Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uniting of Lonely Hearts ❯ PART FOUR ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello.. Yes I know it's been too long!! I'm really sorry about that, I've just been busy with xmas, the new year, working and what not. Not to mention my new found obsession with Harry Potter!! I swear, there are just soo many good Snarry fics and Harry/Draco ones out there.. its just mind baffling!! Anyway, enough of that!

I'm sorry this chapter is particualy short, but I've been willing myself to keep writing for atleast a month now, and this is all I've come up with! I do plan on finsishing this, it just depends on how long a holiday my muse decides to take! Lets just hope its not too long!!

Well on with the fic..

Oh yeah, I have a favour to ask of someone! It would be really helpful if someone could help me out with the html code things here! I'm so used to using them on message boards where all you have to click is a button and WALLAH! There they are!! So if someone would be so kind as to help me, I would really appreciate it!! ^_____________________________^



Goku was beyond confused. What he had just walked in on looked like more than just a conversation. He would have been more relieved to find them at each others throats, not sitting painfully close... noses touching... eyes closed.

"Kuso.." Goku cursed out loud, attracting attention from a few parties. Electra and Bulma being one.

"What’s up Son-kun?" Bulma asked caringly.

"Uh.. nothing." He replied, a little too quickly.

"Nope, you should know I wouldn't believe that Goku, now tell me? What's going on? It's not like you to swear, in fact... I don't think I've ever heard you curse out load!" Bulma said incuriously.

Goku sighed. "Ok fine... I just..eh.. had a little run in with Vegeta and... Gohan." He said, his eyebrows wrinkling in confusion.

Electra gasped in excitable shock, catching Goku's attention. Electra couldn't contain her smirk, neither could Bulma for that matter, who knew because Electra had told her... everything!

"What? Is there something I don't know?" Goku's frustration began to increase.

"Hehe..." Electra giggled, "I don't know if it's our place to tell you! I think you should wait till you talk to Gohan yourself..." She looked at Bulma who also looked ecstatic. Bulma and Vegeta may have broken up, but there were no hard feelings. Because Bulma was a reasonable person, she actually wanted Vegeta to be happy.

"Yeah Son-kun, it's not our place. But ah.. I'm just curious to know what you saw?" She knew it was risky, but she so desperately wanted to know, and figured that Electra would too.

Goku knew there was no point in hindering them to tell him, it was a hapless situation. So he decided to give in. "I don't know really... They were just... really close... like their noses were touching and yeah. I thought they were kissing!" he said as if the thought was absurd.

"Ohh! That's so kawaii!!" Bulma giggled and grabbed on to Electra and started dancing around in circles. The girls didn't notice Goku's departure.


Chapter four:

The picture played out for any inquisitive onlookers would have been a curious one indeed. Surrounded in calming serenity, sat two beings. One from another world, the other half. They sat side by side, far closer than any friends should. One, who had a fiery glint in his eye that matched the shape of his hair, had his hand on the others knee. The other, younger by years but not by looks, had his hand placed atop of the other mans hand. It was an intimate gesture, one not to be shared by mere acquaintances. And they looked peaceful despite the obvious strength both possessed.

"Vegeta..." Gohan whispered. The full blooded Saiya-jin remained silent, never tearing his eyes away from the beautiful ones in front of him.

Instinct. Vegeta felt his emerging instinct, and it began to fuel his actions. He knew what he was doing, but had no power to prevent them. He felt himself leaning forward, wanting to touch Gohan... to feel the boy against him. He was halted.

'Remember what happened last time?' His mind taunted, warning him. He did remember, and didn't want to make the same mistake. He couldn't loose Gohan, not this time.

"I'm sorry.." He rasped, the words sounded so small and insignificant. That was far from what they were.

"W..why?" Gohan was mystified. Why was Vegeta apologising to him? It was so unlike the prince to voice out loud something so... heart filled.

"I shouldn't have done it." He removed his hand from Gohan's leg, and slumped back in the chair feeling defeated.

"Done what? Vegeta, you haven't 'done' anything..." Gohan put a hand on the Princes shoulder. He shrugged it off.

"No.. I should never have done it, you didn't deserve that..." Vegeta stood, his Ki rising unknowingly. "You didn't want it.." His voice grew louder. "You don't want me!" He finally screamed and blasted into the sky.

