Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth ❯ Final Confessions ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: You know what? We're at the end of the story and if you want to sue me, go ahead and try. Like I mentioned in the previous chapter's disclaimer, all you'll get are debts, so why should I care if you sue? I'll be glad to be rid of them!
A/N: As I mentioned in the disclaimer, this is the last chapter of The Truth. I'm sorry this chapter took so long, but I had one heck of a time doing revisions. I think I redid the chapter seven or eight times in the end. Once again, I apologize for the delay, and I hope it was worth the wait.
Walking down the hall toward the guard at the exit, the visitor thought of everything they had learned during the past few hours. In less than a day, she had gotten to know Trunks Briefs more closely than anyone had in years. It was like having a secret, which made her feel special in an odd kind of way, for he had chosen her as the recipient of his revelation. No one else had even come close to being granted an interview with him since his exile so many years ago.
For years, seasoned reporters and many others had begged him for the truth about his relationship with Pan Son. Why he had done it and what had really happened were questions that many had speculated on for many years, but no one knew the truth, until now. This story was the Holy Grail, the golden fleece of journalism. With this article, she planned to make her name.
Smiling, she started writing the piece in her head, eager to get home to her desk and computer so she could get her thoughts on paper before she forgot something vital. Only feet from the door, another thought came to mind causing her to pause and begin rethinking her plans. Was it right to do this to him? The things he had revealed were very personal, more so than anything she had come across in her few short years as an amateur reporter, doing short works for her high school, college, and now the local newspaper.
She had never come across a story where her ideals had been brought into question. As she stood, pondering the ethics of her plan, she realized there was something she had to do, and she had to do it now. No matter what, it could not wait another moment. It had already waited too long. Without immediate action, she would never have any peace of mind.
She spun on her heel and quickly retraced her steps to the door she had passed through only moments earlier. She knocked softly before cracking open the door and peering into the dimly lit room.
"Mister Briefs, you still there?" she called out.
From his perch by the widow, Trunks answered. "Yes, I am. Did you forget something?"
Stepping into the room, she told him, "I almost did. I...I have something to confess." She walked across the room to stand in front of him. "When I told you I was a reporter looking for that one story to get my big break, I was only being half honest. There's something more I think you need to know. You have to hear it."
Trunks looked curiously into her blue eyes and waited for her to continue.
"I came here today not only because your name needs to be cleared with the public, but I had to see if all the stories I've heard my entire life were true, and they weren't. I wanted you to know you're not the monster everyone believes. You're one of the kindest, most gentle souls I've ever met," she explained as tears formed in her eyes.
"It's okay." Trunks stood, trying to comfort her. "I understand."
"No, you don't," she spoke again looking up into his eyes, blue eyes. "I'm not done. I lied to you. My name isn't Umeko Ceris. It's Garter, Garter Son." Tears were flowing freely down her cheeks. "My mother's name is Pan."
She looked at him, half expecting the gentle man before her to instantly transform into the monster she had always thought he must be from the stories she had been told. Instead he simply smiled sadly and opened his arms, which she accepted gratefully, sobbing into his shoulder until her tears had passed.
With her tears extinguished, she looked at his face, at those beautiful blue eyes, which had haunted her every time she had looked in a mirror her entire life. They were his eyes, his kind, loving, proud eyes.
Now she understood.
"I...I'm sorry," she apologized wiping the remnants of her tears from her face with her hand. "I've made a fool of myself by acting so childish. Crying like a schoolgirl."
Trunks once again embraced her firmly. "No, you haven't, not at all. I could never think you a fool, and even now, I still cry from time to time." He smiled, hugging her tightly and with a voice full of pride and elation and eyes filled with tears, said, "Right now, I can't believe you're here. I never thought I'd see you again, and here you are completely grown and more beautiful than I had dreamt possible, with the drive and intelligence to match.
"You know, I should have been there. I could have been there, but it wouldn't have been right. It just wouldn't. I hope one day you'll understand."
