Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Trusting in Lies ❯ Sleepless Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Trusting in Lies

It was one of those sleepless nights where the stars are a zillion bright gems in the sky and you think that you might just be able to hear the energy that pumps through the air sing, if you could only concentrate on that one thing, because concentrating is very difficult on nights like this.

This was how Trunks felt, as he lay awake on top of his covers, he felt like he should be doing something, anything, be it pacing up and down the hall out of restlessness, which he had resorted to a few times previously. Sparring, now that would burn off some energy and maybe he'd be able to sleep this night, instead of in the day when the body knows it shouldn't be, Trunks could never fall asleep while the sun still shone. However Gohan hadn't been over for weeks, the android's attacks were focusing on somewhere far south-east from here, and Gohan had followed them down, besides, he still hadn't talked Gohan into training him yet, and Gohan wouldn't make the first move, not with Bulma to answer to.

Trunks decided to leap out the window and just fly whichever way the wind was blowing, perhaps a better choice than pacing (Bulma would occasionally be working late, and hear her sleepless son walking up and down the hall, then find him something to do because she hated wasting time. It was usually something dead boring too, like cleaning) He was still wearing clothes, not having been bothered getting changed because he knew he wouldn't sleep, so he pulled on his shoes and opened the window to warm, restless-as-he-was air.

He knew straight away where he was heading; the hills a fair distance north that neither man nor the androids had barely touched. They were cloaked with tall ancient trees, perfect climbing trees for any ten year old, even one who'd grow up in Trunks's world.

Hours past and the night grew deeper, the wood was full of whispered secrets and the air had taken on a cooler form. Trunks was almost asleep when the sky tore open.

He thought it was the androids, who else? The sound, trees uprooting themselves in a desperate attempt to flee the area, and a thin whine followed by a colossal sonic boom as the sound barrier snapped like a (very loud) twig, caught Trunks off guard and all he could do was press his hands to his ears and hope. Hope the world wasn't ending, which was what it felt like, when the cooling night air turned scorching and brightly harsh, and something whizzed over head, pressing all beneath is to the ground with the force of its speed. Trunks hit the ground on his stomach with a painful thwack, then rolled over himself involuntarily with the force of the Thing, as if it had it's own gravitational pull.

The noise of the crash it made when it hit the ground was even bigger.

Trunks pulled himself into a sitting position by hooking his arm round a tree trunk that had fallen with him, and waited to see if his ears would stop ringing, or if they were going to be screaming at him for being so stupid as to be near that Thing when it landed forever.


Parsnal felt the shock of impact even through the cushioned interior of the herald's ship, clenching his teeth together to avoid biting off his tongue or any other vital mouthparts he briefly noticed the landing was easier than it would have been back on planet Vegita, perhaps the ground was far softer on this planet, perhaps there was a difference in the gravity.

Yes, there was. As Parsnal stepped onto the dirt he noted how much lighter he felt. The ship had made a larger crater than it would back home. So Ea-arths crust must be rather weak, he thought. The air was much nicer, and surrounding the crater, as if looking down on their intruder, were many huge plants, thick wooden ones with green tops. Parsnal noticed neither of these planetary differences, he didn't care, what he was doing was staring into his green scouter, scanning the planet for the highest power reading, which would obviously be the Prince he had been sent to find.


Trunks's ears had stopped ringing, and made way for the shouts of his curiosity telling him to go find out what that... Thing was. He scrambled over the once-trees-now-debris trail left by the Thing, and stopped at the edge of the ginormous crater, peering down at a sperical object lying in the centre.

The top of the Thing moved and a sliver of the ship lowered to the ground, out stepped a huge man, dressed in armour looking oddly like the stuff his mother kept fondly in a box under her bed. Trunks, in shock, moved behind a tree that had had itself ripped out at the roots.

Parsnal tilted his head slightly to the left as his scouter picked up a reading very close by, he levitated out of the hole till above ground level and followed his scouter till his eyes were locked on Trunks, who was in turn looking back up at the stranger. The older man dropped down, landing in front of Trunks.

"Who are you, boy?" Parsnal asked roughly, his scouter had picked up another, stronger -very strong, in fact- reading further off, this reading was assumed to be the Prince.

"Trunks." Trunks stated, wanting to ask who the stranger was, but not daring, he could tell his power exceeded his own, and the look in his eyes said he was quick to anger.

*Trunks?* Thought Parsnal, as the scouter translated this into Saiyan. *By the reading he could be no other than the Prince's son. But has Ea-arth corrupted the Prince's mind so much as he would break the naming tradition?*

"And you father is the Prince of all Saiyans?" He said it with a slight question at the end, but didn't doubt that what he was saying was true.

"Who are you?" Trunks asked, not being able to contain the question longer, wary and on his guard. *And how do you know that, no-one knows that?* He thought

"I've been sent to find our Prince, and though I am honoured to meet his son, I need to speak with him immediately." Parsnal levelled with Trunks and bowed, Trunks didn't know what to do, so he froze.

"Um" Said Trunks uncertainly, "He's a bit, sort of dead."

An unreadable expression took control of Parsnal's face for pieces of a moment, but was replaced by the firm coldness that rode his face since he had landed, and probably long before then, thought Trunks.

"You lie." Said the Saiyan disbelievingly, "I can pick him up on the scouter, ninety three Ea-arthian miles south-south east."

Trunks thought for a moment, forgetting to be wary as he searched the said area with what locating skills he had. "Oh no, that's Gohan." He said casually,

"Son of...?" Asked Parsnal, wondering if he was another son of the Prince.

"Goku. Why do you want to know? And you still haven't told me who you are."

"Goku's not a Saiyan name" The older man said to himself, "Is he no relation to the Prince? Are you the only one?"

"Yes" Trunks drew out the e's in his word, suspicious that he should probably be getting out of there, there was very little light, some shone from the inside of the Saiyan's ship, illuminating the crater but little surrounding area, the shape of the huge man was almost silhouetted against the light, the stars were not bright enough to light his face tonight. He loomed over Trunks, who felt even more like getting out of there, his mere presence boded. "And" Trunks said, not showing fear, or not much, "I'm not saying any more until you've told me who you are, and why you're here."

The Sayain looked down at the boy, blue eyes glaring stubbornly up at him. *This boy is Planet Vegita's heir? He's far too trusting to be from Vegita's line, but perhaps going soft on a water planet will do that to a Prince, make him name his child 'Trunks' and rear him the way this boy has been raised. This...this could work out for the best...*

The Saiyan raised a large shadow of an arm and brought it down fast onto Trunks's neck. Trunks felt his bones jar and thick black helplessness drown him, the Saiyan caught him by the scruff of his top, dropped downwards and placed the limp heir on the cold hard floor of the ship.