Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Two Kinds of Trouble ❯ Rules to Dating? Summer Vacation Begins! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Kinds of Trouble
Chapter 8. Rules to Dating? Summer Vacation Begins!

        “So Leash how long are you planning on staying THIS time?” Trunks asked after they were inside and had laid Steffany on the couch and sat in a chair next to her.

        “Oh not long buddy. I basically just came to get Macy; and to see you guys once more again.” Leash replied.

        “You mean you're not staying Leashy?” Bra asked sitting on the young woman's lap with puppy dog eyes.

        “Well you see I'd love to stay but I got kids of my own now and I need to get back to them.” Leash answered and gave Bra a hug to make her feel better.

        “DAMMIT !!! I need you too you know! They can see you everyday of the year! I'd be lucky if I see you every few years!” Trunks shouted at Leash. She knew he could get jealous. It happened before with Bra but this was ridiculous!

        “Trunks , Buddy, you know I'd come and see you everyday if I could. You're my little buddy and I'll always love you. You just have to understand. I have my own family now . . . and living in a different time doesn't help either.” Leash said trying to comfort him.

        “I know, it's just hard not seeing you anymore.”

        “Well don't worry Trunksy. I'll be back soon this time, I promise. But now I really have to go.” Leash said and after all the hugs, kisses, and good byes she left.

        “Stef, can I get you anything? Food, drink . . .?” Trunks said immediately at her side after Leash left.

        “No Trunksy, I'm fine. But I do need to call my Dad and tell him that I'm alright and where I am.” Steffany answered him.

        “Trunks , Steffany, is there something you two aren't telling me?” Bulma asked as she say the way the teens were looking at each other.

        “Appare ntly they think they're dating.” Vegeta said with amusement in his voice.

        “Is that true?” Bulma asked looking at Trunks and Stef.

        “Well . . . yes.” Trunks said, looked down, and kicked at the floor as if it were dirt.

        “Well then, there are certain rules to dating.”

        “There are?” Vegeta raised an eye brow at the blue haired woman and Bulma nudged him. “Oh right, of course there are.” Vegeta said, thinking if there are he and Bulma definitely didn't follow them. (I'm actually working on a B/V get together right now!)

        “But Mom . . .”

        “No `but moms' Trunks. I'm serious. First things first, you know those little sleepover's you have?” Bulma began.

        “Don't even THINK about sleeping next to each other let alone the same floor! If find out you two have . . .” Vegeta started to say, His fatherly instincts kicking in. Stef cut him off though.

        “No! Vegeta no! Daddy would KILL me! We wouldn't even DREAM of it! Right Trunks?” Stef said giving him a little nudge with her elbow.

        “Oh, right!” Trunks said looking at his father.

        “Second ly, no making out!” Bulma continued.

        “Not in public! Not in another room! No kissing --period!” Vegeta said getting the hang of this. Both of the teens groaned.

        Why do my parents have to be SO embarrassing?! Trunks thought.

        “And thirdly -no holding hands, putting your arms around each other, etc.” Bulma ended. Vegeta was about to say something but Bulma stopped him.

        “But Mom, what's the point of saying we're going out when we aren't a laud to do things dating people do?!” Trunks complained.

        He gets that from his mother. Vegeta thought before saying. “Exactly, is everything understood?” Vegeta said with a stern look on his face.

        “Right Dad, Mom, we understand.” Trunks said annoyed.

        “Is there anything else?” Stef asked sweetly. She was kinda having fun with all these `rules'. Especially what Vegeta had to say.

        “No I think that's it, except to have fun. Your teenage years are the best years of your life.” Bulma answered.


        Well days passed and it was finally the last day of school, summer vacation! “So guys do you have your stuff with you or do you have to go home first?” Steffany asked as they walked through the halls to go home. She was talking about their sleepover.

        “Yeah I've got my stuff.” Trunks answered putting his arm around Stef's shoulder.

        “So do I.” Goten said. “But I just brought my sleeping bag. Was I supposed to bring anything else?” Goten asked a little confused. (He's so much like his father!)

        “Nah, I've got movies and stuff. Come on guys I'll race you to my house!” Stef said and took off out the school's front door; the two males took off after her. They were all so excited they wouldn't have to return for another three months.