Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The supreme potion ❯ Shivers ( Chapter 1 )

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The Supreme Potion
Chapter 1
A year had passed since Goku had left to train with Uub. Everything was as normal as could be in the life of the z fighters. At the Brief mansion, Vegeta was spending a day with the youngsters: Trunks, Goten, Pan and Bra. Somehow, they seemed to enjoy playing “Catch me if you can” against the saiyan prince. They had agreed on a non flying rule. Although Goten and Trunks didn't put much effort, Pan and Bra really enjoyed sprinting as much as they could in order to catch Vegeta.
It seemed impossible for the young girls and/or the young boys to catch Vegeta no matter how much they tried, however, Vegeta suddenly srtopped running once he had reached the center of a big park somewhere in the city. The others inmediately catched up with him.
-Game over Dad- said Bra.
-Yeah- said Vegeta while looking to the horizon-. I'm tired, go home ask your mother to cook you something.
-Fine then- said Trunks-. Come on, let's go home.
Everyone but Vegeta went home. He decided to stay staring at the horizon tha as obstructed by huge buildings and houses. He then gathered his ki and flew high up, towards Kami's temple. Once he reached it, he found Piccolo, Dende and Mr. Popo staring at the sky.
-You sensed it too Vegeta- said Piccolo with a smirk.
-Now that Kakarot left, all I can do is entertain the little and not so little kids- he answered-. I'm tired of the nanny business, I need some real challenge like the one that's coming.
-What do you think it is?- asked Dende.
-Not sure but I can sense a couple of strong kis- answered the saiyan prince-. And they seem pretty agresive, just my tipe.
-Probably in a couple of hours the others will sense it too- said Piccolo-. Probably by then they will be landing.
-Looks like I better go change before I greet these visitors- said Vegeta-. You'll come too, won't you Piccolo?
Piccolo nodded. Vegeta flew to his house. He put on his fighting uniform (the one he used all through the Buu saga) and had a pretty big meal. He could sense the distant kis as the were coming nearer and was getting ready to leave when Trunks and Goten got just in his way.
-Can we at least go and watch?- asked Trunks.
Vegeta blinked at them and the three of them jumped into the air and flew towards the arriving kis. They saw a small spaceship descending on the open field and landed near it. Piccolo arrived just a couple of minutes later. They all diminished their ki to the lowest possible and waited for the new comers to descend from their ship.
The door of the spaceship opened and the two green skinned warriors in battle armor descended. One of them had no eyeballs in his eyesockets, the other one seemed to enjoy of good health. They saw the four fihters waiting for them but paid no attention to them, instead they kneeled before their master that was coming out of the ship.
Everyone present was witness to the appearance of their master: an old, skinny alien; his skin was grey and scaled, he used a cane to walk but his eyes were bright red and in his face there habitated an evil, severe look. He looked up at the four warriors and his bodyguards stood up.
-Greetings- the old master said in a very polite manner-. My name is Alegan, I come from the devastated planet Octar VII. These are my bodyguards Lopar and Clomen.
Vegeta, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks just looked at them surprised, their ki level seemed pretty faint, that was not the great ki they had sensed earlier. The only one left in the scene was their old, creepy master.
-What is it that you want?- asked Piccolo.
-We are lloking for the saiyan called Son Goku- answered Alegan-. I assume you should know his whereabouts.
-He dissapeared a long time ago and asked not to be bothered- answered Vegeta coldly-. What do you want with him?
-Just something private- answered Alegan-. Let's go, we'll find him on our own.
Alegan and his bodyguards turned around and were about to enter their spaceship when Vegeta suddenly appeared in front of them blocking their way. Lopar and Clomen both trew fast punches at him but were easily blocked by the saiyan who retaliated with a brutal kick that sent Lopar flying trough the air and a violent back punch at Clomen's head that sent him crushing into the ground.
Just when Vegeta was about to finish the warrior lying at his feet, a cold shiver suddenly went through his left arm. He turned and saw Alegan holding him by the wrist, preventing him from attacking Clomen.
-I must apologise for my bodyguards- he said in a kinder way-. They are very emotional sometimes. Now they know they are no match for you, we' re leaving now peacefully. Come on Lopar.
Alegan helped Clomen get back on his feet and Lopar joined them inmediately to get inside the ship. All the others just looked at them astonished. Something weird was going on with them.
Once inside the ship, Clomen was still rubbing his face from the punch delivered by Vegeta. They looked with amaze at their master as if trying to get some good news from him.
-He is prince Vegeta- Alegan told them-. He is not as strong as Son Goku but still is way much powerful than us for the moment. They all have a weakness though: families. Those standing there were the sons of Son Goku and Vegeta, the Namek was also very strong. We didn't stand a chance against them. We must get Son Goku's wife and I know where to find her, keep your kis down. We don't want their company again.
Vegeta, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks all watched as the ship dissapeared in the sky. They stopped sensing their kis. However, although they thought the ship had vanished into space, the ship was actually headed towards the Son house.