Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Things Aren't Always What They Appear To Be ❯ It's Alive! ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Things Aren't Always What They Appear To Be

        Chapter 11. It's Alive!

        It's been exactly 5 days since Vegeta drank the poison. Bulma had been working on the antidote day and night.

        "Hey, Bulma, we're about 6 hours away from the docking station I told you about. Should I tell them we're coming?" Kristy asked over the loud speaker.

        "IT'S FINISHED!" Bulma yelled, making Kristy's ears ring.


        "I'm done! I have the cure! Don't worry Veggie Sweetie your going to be just fine." Bulma ran out of the room to Vegeta's room. Kristy still a little dazed from the yelling figured her Prince and sensei was going to live.


        "Veggie Sweetie I did it. I have the cure." Bulma said as she walked into Vegeta's room. "Veggie? Vegeta? Vegeta?! Oh kami Vegeta!" Bulma ran to Vegeta and felt for a pulse. "He's still alive! Barely, but alive. Oh I hope I'm not too late." Bulma poured a slimy, black, foul smelling, liquid substance on Vegeta's lips; only about half the bottle actually got in his mouth. Bulma waited but nothing happened.

        "Vegeta, no I'm too late!" Bulma fell on Vegeta and cried into his lifeless chest. "If only I had gotten here sooner." Bulma sobbed. "This should have never happened. It's all my fault. I should have put the bottle in a better place. I should have never even made it. Oh, Vegeta, please don't leave me. Your people need you! Leash needs you! I need you..." She said slowly and in a whisper. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault . . ." She trailed off and then whispered in his ear. "I love you."

        The room went silent. All that was heard was Bulma's sobs. Suddenly she felt something surround her, a strong embrace. "It's alright Little One I'm here."

        "Vegeta?" Bulma whispered and then looked up. Vegeta!" Bulma hugged him tight and cried.

        "Woman, why are you still crying?" Vegeta said trying to sound as cold as possible, which wasn't working.

        "I'm just so happy you're alive. I don't know what I would ever do without you." Bulma said looking into Vegeta's dark ebony eyes.

        "You know I heard all that damn mushy stuff you were saying." Bulma blinked at him. "Do . . . do you really care that much about me as to care if I live or die?"

        "Yes, Vegeta, I love you." Bulma then kissed Vegeta passionately.

        3 months passed and they were back on Vegetasei. And who do you suppose was the first person to great them? Why Leash of course.

        "Veggie-chan! " Leash screamed and ran to Vegeta. She hugged him but quickly let go. "I'm sorry. I just had this horrible feeling something bad happened to you."

        "Nothing can hurt the Saiyan no Ouji, remember Angel."

        "Mou, yeah right." Kristy said under her breath and rolled her eyes.

        "What was that?"

        "Ah nothing." Kristy said with a nervous laugh.

        "So, Bulma-chan, what happened on the trip? Did anything exciting happen: anything regarding you and Veggie-chan?"

        "Alicia Joy! What they do is none or our business. So . . ."Steffany, the dark brown haired teen said turning to Bulma. "Did you get any action?" Bulma just stared at her. Vegeta became very annoyed with the girls questions. It was no one's business whether they were intimate or not but Bulma's and his. Although secretly he wanted to tell the whole universe how goodhis `Little One' was in bed.

        "Hey Bulma-chan guess what happened to Mrs. Ch chi while you were gone."

        "What happened? Is she ok?" Bulma asked concerned.

        "Mrs. Chi chi had a baby."

        "SHE WHAT?!"

        "She had a baby. His name is Goten and he's so cute." Leash gushed.

        "I'll have to go see her pretty soon." Bulma smiled.

        "Steffany, Angel, that's enough! You've tortured Bulma and Vegeta long enough. Come inside you still have work to do." John, Alicia's father called.

        "Bye Veggie-chan, bye Bulma. See you later." Leash yelled as she ran to catch up with her cousin.

        "Annoying little brat, isn't she?" Vegeta stated bluntly.

        "Yeah but I wouldn't have her any other way, as you." Bulma said. She kissed Vegeta on the cheek and they walked inside arm in arm.