Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Z Fighters on Yahoo Messenger!!! ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: And the randomness still continues... or whatever you wanna call it :D

Warning: get ready for some awkwardness, lol!!!!

theprinceofthesaiyans: ugh... i bet no one's on today...

(i pwn vegeta has logged in)

theprinceofthesaiyans: ... what the fuck??

i pwn vegeta: hello vegeta... its sucks being you doesn't it??

theprinceofthesaiyans: you... you've got some nerve!!!

i pwn vegeta: what are you gonna do?!? go blonde and act like the whiny bitch that u are??

i pwn vegeta: I AM SO SCARED!!

(supertrunks has logged in)

supertrunks: uhh... hello??

i pwn vegeta: (evil grin and sinister laughter)

theprinceofthesaiyans: be scared for i will blast you into the next dimension!!!

(chichi has logged in)

chichi: ...

chichi: goku, why are you still online??

theprinceofthesaiyans: ...

theprinceofthesaiyans: !!!!!

theprinceofthesaiyans: kakarot...is that you??!!

i pwn vegeta: ...

i pwn vegeta: FEAR MY AUTHORI-TAH!!!!

(i pwn vegeta has logged off)

chichi: ugh, seriously... he's been online nearly all day. say hi to bulma for me, will yah?? thnx :D

(chichi has logged off)

(the princess of the saiyans has logged in)

the princess of the saiyans: oh hi vegeta... ur just the person i was looking for :D

theprinceofthesaiyans: onna??

the princess of the saiyans: (giggle) what are you wearing right now?? (giggle)

theprinceofthesaiyans: umm... the same thing i always wear...

the princess of the saiyans: u mean that sexy spandex u always wear that shows off that sexy ass of urs?? (giggle)

the princess of the saiyans: u sexy beast u!!! (giggle)

theprinceofthesaiyans: heh.

theprinceofthesaiyans: ...

theprinceofthesaiyans: ...what are you wearing right now... huh??? (smirk)

the princess of the saiyans: oh the usual....

the princess of the saiyans: remember that thing you got me at the victoria secret catalogue...??

theprinceofthesaiyans: ....

theprinceofthesaiyans: !!!!!!

theprinceofthesaiyans: (wide smirk)

supertrunks: uhh... what are you guys talking about...???

theprinceofthesaiyans: !!!!!!!!

theprinceofthesaiyans: x.x

(theprinceofthesaiyans has logged off)

supertrunks: umm... mom?? what's goin on??

the princess of the saiyans: NOTHING!!!!

(the princess of the saiyans has logged off)

supertrunks: adults... peh!!

(iluvramen&fish has signed in)

iluvramen&fish: hey trunks...

iluvramen&fish: is vegeta still there?? x.x

supertrunks: nah, he just logged off a couple of minutes ago

supertrunks: why??

iluvramen&fish: ehehehe... no reason... okay, gotta go!!!

(iluvramen&fish has logged off)

A/N: neh... short and random... review peeps :D