Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Totally Spies ❯ Flirting Time ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Totally Spies

Let me tell you more about our spies:

Bulma-17 years old, leader, the most flirtatious and a genius.
18-17 years old, acts tomboyish but flirts sometimes, the tough girl
Chichi-17 years old, clueless, flirt

Chapter 2


Monday (Next Day):

Conversation on the cell phone between Bulma, Chichi and 18 on a three way :

"I can't believe this." Bulma said as she talked on her cell phone while she walked to school. (A/N: She can drive! She's old enough to drive. Beside's how's she gonna meet V- oops I'm saying to much! )

"I know me too!" Chichi said. " It's like one big dream! Somebody pinch me!" she said the last sentence rather wildly.

"I know! Could you believe it? One month without a mission, not a single phone call or being sucked down the head quarters." she said as the three girls laughed. (A/N: You know what I mean if you watched the T.V. show.)

"You guys, we should take a week break from school. What d-" she stopped talking in mid sentenced and stopped walking as she stared at the other side of the street. There she saw the most good looking guy she had ever seen (A/N: Okay, I'm over reacting just a bit). This guy had spiked hair and was wearing a black leather vest jacket that looked like it's sleeves were torn. A red shirt, it's sleeves were torn out too. And black baggy pants.(A/N: Have you seen Vegeta's hair and what he was wearing on DBGT? Well that's what I'm talking about) He was crossing the street over to where she was standing. Bulma kept looking at him, her jaws open. While he was walking his eyes were starring at a folder he was carrying, and Bulma could tell he was frowning. 'What a hottie.' she thought as she continued looking at him. But her thoughts were snapped back to reality when she heard both her best friends shout at her over the phone.

"B! Are you still there?"

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." she said as she looked away from the 'cute' guy.


"Yo Vegeta!" a guy who has black hair that sticks out in different directions called to his friend.

"What Kakarott?" Vegeta asked as he finally caught up with him. "You're not suppose to be here."

"Yeah, I know. But you forgot these." he said as he handed him a white folder.

"What's this?" he asked as he took the folder from him.

"Your papers to the new school you going to. Anyways I gotta go. Don't wanna be late at my school!" he said as he ran to the other direction from where he came. Vegeta opened the folder and looked at it. He looked up and realized that the walk signal was on, so he crossed the street while reading the papers on his folder. He finally got bored and put the folder under his arm as he looked up he froze and stopped walking. There he saw a blue haired angel her hair was freely flowing down her shoulders to her waist, she was wearing blue denim skirt and a pink tank top, her belly button pierce glowing at her every move as she talked with somebody on her phone. He was snapped back to reality when cars started honking.

"Get out of the way!" one guy yelled at him. Vegeta started walking again.


Bulma said her good byes on the other line and put her phone away. She looked back at the 'cute' guy that caught her eyes. When she found him she started giggling when cars started honking at him. He sudddenly started to jog his way over to her.

"What do you find so funny?" he asked her with a smirk

"Oh, nothing." she said as both of them waited for the walk signal. "So,..." she said after a moment of silence "Do you go to Summersville High?" she asked him as she turned her head to look at him.

"Yeah. New there. Why, do you go there?" he asked her, he saw her looking at him in a flirtatious way. 'Damn, why the hell did I get so soft all of a sudden' he asked himself

"Yeah. Umm,...so what's your name?" she asked him. 'Why the hell am I acting so nervous around this guy? This is the very first time I acted like I don't know what to say to him. Jeez! I really need a break!'

"That woman, is none of your concern." he said, finally getting back to his old attitude. "Well since you're a slut in the school, I guess it wouldn't hurt. The name's Vegeta." he said as he smirked at her frowning face. Bulma burned bright red, anger filling her eyes. 'Wow! She's more beautiful when she's angry.' he thought as he continually stare at her fiery blue eyes

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me, SLUT!"

