Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Sharing ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 27

Gohan blinked his eyes a few times, unsure if he were truly awake. But the image of his father in front of him didn’t change, and he could only conclude that the words he spoke would not change, either.

“Son?” Goku asked, uncomfortable with the other’s silence. “You okay?”

“Yeah!” Gohan replied, snapping out of his trance. “Yeah...are you?”

Goku gave a weak smile. He should have known that would be Gohan’s first response after he shared his news. He couldn’t seem to convince anyone that he was alright.

“Yeah, Gohan...I think so...” he replied, running a hand through his hair. Gohan watched him for a moment before speaking again.

“Are you sure about that?”

Goku sighed and stood.

Gohan had met him near their favorite fishing spot that afternoon when Goku had expressed a desire to speak with him. Now, as Goku stood there, staring into the crystal blue water, he wished it were a more lighthearted father/son meeting. Like the ones they used to have.

“I don’t know...” Goku answered after a moment, turning back to his oldest child. “Just when I think that I do know, something happens and I am unsure again.”

Gohan’s brow creased with concern as he watched his father.

“Dad, you can’t expect for everything to just be okay all of the sudden,” he told him. “You went through a major trauma! And now, to find out that there were....repercussions...Dad,” he shook his head in disbelief, “you are expecting too much out of yourself.”

Goku sat back down on the grass by his child, releasing a heavy sigh.

“Goten disappeared after I told him last night,” he spoke quietly to Gohan. “I think he’s mad at me for the decision that I've made.

“I’m sure that is not the reason that he is mad, Dad,” Gohan explained. “He’s mad at the situation. He’s mad that you had to make a decision at all...and he is young.”

“Well, Vegeta is not so young, and he is ten times as angry.” Goku’s voice was bitter as he spoke. “I’m trying to do what I think is right, and now no one is happy.”

Gohan considered his father’s words a moment before hesitantly asking,

“Not even you?”

Goku looked shocked by the question, but soon his expression faded into one of defeat.

“If everyone thinks that I am happy about all that has happened, they are sadly mistaken.” Goku spoke in a hushed tone. “I didn’t ask for any of this, and I wish that it hadn’t happen. But that doesn’t change the fact that it did. I just want to do what is right.” He turned his face to the younger Saiyan’s, his eyes searching for some measure of understanding. “Am I really just hurting everyone?”

“Dad.” Gohan moved to his father’s side and place an arm around his shoulders. “There are two things that stand out in my mind about what you have just told me,” he explained. “One: I am going to have a new sibling. That doesn’t harm me in any way. I love you, I know you are a great father and I know that this baby will be loved. But the second…” He took a deep breath before finishing his thought. “The second is that you were subjected to a terrible act, and that just makes me angry. Not at you, not at Vegeta, but just angry. Is it going to be weird to see you go through this? Yes. But will it make my life miserable? No.”

Goku frowned, even though he knew his son was only trying to make him feel better.

“How would you feel if you were your mother? Would you still think that?”

Gohan was taken aback by the question.

“Well...I know that Mom is probably hurt, Dad. Not because you are keeping this baby. But, like I said, because you were hurt and she will be reminded of that every day. You and I both know that if you decided not to keep it, it wouldn’t have been any better...or easier on you.”

Goku’s voice was barely a whisper.

“I think it would be harder.”

Gohan nodded as the two fell into silence.

Unconsciously, Goku reached out with his senses to pinpoint Vegeta’s ki. It was steady and calm, in the vicinity of Capsule Corp. and close to Trunks’. As soon as he reached it, however, his temper rose, and he snapped back to his own surroundings.

“I’m glad that you listened to me, Gohan,” Goku told him. “I...I really hope that I am not letting you down.”

Gohan tightened his embrace around his father.

“You’re not, Dad. I will be here for you.” Gohan felt pity for his father. The strong, powerful man that had always been the saving grace for countless people, now needing support of his own. He knew Goku didn’t need to be reminded of how unusual or strange or just plain creepy the situation was; what he needed right now were his family and friends. “Everyone else will be here for you as well, I am sure.”

