Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Training Days ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Hey, this takes place during the period of time during which Gohan is giving Videl flying lessons. You know how the episodes kinda jump from her beginning to fly and then suddenly the Tenkaichi Budoukai. This is just what one day might have been like.

Disclaimer: You don't have a box!!

Training Days

A Small interlude

By Frostbite

"Come on Gohan lets race!"

Videl took off towards the sky, not waiting for an answer. She didn't need one, because seconds later there was someone beside her. She looked over and smiled.

"and this time I'm gonna win!"

"If you say so Videl"

She grinned and accelerated. Videl was over at Gohan's house again during one of their daily flying lessons. Goten was somewhere in the area entertaining himself by finding as many creatures as he could. Every once in a while he would come flying back into view, as if to see if Videl was gone yet. He always seemed to slow down as he approached them, and Videl suspected that Gohan had told him to do that, but she didn't say anything. Maybe he wanted to get rid of her, which kind of made her mad. But she had to admit it, she had made quite a bit of progress, and as Gohan said, all she needed now was to practice at home. So why hadn't she taken off yet? Why was she still hanging around? To be honest, it was fun! She could hang around without having to worry about criminals, or her father and his paranoia of her with boys. But soon she wouldn't be able to use her lessons as an excuse; she was getting so good. Of course she knew she was nowhere near as good as Gohan. So then why race him? Because it was fun, and because she could. And though she knew she couldn't win it was still fun to try. Besides the real challenge was forcing him to accelerate in order to win. That was the real thrill, that and just hanging out with Gohan. She was starting to really enjoy spending time with him. He was really fun, and though he was kind of goofy, he could be funny at times.

She looked over at him again, noticing that he was focusing on something else. She looked towards the center of his attention to see a little orange gi down below. Must be Goten, she thought.

"Let's go see what Goten is up to, ok?" suggested Gohan.


And down they went. They landed on the other side of the river, opposite Goten's gi, which was currently uninhabited.

"Where is he?" asked Videl looking around.

"I have a pretty good idea"


Suddenly she could hear splashing coming from around the bend. Gohan began walking towards it, and she followed not far behind. As they went around the bend Goten came into view. He was currently chasing a fish through the water, in his boxers. When he heard them approaching he abandoned the fish (there would always be more) to come over to them.

"Hey guys, it got really hot, so I decided to come swimming," he turned to Gohan, "hey big brother wanna join me?"

Gohan almost said yes, but then remembered Videl just in time.

"No thanks, but you go ahead"

The little demi-saiyajin turned to Videl, "Videl do you wanna come?"

"Oh no that's ok"

So they went to sit under a tree and watch Goten splash around. Watching him Gohan became jealous, if only Videl weren't here, then he would be swimming for sure. He sighed, it was so hot!

"If you want to go you can you know"

Gohan looked over at Videl in surprise, how had she known?

"It's pretty evident on your face Gohan" she said, answering his question before he could ask it.


"Oh, go on, I won't mind, in fact I might even join you."

"I can't," he explained, "My clothes, mom would kill me if I got my clothes wet."

He had had to run some errands before Videl's arrival that morning and so he was wearing normal clothing instead of his usual training gi.

"Oh" It was Videl's turn to look longingly at the water.

"But hey you can go" offered Gohan.

"Hmm, maybe I will"

Goten swam back over to where they were.

"Come on Gohan, please!" he said hopefully

"Sorry kid, I'd love to but you know mom, she'd kill me if I got these clothes wet."

"Well why don't you do what you normally do?"

"What do you normally do?" interrupted Videl

"Uhh, well you see…"

"He does like me" Replied Goten, pointing to his boxers.


There was a short uncomfortable silence, safe for the noise made by Goten.

But then the heat got the better of Videl, who didn't really care about her clothes, for she millions of 'em, and could buy more at whim, and she decided to go for a swim. Slipping of her socks and shoes, and her white T-shirt off, she jumped in. The water was so refreshing and was completely worth it. She paused a moment underwater, before coming back up to the surface.

"The water's wonderful" she told Gohan, which made him frown.

Should he go in? Or was it rude to go swimming in your boxers in public. Well he used to when Krillin was around, or Yamucha, or any other of the z fighters. But then again they were close family friends. Videl was not, and she was also a girl, where as Krillin and Yamucha…were not.

"Hey Videl, I bet you can't catch me" he could hear Goten yell from somewhere down the river.

"That's what you think!"

Awww, It sounded like they were having fun. He wished he could join them. Would his mother really be that mad? He suddenly had a vision of Chichi. "Wahhh, I try so hard to raise you boys right all by myself, and you have to go and ruin perfectly good clothes. Where did I go wrong?!"

