Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ universal highschool ❯ bad dreams ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Nightmares and some truths

Chi-Chi's scream did not go unnoticed. Bulma immediately got up from her own cold sweat nightmare and went over to Chi's bed and wake her up. Once she was up she rocked her like a child whispering "It is ok we are far from home they cannot touch us anymore. Grandfather promised we would have one year of peace. Fro I mean Chi it is ok." The two girls just hugged and rocked back and forth. After a few seconds Bulma was going to ask what happened in her dream though she already had a rather clear idea from her own dream. In away she was ready to kill the teacher for making them think of home and their fathers.

Before she could however Vegeta and Goku came into their bedroom, wearing boxers looking truly worried. Vegeta asked in as calm a voice "What happened we heard her from our room are you to all right."

Weakly Bulma responded "We are fine just bad dreams nothing more."

Vegeta gave her a scrutinizing look not believing her for a second for she was covered in a cold sweat from head to toe and Chi-Chi did not look much better.

Goku ran over to Chi and asked quietly "Are you ok Chi?" She nodded her head then released her grip on Bulma and gripped Goku as though he where the only life line.

This caused a small pain in Bulma's heart for she felt like she had done wrong. She had always been there for Chi after such dreams. Bulma was the strong one who would help Chi now she started to see she need help herself and that helping Chi was only covering her pain. Walking over to her bed she sat down and pulled her knees to her chest and started to cry lightly.

Seeing this Vegeta went to her side and pulled her tight to his side though he had never done this before he felt compelled to now. For Bulma looked to be in so much pain he just wanted to take it away. After a short time she put her head in the crock of his neck and wrapped her arms around him. Now for the first time in Bulma's life she felt safe though she knew her father could beat Vegeta it did not matter. She was protected and she began to relax.

Sensing this Vegeta decided to ask again "are you ok? What happened?"

Weakly Bulma responded "Just nightmares of our home. Though I think Chi's most have been worse then mine." At these both of them stole a glance over to Chi and Goku who was comforting her better then Bulma ever could.

Though Bulma could tell Chi was not going to be herself for sometime. The nightmares of their fathers always got to Chi more then herself. There for she asked a question that she knew Chi would if she could talk "Goku will you stay with Chi tonight. If you do not I'm afraid she will not rest at all."

This question shocked both Vegeta and Goku but he nodded in agreement then asked Bulma "Are you sure you will be ok you do not look much better."

Though she wanted Vegeta to stay Bulma was too scared to ask for they hated each other `right'. Weakly and regretfully she responded "No I will be ok."

As if reading Bulma's mind Vegeta said in a commanding voice leaving no room for argument. "Woman I will stay with you to night so long as you stop crying." Bulma looked into his eyes now for the first time sense they came in. What she saw there made her heart break he cared. Vegeta cared and wanted her to be ok. To thank him Bulma kissed him lightly on the lips. Vegeta responded by giving her a deep kiss back then saying in a whisper "Sleep now woman me and Kakarott will stay." She smiled lightly then went to sleep in Vegeta's arms. It was the best sleep she had had for as long as she could remember. There where no bad dreams or anything.

@The next morning@

Chi-Chi, Kakarott and Vegeta all wake up before Bulma. They all decided to leave and let her sleep a little more. Vegeta reluctantly removed himself from embracing Bulma and headed in to the kitchen/dinning room with Goku and Chi.

Once there, Chi started to make food for everyone. It was then that Vegeta decided to ask the question that was plaguing him and Goku. "Chi-Chi what was that you two dreamed about, I have never heard someone scream with so much pain in my life."

Though shocked Chi was not total surprised by the question. Rather she was more shocked that Vegeta had addressed her and formally at that. Taking a deep breath she decided it was best they knew something. For Chi knew that as long as the teacher continued the unit on the Icejins she and Bulma would be having nightmares. The guys might as well know what they where about and it might answer why as well.

"Ok you two I will tell you as much as I can." Stated Chi in a cracking voice.

Both Vegeta and Goku nodded that what she told them would be enough for now.