Gohan was thrown back at the sudden burst of energy and couldn't help but watch the golden streak mar the perfect blue sky for a few moments.

"Shit!" He cursed as he too powered up and took to the skies. Vegeta was wrong! He was so wrong! How could he think that Gohan wouldn't want him!!


Vegeta felt the rage and despair build up within him. It was unbearable, he had never felt such... pain! He had died and been resurrected twice, but even despite that this pain was so much worse! It really hurt... It hurt internally... How could such anguish cause him to feel like this? He was so confused... Gohan...

Vegeta shut his eyes and flew into the distance. He was oblivious to the atmospheric changers around him as he continued to fly at a higher altitude. His keen Saiya-jin senses failed to pick up the fact that the oxygen was thinning, that his last intake of air was now minutes ago...

The pain in his heart began to dull, Vegeta noticed. He felt lighter, like if he were to stop powering his flight he would just float. So he did. Vegeta ceased his output of Ki. The fall was not instantaneous, and for a moment or two Vegeta was floating..

Then everything faded to black.


The wind was smashing into his face, singing his eyes. Or was that tears? Gohan couldn't decipher. Vegeta had been going at such a pace the he was struggling to keep up. Gohan was disputing even following him at all.. Maybe it was best for him to fly all his frustrations out?

No, it wasn't best.

Gohan continued. Once he was powered up to his max, in all his Super Saiya-jin 2 glory, was he able to make some ground. Keeping his senses locked on Vegeta's life force, Gohan monitored his every move, becoming increasingly confused as the Prince seemed to be gaining more and more height. Gohan knew, from experience, that there wasn't much oxygen up that high. And worry began to set in when he realised Vegeta had been up there far too long. Gohan felt Vegeta's power slipping, draining away more than it should when he was only flying...

"NOOO!" Gohan growled and sped up even further. By now it felt as if Vegeta had stopped the production of his energy, like he had suddenly landed. Gohan knew there was only one cloud you could land on, and Nimbus sure wasn't here. Pressing on with speed he didn't know he possessed, Gohan soon realised he was only metres away from Vegeta. Squinting his eyes, Gohan spied a dark figure which he identified as no other than Vegeta. Honing in, Gohan extended an arm and caught the Prince and hugged him in his firm grip.

Gohan breathed a sigh of relief.

He lowed to the ground and laid Vegeta down, noticing that he was a little blue in the face and not breathing. Gohan, being as smart as he was knew exactly what to do without panicking.

First Gohan put Vegeta on his back, already assuming that there was nothing lodged in the Ouji's throat, lent down and breathed in three mouth-fulls of air.


With judged precision, Gohan placed hands at the base of Vegeta's ribs and moved up till he knew he was at the right position to start the heart massages. Being careful as to not push too hard and endanger puncturing a lung, Gohan lowered his Ki. After three actions, he returned to do three more breaths.

It had been a few minutes now and Vegeta still wasn't breathing. The colour in his face was now deepening to a blue-berry colour and Gohan began to doubt hit ability to perform CPR.

"GASP!!!!...." Gohan unleashed a broad smile as Vegeta opened his eyes and lurched when he took a rushed gulp of much needed air. He was alive.

"Vegeta!" Gohan felt the tears of joy welling up in his eyes, he couldn't fight the urge to wrap himself around his prince. So he did. Gohan pulled Vegeta up into a sitting position and wrapped his arms around his waist before burying his head in the crook of the Princes neck.

Vegeta was beyond shocked.

One minute pain was engulfing him, swallowing him in the thoughts of not being able to hold Gohan.. to cherish him. To show him what he knew he could be like. To feel love. Then the next moment, a dark shadow land of despair had reaped his thoughts, surrounding him once again... It was all dark and dull. Vegeta was blinded. He felt the panic swelling within as he ran aimlessly, there was neither sound nor light. But then he saw it. A light, a miniscule pin hole that Vegeta felt only he could see... So he pushed on, keep moving until the like grew bigger and brighter.

And then it exploded and Vegeta found himself in the arms of the one he knew he wanted just so badly.


Goku was fuming. Furious. No one word could amount up just how damn angry he was. How could his son do that?

'He didn't know..' One side of Goku's mind, the rational one, said to him. Reminding Goku of the fact that no-one knew his secret, let alone his son.

'But that's not the point, the little bastard has what you want doesn't he? That's enough reason in itself to be angry Kakarot...' The irrational side rebutted.

