Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Decision ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 7

Goku was shaking. Shaking from anger, from fear, from revulsion....he didn’t know. Maybe all three.
“Daikkon...” he began, his voice sounding oddly foreign in his ears as he tried to calm his breathing. “What...he wouldn’t...Bulla....”
Daikkon couldn’t meet Goku’s gaze, instead starring at a random spot on the floor.
“I would not put such things past him. He is a man of a singular goal and iron determination.” He glanced up at Vegeta who had remained motionless. “I am so sorry, my lord.”
Goku felt his knees weaken and he sank back down upon the stool. He picked up the tea cup before him and took a small sip of the warm liquid. It was bitter, with strong flavors of licorice and cloves but he didn’t notice.
“What time is it?” he asked quietly.
Daikkon frowned.
“Nineteen hundred hours.” he replied, checking his data pad. Goku closed his eyes. Three hours. Could they risk trying to come up with a plan and attempting to execute it in three hours. Or would they have to comply....
“I would rather see her dead.”
Vegeta’s voice was a coarse whisper, but startlingly loud in the silent chamber. He looked up at the two Saiyan’s that were now watching him.
“I would rather see her dead than.....” he swallowed hard, not able to even get the words past his throat. The thought of what Horenz implied....his baby girl....
“That’s not going to happen, Vegeta!” Goku exclaimed. “We have to think of something....do something....”
“What will you have us do, Kakkarot!?” Vegeta barked back. “We have no energy! We cannot ascend! They have our children, you fool!!” Vegeta dropped his voice, but his tone was still as harsh and biting. “Don’t think for a second that people this demented would not hesitate to hurt your son as they would my daughter...”
Goku felt as though he had just been punched in the gut. By Buu and Cell and Frieza combine. He dropped his head into his hands. Why was it he wanted to do nothing at this point but sob?
Vegeta looked at the lower class Saiyan and actually felt pity for him. Kakkarot, who was always so much stronger than he physically, was now reduced to a trembling mess. Who had seen so many battles and yet did not know until now what true horror was.
“Powerlessness is not a taste that is easy to swallow, is it, Kakkarot?” Vegeta inquired. Goku looked up at him, seeing before him not the man who had come to Earth to destroy it, or the soldier who grudgingly fought by his side, yet slighted and belittled him at every opportunity. But a man who had the weight of too many years of powerless episodes just like the one they were in now. Goku had known that Vegeta’s life had been hard, but he never really gave it any profound thought. Maybe he was naive...
“Is there anything you require of me, sire?” Daikkon asked quietly.
Vegeta sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose between his finger and thumb. His whole body appeared to be trembling.
“Unfortunately, yes.” he replied wearily.
Goku starred down at the cup in his hands, tuning out the two. Was this really happening to him? Did he come back from the dead for this?
“Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Kakkarot.” Vegeta spoke to him, not unkindly, as Daikkon left the room. “They may have us at a disadvantage for now, but I am confident that we will prevail. My woman is a genius and your friends are trustworthy...more or less.”
“How can you be so calm right now!?” Goku asked in disbelief. Vegeta dropped onto the stool on the opposite side of the table. He seemed exhausted, his eyes darker than normal.
“Because I am buying my daughter and Goten time.” he grumbled, fidgeting with the second tea cup. “I can appreciate that you must feel this is harder on you than it is on me, but I can assure you that this is one place in life that I have not even the slightest desire to be.” Vegeta couldn’t meet his eyes .“This must be difficult for you.” Goku looked down at his own hands, white knuckled and grasping his cup.
“...I want to help my son....and Bulla....but...” Vegeta shook his head.
“Don’t think I would take this as an opportunity of retribution against you for our own rivalry, Kakkarot.” he spoke, his tone bitter as if speaking anything of any positive value to the other Saiyan was painful. Goku’s own voice was barely a whisper.
“I would never think you would do such a thing, Vegeta...” he told him. “It’s just....I....I’ve never....” his jaw felt oddly tight, and his throat constricted as he tried to speak. Vegeta continued, saving the younger man the trouble of finishing his thought.
“I am not forcing you to do this, Kakkarot.” his own jaw set firmly as he spoke. “I have learned from unfortunate experience...” his voice was quiet as he finished. “...I will not hurt you.”
Goku looked back up to his companion. Vegeta’s eyes remained downcast on the cup in his hand. Was there truth to what the general said about Vegeta’s past? What were the horrors that darkened the spirit of the Saiyan Prince?
Goku suddenly felt a stronger sense of pity for Vegeta than he ever had, but also a stronger sense of admiration. He wasn’t so sure that had he had Vegeta’s life, he would be alive today...
Daikkon returned to the room and placed a tray on the trunk at the foot of the bed. He turned and addressed the captives with a quiet voice.
“If you need anything from me, do not hesitate to call...I am going to go to the children now.”
Goku gave a weak smile of gratitude, but Vegeta remained motionless.
Daikkon felt anger over the situation well up within him as he left the two and headed toward the chamber of the youngest Saiyan captives. He might not be able to stop the events that had been set into motion, but he was determined that he would stop General Horenz from reaching his goal.