So Chi stopped her cooking and went to climb into Goku's arms to feel more comfortable well telling some stuff. He welcomed her and hugged her tight. Facing Vegeta she said what little she could.

"As I'm sure you two know me and Bulma are cousins. Our fathers are both very powerful and ruthless men thought they hate each other they often times work together to accomplish there dirty deeds. There for me and Bulma have spent much time together through out or lives and up till this point we where they only friends we had."

Taking another deep breath Chi began again. "Now you must not tell Bulma that you know this for it would hurt her pride very much. It is the one thing Bulma is proud to have kept despite our fathers' punishments. The punishments are what we have nightmares about all though some are not punishments more or less a means to an end. We have both been beaten more times then we could ever count." Lifting up the back to her shirt she showed both Goku and Vegeta some of the scares on her back.

Both flinched in anger but allowed for Chi to continue after snuggling deeper into Goku and taking another deep breath. "Bulma and I also have many scares from these beatings all over our body though Bulma I know has more. It is part of the reason we wear so many cloths even on hot days. However, one day Bulma hopes to invent something to take them away. Now what I'm about to tell you next would wound Bulma's pride for the beatings mean nothing to us, well as much as they can anyway. Regardless." Chi started to shake as she readied herself for this next part. Goku squeezed her tighter to comfort her and waited for her to begin.

Taking a shaky breath Chi began with tears coming from her eyes. "Alright, Bulma and I have also been raped by our fathers and each others fathers. This was not done so much as for their pleasure so much as for the linage of your family. Our fathers wish not to have our family tree tainted more by outside blood. For we are only half they want are children to be more. There for they came to the decision that they would give us children." Once done Chi broke into all out sobs and Goku tried to calm her down.

Through out all of this both Goku and Vegeta where listening in shock. In the last 20 min they had gained more respect for what these two had lived through then they every though possible. Vegeta was so angry that he wanted to attack the Icejin empire right at that moment. Goku was willing to join him right at that second as well. To calm down they both took some deep breaths.

About 10 min after Chi-Chi finished everyone was composed and Chi began to cook again. Right at that moment Bulma came out of their bedroom and headed for the table. Once seated across from Vegeta she turned and looked him in the eyes and said "Thank You."

To this he grunted and little else was said between the four everyone was deep in thought. Eventually the time came however for everyone to get ready for class. As the guys got up to leave Bulma and Chi hugged them good-bye and said thank you. To this the guys both kissed the girls lightly on the lips and left.

Through out the day little was said between the 4. It was not until about gym time that everyone started to act normal. Bulma and Chi despite the Universal Controversies lecture had managed to block out the pain of last night and this morning. Now in gym they both went to give their man a good spare in their GR rooms, sense two where set up in the gym yard. The gym teacher did not even bother teaching the 4 and let them do their own thing so long as they came to class.

Chi sensing the tension that had sprung up due to last night decided to try and break it up a little. Though she did not tell her plan to anyone, the only thing she did say was she wanted the boys over before she started cooking. It was a little odd but they both had come to love her cooking so they decided not to question.

@Dinning/Kitchen at Bulma's and Chi's@

As Kakarott and Vegeta entered the girls' apartment the heard some major arguing.

"Chi you can't expect me to help cook I burn everything."

"Bulma I do not want you to cook just get the ingredients."

"Still you know I will mess it up."

At that moment the guys walked into the kitchen to see Bulma's head hanging down in defeat and Chi looking a little too excited.

"No you will not, OH look the guys are you." Handing Vegeta and Goku aprons which both refused to wear she began to instruct them. "Alright you two you can help Bulma and me cook."

Goku looked excited to be working with food where as Vegeta feel over backwards and said in an arrogant voice "You expect me prince of the saiyans to cook."

Chi responded happily "Yes, besides if Bulma could not get out of it do not think you can."

Vegeta `humped' and turned to Bulma and said "Your cousin is fucking insane."

"I know but she does make the best food so lets help."

