Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uncertain Future ❯ Begging Forgiveness ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters you see in the show, movies, manga, etc. I'm not making any money off of this story so please don't sue me.

Author's note: HEYO! I'm back at the keyboard once more! Thanks to all those people who've reviewed and stuff, it means a lot to me! I found that I got two major types of reviews last time, those who want Bulma + Bardock to get together, and those who want Bulma + Vegeta to stay together. I'm warning you right now that some people are gonna be disappointed, but please don't flame me if you don't like how things end up. Thanks!!!

*Special Super Thanks to Vegetababe for Beta-ing!*

Uncertain Future, Chapter 17: Begging Forgiveness

Bulma ran blindly down the winding corridors of the palace, not even caring that she had become hopelessly lost in her mad dash. Panting, she finally slowed her pace to a slow walk. "What am I going to do?" she cried out to herself. It didn't even strike her as odd that there was no one other than herself roaming this particular wing of the palace. "I'm so confused…I mean, it wasn't exactly like I resisted that kiss from Bardock, but what about Vegeta. Oh, he probably hates me now!" she sobbed, sinking to the floor in a heap. The tears came then, in great gasping sobs that did not halt for nearly 30 minutes.

'Click click click click…'

Bulma's head jerked upwards as she heard footsteps moving rapidly down the winding hallway, coming in her direction. "Shit! What if someone catches me here?" she gasped, jumping up. "I don't know if I'm aloud to be here or not, but I'm not gonna take that chance considering what I just did!" Darting into a curtained doorway, she sucked in her breath, praying that no one had seen or heard her.

Bulma sighed in relief as she heard the footsteps walk right past and fade into the distance. "That was just too close." Still panting, the Chikyuu female stepped further into the room. "Oh Kami!" she gasped. It was the palace statue room, containing all of the original sculptures of all the King Vegeta's. This was what she had been waiting to see ever since her testing day, when she had missed seeing her King's statue. "I can't believe this!" she squealed, stepping into the room for a better look.


Vegeta was beyond angry, and he was beyond upset. He was hurt, not physically, but emotionally. The young King had never experienced anything so painful in his life. To see his housemate, his woman, his lover in the arms of another, especially another who happened to be old enough to be her father. "Arghh! Why does it pain me so?" he growled in frustration. "How dare that low class piece of shit touch MY female?" Vegeta was pacing now, getting angrier by the second. "How dare she let him?" Vegeta smashed his fist into a nearby table, smashing it to bits. "How could she do this to me…?"


Bardock sat in the lab alone. Everyone else had left for the night, including Bulma and the King. "What have I done?" he whispered to himself, horrified by his actions. "I have ruined his chances of bonding to her. He will be so angry, we'll probably both be dead by morning." he shook his head sadly. "I am so sorry my King. Please forgive her, for it was my fault, and I will take responsibility for my selfish actions…" he whispered into the darkness of the empty laboratory.


Bulma headed straight for the table in the center of the room. She could see the glimmer of the golden statue, and knew it must be Vegeta's. The mystery had been gnawing at her for weeks on end, and she would finally see into the soul of her King. Trembling with excitement, she reached up and removed the glass case from around the statue, setting in carefully aside. Carefully lifting the heavy chunk of gold from its pedestal, she sat down on the soft plush carpeting to take a better look.

"It's a little girl…" Bulma breathed softly. In her hands, she carefully held a little golden girl. A Saiyan child who looked as if she had just been in a fight. She was wearing tattered clothing, but a smile so bright it made one forget about life's troubles. On the base of the statue was one word, written in Saiyan characters…HOPE… "But…why?"


"NO! I will not allow this! She is mine!" the King raged. "She will be mine soon enough. I will MAKE her mine…forever…"


"I must find her! I must find her before she gets herself killed!" Bardock gasped, jumping up from his chair. "She could be anywhere!" he wailed. "Huh? What's that?" The Saiyan man sniffed the air carefully then set off with a smirk, following the exquisite scent of the little Chikyuu female until he came to a curtained doorway in a nearly abandoned section of the palace. Peeking in the door, he found her sitting on the floor, her delicate hand curled around a small golden statue.

"Bulma…" he murmured, stepping into the room.

"Huh?" she gasped, turning around and almost dropping the precious child in the process.

"Bulma I'm so sorry." Bardock hung his head in shame. "You were never meant for me. I knew it from the moment I saw you. You are meant for Vegeta, but I fear he will be angry and his rage is something to fear. I worry he will kill us both." he whispered.

Bulma paled, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Bardock, if I am to die tonight, I refuse to do it without knowing about this. It has been puzzling me since the day I had my test and I want to know what it all means!" she cried, thrusting the statue towards him.

"All right Bulma…" he sighed. "I'll tell you." Bardock sat on the floor across from her, and took the statue in his hand. "Not many know the true meaning behind this piece of art. It will no doubt be interpreted as children being the hope of our society, but in truth it is nothing more than an homage to a friend." Bardock sighed.

