Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Truth or Dare ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Roronoa Zoro 
Me: After reading my newest visitor review, I spent all night on thinking how I could make my story better. Nothing happened. I drew a blank. Anywho, I hope this will be better than normal. It probly won't.
Vegeta: You heard me, Piccolo. Make out with me!
Piccolo: B-but, Namekians are not allowed to have any sexual intercourse with anyone but ourselves!
CDBV: Alright, I'm tired of hiding in the dark. Kai! Phil! Time to cosplay!
Another voice: I'll be....Himura Kenshin!
Yet another voice: And I'll be...Tuxedo Mask!
CDBV: And me...I'll be...Roronoa Zoro from One Piece!!
*A large puff of pink (pink?!) smoke appears as Roronoa Zoro, Kenshin and Tuxedo Mask emerge from the smoke.*\
Roronoa Zoro: We'll partake in this as well.
Kenshin: This one agrees with the swordsman.
Tuxedo Mask: I, the grand Tuxedo Mask, agrees as--*Roronoa Zoro tackles him*
Roronoa Zoro: Shut up before I cut your damn head off!!
Goku: Um, what were we doing?
Roronoa Zoro: Well, Piccolo was confessing his love to Vegeta..
Piccolo: Oh, right. Ahem. Vegeta, ever since we have met, I have grown attached to you and your pointified hair. Your beady black eyes shone even in the dark. I wanted to catch you in your sleep. Cast away Bulma and that kid in the purple hair and we shall elope away into the unknown valleys.
Vegeta: Oh, Piccolo...Come here so I can touch your brawny, pink muscles. We shall gaze at the stars while being alone in the woods. We shall fight monsters together and get STDs before we get hitched. I wish to feel your *beep* in my mouth.
Roronoa Zoro: Wow...Are you getting all this?
Tuxedo Mask: Yeah. How do you spell *beep* again?
Tuxedo Mask: Amazing!
Kenshin: Ewww...French Kissing...My Virgin eyes!!
Roronoa Zoro: Eww!! Now they're on the floor! Ah! They're pants are off! OMFG!!What the hell is that!!
Kenshin: Looks like a cashew.
Tuxedo Mask: Really? Looks like a shriveled grape to me.
Roronoa Zoro: Eww. A pickle-shaped *BEEEEP*
Kenshin: Is that real, Piccolo?
Piccolo: As real as the glasses on your *BEEEP*
Kenshin: o_O
Roronoa Zoro: Did...he just say what I thought he said?
Kenshin: He did...I never knew he had such desire for moobs (short for man boobs).
Tuxedo Mask: Geez..Wait. Vegeta had moobs?
Vegeta: *rips off shirt, revealing huge man boobs* Lookit these sexy bombshells! Don't these make you speechless?
Roronoa Zoro: Makes me want to kill you, you perverted bastard.
Me: Time to go again, class will be ending soon. Hope you enjoy this, and chap. 7 will be coming soon. Farewell!
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 01.09.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 15 | Visits: 218 | Status: Completed

Me: After reading my newest visitor review, I spent all night on thinking how I could make my story better. Nothing happened. I drew a blank. Anywho, I hope this will be better than normal. It probly won't.
Vegeta: You heard me, Piccolo. Make out with me!
Piccolo: B-but, Namekians are not allowed to have any sexual intercourse with anyone but ourselves!
CDBV: Alright, I'm tired of hiding in the dark. Kai! Phil! Time to cosplay!
Another voice: I'll be....Himura Kenshin!
Yet another voice: And I'll be...Tuxedo Mask!
CDBV: And me...I'll be...Roronoa Zoro from One Piece!!
*A large puff of pink (pink?!) smoke appears as Roronoa Zoro, Kenshin and Tuxedo Mask emerge from the smoke.*\
Roronoa Zoro: We'll partake in this as well.
Kenshin: This one agrees with the swordsman.
Tuxedo Mask: I, the grand Tuxedo Mask, agrees as--*Roronoa Zoro tackles him*
Roronoa Zoro: Shut up before I cut your damn head off!!
Goku: Um, what were we doing?
Roronoa Zoro: Well, Piccolo was confessing his love to Vegeta..
Piccolo: Oh, right. Ahem. Vegeta, ever since we have met, I have grown attached to you and your pointified hair. Your beady black eyes shone even in the dark. I wanted to catch you in your sleep. Cast away Bulma and that kid in the purple hair and we shall elope away into the unknown valleys.
Vegeta: Oh, Piccolo...Come here so I can touch your brawny, pink muscles. We shall gaze at the stars while being alone in the woods. We shall fight monsters together and get STDs before we get hitched. I wish to feel your *beep* in my mouth.
Roronoa Zoro: Wow...Are you getting all this?
Tuxedo Mask: Yeah. How do you spell *beep* again?
Tuxedo Mask: Amazing!
Kenshin: Ewww...French Kissing...My Virgin eyes!!
Roronoa Zoro: Eww!! Now they're on the floor! Ah! They're pants are off! OMFG!!What the hell is that!!
Kenshin: Looks like a cashew.
Tuxedo Mask: Really? Looks like a shriveled grape to me.
Roronoa Zoro: Eww. A pickle-shaped *BEEEEP*
Kenshin: Is that real, Piccolo?
Piccolo: As real as the glasses on your *BEEEP*
Kenshin: o_O
Roronoa Zoro: Did...he just say what I thought he said?
Kenshin: He did...I never knew he had such desire for moobs (short for man boobs).
Tuxedo Mask: Geez..Wait. Vegeta had moobs?
Vegeta: *rips off shirt, revealing huge man boobs* Lookit these sexy bombshells! Don't these make you speechless?
Roronoa Zoro: Makes me want to kill you, you perverted bastard.
Me: Time to go again, class will be ending soon. Hope you enjoy this, and chap. 7 will be coming soon. Farewell!
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 01.09.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 15 | Visits: 218 | Status: Completed
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