He shuddered involuntarily. No, it wasn't worth the risk. But it was so hot. Bah, he was a Saiyajin, and Saiyajins could take environments four times as hot.

But it looked like so much fun! Yes, but he could go swimming anytime he wanted. But not with Videl. So? Well it would be nice to go swimming with Videl. He paused at that thought. Was he arguing with himself? Maybe, probably, yes. Oh well, he'd seen crazier.

"Think fast Gohan!" was the only warning he got as he was splashed with water. Luckily, or not so luckily depending on the perspective, his quick reflexes allowed him to dodge the water attack. It was followed by a second and a third at a phenomenal rate.

"Goten what are you doing!!??!!!?!" Yelled Gohan as he dodged the ever-coming attacks.

"Playing" Goten replied happily.

"Well stop it!"

"Not until you come play with me!!!!"

"No!" Gohan was not going to be pushed around. Besides, he was getting more confident as it was easy to dodge the attacks.

"Freeze!" yelled someone from behind him.

"I have a bucket of water and I'm not afraid to use it" Videl told him. She actually didn't, but Gohan didn't know that.

Gohan immediately spun around "No you don't, you wouldn't have had the time to go get one!"

"Damn brainiac!" she curse, all the while smiling inwardly. He was playing right into their hands.

Gohan grinned in a manner that could be called cocky, but because this is Gohan, we won't.

She smiled back in what could be called a flirtatious manner, and would have been by most of the population, but it went unnoticed by a certain demi-saiyajin, who instead became suspicious.

And then he knew, just before it happened, but it was too late. He was standing too close the water, Goten could still splash him. He dodged, so that only some of the water got him, the rest landing on Videl.

"AAAAHHHH!" he yelled looking down at his jacket sleeve. It was soaking wet!

Videl just stood there laughing. She didn't care about being splashed, because she was already wet. This was just too funny!

"Goten, that's it I'm gonna get you!!" He ran towards the water about to jump in, when he remembered that the rest of his clothes weren't wet yet.

"in a second that is!"

He leapt up on to the rock, carefully putting down his jacket so that it could dry in the sun. He struggled momentarily with his shoes but finally got them off along with his sock, and pants. And soon there was naught but the boxers.

"OK Goten, prepare to meet your doom!" Exclaimed Gohan, then turning to Videl "Sorry you have to see this" he said, referring to the violence he was about to inflict upon Goten.

"I'm not…" she replied, grinning ferociously.

"…" Gohan suddenly felt very stupid standing there in patterned shorts, discussing his brother's doom.

"Hey Gohan, " yelled Goten, feeling he had been neglected for quite long enough, "stop making kissy faces at Videl and come get me!"

Gohan turned a bright shade of red, and began waving his hands around franticly. " What are you talking about Goten??!! Ehehehehehehe, you're so stupid!!!"

He dove into the water, and chased his brother along the river. When they disappeared from view, Videl sighed. Boy was that ever strange, she thought, stepping back into the water. She swam around for awhile awaiting the boys' return. Just as she was beginning to wonder if they were ever coming back something swooped down beside her from out of the sky. She looked up in time to see Goten become a point on the horizon. Seconds later there was a swoosh in the air beside her, and then Gohan was a point on the horizon too. She could hear them long after they had disappeared from view.

They zoomed around above her for awhile when suddenly there was a large flash of light. And apparently something had happened.

"Hey what's the big idea!" exclaimed Goten indignantly.

"Revenge!" replied Gohan gleefully, with what could be called an evil glint in his eye, but once again, because this is Gohan, we will pretend it wasn't there. He put his hands together and started saying something, but Videl couldn't quite make out what.

Goten apparently could, for he started to panic. "Hey I thought you said no Ki attacks while she was here!"

The blue light that had been gathering in Gohan's hands began to dissipate. "Oh yeah," he admitted reluctantly. Then suddenly his Ki flared again.

"Oh well! Me Haaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!"

And blue light burst forth, hitting Goten square in the chest, sending him flying. Now just so you don't think Gohan is horrible, you must know the Kamehameha was a relatively small one, and certainly nothing Goten couldn't handle.

Gohan laughed as he slowly descended to earth, landing softly on the ground not far from where Videl stood. He stood there momentarily, looking quite pleased with himself. Then he remembered Videl, and what she had just witnessed. He looked over to see how she had reacted to the blast with an anxious expression. She seamed to be perfectly fine with it, or otherwise in shock. He decided that he might as well move on, before she had time to recover and react.

"So," he said in a tone as casual as he could muster, "shall we get on with the lessons?"

