Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The We-Must-Be-Out-of-Our-Tiny-Minds Road Trip ❯ Ugly Lime Green Jumpsuits? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack! Bet you all missed me didn't you? Yes, I know, I know. *Smiles*

Heero: If you keep up this stupid self-glorification, they WON'T miss you the next time you can't update because of school.

Er…uh…*is daunted by that thought* well anywho, it's good to be back! ^_^

Disclaimer: Him own DBZ *Points to Akira Toriyama* Me own this *point to story* Other authors own themselves…hopefully.

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"Can we leave this stupid place? Like, today?" asked RJ hopefully, "I'm scarred forever from last night, I swear."

"We all are," muttered Bana distractedly as she rifled through Bladua's fridge and sent all the strawberries she found through a paper shredder (yes, a paper shredder). There were quite a lot of them. It appeared the old man had been rather infatuated with strawberries.

J'dee was filling up buckets of water in the sink with Yamcha, "Not yet," she said, amid groans, "we need to wash that paint off the back of the van."

"Unless you want us to get put in prison," added Yamcha.

Reikon shrugged, "I've heard it can be a very enlightening experience," she glanced over at Bana, "hey, are you done with that shredder yet? It has a date with some cottage cheese."

Vegeta burst into the room looking horribly angry, "Ok, where the hell did you stick my wife?!" he demanded, grabbing TRF and T-Sama-who had been sitting at the table generally moaning about hunger-with one hand and Bana with the other. The shredder went tumbling over and strawberry juice began to seep from it.

J'dee paled considerably, "Er…I need to go take this water outside!" she announced, hurriedly dashing away.

Yamcha glanced down at the sink, "Uh…J'dee you forgot to take the water with you!" but she was already out the door, "I wonder if she's feeling sick or something," pondered Yamcha.

"We don't know what happened to your wife!" cried T-Sama, "Honestly! Would I lie to you?!"

Vegeta glared, "I don't even begin to think of you 'fangirls' as trustworthy beings where my wife is concerned."

"Ouch," muttered TRF. No one was quite sure whether she was referring to Vegeta's grip on her arm or the insult he'd just delivered.

Suddenly, Quorky walked into the kitchen, a loud yawn escaping his lips, "Quorky!" yelled Bana, "Help me!"

Quorky walked up to Vegeta, took out a clipboard and a pencil, and put on reading glasses, "Excuse me, sir, but you are in violation of code 123 of the Author Protection-"

"I DON'T REALLY CARE!" Vegeta shouted, "Your little author here and her friends kidnapped my wife and-"

"YOU DID WHAT?!" yelled Quorky, giving Bana a smoldering look, "How could you kidnap Beauty and-"

"I DIDN'T DO IT! REALLY!" wailed Bana.

"LIAR!" shrieked Quorky.

S'rac walked in and raised an eyebrow, "Uh…I forgot…the one thing…I needed to do upstairs…" he said, slowly walking away towards the basement.

Yamcha walked up to the enraged Saiyan, "Come on now Vegeta. Maybe they didn't have anything to do with it. That Bladua guy looked pretty suspicious when he rose from the dead last night if you ask me."

Vegeta's arms shook as though he knew he should let go, but didn't want to, "Fine, human," he stuttered out finally, throwing all three girls into the strawberry juice, "but if I find out one incriminating fact about your involvement in this, there will be punishment," he saw the girls lick their lips, "NOT THAT KIND OF PUNISHMENT!" he roared, stalking away.

At that moment, DA walked in, "Hey guys, what did I miss?" she asked innocently.


"Alright, let's go over this again," announced Gohan loudly. The whole crew of Road Trip except Chi-Chi and Videl (who were allegedly 'preparing lunch' inside) was outside wearing ugly lime green jumpsuits provided by Juurokugo (no one knew where he got them, and no one wanted to ask either), "when I say go, you will take a bucket of soapy water and a mop and scrub the words off of the back of the van. Which way do you scrub again?" he asked, as though speaking to five-year-olds.

"Up and down," everyone grumbled in a bored voice; this was the thirteenth time Gohan had taken it upon himself to explain this abysmally simple task.

"Good," he said slowly.

"What will you be doing while we scrub?" asked Chipolata. Gohan was the only one without an ugly lime green jumpsuit.

Gohan sweatdropped, "Well…never you mind, young Chipolata," he said whilst feigning a smile.

"Hey! I'm 17! I demand to be treated like an adult!" she protested.

Alexandra blinked, "Nooo…he's 17," he said pointing to Juunana.

"But what I meant was…ergh! Never mind!" snapped Chipolata, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"Odd, huh Juunana?" whispered Alexandra.

Juunana rolled his eyes, "Not as odd as some other things I can think of," he muttered, giving her a pointed look.

"Really? Do you mean TRF? Yeah, she's a bit nutty at times, isn't she?" replied Alexandra naively.

Juunana sighed and got to work on the van. He decided to stand near Vegeta who was ranting to Quorky and anyone else who would listen about what he would do once he found evidence that four certain girls were responsible for the disappearance of Bulma. He saw J'dee listening and noticed that she was rather pale. He wondered if she was sick.