Both sides were right, to Goku that is. He knew deep down that is wasn't Gohan's fault that he took what Goku wanted to claim, but he couldn't hold back the anger that surged through his veins. Anger also aimed at Bulma and Electra for thinking it was.. Cute!

Goku growled out loud as he flew to no where in particular. Then he felt it. Vegeta's surge of energy.

Goku halted mid air, pausing to focus on Vegeta. He was powered up high, too high. Something must be wrong. For all Goku knew Gohan could be harming Vegeta. No-one harmed Vegeta without Goku having something to do with it.

Anger cursed though his veins as he finally focused on Gohan's energy. It was so powerful...

But Goku was even more so. And so he flew. Goku flew towards the location in which he believed there to be a threat against Vegeta. And he was right, in a way. It was true Vegeta was in trouble, and that Gohan had something to do with it.. Goku just didn't know it was because of Vegeta's inner turmoil towards Gohan that he was punishing himself.


Here's another setting. The same characters, yes, the same atmosphere, no. Before there was a tension looming over these individuals but presently? Presently there was a wave of liberation and comfort surrounding their auroras. Usually, if such a scene prevailed, it was lost in the meshing of every item, live or inanimate, never to be noticed. But this was different. The surroundings became lack-lustre, the usual buzz in the air that was customary with every scorching summer ceased. Time froze.

It was what Gohan had wanted to do, needed to do. Of course he didn't like the fact that his Prince was reduced to a near tearful heap in his arms, that was not it at all. What Gohan wanted was to hold Vegeta and to care for him. To show him just how much he needed him as he needed Gohan himself. And it looked as though Gohan would received his wish.

Situated on the barely grass-coated earth was Gohan. In his lap laid the Prince of his race, whom of which was resting peacefully with his eyes shut between the legs of the only one, he knew, that could bring him such comfort from a simple embrace.

Neither felt themselves becoming overly drowsy with the heat and their eye lids fluttering shut.


There was a pleasant heat surrounding both Vegeta and Gohan who noticed they were in the others arms. A calming serenity was flowing lingually around them as each sighed in ultimate contentment.

Gohan felt himself shudder has a feather-light touch ghosted it's way around his neck and along his jaw. One arm stayed firmly around his waist as he sat comfortably between the legs of the only one he ever wanted to love with all his heart and soul. Tentatively a thumb brushed across his lips, straying just for a moment. Gohan's tongue automatically flicked out to greet it.

It was Vegeta's turn to shiver as the hot warmth of Gohan's tongue contacted with the pad of his thumb. Now that it was moist, he trailed it back across the partially opened lips. Removing his hand, Vegeta brought his wet thumb back up and licked the essence of Gohan off it.

"Vegeta..." The breathless whisper echoed around them, although neither noticed any of the surrounding world.

As if in slow motion, Gohan moved himself and turned so that he was now positioned half looming over his mate to be. Two sets of deeply dark eyes made immediate contact. Lithe arms found their way around the demi-Saiya-jin, and pulled him closer. The heat between the two bodies was smouldering.

Gohan's hand reached out and stroked the side of Vegeta's face, drinking in every angle, every sensation that was the man's skin and feel. Gohan knew he would never tire of this.

Simultaneously, two faces inched forward, their destination bound to be reality.

And lips touched.

In a second on momentary bliss, a connection was formed. The electrical jolt that cursed through both men sent breaths reeling and muscles clenching. But then it stopped.

Gohan was ripped from the clutches of his love, and screamed in silence as he was being drawn away. The look of utmost horror on Vegeta's face brought a sickening lurch to his stomach; Gohan was loosing Vegeta.

"Noooooooooooooooo!" And then the black world went even darker.


Goku's heart clenched when he saw the scene before him. On the barren land below was none other than his most desired and his traitorous son. Goku felt himself growl out loud. What he did fail to notice was the contented smile which played on each of the men's faces, despite the fact the sun was literally cooking them alive.

Without even realising what he was doing, Goku headed towards the slumbering couple and grabbed a hold of Vegeta. The sleeping Saiya-jin made no attempt at waking as Goku pulled him out of Gohan's arms and once again took to the sky.

Smiling wickedly, Goku left his son.

