Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ universal highschool ❯ dinner ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


"Come on Vegeta we are going to be late for dinner with Chi and Bulma." Begged Goku

"I already told you baka I'm not going."

"Ahhh why not Vegeta come on I really want to eat." Said Goku as his stomach rumbled.


"Well I guess you will have to go to the cafeteria by yourself then Vegeta because I really want Chi's food." Said Goku as he headed out the door.

"'hump' fine I will go and see those two harpies." Said Vegeta defiantly.

@Across the way at Bulma's and Chi's@

"Chi why the hell did you have to invite those two over here for dinner." Said Bulma angrily.

"I was trying to make friends." Said Chi

"What ever I think you just want Goku who by the way is our enemy."

"Oh get off it Bulma he is not our enemy we are all just students her, besides he is a sweet guy you can not deny that."

"Yeah I guess he is sweet but still dumb and Vegeta will be coming too and he is a total jerk."

"Actually B he is a lot like you."


At that moment there as a knock outside there door. Chi went to go answer it as Bulma remained seated in the kitchen/dinning room. "Hi guys you can go sit with Bulma at the counter in the kitchen/dinning room." Said Chi happily. Vegeta's scowl just got worse at the idea of sitting next to Bulma.

"Ok guys well the meal will be served shortly you can talk to B until then." Exclaimed Chi as she headed to the stove to finish off dinner.

"Alright" said Goku as he sat in the set next to Bulma. Vegeta sat across from Bulma sense he knew Goku would want to sit across from the harpy and did not want him to get all upset about it.

"Hey Bulma so how do you like school so far. I'm guessing it is your first year here too just like me and Vegeta." Said Goku in an effort to start a conversation.

"Yeah it is me and Chi's first and only year here sense we are seniors I really would rather not be here but it is better then home." Said Bulma in an annoyed voice.

"You can say that again, I can eat as much as I want here it is great, total better then being at home." Said Goku happily.

At this Bulma almost feel backwards off her chair then yelled to Chi "Chi will you get your dumb man out of here he is killing my brain cells."

Vegeta could not help but smirk at this statement. He felt the same way everyday of his life.

Chi yelled at Bulma as she came to the counter with some food. "Bulma can you be nice for once they are our guest and don't every insult my Goku again." Chi started to blush immediately after this last statement and only hoped Bulma would say nothing to it.

Bulma not being able to resist said in a very sarcastic voice "Your Goku haaa, so when did you guys decided to go out."

In a very embarrassed voice Chi said "We are not going out yet."

Goku finally realizing the conversation was about him decided to jump in "Hey Chi we can go out if you want I really like your cooking and all besides you are a great person."

Chi turned bright red at this and responded to Goku "I would love to go out with you Goku. Oh and dinner is served."

"Alright Chi sounds good and thanks for the meal again." Said Goku as he started stuffing his mouth with out surfing for air.

Bulma and Vegeta just fell over anima style after this and decided to start eating. Once every one was done. Goku and Chi started to talk to each other. Knowing that they would not be getting their friends away from each other Bulma and Vegeta turned to each other and decided to start talking.

"Vegeta want to take a tour of our apartment and let these to be." Said Bulma emotionlessly.

"Fine led the way." Said Vegeta getting up.

Before they left Bulma turned to Chi "Chi I'm giving Vegeta a tour of the apartment later."

She was so engrossed in Goku that she did not even respond so the two just left.

Bulma turned to Vegeta saying defeated "I'm guess our apartments are about the same I just did not want to see those two together it is disgraceful."

"For once I have to agree with you woman."

"You know Vegeta I do have a name it is Bulma."

"I know that woman."

"Then why the hell do you call me woman."

"Because I can besides you do not call me by my title ether."

"Ah whatever, grr I hate that phase."

`Then why do you say it."

"I don't know but I'm stopping now."

"Ok what ever you are crazy."

"I'm not crazy actually I'm a genius the smartest in the universe."

"Really" said Vegeta not believing her one bit.

"Yes actually I am a genius I invented a new training room like a year ago it is my greatest invention yet. It can increase any planets gravity times 500 so you get in some good training."

"I don't believe you show me." Said Vegeta

"Why the hell should I show you."

"Because there is nothing else to do besides you have already showed me all around this apartment of yours."

"Grr, fine" said Bulma picking up a capsule that contained one of her GR rooms she had 4 just incase, 2 where Chi's 2 where hers.

Pointing to the capsule Vegeta asked "What is that."

"It is a capsule it shrinks things down and allows you to store them in here I have the GR room."

"Well then show it to me."

"No we have to go outside somewhere it is to big to open in here, how about we go to the gym field."

"Fine let's move it woman."

They flew down the halls at light speed unseen by anyone. Once arriving at the field they looked around at the damage they had caused during gym class.

"Well woman lets see it."

"Can't you call me by my name?"


Sighing Bulma throw the capsule to the ground and up popped a GR room. Vegeta just stared in disbelief. Bulma seeing this could not resist saying "Well Vegeta once you are done staring you can come in and check it out." She then walked into the GR room and Vegeta fallowed behind.

"Ok woman I do not see any deference in gravity yet."