She looked over at him with a dazed expression, blinked four times, and then launched into a long rant, which Gohan had a hard time understanding. The gist of it was basically: she demanded to be taught whatever it was he had done, and how dare he not teach her that from the start, and he was holding out on her…blablablablabla. When she had finished, she looked at him expectantly, preparing for a refusal, at which point she would remind him of the knowledge she possessed. So she was certainly surprised when he simply grinned and said, "Ok".

He paused, as if waiting for a reaction, and when he got none (she was still in shock) he continued. "but I won't be able to teach it to you until after the tournament."

This brought Videl right out of her shock. "Why not?!?" she demanded.

"Because it takes a long time to learn" Actually she could already focus Ki, but controlling and using it would take awhile to learn.

"I'm a fast learner"

"We wouldn't have enough time" she was a human after all.

"How long did it take you?"

Gohan briefly considered lying. How on earth could he go about explaining that he had been born with the ability, a simple defense mechanism?

"Ummm, well…"

"I knew it!" She said, taping him on the chest (which was still devoid of shirt) with her finger in an accusatory manner.

Gohan decided the best thing to do at this time was to escape. He had the speed, he simply needed to distract her for a split second.

"Hey look it's Saiyaman!" he exclaimed as if surprised, pointing over her shoulder.

And she looked. Now if Videl had been thinking straight she would have realized that in fact Saiyaman was standing right in front of her. But she wasn't, and so she looked. It was when she found no one there that she realized what had just happened, but by then it was to late, Gohan had sped of into the sky.

"Come back here" she yelled, launching herself after him.

"Make me!" he yelled back.

She grinned at the challenge and sped up. And so the race began again.


Goten yelped as he fell out of the tree, scaring away the small rodent he had been trying to catch. "Darn," he said aloud as he stood up, dusting himself off.

He was becoming quite frustrated. Not because of his hunting failure, but because of a certain black haired girl, who insisted on taking up most of his brothers training time. He didn't know why Gohan didn't just tell her to go away. His brother had promised him they would train, but they would never get anything done with Videl around.

Not that Goten didn't like Videl, he thought she was just fine. In fact he wouldn't mind it so much if she became his sister in law. Which according to his mother was a done deal, and his mother was generally right. But why did it have to happen right now?!? Last time he had talked to Trunks he had learned that Vegeta was now giving him special training for the tournament. Goten felt that it was necessary that he too be trained for the tournament, in order to have any sort of chance.

He could sense where Gohan and Videl were currently training. It seemed they would be awhile longer. He was very bored, and decided that he would go see Trunks. He didn't even have to call Nimbus, he could just fly on over. He turned to go, when his stomach growled loudly and he remembered it was almost time for lunch. Oh well, he could go afterwards. He flew down to see Gohan, hoping his brother was as hungry as he was.

He landed in time to hear his brother tell Videl it was time for lunch. He grinned, his timing seemingly perfect.

"I sure am starving." he said, announcing his presence as he approached them. "Can't wait to see what mom's made."

"Yeah" agreed Gohan.

The three took to the sky together, heading for the Son house.

(just a small note, by now, Gohan has all his clothes on again, ok)


Chichi sighed and looked out the window of the kitchen, watching for her boys. She had just finished making lunch and had decided they would eat outside today. She looked towards the horizon once more, before she began transporting every thing outside.

Oh dear, she thought, if they're late, lunch will be cold.

Just as she had gotten the last of the dishes outside, she could hear laughing on the horizon.

"Cut that out Goten"

"Then what happened Goten?"

"Videl!! You're not helping!"

Goten was confused by his brother's reaction, he had only being telling the story of how Gohan had once wet the bed "What's wrong with me telling that story, I think it's funny, don't you Videl."

"Shut up Goten"

"Hey, that's not nice big bro"

"Goten do you happen to know where you're mother keeps the Baby pictures" Videl grinned mischievously

"Sure, why?"


"Wow Gohan you sure are easy to tease."

Goten landed first, coming right to the table in a swoop. "Hey mom, smells great," he said sitting himself down.

Gohan landed next with Videl right behind him, they were obviously having some kind of disagreement.

"Videl don't you already have enough on me, you don't need anymore blackmail material."

"I can never have enough, one must be prepared. Besides, I plan to keep you under my control for the rest of your life!" Videl exclaimed, trying to keep a straight face, as she sat down across from Goten.

Gohan groaned, sitting down beside Videl.

"Oh you two are just so cute together" cooed Chichi, taking her place between Goten and Videl and the head of the table.