Defeated Vegeta responded "fine"

Mean will Chi was instructing everyone on what hey where to do. "Alright Bulma you and Vegeta can make the cake. Goku and I will make the dinner."

Bulma had thought Chi said that she would only help not actually cook so she asked "Chi you said I would only be helping not cooking I would never have agreed I if you said I had to cook."

"Well Bulma technically you are not cooking you are baking and you better get started or no food for you."

"What you can not do that."

"Oh yes I can you and Vegeta had better get started."

`Hump' "Fine"

Turning to Vegeta "Alright Veggie head lets get this over with."

"Woman do not ever call me that again."

"Sure fine." Said Bulma in a montone. "Ok first we need our ingredients. Flour, eggs, sugar, baking soda, milk, and butter." "Once we get those we mix them together and bake them it should not be too hard." "Vegeta how about you get the ingredients and I mix."

"Fine." Said Vegeta as he got the ingredients. "Here"

"Thanks Vegeta better get mixing." At that Bulma began to mix things. (Now as we all know Bulma is not a great cook so this will make sense if you think of it in such a light. Don't get me wrong she is smart just not when it comes to making food.) First she put in the butter and the floor however being that the butter was still frozen it did not mix so well. So she decided to add the eggs but forgot to take of the shells. Now the mixture was sort of mixing. Then she added the rest. The milk helped to mix things more but the butter was still frozen and there where still egg shells. Not really known if it looked right Bulma turned to Vegeta and asked "Does this look right."

Vegeta not being a great cook gave the best answer he could. "I think it needs to be mix a little bit more."

"But Vegeta it will not mix anymore the butter is too hard."

"Well just try hard."

Unfortunately for all Bulma's attempt to try hard end up having bits of cake mix everywhere but mostly on Bulma and Vegeta. Turning to Vegeta and seen cake mix on his smirking face made Bulma laugh so hard she fell over backwards.

"Woman what they hell are you looking at, why the fuck are you laughing, and look at the mess you made." Fumed Vegeta.

Trying to talk through her laughter Bulma responded. "Ha you look….so fu..nn..y with cake…mix ha all.. over you." Trying to compose herself Bulma stood up and pierced her lips shut as best she could.

"Oh and you think you look great with mix all over you." Smirk Vegeta.

"No but still your attitude really makes this all the funnier." Said Bulma trying to stop laughing.

Now Vegeta was upset but not so much that he took the stance of `I will kill you,' mad as he was I want revenge mad. So he picked up the bag of flour and tossed it at Bulma who was too busy trying to stop laughing to notice. Once it landed however she shrieked which in turn cause Vegeta to start laughing.

"Look what you have done I will get you back for that." Fumed Bulma picking up the rest of the Bulma of mix and dumping it over the laughing prince's head. It looked really funny because even with the weight of the cake mix Vegeta's hair stayed in the same place. There was also the added effect of a big piece of butter stuck right in the middle.

Sticking out her tongue "Serves you right."

Before long there was an all out food war going on. Goku and Chi had started their own not long after Bulma and Vegeta. Goku accidentally spilled a big pot of water and Chi and it just snowballed from there. By the end the 4 where laughing so hard it hurt.

The first two to regain some composer where Vegeta and Kakarott, once they did the pulled the girls in to a hug. Vegeta licked some cake mix off Bulma's nose and seductively said "Tastes good though I think I know something that tastes better." Capturing Bulma's lips in a deep kiss that she returned with equal force.

Goku and Chi where doing close to the same thing. After about 10 min Goku's stomach began to rumble waking everyone from their trance. Chi then said happily "I guess I should not have had you guys help, but I'm really hungry let's say we order pizza."

The whole group nodded in agreement and decided to order 20 pizza's 18 for the guys and 2 for the girls. Chi seeing how dirty everyone was decided they should clean up before eating "Ok well we wait for the food lets clean up."

Goku being the kind person he was asked if they need help cleaning the apartment. Luckily because of Bulma's tech know how they did not have to because they had bots to do that, so the guys left.