“Oh, I don’t want to tell anyone else yet!” Goku exclaimed, sitting up straighter and turning to the younger man. “I mean, I would like to wait just a little bit longer...” He grimaced as he considered his words. “I mean, I suppose you can tell Videl...and...I sure hope Pan understands...Damn! This is going to be hard for everyone!”

“Calm down, Dad,” Gohan instructed. “I will only tell when you feel comfortable with me telling them. It might be a little harder to tell Pan because she is young and doesn’t need to know all the details but I think she will be more accepting of this than an adult might.”

Goku pressed his hand to his forehead as he felt an approaching headache. He really wished he had a guarantee that he was making the right choice. He knew that it would be tough, but didn’t anyone see how tough this was going to be for him? It wasn’t like he was asking anyone else to make any more sacrifices than he was.

But maybe he was making more out of this than he needed to. He was still concerned about going Super Saiyan. He had no confirmation that there was even anything to be worrying everyone over. It would be a moot point if Goku had unwittingly done what Vegeta had wanted...

“Gohan, I actually would like for you to not tell anyone yet. Not even Videl, if that is okay?”

“Sure, Dad,” Gohan assured him. “But you won’t be able to keep this quiet for long. If not for the fact that pregnancy becomes quite obvious after a while, then simply because Goten does know, and he can’t keep his mouth shut for two seconds in a row."

Goku tried to smile at his son’s comment, but couldn't quite manage it. He was already feeling too tired from the day and just wanted to go home, curl up in his bed and go to sleep.

“Thank you, Gohan,” he said, standing. “Thank you for listening. Thank you for being so understanding.”

“Anytime, Dad...”

Goku gave a small wave before turning and heading back toward his home. Gohan watched him leave, his feelings so strained that he felt almost numb.

He and Piccolo had been trying for days to figure out what could possibly be wrong with his father, their friendly sparring matches often turning into think tank meetings.

When Goku had called that morning and asked if they could talk, Gohan was hoping to finally put an end to the mystery. How on earth was he supposed to face his Namekian friend now that he knew but couldn’t tell him? There was no way he could avoid Piccolo until his father's condition was obvious to the eye or until his father felt comfortable with sharing the news. They didn’t have a set schedule for sparring, but lately he’d been spending more time than usual with his former sensei, who understood Gohan’s need to talk about his concern for his father.

But now, Goku was not the only one he was concerned about. The news Goku shared had shocked and stunned him, so he could only imagine how Goten was reacting. There was no telling how his little brother was taking this news. The teen might not turn to his best friend, seeing as Trunks would be dealing with the same pain on his own, so Goten might be needing someone to talk this out with.

Gohan powered up and began his flight back toward his home. Before he tackled being supportive for Goten, he needed to take some time to process this information himself.


Vegeta didn’t train once he was locked away within the gravity unit. He merely returned to his spot on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He felt weary from his recent outpouring of emotion, but at the same time, oddly light. As if he had transferred some of the weight off his soul.

The door to the GR slid open, pulling his attention from his own musing to his visitor.

“Papa,” Bulla stated matter-of-factly, coming to stand before him with her fists settled on her hips. “Mom told me to come in here and tell you that since you made me stay home, you have to spend time with me.”

Vegeta examined the scowl on her pretty face as she watched him. He pushed from the floor into a sitting position.

“And this displeases you?” he remarked with interest. Bulla’s eyebrows rose, but she didn’t answer right away. “You want to spend the time with someone else?”

“No,” she finally spoke, dropping her hands to her sides. “But Mama makes it sound like spending time with me is punishment.”

Vegeta felt a twinge of guilt as he, in general, felt that was exactly what it was.

“Nonsense,” he stated, standing and walking with her from the gravity capsule. Bulla took his hand as they headed for the house. Vegeta suppressed a grin.

“So what do you want to do?” the child asked him, looking expectantly up into his face for an answer.

“Whatever that you normally do,” Vegeta answered, uneasily. “We will do that....”

“Well, I would normally be playing with my dolls, or on the computer,” Bulla chatted at his side. “But you wouldn’t want to do that.” Vegeta silently thanked Kami that she felt that way. “So you could take me to the movies, since Goten couldn’t.”