Gohan sputtered, blushed, mumbled, and did every other possible thing to demonstrate his embarrassment. Videl just smiled and said "Well thank you Chichi"

She had long ago stopped being embarrassed by Chichi's comments, and had decided to take them as compliments. Chichi thought the world of her son, and the fact that she had decided Videl was good enough for him, was kinda a compliment. Besides, chichi just said that because she thought she was helping, and probably would have said it to any other girl she found suitable. And she was used to dealing with wacky people, and Chichi, along with the whole Son family, was no exception.

But of course, Gohan denied it vehemously and always blushed twice as much when Videl didn't. Something she got a kick out of because, as she was discovering, it was great fun to embarrass Gohan.

Chichi continued to talk, babbling about a wedding or something. Videl didn't really listen, just occasionally nodded in response, and smiled. But whenever Chichi got that far away look of her's Videl paid close attention, because it meant she was reminiscing. Sometimes she would talk of when Gohan was young, which was always entertaining, or of when she was young, or any of the other stages of her life. But what Videl liked to listen to the most was when Chichi talked about Gohan's father, Son Goku. She would smile, and her whole face would light up, only to fall when she remembered he was gone. There was something comforting in hearing the older woman speak with so much assurance in her voice, but at the same time it made Videl angry. Chichi had been very much in love with this Goku, and was obviously still very much in love with him. So why had he left her, what kind of heartless bastard was he? Videl decided he was a scumbag, drawing a picture very different from reality, very different from the Son Goku that really was. He had probably cheated on her, she decided, and then abandoned them, his family, probably for some young pretty brainless thing.

Of course she was biased, not that she would admit it, because that was exactly what her mother had done, when Videl had been seven. At the time she had felt it was her fault, and wondered if maybe Gohan had felt the same way. When he had mentioned it one day, how he was happy his father was coming back, she had asked him when he had left. Gohan had sighed, looking wistful, and ad told her it had been about seven years. In an attempt to comfort him, she had said

"You know it's not your fault he left."

Gohan had sighed, and giving her a sad look, had said, "that's what they tell me"

Gohan had always felt guilty for his father's death, for his mother's tears, and the fact that his brother had grown up with out ever knowing his father. He had let his father die; he had stood there and let it happen, while he had done nothing to stop it. It was all his fault! If only he had finished off Cell quickly, instead of dragging it out. He had been foolish and proud, and his father had paid the price.

Videl could see that he really did blame himself. She had a sudden impulse to hug him, to make it all better.

"It really wasn't your fault Gohan, you have to believe that." She urged

"Ok Videl" He said, not really accepting it. Why would Videl telling something make it anymore true? Besides she didn't even know the situation. He was momentarily annoyed with her, and wished she would just leave it alone, what business was it of hers. But then he saw the worried look on her face, and the annoyance melted. She was just worried about him, and didn't really understand the situation. He smiled at her, to make her think it was ok, pretending for her sake, something else he had gotten used to doing. Protecting others from his pain. He changed the subject, hoping she would drop, and she did.

Gohan didn't like talking about it anymore, he just wanted to leave it alone, pretend it hadn't happened, but try as he might he couldn't escape it. When he had come home that day, after defeating Cell, he hadn't told his mother what had happened. He had wanted to, and felt that he would deserve whatever happened, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was afraid she would stop loving him, and though he would deserve it, in his mind, he just couldn't bare the thought. But Chichi had known, for she had been watching it all through Baba's crystal ball, and she knew how Gohan felt. She tried to comfort him as best she could without bringing it up. She never once blamed him. She was used to the life she had, where anyone she loved was bound to leave her sooner or later. Life wasn't fair, Chichi had determined long ago, and it never would be. Sometimes she would wish she had never met Goku, had never been so happy, because then it wouldn't hurt so much when life took it away. But she had, and it did, and she would go on, the only stable thing in the world it seemed.

Videl wanted to hate Son Goku, a man she had never met, but it was hard, what with the way his family talked about him. Chichi, who she had developed a certain respect for, loved him, which must mean he had redeeming qualities. And Gohan still looked up to him, despite his absence. Sometimes it seemed to her as if Son Goku had died, and not gone away. But then he wouldn't be coming back. But maybe to them he had, and as long as they felt that way, she would try to keep an open mind. She would get her opportunity to meet him at the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai. Something she couldn't forget, because both Chichi and Gohan went on and on about it. The only one who didn't seem completely thrilled by it was Goten, who was nervous about meeting his father, a man who apparently looked just like him. Over the course of his so far short life, Goten had gotten used to the comments about his resemblance to his father. He had almost started to respond to the name Goku, as so many people would call him that accidentally. Every one expected Goten to be just like Goku, to grow up to be like him, and were always quite surprised to find he was a different person, with his own personality. It was hard for Goten, being born with a built in identity crisis, but he had gotten used to it. That's why he liked Videl, or anyone new, they couldn't compare him to his father. Not that being compared to his father was a bad thing, his father was a hero and had done many great things, but Goten didn't like the pressure it put on him, cause he never seemed to measure up to his Dad. Only around certain people could he really feel like himself, and not just some cheap copy of the better original.