"AUGHH! YOU IMBECILE, SON OF A BITCH." Bulma screamed at him as he slapped his face. She walked away from him when the walk signal went off. Vegeta stared at her retreating form. 'Damn! She losses her temper so fast! And nobody has ever done that to me. She's perfect' he thought as he continued to stare at her. He was about to go after her, when the 'don't walk' signal went off.

"Fuck! I'm gonna be late." he said as he slapped his forehead. "Damn her! She's gonna pay for this."

"B-chan!" Chichi called after her blue haired friend.

"Oh hey Chi!" Bulma said as her friend reach her. Chichi was wearing navy blue bell bottom pants, and a plain white fit t-shirt

"What's up why looking so glum?"

"Oh Nothing!"

"B, I know if something's wrong with you. I've known you since forever." she said

"Oh alright!" Bulma told her everything that happen that very morning when she bumped into Vegeta.

~*~*After the Explanation*~*~

"Really! So he's new and cute?"


"And you didn't FLIRT wit' him?"

"No! That's the weird part. I always 'flirt' with cute guys and always know what to say. But when I was with him. It's like I'm frozen. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to act, I ,..." she was cut mid sentence when Chichi screamed

"OH . MY. GOD. B-chan!"


"You're in love ." she said dreamily. Bulma's jaw dropped.

"W-what?" she asked stuttering. Couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Me? In love?" she asked in a near whisper.

"Yes." Chichi said calmly but excitedly

"NO way!" Bulma said as she walked away

"Yes! Bulma wait!" Chichi said as she followed her.

The two girls went inside their first period class where 18 was already sitting on the very last seat waiting for them. 18 was wearing a yellow strapless tank top and white short shorts.

"Hey 18!" Bulma said as she sat down next to her.

"Hey B! Hey Chi!" 18 said as she watched Chichi sat in front of her. "What's up?"

"Oh, Bulma's in love." Chichi said as it was old news.

Bulma's jaw dropped and gave Chichi a death glare.

"Oh My God, really?"

"No." "Yes." Bulma and Chichi said at the same time. 18 looked at the both of them

"Okay, inform me please." 18 told Chichi.

After Chichi explained everything. 18 stared at Bulma shocked.

"Oh m- "18 said but was cut of mid sentence when Bulma placed her hands in front of her face.

"Please don't! I am NOT in love." she said as she slumped down her chair.

"Alright explain." Chichi said

"Okay, where do I start. Oh yeah! He's an arrogant son of a bitch, a prick, a complete total jerk and, ...and,..." she said as she started to calm down.

"And?" 18 and Chichi both asked as they leaned closer to Bulma. Bulma dropped her head on her desk and started to whine.

"And has totally hot body with a really cute face." she said finally. Chichi and 18 squealed with happiness as they watch their friend. Bulma raised her head her face red with embarrassment. The two girls were about to ask her another question when their first period teacher enter the room.

"Alright class please take out your books. And please pass your home work from last week. Thank you." when she was collecting the home work , somebody barged into the room.

"Yes may I help you?" the teacher said.

"I'm new." he said

Bulma stopped doing her work when she recognized the voice. 'Oh my god' she thought panicking. 'Oh please no, don't let it be him.' she thought as she carefully raised her head. She gasped when she saw him. 'No' she groaned. 'Why me.' she thought as she rested her head on her palm. All of the students raised their head to see the new student. Girls squealed in delight as they saw the 'handsome' student. He smirked as he heard the girls squealed and talk about him. 'Whore's' he thought as he watch the teacher walked over him.

"And what's your name young man."

"It's Vegeta."


"Oh my god" 18 said as she saw the new student entered the room. "He is soo cute." Bulma rolled her eyes and paid no mind to the squirming girls in the room.

"He is sooo perfect." Chichi added. 18 nodded in agreement. "Don't you think Bulma?" Chichi asked her Blue haired friend.

"Yeah! Whatever!" she humphed and continued her work. 18 and Chichi faced her with shocked faces.

"Am I hearing what I'm hearing?" 18 asked.