Goku's attention was once again drawn to Vegeta, who had begun to squirm in his almost ferocious grip. Vegeta's eyebrows had drawn themselves together looking almost as if he now had a mono-brow. He was becoming more than distressed.

Even in Goku's moment of haste and unthinking, he couldn't help but twitch in the feeling of being unnerved. But he shrugged it aside, Vegeta was merely having some sort of dream due to his distressed state from being in the sun too long. That's at least what he supposed.

But Vegeta continued to squirm and moan, his arms reaching as if in search of something. He was getting harder to handle. Goku was forced to land.

Bringing himself and Vegeta to the ground he sat and cradled the prince in his grip once more. Sweat was poring off Vegeta and his breathing was heavy and laboured. Beginning to panic, Goku shook him.

"Vegeta!" He shook. "Wake up, please wake up! Your having some sort of dream" Vegeta didn't open his eyes. "Shit!"


Gohan's eyes shot open and he gasped in a breath of thick air. He felt hot, sticky, thirsty and most importantly, like he was needed somewhere.

"Vegeta!" He cried out loud, remembering what had happened. Vegeta needed him, and he needed Vegeta. Gohan HAD to find his love.

Gohan pushed himself up off the ground where he had lain sprawled out for only Kami knows how long, and stopped to focus for his mate. It didn't take him long to find not only Vegeta, but his father.

Growling in annoyance and fury, Gohan, with a new release of power and energy, took to the sky instantly flaring up to level two. He flew at the speed of sound, and in no time found himself at his destination of need. He knew that Goku was up to no good, he could sense it with every fibre of his body; he was going to pay for this.

"GOKU!" Gohan bellowed from his place above the earth, rapidly loosing altitude. He saw the frightened look in his fathers eye at the sight of the most powerful being in the universe, which also happened to be his son. "Unhand him NOW!" Gohan set a furious walking pace towards his beloved.

"Gohan! Wait!" Goku stood, still clutching Vegeta to his chest.

"I said, UNHAND HIM!" And the earth shook. Gohan continued his pursuit and was mere inches away when Goku suddenly threw Vegeta behind him and took his fighting stance.

Neither Saiya-jin, demi or full-blooded needed to express any words. It was plain what both were intending to do, and they glared at each other with such scathing looks of fury it would have scared even the most powerful being into retreat.

In a surge of power and a scattering of dust, both men launched into full throttle attacks. Gohan was the first to be successful as he landed a hard punch to the jaw. Reeling back in the momentum, Goku fazed out and re-appeared behind his son.

But Gohan was well accustomed to this move. Also blinking out of sight, Gohan issued a round house kick right into Goku's side, smiling malevolently at the sickening crunch that accompanied it. Allowing a moment of success, Gohan failed to notice the fist that impaled its self in his gut, and wrenched at he felt his lunch threatening to come back up. Spitting out a trace of blood, Gohan shot a Ki blast that was deflected.

Away to the side, but not at a safe distance, a heap on the ground began to stir. Dust found its way into this being air passages, and it was a sure thing for coughing to ensure. Blanching with the dryness of his mouth, Vegeta opened his eyes. Beneath him the ground was shaking, and fine sparks of electricity could be see penetrating the massive could of dust. Battle cries filled his ears, and Vegeta knew right away whose they were.


Pulling himself to his feet, Vegeta began the frantic search for his loved one. There was no way in HFIL he was going to loss him, no way at all.


In the midst of his battle with his father, Gohan felt a twinge of something very familiar. Looking to the side, he noticed the staggering shadow of Vegeta. Dodging a particular small Ki blast, Gohan wasted no time in powering up a Kamehameha.


Goku knew instantly what Gohan was doing. Firing shots at Gohan in hopes of distracting him, Goku's mind began to reel at the immense power he felt radiating from his son.


Goku froze on the spot.


The blast was only seconds away... yet Goku did not move, he couldn't will himself to.

'What have I done? My son has finally found true happiness, not to mention Vegeta, and I tried to take it away.' Goku began to realise what he had been doing, how blinded by his own selfishness he had become. 'I deserve this... I'm so sorry...'

And the blast connected.

Knowing that Goku had taken the blast head-on, Gohan steered away in the direction of Vegeta. Seeing the man brought a smile to his face, despite the fact the possibility he had just killed his father loomed over his head.

And the two embraced.


I hope this didn't disappoint!! Please reivew and help keep me going!! ^_____________________________________^