The thought of navigating his way through the overcrowded shopping plaza that contained the cineplex flashed before Vegeta’s eyes and made him break out into a cold sweat that was normally reserved for being in close proximity to squirmy, wiggly entities. Pair that with being in public in the afore mentioned cineplex with a pre-teen female, watching Kami-knows what kind of pre-teen female movie, made a lump form in his throat.

“I have an idea,” he spoke after clearing his throat. “Why don’t we stay home and watch one of those video disks that you are always trying to get me to sit through?”

“Oooh!” Bulla squealed, grabbing both of his hands and stopping him dead in his tracks. “We can make popcorn and turn out the lights and play it on the big TV in the den!” Vegeta nodded his head.

“Um, sure....”

“I’m going to go pick a movie! You get the popcorn!”

Vegeta felt like he had just been run over by a speeding space freighter as the child pulled him into the house and abandoned him in the kitchen. Puzzled, he turned to the closest kitchen bot and yanked it to himself.

“I need popcorn,” he snapped.

“What variety?” the tinny robotic voice asked him in reply. Vegeta scowled.

“The eating variety!” he growled back. “Whatever the child eats.”

“Please choose from the menu provided,” the droid continued, a list of snack options scrolling across its screen. Vegeta grimaced as he scanned the seemingly never ending list of flavors and toppings. He felt an irritated growl growing in his throat.

“I’ll do it.” Bulma gently removed the bot from his grasp and punched in a selection she knew would please both father and daughter. Vegeta watched her, observing in her posture that she was not completely pleased with him. “There you go,” Bulma announced, sending the droid into the kitchen to retrieve her ordered snack. “I went ahead and asked it for drinks, too. That way you don’t have to intimidate the robotic help.”

Vegeta grimaced.

“You are still angry?”

Bulma opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again before commenting. She shook her head and gave him a gentle pat on the chest.

“We’ll talk about it later,” she told him. “I want Bulla to enjoy her time with you.” Vegeta wasn’t happy by her final words. “You don’t have time right now for all of the things that I want to say to you.”

“I’m ready, Papa!” Bulla yelled as she sailed back into the room and grabbed his arm. “Oh, Mom...you want to watch too?”

Bulma smiled at the child, but shook her head.

“No, sweetie. Mama has to go out for a moment. Maybe I’ll catch the double feature.”

Vegeta’s eyes went wide as his daughter pulled him from the room, his mouth silently asking, “Double feature?”

Bulla was right.

Bulma was punishing him.

Vegeta's eyes were locked with his wife's even though his daughter was leading him away. Bulma's mouth was set in a sad sort of frown, her eyes reflecting the same feelings: sadness...disappointment.

Vegeta sighed, turning from her. Did the woman not know that he felt bad enough as it was?

Of course she didn't, he told himself. How could anyone comprehend what he was feeling? It wasn't as if he could just tell her...

"So, Papa," Bulla's voice broke into his internal musing. "Which would you rather watch?" The child held up two movies that looked equally dreadful.

"You choose," he replied. She smiled at his suggestion and pulled the disc from the package and inserted it into the entertainment system. Happily, she joined him on the sofa, cuddling to his side. Vegeta wrapped his arm around her. Bulla just might be the last person on the planet he had yet to disappoint. For a moment, he wondered how long that would last or if disappointment might even be avoided altogether...

But it was inevitable. Through his own action or inaction toward her, she would one day realize what he was. Then she too would have her image of him shatter. And he would have to pick up the pieces and try to arrange something else, to repair their relationship as he’d had to with Trunks. As he might have to with Bulma.

His wife's words had promised a meeting when she returned. And he found his feelings about that were mixed. Part of him wanted to hear her feelings, part of him just wanted to hear her yell. He longed for the times when they would verbally spar with one another, energy and voices high, ending in a passionate physical entanglement of gloriously rough sex. He was not used to this feeling of physical exhaustion, and he was uncomfortable with the fact that a large part of him just wanted his wife to come home and tell him that she still cared. As much as he knew he deserved to have her come home and yell at him, berate him for his reprehensible actions and vow never to forgive him, he actually hoped that she might curl up at his side and comfort him...