As Chichi babbled, and Videl contemplated, the boys ate in total silence. Well if you could call what they did eating. Every once in a while Chichi would notice this and yell some thing like: "Goten how many times must I tell you, STOP USING YOUR HANDS!!", or "Gohan slow down, it's not going to vanish off your plate." Which wasn't quite true, because at the rate they were eating it seemed to be vanishing. Of course the boys would always obey, and Goten would stop using his hands as a scoop and go back to using his chopsticks, and Gohan would slow down, but soon they would go back to the way they had been.

Suddenly Goten broke the silence, well it hadn't quite been silence considering Chichi's muttering and Gohan's denials, but that was relatively quite considering the family.

"After lunch I'm gonna head over to Trunks' Ok?"

"Oh sure dear," responded Chichi, "and say hello to Bulma for me.


"But Goten, what about our training?' Asked Gohan

"Well aren't you still busy teaching her how to fly." He said pointing at Videl.

"Hey I know how to fly," said Videl, acting defensive.

"Then why are you still here?" asked Goten, sounding confused.

"Goten, don't be rude," scolded Chichi.

"But I wasn't." Exclaimed Goten, totally innocent.

"Well…I..." stuttered Videl, trying to answer Goten's question, not really having an excuse.

"I'm just teaching her some techniques" Explained Gohan.

"Alight then, when you're done teaching her techniques, you can come on over to capsule corp. and we can train there. Hey maybe we can even use the gravity room. Or maybe Vegeta will let you spar with him!" Exclaimed Goten excitedly.

"Oh Yay" sighed Gohan, not as overjoyed at the prospect of a spar with the prince of Saiyajins.

"Huh?" this was Videl, who was a little confused. "What's a gravity room?"

"Oh, that's something they have over at Trunks' house, it's a room where the gravity is increased." Explained Goten.


"Yeah, it's really cool, Trunk's Grandpa built it. He's a genius, along with Trunks mom, Bulma." Responded Goten excitedly, then on a thought he turned to face Gohan. "Hey Gohan, if you're gonna be a genius like mom said, then are you gonna build us a gravity room?"

"No Goten, sorry."


"Wait a sec, back up back up, did you say Capsule Corp.?"

"Yeah," responded Goten as if it were nothing of importance.

"Trunks' Grandpa's wouldn't happen to be Dr. briefs would he?"

"Wow, how did you know that? Do you know him? What about Bulma?"

"Of course I know them, they're well know inventors, capsule corp. is internationally know."

"Wow, I didn't know they had so many friend" said Goten thoughtfully, not actually knowing what internationally meant.

"Gohan you know The Briefs?"

"Uh, well yeah."

"You are just full of surprises!"

Gohan just laughed, she didn't know the half of it. By now lunch was done, and Gohan didn't really want to talk about Bulma anymore, lest Chichi or Goten slipped anymore info. He stood up and headed for the house.

"Where are you going?" asked Videl

"I'm gonna go get changed, I'll be back in a moment."

And sure enough a moment later he reappeared in his usual blue gi.

"So, shall we get back to work," he said

"Uh sure" she said, standing up

"Thanks for the meal mom!"

"Thank you for the delicious meal Mrs. Son"

"You're welcome, have fun," she said waving them off, "But not too much fun," she added on a second note, "I expect you to be married first."

And with that she turned back and began to clean up.

This comment actually got to Videl, who turned so many shades of red, that she invented a few new ones. Gohan, well lets just say it wasn't pretty. He looked as though he was having a seizure, and he cast his eyes about helplessly as if looking for a cliff to throw himself off of. He tried to say something, but produced no sound but, "Moooooooooooooommmmmmmmm!!!!!!"

"Oh, what dear," she said turning back around, "did I embarrass you?"

At this Gohan nearly collapsed. What kind of question was that?!?

"Lets go Gohan" said Videl who had partially recovered from the shock and was dragging Gohan away before his mother said something that caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

Goten surveyed the whole scene serenely, and then shrugged and walked towards the house to call Trunks and tell him he was coming over.


well what do you think, this is like a short story, but if you want I'll continue it, write the rest of the day. Well review and tell me what you thing, and whether or not I should continue.


Yeia sou!