Once cleaned everyone met up in the kitchen again which looked as though nothing had happened. The pizza had already come and Chi had placed it out for everyone. It took only 20 min for everyone to be finished. Seeing as though no one wanted to leave Chi and Bulma agreed to ask the boys to stay and watch a movie.

Bulma came out into the living room where they guys where sitting watching TV as they waited for the girls to clean up. "Hey guys do you want to stay and watch a movie, I know we have class tomorrow but it is not to late besides we do not have any home work."

Both Vegeta and Goku nodded in agreement.

"So what movie you guys want to watch." Pointing over to their collection of movies "There are the movies we have."

Looking over the collection guys picked out Jet Li "The One" because it had enough action to keep the guys entertained with enough emotion to make the girls happy. Not that Chi and Bulma did not enjoy the fighting but it seemed pointless to kill without reason.

Before the movie started the girls decided to change into their pj's to be more comfortable. Chi was the first done hers was a red spaghetti strap top with black pants she also took her hair out of its normal bun. Bulma wore a light blue spaghetti strapped top with dark blue crush velvet pants. Her hair was down as well and out of its normal ponytail. They then sat down next to the guys Goku and Chi along with Vegeta and Bulma.

Throughout the first week of school Bulma and Vegeta had become very close friends. As much as they hated to admit it they also really liked each other maybe even loved each other. This fact was very hard for ether of them to accept because it just did not seem right. There was also the fact that they had both for sworn love altogether long ago and now found themselves going back on that.

Now as they sat down to watch the movie Bulma sat close to Vegeta but not in his arms like Goku and Chi. However, about 1/8 of the way into the movie Vegeta grabbed and pulled her into his arms. She did not resist though in the back of her mind she felt like she was going back on herself but it just felt so right. Vegeta was going through the same thing. He just could not have her sit there he wanted her in his arms protecting her holding her just smelling her beautiful blue hair.

During the movie nothing more was exchanged between the two couple but a few kisses. After it was finished everyone was reluctant to go. Chi being the most bold of the group when it came to such situations proposed an idea. She knew that Bulma and Vegeta would say they did not like it but really she knew they would like it. So in a happy voice she said "Hey why don't you and Vegeta go and stay at the guys' apartment and me and Goku can stay here."

All three where shocked by this Bulma was first to protest "Chi you cannot be serious I'm just friends with Vegeta if even that." Though she knew she was lying she had to say it. At this statement Vegeta felt a small pain in his chest discovering her really did want to stay with the woman for the night.

Chi knowing that Bulma would say this was ready with a come back. "Bulma I'm doing this for your own good. I know that sense we have started this unit on the Ice-jins you have been having memories of home that in turn give you nightmares like mine. You also know very well that I cannot comfort you, so stay with Vegeta it will be good for you, Good Night B chan."

Before Bulma had time to say anything back Chi was already in their room with the door shut. Not however before she said quickly to Goku "Go over and get your clothing for the night and tomorrow and" Going back into their room "here are yours." (Ok people you might wander how Chi would know what Bulma wanted to wear it was simple, Bulma in her compulsion usual has a few outfits ready for the week so Chi just gave those to her.)

Goku did not take long to return once he did he saw Bulma and Vegeta still standing their dumb founded. Instead of trying to be the voice of reason to the two he just wished them good night and went to snuggle up to Chi (No one sleeps with each other this night so get that out of your heads peeps it I just to early in the story K. That however does not mean there is no snuggling and kissing and stuff just NO SEX)

Once the door to her room was shut yet again she turned to Vegeta "Well Vegeta I hope you do not mind me spending the night with you."

"It is ok I guess come on lets go I'm tired."

"Yeah me to."

In Goku and Vegeta's room that is about the same as the girls along with their apartments, pointing over to Kakarott's bed "You can sleep in Kakarott's bed."

"Sure thing good night Vegeta."

"Good night woman."

"You do know I have a name."

"Yes I do woman now go to sleep."

A `hump' was heard from Kakarott's bed then nothing, both where sound a sleep rather fast. In the girls apartment Chi and Goku where cuddling in their sleep both with a smile on their lips.