"What do we do if Vegeta figures out it was us?" asked T-Sama in a hushed whisper.

"What was that I heard from over there?" asked Vegeta in a loud voice.

"It was…I wonder if Velveeta would taste good to us?" DA supplied unsurely.

Quorky snarled, "Oh was it?!" he barked, looking at Bana with utmost suspicion.

"Woah, Quorky dude, chill! It wasn't us!" Bana pleaded to her muse. She let a tear or two slip from her eye, "I'm so hurt you'd even think that…after all we've been through…" she sniffled. Quorky's eyes softened (he must not have been aware that she had a cold!).

"O-ok…I'm sorry. I guess it was really unfair of me to just judge you like that…" he murmured guiltily.

"Damn straight it was!" shouted Bana, taking her mop and whacking Quorky.

"You little…" he grumbled.

Suddenly, Gohan blew a whistle, "Bananagirl! I'd expect a teenager to know better than that! Go sit under that tree and cogitate on your actions!"

Bana stared, "Eh…what does 'cogitate'-"

"IT MEANS 'THINK ABOUT'!" yelled Gohan, "Now get under that tree little missy!" he blew his whistle again. Then twice more for good measure.

"Stupid…asshole…Kaka-brat…" mumbled Bana indistinctly as she went to sit under a large oak tree.


"What have we been doing this whole chapter?" asked Kitami, "I mean, we Gohan fans haven't had one single line!"

"Yu-huh," RJ protested, "I had the first line of the chapter."

Kitami fumed, "But what about me?! I demand to see the author! I demand-"

The author's voice boomed from the sky, "I'm writing you in right now. Be grateful! I've become a bit rusty at this."

Kitami nodded, "So I see. Oh well, you're forgiven."

"Thank 'ee kindly."

"Don't mention it."


Goten looked up at the sky, "Hey author lady! Me an' Trunks an' Marron haven't had any lines either!"

"Oh shove it you whining brats, that got old two lines ago."

Thunder sporadically came down from the clear, sunny sky and hit the three offending children.


"Ugh, thank god we're done with that," muttered Reikon tiredly to Piccolo who was thinking that perhaps he had trained Gohan a bit *too* well. Lime green jumpers did not suit the Namekian. Not at all. He shuddered at the thought of them.

"Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?" Videl snapped as TRF took a sandwich from the counter and proceeded to bite into it.

"What does it look like?" sneered TRF.

"Since when did you get here anyway?" asked Kitami, voice laced with dislike. She'd been so close to winning Gohan's heart! So close! But now Videl was here…

Videl gave her a dirty look; Chi-Chi had told her all about the two trouble-making Gohan fans, "Since I decided my boyfriend needed a swift reprieve of you and your friend RJ as company! Get out, you authors-except S'rac-are eating in another room!"

S'rac smiled, but it quickly slipped off his face as the others gave him their most potent glares, "Well what can I say? It pays not to stalk your favorite character," he smiled pleasantly at Goku, who smiled back. Nobody noticed that he'd handcuffed Kuno to himself, which was the only reason the martial artist was standing so close to he and Goku.


"How can she just come marching in here and order us around?!" ranted J'dee, "It's not right! And I wasn't even really stalking Gohan! I also thought she was pretty cool character!"

"Until now you mean?" asked Chipolata.

"Basically," agreed J'dee.

"Let's cook up an overly exaggerated scheme to make her leave!" cried DA.

"Yeah!" everyone replied enthusiastically.

"How about we lock her with Bulma?" suggested TRF.

T-Sama shook her head, "Nah, it'll be too boring for the readers. We've been there, done that."

"True, true," said TRF nodding.

Alexandra looked around, "Where's Bana? She seems to come up with good ideas."


"Can someone let this fucking forcefield down by any chance?" shouted Bana from outside. It turned out that Gohan had put a forcefield around the large oak tree to prevent those he sent there from escaping.


"Uh…there she is…" said Reikon, pointing.

"Holy…I bet Gohan meant for that to happen!" accused Chipolata.

"My Gohan is a sweetie, he'd never do that!" snapped RJ.

"Oh yeah, he's so sweet that he had us doing menial labor out there whilst he shouted at us," retorted T-Sama sarcastically.

"Are you insulting him?!" growled Kitami in a deadly, low voice.

"Why yes, I believe I am," replied T-Sama curtly. Kitami let out a battle cry and lunged for the Vegeta fan as RJ went for Chipolata.

"I'm going to go check on Inuyasha. He's been oddly complacent this chapter and it's worrying me," announced DA walking into the kitchen.

J'dee glanced at TRF, Reikon, and Alexandra, "Let's go get her out of that forcefield," she said, rolling up her sleeves and taking out a toolbox.

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Heh, was that ok? I feel slightly awkward coming back to write something that I (regrettably) haven't updated since August. And to those Road Trip hopefuls, just keep reviewing and when I want new people to be in it, I'll send you an e-mail (so make sure to leave your addy) and ask if you're still interested.

Anywho, until the next update,