"I think I need an ear check up." Chichi said saracastically

"Ha, ha! Very funny." Bulma said as she slumped down. "Remember the totally hot guy I met this morning." Bulma asked sarcastically. 18 and Chichi gasped.

"That's him?" they both asked the same time. Bulma nodded.

"Men! Bulma!" 18 whined

"Yeah! He's hella cute!" Chichi said

"Wait till you get to know him." Bulma said glumly.

"Like, whatever Bulma, he's cute." 18 said.

"Whatever." was all Bulma said


"Well Mr. Ouji "the teacher said as she read his schedule. "Please take a seat."

Vegeta went to the very back of the class and sat two seats away from Bulma. He noticed her and smirked at her, girls glared at jealousy at her. Bulma scowled at him.

"Bulma, your sooo lucky!" Chichi said. Bulma rolled her eyes

"Chichi, whatever, okay, I am not interested in him!" Bulma almost shouted.

"Shhh,...B-chan. Calm down." Chichi said as she faced the front of the class room. Bulma sighed and looked at the person who was sitting two seats away from her. She blushed when she saw him looked at her and smirked. She quickly turned away and blushed.

"Alright class! I am going home early cause my son is seriously sick." she said as she write down the home work and the other school work they needed to do. "A sub will be coming here in a few minutes." she said as she picked up her suit case and stormed out of the room.

When she was out of the room. Bulma stood up followed by Chichi and they both walked in front of the room. Vegeta watched her carefully. 'What the hell are they doing?' he thought as he saw Chichi left Bulma's side and went to the door peeking out the hall every once in while. Bulma on the other hand was erasing everything the teacher wrote on the board. After doing so Bulma turned around to face the whole class.

"What do we say?" Bulma asked the whole class.

"Teacher gave us free time." they all said in unison and laughed except for Vegeta, since he doesn't know what was going on in the first place. But when Bulma started to write: 'FREE TIME' on the board he finally got it.

"Bulma! Somebody's coming." Chichi said as she quickly ran to her seat. Bulma did the same.

A teacher who was about 35 entered the room. He was wearing a faded light blue plain polo shirt that was tucked in his gray flooded pants. The girl's tried suppressed a giggle on their teacher's clothes.

"Okay class." he said as he looked at the board. "Okay! Then I guess you guy's have free time he said. "But there are certain rules that you must follow.: You can do anything, but don't be too loud, no fighting, and no making out." when he said that students started to groaned. "That's not fair mister." a student named Yamucha said as he turned around and winked at Bulma. Bulma scowled at him. These actions didn't go unnoticed by Vegeta. Jealously started to get over him as he gripped his knuckles tight. "Alright! Free time." when he said that, students started to get up and started going around the room. The boys started to gather round and started playing arm wrestling. Girls walked their way to Vegeta and surrounded him. They started flirting with him. 'Slut's' he thought as he smirked.

Bulma looked at the group that surrounded Vegeta. She didn't know what's going on but she feel jealous watching girls practically throw themselves at him. 'Whore's' she thought as she bend down to her back pack and took out her CD player. When she sat up straight she saw that Chichi and 18 had left her. She looked around and saw them talking to Vegeta. 'Aurghh! Traitors.' she thought as she placed her Nelly CD on her CD player. She was putting on her head phones when she felt somebody put it's arm's around her. She felt somebody brushed her ears.

"Hiya, Babe." she heard him say. 'Oh god anybody but him' she thought as she sighed heavily. Loud enough for him to hear.

"Yamucha, what do you want."

"Why do you ask questions, you already know the answers to?" he asked her.

"You know, you seriously need to get a life." she told him and shooed him away. Yamucha stood up, sighed and dejectedly walked away and walked to the group who were cheering at the arm wrestlers.

Vegeta saw everything that happened. He wasn't actually listening to the girls that were surrounding him. He was busy watching his Blue-Haired Beauty.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

A/n: Well that's chapter 2. Gotta go! Please send a review. I'd appreciate that. Thank You!