"Just wait" said Bulma going over to the control panel she turned the gravity to 200 which was nothing to her sense she was at 300. She did however get the chance to see Vegeta try and compose himself as he felt the effects of the gravity.

Vegeta seeing his defeat turned to Bulma and said "Well I guess you can do something. We should spare in here sometime that way we would not destroy the gym."

Bulma although annoyed by his statement decided to ignore it saying "Yeah I would love to spare with you. Sense you are the only challenge I have had in a long time. I will ask the Gym teacher tomorrow if we can practice in here instead of in the field because this GR room can take a lot of energy. We will not need to worry about blowing up this little planet."

Nodding in agreement Vegeta walked slowly to the door because the gravity was still having an effect on him. Once he opened it and then the gravity shut of he had to use all of his comeposher to not fall over.

Fallowing Vegeta out of the GR room she encapsulated it. For some unknown reason Bulma found herself in a good mood after all of this so she turned to Vegeta and asked. "Hey Vegeta would you like this GR room it is one of my first models and me and Chi still have 3 together."

"Ah sure."

"Well I guess we better head back and see if those two are done. Man they are a total descries to our peoples."

Nodding in agreement Vegeta fallowed Bulma as she flew back to her room. Right as they got by the door Goku came out and asked innocently "What you guys been up to."

"Nothing you baka we just wanted to get away from you and that harpy."

"Hey do not call Chi a harpy she is my cousin."

"To bad for you woman Kakarott lets go."

"Oh alright Vegeta. See you tomorrow at school Bulma."

"Sure Goku later." Said Bulma walking into her apartment.

That night both Vegeta and Bulma got drilled by Goku and Chi who where convinced that they liked each other and where just too stubborn to believe it.

Over the next week Vegeta and Goku came to eat at the girls for every mean minus lunch where Chi made capsules for the boys. Also over the week Bulma and Vegeta had become good friends despite what they denied it was obvious. They where always hanging out together and being mean to most everyone.

Also much to everyone's relief all 4 used the GR rooms to spare during gym so there was no need to worry about being killed during gym class. That incident however did teach everyone not to piss off ether the saiyans for the ice-jins.

2nd week of school

Just before Vegeta and Bulma turned on their walkmans to drowned out there Universal Controversies teacher they heard her say. "Today class we will start our unit on the Ice-jins starting with the royal family. Then we will go through there culture. After that we will do a unit on the Saiyans in the same way. Once all of this is done we will see if there is not some diplomatic way that these to peoples can workout their problems."

Hearing this Vegeta, Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Goku immediately looked up to the front of the classroom. This was one unit they did not want to miss all where interested in what was going to be said about their peoples. Not to mention they had the feeling that they might have to answer some questions on behalf of their peoples.

"Ok class to start I will do a break down of the royal family of the Cold kingdom. The present ruler of the planet Cold is King Cold. The Cold Empire however with the exception of the planet Cold is ruled by Lord Frieza and his brother Lord Cooler. As of present the Cold Empire is being expanded by both of the brothers and their daughters the crowned princess Icicle who is Lord Frieza's daughter and Princess Frost who is lord Coolers daughter. Now about these two little is known there are few pictures and little info. What is however known is that they are as ruthless of killers of their fathers are. P. Icicle is known for her inventions of destruction and leadership skills. However, I'm sure she is quite strong on her own. Princess Frost often is known to fallow her cousin on purging missions and is said to be just a little weaker then her."

By this time in the lecture both Bulma and Chi where quite pale, they could not believe the teacher was talking of them in such a way. Not that she knew that they where here.

Seeing the two so pale the teacher turned to Chi and asked "Chi-Chi is there anything you know of these 2 princesses."

Chi was so shocked she could not answer. Seeing this Bulma decided to get up and answer for her. Hoping in some why she could make herself seem less horrible.

"Teacher would you mind if I talked for Chi she is not feeling very well."


"Nether of us know much of the Royal family but what is known is that the princesses are forced to do many of the things they do against their will. I'm not claming them as innocent but I also asked you along with the rest of the class to not jump to conclusions about them ether. Arigato." Bulma stated in a more heart felt voice then she thought.

"Thank you very much for your point of view Bulma. Well class is almost over you may talk among yourselves know. Tomorrow we will move on to the Icejin culture and history."

Once this was done Goku asked Bulma and Chi in a concerned voice "Are you to ok?"

Bulma responded "Yeah we are fine just tired." Before putting on her CD Walkman.

Nothing more was said between the 4 until the bell rang. Bulma on the way out turned to Vegeta and asked "Vegeta would you mind if you spared with Goku today. Chi and I are going to go to our room and rest I think we are a little sick. You two can still come over for dinner if you like."

"Fine are you sure you are fine not that I care just asking." responded Vegeta as him and Goku head for the gym and the girls for there room.

"Yeah we are fine just need rest have fun with Goku." Responded Bulma tiredly.

That night at dinner little was said between the 4. The guys left right after the dinner and headed to bed. Once a sleep the 2 started to have nightmares.

"AHH GET OF ME GET OF ME, LEAVE ME THE FUCK A LONE." Screamed Chi in her sleep.