Vegeta glanced to the wall clock as the movie began rolling through the opening credits. He had no idea where Bulma was going or how long she would be gone, but he was already anticipating her return. Whether or not she would forgive him was an unsettling thought he was not used to concerning himself with, but now he was fixated on it...and only time would tell...


Chi Chi looked up from her cooking when she heard a knock at the front door. Sighing, she laid down the spoon she was using and left the kitchen. Before reaching the door, she stopped to look at Goku who was sleeping on the sofa.

She sighed again, shaking her head, turning to the door and wondering who could be calling on them so early in the day.

“Hi!” Bulma greeted, her smile a bit forced as her eyes met Chi Chi’s.

Chi Chi tried to return the smile, succeeding in mirroring the awkward, uneasy expression. After a second of silence, Chi Chi remembered her manners and spoke.

“Good morning, Bulma,” she said. “How are you?”

“Fine,” she replied. “I came to see Goku….He called and said he wanted to talk….”

Chi Chi turned her attention to the sofa where Goku was quietly napping. She really hated to wake him.

“Well...come in….”

Chi Chi stood aside and allowed Bulma to pass. Bulma stood by the door as the younger woman moved into the living room to rouse her husband.

“Goku, dear,” she spoke, gently rubbing his arm. “Goku, you have company.”

Goku blinked his eyes and looked with tired confusion up at his wife.

“Wha’...?” he asked.

“Bulma,” Chi Chi replied, glancing to where the other woman stood.

“Oh...hey, Bulma….”

Bulma smiled warmly at him as he pulled himself to his feet.

“Thank you for coming. Will...uh...will you take a short walk with me?”

“Of course,” she agreed.

Goku turned to his wife.

“I’ll be back soon,” he told her.

Chi Chi pressed her lips together in irritation but tried not to let that emotion seep into her voice when she replied.

“That’s fine. Lunch will be ready in an hour.”

Goku nodded, slipped into his boots and ushered Bulma out into the yard. As soon as the door to the Son home shut behind them, Bulma spoke.

“I don’t blame you for being angry with Vegeta, Goku. I’m sorry he behaved that way.”

Goku looked at her for a moment, as if that were an odd statement for her to make. He shook his head and began walking.

“I didn’t ask you over to hear an apology for something that you didn’t do,” he told her.

“I feel I need to make one, just the same.…” she replied. “What he did was inexcusable.”

“But we will make excuses for it,” Goku told her humorlessly. “We always do.”

Heat rose on Bulma’s neck at his words, and she felt a strong need to defend her husband.

“Vegeta had a very hard life,” she said stiffly, trying not to lose her temper. Goku stopped walking and turned to her.

“I know that,” he said simply. “I know. I can’t think about it anymore because it makes me sick. Horrified and sick.” He began walking again, leading her across the grass toward where she had parked her capsule car. “Part of me is so sad for him. For all that he has suffered.” He shook his head, his mind turning from one emotion to the next. “But part of me is so angry at him, too. For what he tried to do...what he wanted to do....”

Bulma’s eyes closed as she heard the pain in Goku’s voice. Slowly, she looked back up at him, hearing his tone soften. “And part of me is just plain hurt that he could think that of me. Think that I would want to hurt him, to get revenge...that I am his enemy, instead of his friend.” Goku took a deep breath to calm himself. “Because he took care of me, Bulma,” he spoke, a light blush rising in his cheeks. “He didn’t want to hurt me at all...he even stopped yelling at me for a time...but I can’t thank him for that by taking a life....”

Bulma’s voice was barely a whisper.


“I’m really sorry if I’m hurting you...or him...or anyone. But this is a serious matter to me.”

Bulma placed her hands on his arms and looked up into his dark, misty eyes.

“Goku, I understand.”

“Do you?” he asked, pointedly. “Do you really? ‘Cause I don’t think you want me to keep it, either. Do you wish I wouldn’t?”

Bulma sighed, pulling away from him.