Looking up at his gentle face and pained eyes, Garter replied, "I meant what I said earlier. I could never hate you, and I forgive you. I forgive you for everything. I think I understand now. You had to do what you felt was right. You're too big of a man to not take responsibility for your actions. I can't help but respect that."
She smiled, "When you get out next year, you will have someone waiting for you at the gate downstairs. Even if no one else shows. Don't worry. I will. Then maybe we can spend some time together like a real family. Make up for lost time."
Trunks smiled down at his little girl. He had waited her entire life to hear the words she had just spoken. No words on Earth could have been sweeter to his tortured heart and soul. She actually forgave him.
He kissed her forehead lightly and smiled. "Nothing would make me happier."
"Then I guess I'll see you then, Father," she smiled back before once again gathering her belongings and leaving. This time, she actually left, though reluctantly, and after a few more minutes of solitude, Trunks was escorted back to his cell.
One week later, Trunks sat on his bed reading the local paper. Usually, he had very little interest in anything to be found in those periodicals. Sometimes there were articles on what was new with Capsule Corps, or who had made it big, but these articles only brought back painful memories of better times. Days when he had been the top dog of Capsule Corps, and those who made it big were usually people he had known and possibly even considered a friend before being imprisoned and rejected by them. That was the way of the world, his world anyway.
Today was different though. He had been scanning the paper, looking for something interesting to read to pass the time before lunch, when one article had caught his attention.
The other day, I was granted a rare view into the life of another human being. A view most will never see. During this, I found an extraordinary person named Mister Trunks Briefs.
Briefs's tale began as one filled with love, friends, and adventure. He was born the son of Bulma Briefs, then CEO of Capsule Corps, and her husband simply known to the world as Vegeta.
At age nine, he won first place at the World Martial Arts Tournament, with his best friend, Goten Son, placing second. By twenty-five his mother had passed the torch of leadership to him, making him CEO of Capsule Corps, and soon thereafter, he ventured into space on the ultimate adventure. Upon his return, he fought bravely with the Earth's Special Forces against the many evils, which befall our planet.
Most importantly, at twenty-seven, Briefs fell in love. Yes, he fell in love, a true love, which burns brightly over twenty years later and brought a little girl into this world. This was his greatest achievement - also his downfall since the object of his love was only fourteen, and the birth of their child left no doubt to their intimate relationship - which sent him to prison soon after her birth.
Today, Briefs is a kind and gentle man awaiting his release from prison, from a sentence he could have avoided had he been a coward, but Briefs is no coward. He is one of the bravest people I have had the honor of meeting. He has faced monsters that would cause a normal person to run screaming in terror, and more importantly, he owned up to being his baby's father, knowing all the while it could and most likely would cost him everything.
If there is one thing to be learned from Briefs, it is that even the best among us make mistakes. The truly great face them, learn from them, and then continue with their lives as best they can. He is one of those few.
As his release date draws near, I urge you all to forget the past. Forget the rumors and lies, not only about Briefs, but also of everyone who may have wronged you. You see, I too have heard of the monster named Trunks Briefs, but not only did I find a compassionate soul full of courage and mercy who places everyone before himself, but a man worthy of the title father, for that is what he is, Father.
Now, you know the truth.
As he finished reading, Trunks smiled wistfully. "Back 'atcha kiddo." He placed the paper aside and gazing out his window at the sun, he began planning his new life, their new life. The sunshine warmed his face, heart, and soul. Once again, nature matched his mood as a blue bird began to sing. Rejoice.
A/N: Well, what did you think? I want to say thanks to all my reviewers. When I started this story, I honestly expected a ton of flames from Trunks/Pan fans, but I'm glad to know my readers have been more mature than that. Thank you once again. I just can't say that enough because I don't think you'll ever know what all the kind words of praise and encouragement mean to me. Okay, so this is my first time to end a fic, and I'm drawing it out because it's like my child and I'm afraid to let it go out into the cold cruel world alone...Well, that's it...Please leave me one last review so I'll know my efforts on this chapter were not in vain. Peace and Out.
A/N2: In case you were wondering: Yes, the next chapter is a continuation of the story. I couldn't resist.