Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The We-Must-Be-Out-of-Our-Tiny-Minds Road Trip ❯ THE CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM IS MINE! ( Chapter 2 )
Yep, I have already become obsessed with writing this ^_^ And besides, it's the weekend! Ya NEED to update on WEEKENDS! I also just feel like being nice, oh and if you asked to be in it you may not be in it right in this chapter if I didn't get the submission form soon enough, but don't worry! You'll be in the next one!
Heero: Ok, get to the fic now.
NO! I actually have something that's not totally useless to say!
people: * gasp, faint *
* sweatdrop * Er…
J'dee-Jazz will make an appearance don't worry! I haven't forgotten! Bananagirl-You'll have to wait about….* estimates * 2-3 chapters before we get to the first official destination and meet Skittles ^_^
And thank you to RJ and anyone who's review I haven't yet seen for reviewing! You'll be in this chapter, RJ ^_^
Heero: NOW can you get on with it?
* sigh * I guess…
30 miles out of town…they were 30 miles out of town and already having problems.
"I'm hungry!" Goten whined and looked at J'dee pitifully, "I ate the cookies already."
"Well…ummm…there's some ice cream in the back," J'dee said, trying to keep her eyes on the road at the same time. No need to crash and have the police find out she actually didn't have a license even if she was old enough. That WOULD NOT be good.
"Yeah! Eat some ice cream and don't make us stop! Stupid spawn of Kakarot," Bana muttered, if we zoom out the scene a little, we'd see about 30 chocolate ice cream tubs around her and we'd also see the one she was eating right now.
"Ok," Goten answered, then blinked, "I want some chocolate!"
Bana got a possessed look in her eyes, "YOU CAN'T HAVE THE CHOCOLATE! IT'S ALL MINE I TELL YOU!"
Quorky shook his head and went back to looking at the pictures of Bulma he'd confiscated from Heero earlier (A.N. Heero has pictures of Bulma? Should we be scared?), "Share the ice cream and spare us all from the screaming," he said without looking up.
"NEVER!" shouted Bana, "I'LL NEVER GIVE THE ICE CREAM TO ANYONE!" she didn't notice, however that TRF who was behind her was scooping ice cream out of her bucket and putting it into her (TRF's) bowl.
Juunana's attention was outside, at a Porsche that seemed to have followed them this whole way. The strange thing? There was no driver, "Now that's one kickass car," he muttered.
Heero was softly cursing the fact that his Bulma pictures had disappeared and were nowhere to be found…too bad he didn't check with Quorky, "I'll just have to settle for the next best thing," Heero murmured, then, making sure no one was watching him, he took out and album of photos of Relena and crept closer to the back so he could look at them without being ridiculed.
"I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it!" Goten whined.
"Goten!" cried J'dee, "get back in the seat and buckle up! I can't get pulled over!"
Bana sneered at him, "Yeah Goten!" she then preceded to stick out her tongue at the little boy.
"What's in it for me if I do what you ask?" asked Goten giving an almost eerie Vegeta-like smirk.
J'dee sighed, "Well stop for food ok?"
"Alright!" Goten chirped happily strapping himself in.
Bana's mouth dropped open, "TRF, did Goten just smirk like S-hey!" Bana glared at TRF who she'd caught sneaking ice cream away from her.
TRF smiled weakly, "Uh…yep! That smirk Goten gave sure was creepy wasn't it?"
"I can't believe it!" Bana ranted, "you of all people!"
"She's been doing it for the last 30 minutes," said Quorky in a bored tone.
TRF had a sudden urge to relocate herself somewhere else in the van.
"Ok! So where should we stop?" J'dee asked, they passed Mc Donald's, Burger King and various other places but Goten didn't see any he liked, finally they came to the outskirts of town where a small building that was once painted white but now had a dust brown color to it stood.
"That thing should be condemned," TRF remarked, trying to get the attention off herself and her ice cream stealing tactics.
"I wanna stop there!" Goten said pointing to the building.
J'dee looked at it in disgust, "I don't think that even a restaurant, Goten," she told him pretending to sound disappointed, 'But even if it was I wouldn't stop if I were being attacked by rabid wolves and the building was my only salvation. No way no how…unless Yamcha was in it…then I would stop…Yamcha…Mmmmmm……' unfortunately, due to the fact that J'dee's mind was now located in a world where Yamcha and she were married and they owned this nice little house by the sea the van pulled over and was headed for the building.
