Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Surrender ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 28

Vegeta lay on the couch staring disinterestedly at the television screen. He believed he was in hour seven of what was turning into a day-long film festival, but in reality the first movie that he was watching with Bulla was just coming to a close. It was supposed to be, as she had explained to him, a love story. All Vegeta could make out of it was that teenage girls love to slap each other, cry and grope teenage boys.

As the credits began to roll, the phone rang.

“I got it!” Bulla shouted, jumping off the couch and rushing to the phone. “Hello?...Oh, hi Marron...”

Vegeta took the opportunity to pick up the remote and mute the television as he watched his daughter cradle the phone against her ear as she listened to the caller.

“Really?...That sounds cool....I’ll have to ask my mom.…” Bulla’s wide blue eyes, stared blankly around the room as she kept her attention on what was being said through the phone. She glanced to Vegeta, catching his gaze. “Actually, Marron, I’m spending time with my papa today...” Bulla’s mouth turned sharply into a scowl as she shouted into the receiver. “Yes, MY PAPA!” she stated in a shrill tone. “Whose papa would I be talking about?”

Vegeta rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Bulla,” he spoke to her, drawing her attention back to him. “I don’t require your entire day. If you wish to spend time with your friends, that is acceptable. Just as long as you stay on the grounds.”

Bulla nodded and went back to her conversation.

“Bring them over here. We can listen to them on the big stereo in Trunks’ room.” Vegeta leaned his head on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes, tuning out the pre-teen and her caller.

He felt so numb right now. Like his emotions were floating around him on the outside of his body, instead of being chained down inside. His mind kept replaying his fight with Kakkarot, his confrontation with Trunks and their subsequent, more tender conversations. He felt as though he had fallen down into an abyss and was just now hitting the bottom, staring up through the blackness at how far he had come.

Making peace with his son had given him a sense of satisfaction. A sense of having done at least one thing right, after all this time. But looming over that accomplishment was his attack on Kakkarot and his wife’s displeasure with him because of it.

But he couldn’t help himself. The entire situation had him wound so tight, and then Kakkarot’s decision had caused him to snap. He was tired of being the victim, tired of being tread upon, tired of having to sit back and let things happen to him instead of choosing for himself. That Kakkarot had told him what he had decided for them both was the final straw.

Of course, he didn’t give the other Saiyan much pertinent input on the subject. He didn’t communicate his thoughts or his desires. He'd merely issued an order, intimidated, then tried to destroy the younger man. Tried to be the one, instead, who made their decision. Tried to injure and brutalize him. Cause him grief. As if raping him wasn’t painful enough.

Vegeta sucked in a shuddering breath at the thought, slapping his hands against his head as if the strength in his fingers could crush the thought.

Bulla’s soft gasp brought him back to his surroundings, and he opened his eyes, seeing the child staring at him with concern on her face. The phone hung limply against her ear as she turned her attention from her friend to her father.

“Are you okay, Papa?” she asked.

Vegeta dropped his hands to his sides and nodded.


Bulla stared at him for a moment, her expression one of disbelief.

“I’ll see you soon, Marron,” she said into the phone, her eyes not leaving her father. She hung up and sat the phone down and on the coffee table before coming to stand in front of the prince. “Does your head hurt?” she asked him.

Vegeta grimaced.


Bulla’s eyebrows came together in concentration as she looked at him, climbing onto his lap without invitation. She brought her small hands up to either side of his face.

“Then why is your forehead wrinkly?” she demanded, pulling on his temples to smooth the skin. Vegeta couldn’t contain the smile that spread across his face. “Better,” she stated, smiling back at him. "You’re much cuter when you smile, Papa,” she added in a matter-of-fact tone. “Not like the ugly old men that other girls have for dads.”

“I’m not supposed to look cute,” he informed her, sobering a bit. “I’m supposed to look intimidating...mean.”

Bulla rolled her eyes dramatically.

“What-ever. All the girls at school think I have the cutest dad. Even cuter than Pan’s dad, who is just a big nerd.”

“We’ll have to widen the doorways to make room for your father’s big head if you tell him anymore.”

Father and daughter turned to where Bulma stood by the entry way, pulling off her shoes. Bulma grinned, but Vegeta could see in her eyes that she was in a less amiable mood. Vegeta gently moved Bulla from his lap.

“Go prepare for your guest,” he told her. “I wish to speak to your mother.”

Vegeta received another roll of her eyes in reply.

“Please...I think that means you want to kiss...”