"You see, when Vegeta was a child, he did not have many friends. His father did not permit such things; he felt that friends and mates were weaknesses, unnecessary burdens in life. As Vegeta got older, he began to sneak out while he was supposed to be in classes or training and he eventually befriended this little girl. Her name was Tyrecan. Vegeta once told me that she had always dreamed of being famous, known for generations as something other than a street orphan." Bardock paused.

"One day, Vegeta and his father were walking through the marketplace when some older brats pushed little Tyrecan out into the street, right into the path of King Vegeta the 14th. Young Vegeta was horrified, he knew that his father had a horrible temper and would feel no regret for killing a homeless child. When King Vegeta went to attack, the prince jumped in his way, trying to protect her. King Vegeta got really angry, and pushed his son aside. He then blasted the poor child to her death, with young Vegeta looking on. After seeing his son's horrified look, he started yelling, and got even angrier when a single tear was shed. King Vegeta beat the prince down to a bloody pulp, right in the middle of the street, all the time raging about how crying is for the weak. From that day on, Vegeta has learned to keep his feeling deep within him, and I fear that today may be the catalyst that causes him to explode Bulma. He will be angry with us both and I beg of you, don't try to apologize just yet. You must stay clear of him, or the results may be deadly."

Bulma was trying to hold back tears. Poor Vegeta, being beaten by his own father, humiliated in front of all those people. It must have been a hard blow to his pride. "I have to go to him Bardock. I have to…I would rather die by his hand tonight than live my life without him…I love him…" she said softly. "I'm so sorry Bardock…" she murmured, turning and bolting from the room.

"Bulma NO!" Bardock called after her, but she didn't listen, and just kept running. Perhaps…perhaps she could be the one to break the barrier he had built around his mind, and his heart. Perhaps she could be the one to bond with him, to let him love her. With a soft little sigh, Bardock replaced the small statue on the pedestal and put the glass casing back over it. "Well Bulma, I hope you know what you're doing…"

Bulma ran hard, instinctively knowing the way to her King. "I've got to find him. He must be at home. He's got to be there." she panted, not slowing down for a minute as she navigated her way through the palace hallways. Finally, she stopped right in front of the door to his chambers, no, their chambers. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the fingerprint scanner and waited for the door to open.

It was quiet in the big apartment, and dark. Not a single light was on; the only illumination was the soft glow from the half moon in the night sky. Bulma looked around the big main room, seeing Vegeta's still silhouette in front of the window. His back was facing her, and she could tell by his stance that he was angry…very angry.

"G…Geta?" she whispered, stepping fully into the room and closing the door tightly behind her. "I know you're angry with me, but I…"

"ANGRY? You think I'm angry?" Vegeta spun around to face her. "And tell me little one, why should I be angry?"

"Vegeta, please, I…"

"Quiet." he hissed. "I will hear no more from you." He stalked towards her and reached out for her neck. Bulma flinched back, fearing that he would strike her. "So, you think I'm going to hurt you? You don't know what pain is little woman. You have no idea." he growled, grabbing the servitude chain and ripping it forcefully off her neck. "Your services are no longer required."

"Geta please! You don't know what happened!" Bulma pleaded.

"Did I not tell you to be quiet?" Vegeta growled, his voice dangerously calm. "You have betrayed me, woman, and I will not tolerate betrayal." he reached out one gloved hand to stroke her cheek, now healed completely. "After all I have done for you…You still find it necessary to hurt me so." he whispered quietly. "If it weren't for me you would be raped and dead by now, yet you choose another over me."

"Vegeta no!" Bulma cried, grabbing his hand with her own. "I never meant to hurt you. I never meant for that kiss to happen. Please Vegeta, please forgive me!"

"You say you did not mean for that kiss to happen, but I do not recall seeing any resistance." Vegeta jerked his hand out of her grasp.

"I was surprised! I was shocked and didn't know exactly what was happening! I didn't kiss him Vegeta!"

"So Bardock kissed you…"

"Please Vegeta! You mustn't hurt him." Bulma cried out.

"Why do you care so much for him?" Vegeta growled, grabbing her and pressing her against the wall. He growled softly, leaning his face towards her. Bulma shuddered; he was not only angry, but hurt too. She had made a big mistake in allowing Bardock to kiss her.

"I'm so sorry Vegeta. Please, I beg of you, please don't hate me." Bulma whimpered.

"I could never hate you…" Vegeta breathed the words out as he gently pressed his lips to her own. Bulma was shocked at his sudden mood swing, from rage to tenderness, then back to rage as Vegeta tore his lips from hers.

"G….Geta? Ahhhhh!!!!" Bulma cried out, her body arching in a violent fusion of pain and pleasure as she felt Vegeta's sharp fangs imbed themselves into the soft flesh of her shoulder…

MWA HA HA HA HA! Evil cliffy ne? That's two in a row! People are gonna be mad at poor lil' ole' kitty…hee hee hee. It's worth it! Also, sorry to the people who were hoping for a Bardock/Bulma get together, but did you honestly expect such a hard core V/B fan such as myself to do something like that??? That's sacrilege! I hope you liked it anyway. Well, remember to review, or else I'll be mad *grrrr!* Bye for now!