“I’m bored, Goten!” Bulla whined from where she lay on the bed, her head draped down one side, starring at the ceiling. “What are we doing here!?”
Goten paced in front of the door, clenching and unclenching his fists in nervous frustration. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Where did these people come from and what did they want from them? How did his father get involved?
“Goten!” Bulla shouted, rolling onto her stomach and glaring at the teenager.
Goten stopped in his tracks and turned to her.
“I’m sorry, kiddo.” he stammered. “What?”
The ten year old rolled her large blue eyes and pulled herself into a sitting position.
“I’m bored.” she repeated.
Goten sighed and went to set next to her on the bed.
“I know, but look.” he put his hands on her shoulders and looked seriously into her eyes. “We are in danger right now.” he explained. “I can’t entertain you, I need to think of a way to get us out of here.”
Bulla shrugged his hands off of her and shook her head in disgust.
“We’re not in danger!” she told him. “My papa is here and he would never let anything happen to me. You worry too much, Goten, and your papa is here too!”
Goten wished he could be so simple in his beliefs. But that was what worried him the most, that his father was there and yet they remained captive. Something must be horribly wrong. That both of their father’s had asked them if they had been harmed was also an indication that they must not have suddenly formed friendly relations. But, he didn’t want to alarm Bulla. She was innocent in her unwavering belief in her father and he wanted it to stay that way.
“Bulla,” he spoke to her. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I’m paranoid. What do you want to do?”
Bulla skipped happily back to him upon hearing his statement.
“Let’s play twenty questions! I get to go first!!” Goten forced a smile and let her lead him to the table. “Okay!” she announced when they sat down. “I got someone. First question!”
“Um....” Goten pretended to give it some thought as she happily waved her finger at him. “Let’s see....”
The two were interrupted when the door slid open. Bulla groaned loudly.
“What do you want!?” she insisted, wrinkling her nose as Daikkon appeared.
“I’ve come to check on you and see if there is anything that you require.” He avoided Goten eyes, not wanting the young adult to see any apprehensions there.
“Uh, yeah!” Bulla sneered. “I need to see my father. When can we leave this stupid room?”
“I’m sorry, princess.” he addressed her. “But you will have to remain a while longer.”
“How much longer.” Goten asked, his tone serious.
“I’m afraid it is too soon to tell. Not long, I hope.” he turned back to Bulla and placed a smile on his face. “Look, Princess. I found paper and a writing tool for you to draw with.”
“Woo!” Bulma bounced from the table and took the items he offered. “Thanks! Goten, let’s play hangman! I’m first!!”
Goten cast a sideways glance to their ‘caretaker’ and noticed the pained look on his face as he starred at the young girl. Goten was out of his chair and at Daikkon’s side like a shot.
What is going on.” he hissed, trying not to alert Bulla as she plotted out a series of dashes to represent her phrase.
Daikkon looked at the teen for a moment, trying to decide exactly how much information to share.
“Hopefully nothing.” he replied. “I am just trying to make sure that you two are as comfortable as possible.” his own voice dropped significantly as he added. “I sympathize with your plight, but I cannot openly help you.”
Goten took a deep breath. If only he could go super....
“GO-ten.” Bulla sing-song to call his attention. “I’m ready!”
Goten smiled, but turned back to Daikkon before joining her.
“Whenever you can help us, make it soon. If you can get rid of whatever is zappin’ my ki, I can help myself.”
Daikkon shook his head.
“That would be the most impossible task of all as the ki-suppressors were injected into your skin.”
The reaction was louder than either of them wanted. Bulla frowned.
“I asked if you wanted anything more to eat.” Daikkon tried not to stammer.
“Bleh, no!” Bulla answered for them. “I’ve had enough of your stinky food. You should really buy one of my mom’s chef bots.”
Daikkon looked back to Goten, who’s eyes were still wide with shock. Daikkon made a small bow toward the young girl.
“Then I will leave you, but I will be close by.”
Bulla smirked as she returned to drawing the hangman’s rigging.
“Whatever. Goten, pick a letter.”
Goten shook his head, a hand coming to the bag of his neck, rubbing the muscle that had suddenly tightened there. They had injected something into his skin? When? So somewhere on his body, there should be a sign of whatever was implanted. Maybe it was close enough to the skin....
“GO - TEN.” Bulla stressed his name until he looked her way. “Pick. A. Letter.”
The young teen let out a long, slow sigh as he shook his head.


A/N: Yes, yes...a little short. But the next chapter should be up soon. Hope it's interesting!! Webtester01 and SuperSaiyanJoy: Again, you both rock! - B.
P.S. I hope ya'll got the significance in the letter that Goten chose. I would have picked the same one. Hehehehe.....

A/N 2: Not anything significant. Just fixed a glaring typo that I noticed re-reading it online. Also, I am allowing non-registered reviews. Hope you all like. I hope the next chapter is not disappointing. I still to rework it a bit more than I expected. Thanks!