"This reminds me of when I crashed into the lamp post!" Bana said.
Heero regretfully abandoned his pictures of Relena to stop the van from crashing since he was the only one able now, being as Juunana was still watching the white Porsche from out his window and Quorky was trying to shield himself from the oncoming impact with some familiar looking pictures… Heero shrugged it off and pulled the van to the side just in time to stop it from crashing into the building.
J'dee came back to reality, "Uh-oh," she said glancing at the building which they were right up against, "I spaced out didn't I?"
"What was your first clue?" asked Heero sarcastically.
"And Heero Yuy saved me!" J'dee's eyes formed anime hearts as she thought on this.
"Me too!" TRF squealed.
"I wish Skittles had saved me," Bana remarked glumly. She was hoping that any minute now Vegeta would appear and she could finally meet him…and them of course they'd dump Bulma somewhere and run off together. This was every decent Skittles' fan girl's dream of course.
"I wanna eat!" Goten unbuckled and ran into the restaurant and then screamed, "BROTHER!" loud enough for all to hear.
"Kakarot's first spawn is somewhere around here now too? Where's my Skittles?!" Bana demanded.
"If he were here I'd be clinging to him…" responded TRF.
Heero sighed, "Let's just go in."
"In a second," Juunana mumbled walking out of the van and over to the Porsche, he was quite surprised when it transformed into a giant robot.
"Jazz!" J'dee cried happily.
"….and that's what happened," a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes finished telling them, she was clinging to Gohan, who was indeed here.
"Uh…can you let me go now Ms.?" asked Gohan.
The girl smiled cheerfully, "Nope! Oh yeah, and you don't need to call me 'ms.' my name is Reez!"
"Um…ok Reez…please let me go now," Gohan said sweatdropping
"Why would you like Kakarot's first brat anyway?" muttered Bana, "Skittles is much better looking."
"Oddly enough," TRF started, "not everyone is as reasonable as us when it comes to hot guys."
"If they were then there wouldn't be shrines to that baka Kakarot."
Then the man who worked at the restaurant came up, he was large, fat and smelled of poo, everyone looked up in time to see a fly fall dead at his feet," Whaddya wanna or'dr?" he asked. Everyone continued staring, "I SAY, WHADDYA WANNA OR'DR?!" he shouted.
"A glass of water," J'dee replied, being the first to bravely speak up.
"I'll take a grilled cheese!" said Reez.
"We ain't got none of that fancy stuff" the man replied.
"Uh…I'll have fifty bananas for me and fifty for the monkey," Bana said pointing to herself and Quorky.
"We ain't got none'uh those neither," the man told her.
"What do you have?" Gohan asked.
"We got mac'n cheese," the man was staring impatiently at everyone now.
"Anything else?" asked TRF.
"Nope, we just got mac'n cheese."
"Nothing for me," muttered Heero.
"I'll get the mac'n cheese!" chirped Goten.
"Can you put bananas in the mac'n cheese?" asked Bana, ignoring the disgusted look Quorky was giving her.
"NO! WE AINT GOT NO NANERS!!" the man screamed.
"Fine, fine," Bana scooted her chair back a few steps, 'I don't even think I wanna know how high the stick up that guy's ass is,' thought Bana.
The guy left and came back with J'dee's water and Goten's "mac'n cheese".
"Ew," muttered J'dee shaking her head at the dead flies inside her glass, 'And here we see the latest victims of his body stench,' J'dee mused silently.
Well, looks like we're making a pit stop sooner than expected! But don't worry-we'll get back on course soon!
Heero: And things will probably get worse.
…….erm…………* innocent face * Why do you say that Heero?
Heero: * Shakes head* Never mind. It's not like you ever do this amazing thing called listening to me anyway.
Huh? What did you say Heero?
Heero: -_-'
Once again-sorry if I got anyone out of character, if I did just tell me so and I'll correct it! You won't hurt my feelings or anything. That's the main thing I'm trying to avoid: Out of character-ness.
Heero: In that case you've got me wrong; I would have killed you by now.
* Smile* Suuuuuure ya would Hee-chan!