

^Yeah I did, I wish I knew who them people were.^ Vegeta looked at the two knowingly.

'I will get heirs to the saiyan race in a few years.' He silently thought, bring a smirk to his face.

^Hey brats are you going to school?^ The two exchanged looks.

*Should we go Hannie? Do you feel up to it?* Trunks asked in Hannah's mind softly.

*Yeah lets go I don't want to worry Adam and Bra.* Hannah confirmed calmly. Trunks told his dad that they were going to go.

The two prepared themselves for school. Trunks suggested they fly to the school, it was much faster.

^Trunks people are going to stare at us because we're different.^ Hannah said as she flipped over on to her back in mid-air.

^What of it? I'm a saiyan and I'm proud to show it. Who cares what they think. I like you they way you are and I hope you think the same.^ Trunks said, sounding like a sappy romantic person.

^You really are Uncle Vegeta's son Boxer-boy.^ Hannah mocked as she laughed.

They arrived at the doors of the school and walked in. After checking in at the office they found out it was period 5/6/7 which meant study hall. They went to the practice room. It was a special perk of being in All stars or band. Bra and Adam were leaning over books trying to study. Trunks and Hannah surprised them by walking in.

^How ya feeling sis^ Adam inquired as he looked up from the evil textbook.

^Just fine bro.^ Hannah replied. Bra walked up punched Hannah and then hugged her.

^Don't scare me like that again. I saw my brother and father carrying you in. You were screaming and thrashing wildly. To top it all of you were all super saiyans.^ Bra said as she glared at her friend.

^Sorry Bra I didn't try for that to happen.^ Hannah pulled out her All-star music and began to practice. Half an hour later the bell rang signaling the end of the period. The four headed for Language class on the second floor of the building. This was one of their easiest classes out of their main subjects. The teacher respected that they didn't speak English and she let them write and talk in saiyan. They just got it translated for her at a later time.

After Language was lunch time for the kids. The four saiyans decided to eat at a pizza parlor near the school. Trunks said it would be his treat for them all.

^What you guys want on your pizza's?^ Trunks asked the group.

^I want pepperoni on mine Boxer-boy.^ Hannah said first.

^Extra cheese bro for me and Adam.^ Bra said for herself and Adam. Trunks and Hannah went up to order the pizza's.

"How can I serve you sir and miss?" Asked the friendly cashier.

"I'd like 20 extra cheese pizzas and 20 pepperoni ones." Trunks said as Hannah looked on confused.

"Ok, that will be 80 Zeni. Enjoy your food!" The lady took the money from Trunks and handed him and Hannah the pizzas. Once the pizzas were sat down the four began to chow down.

*Hey boxer-boy.*

*What Hannie?*


*Thanks and hey Hannie.*

*What Boxer-boy?*

*Happy late birthday.*

*Thanks Trunks.* Adam and Bra saw the look on their friend's faces indicating that once again they were talking through their minds. Bra knew what would break the mind talk she carefully picked the part of their tails where they were connected and pinched. She got a instant reaction.

"^OWWWWWWW!^" Trunks and Hannah screamed at the same time in a high pitch voice that startled everyone. The owner of the place came over and kicked the four teen saiyans out. He claimed it was for disturbing the other costumers. The teens grabbed their pizzas and walked out. They head back to school, eating on the way.

^Good job you two.^ Adam said harshly to the two in major pain. Trunks looked ready to kick Adam's can but Hannah was too close to tears from the pain and from her brother's harsh remark for Trunks to do so. Trunks hugged Hannah close to him and walked like that the rest of the way to the school after they had finished. Adam was thinking 'gag' while Bra thought 'aww'.

Last period of the day was Social Studies with the computer teacher Mr. Ink. Which meant they as in Trunks, Adam ,Hannah and Bra had to read a chapter out of the Social Studies book to the class. They had chose to do the Native Americans. The four walked up to the front and began. All was going well until Adam accidently bumped the connection between Trunks and Hannah's tail causing both to purr loudly while Bra was talking. The class saw Hannah's and Adam's tail and began to laugh. A particularly snobby prep by the name of Della raised her hand rudely.

"Yes Della?" Trunks asked the rude person. Della flipped her hair and stood to speak.

"Is that some type of new freak experiment from your weirdo mother?" Bra angrily translated it for the twins. She didn't even think ahead to realize it was a bad idea. It tweaked Hannah's nerve more then Adam's.

^DON'T INSULT MY AUNT OR MY BOYFRIEND YOU WEAK BAKA HUMAN OR I WILL RIP YOU APART!^ Hannah yelled in saiyan loudly. The class looked towards Bra and Trunks for some translation.

"Trunks what did that freak friend of yours say? I don't understand gibberish." Della said with a wicked smirk.

"She said DON'T INSULT MY AUNT OR MY BOYFRIEND YOU WEAK BAKA HUMAN OR I WILL RIP YOU APART! Hannah don't yell often so I think you tweaked a nerve but I do know that she always keeps her threats." Trunks hissed at the girl. Mr. Ink cleared his throat and told the 4 to sit down. 20 minutes later the bell rang and the day was over.

^YES^ The four brats as Vegeta called them yelled loudly.

Hannah decided to go to her locker first then Trunks'. As Hannah twisted in her combination a group of preps encircled her self and Trunks.

"So weirdos care to say that threat to my face now?" It was Della with her gang, all sneering and glaring. Trunks translated for Hannah. Hannah concentrated her whole mind on one thing. She slowly began to speak to the crowd. "I...don't...care...how...many...of...you...there...are...I'll...Final...Fl ash...you...all!" Hannah somehow said in English. It took everyone by surprise.

^You did it Hannah!^ Trunks said in surprise as he smiled at Hannah.

"Oh so the little freak spoke." Della said and her group echoed.Della would have been dead in a matter of seconds if Trunks hadn't grabbed Hannah. Hannah had almost began a Final Flash on the unknowing prep.

^Trunks why didn't you let me hit her? She asked for it.^

^She's not worth getting in trouble.^ Hannah asked in anger as she tried to pull out of Trunks' iron grip. Trunks kept his grip on Hannah .

"I suggest you leave before I changed my mind and release her." Trunks stated angrily. They left but not before Trunks flashed them a certain finger the hopefully no teacher saw. They met up with Bra and Adam and left the school to head home.

Well another fixed chapter! I really didn't have a lot to fix in this one other then spacings.

Also nothing against preps but y do they have to be so mean if you don't dress, talk, act and be like them? I mean everyone is different.

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