“I don’t want to see Vegeta in pain, honey. But I don’t want to see you in pain, either.” She met his gaze, her tone serious and determined. “Do I wish for Vegeta’s sake that there was no baby? Yes, yes I do.” Goku turned his eyes away. “Do I wish for your sake that this didn’t happen to you?” she spoke softly, again touching his arm. “Yes, honey. I wish that for you both. Goku, I know that this is not an easy thing for you to do. I know how hard this is for you. And I know you don’t want to hurt people. But in situations like this, some people are going to be hurt. No matter what you choose, someone will be upset by that. Maybe now, maybe later….” Bulma groaned wearily, running her fingers through her short cerulean hair. “I'm so confused….”

Goku’s brow creased as he questioned her.


“Why?” she asked, a short laugh escaping her. “For one thing, I feel horribly angry with my poor husband who was forced to do the most wretched thing he could imagine to someone I also love. But then he turns right around and attempts something just as heinous all on his own! I don’t know whether to have pity or be pissed!”

Goku lowered his head.

“I feel the same. I just wish he would have talked to me. To have, at least, heard me out....”

Bulma let out another heavy sigh and leaned against her car.

“It wouldn’t have done any good,” she told him, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, smacking the pack against her hand to settle the tobacco. Quietly, she returned the pack without taking one. “Goku,” she spoke. “I know that I was the one who offered you ‘alternatives’. But, to be honest, if you would have asked me if I could assist you in an abortion, I would have tried to talk you out of it. And that is the second thing that confuses me. I know that it is not within you to make that choice, and I am only left with the wish that you didn’t have one to make at all.”

“I may have taken that choice away from myself,” Goku spoke softly, his jaw tight. Bulma chewed her lip as she watched him. After a moment of silence, he spoke. “Daikkon said not to do anything that would be stressful to a Saiyan.” Bulma nodded, but remained silent. “I went Super Saiyan. Saiyans aren’t normally supposed to do that.”

Bulma took a deep breath. She knew where he was going with this.

“He also said I wouldn’t know it if it went away...that it would just go away...” His voice was hushed, pained.

“If it did, it wouldn’t be your fault,” she told him, her voice just as quiet. “You were protecting yourself.”

“You know what, Bulma?” he asked her, a grim smile on his face. “I’m confused, too.”

Bulma opened her arms and embraced her oldest and dearest friend.

“Everything will work out,” she whispered, laying her head against his chest. “We’ll make it work.”

“I think...” he began hesitantly. “...that I am scared....”

Bulma tilted her head back to look into his face.

“That you are pregnant...or that you might no longer be?” she asked.

Goku replied in a hushed tone.


Bulma leaned her head back down, pulling her arms tighter around him.

“Just rest, sweetie...” she murmured, feeling like she were holding one of her children. “Give yourself some time, and I will check and make sure that you are okay....one way or the other….”

“I already told my family...” he replied. “I would hate to have hurt them over...nothing....”

“Goku,” Bulma stated, suddenly pushing away from him. “You have hurt no one. Someone did this to you. You did nothing.”

“But, Vegeta -”

“Vegeta can be angry and violent and curse you all he wants, but that does not mean that this is your doing,” she told him. “...I will take care of Vegeta.”

Goku nodded.

“I have to say again, though, Goku : I am sorry for what he did.”

“I am, too. Don’t worry, Bulma. I’m past being angry about it. It’s just...sad now. Sad and frustrating.”

Bulma brought a hand up and gently touched his face. How much had they been through together? How many years had it been that brought them this far?

“You go get some more sleep,” she instructed him. “I will see you in a few days.”


She smiled at him, trying to give him strength.

“I love you.” He smiled in return, blushing.

“Same here, Bulma...thank you...”


A/N: Ah! It has been so long since I updated! Gomen!! I just finished correcting this chapter and I hope that you all will like it. I loved all of the reviews for the last chapter. I'm glad that you all liked it. I particularly loved writing the Trunks/Vegeta stuff. I love Trunks! Anyway, I'm sad to say that not only am I still on overtime at work, I am on MANDATORY overtime. Bitches. I've been so tired that I barely have time to sleep, let alone write (even if it would come out!). Seven hours between shifts in not an unreasonable demand, do you think?....Bastards...Anyway, hope this chapter pleases! Enjoy! - B °