Bulma chuckled, patting her daughter on the head as she passed, before turning her gaze on her husband. He sat quietly on the sofa, his hands resting in his lap.

“Well?” Bulma began. “You wanted to talk?”

Vegeta only stared at her in silence, his face serious, his forehead once again creased.

Bulma wanted to go to him, comfort him...but at the same time, she wanted to turn and leave him to stew about what he had done. The situation felt like a catch-22. No matter what she did, she felt it might be wrong.

“Sit with me?”

She was surprised with the questioning tone in his voice. Usually, he could turn any question into a statement or a demand to save lowering himself to ask.

Bulma shrugged and crossed to the couch, dropping at his side. They were quiet, not looking at each other.

Vegeta was the first to break the silence.

“How long do you anticipate being angry?”

Bulma turned to him with a look of shock and a bit of disgust.

“What the hell kind of question is that?” she asked.

“A reasonable one, I believe,” he replied.

“Oh? Why? Because no matter what you do, we always forgive you sooner or later? Is that it?” she demanded. Vegeta gave a short nod and replied.

“Ah...I see...”

Bulma smirked as she watched him turn away.

“What?” she asked.

“You do not intend to forgive me this time, then?” He turned back to her. “Is that it?”

Bulma sighed and collapsed against the couch, throwing her arm over her face.

“Should I?” she asked, her voice muffled. When he didn’t reply, she peeked out from under the fabric of her sleeve to look at him. He was staring down at the floor.

Bulma pulled herself up, scooting close to him and grabbing his hand.

“Why did you do it?” she asked him, earnestly. “Why?”

“Because I was angry,” he replied, through gritted teeth. “I am a Saiyan. I fight when I am provoked.”

“Oh bullshit, Vegeta!” she spat. “Goku didn’t provoke you! He just said something you didn’t want to hear! And yet you were going to try and beat him into submission!”

“I know what I was going to do!” Vegeta thundered, sharply rising to his feet. “I am well aware of what a monster I am without you reminding me!” Vegeta turned his back to her, hearing her groan in exasperation. His fight with Kakkarot came back to him in vivid detail. The power, the anger, the strength.

The hesitation.

He had hesitated. When the realization of what pain and misery his actions would cause the younger Saiyan, who had almost, grudgingly, become the closest thing he would have to a friend, he had hesitated. He really hadn't wanted to hurt him again.

“Vegeta,” Bulma spoke, wearily, pulling herself to her feet and crossing the room to stand behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly to her. “If you never believe another word I say, please believe that Goku has no intention of hurting you.” She felt his muscles contract at her words. “And Goku is afraid that going super may have stressed his body too much, and that he will miscarry. Vegeta, I think that if what happened killed that baby...it would kill you, too.” She laid her cheek against Vegeta’s back, hearing the steady thump of his heart. “Honey, I hate to think of how miserable that would make you both.”

Vegeta pulled from her embrace and turned to face her. His expression was concerned and a bit awed. When he spoke, his voice was pitched low and thick with emotion.

“I did not want any of this to happen,” he told her. “I do not want to become...”

“I know,” she replied quickly, pulling him into her arms again. Vegeta held her tightly against him, burying his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her comforting and calming scent. “You have to learn to let go, baby...” she told him, running her hand up and down the broad expanse of his back. “You are stronger than this.”

Vegeta raised his head and looked down into her eyes. She returned the gaze, hopeful that he would understand. That he would be able to overcome this, too.

Gently, he brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek, caressing her creamy skin. Bulma gave a small smile, nuzzling her face against his hand.

“Don’t fear for the child’s life.” He spoke softly, but his voice held a hint of regret. “Kakkarot’s scent is healthy and strong on you. I believe that if the life he carries were in danger, I would be able to detect that.”

Bulma took hold of his hand and held it to her cheek.

“I hope you’re right, Vegeta,” she told him. “I really do.”

Vegeta leaned down and held her again.

And in a way, he hoped he was right, too.


Goten lay in the middle of a lush green field, staring up into the sky. In his mind he was running through the talk he’d had with his father and his conversation with his best friend the night before. This was all too confusing for him. When he and Bulla were being held captive, the Saiyans that they had contact with had given no indication that something this sinister was going on outside of their cell. If he had known...what could he have done anyway...?

“You’re getting lazy. You didn’t even feel me coming this way.”

Goten gave a dismissive look to his older brother before looking back up at the sky.

“I felt your ki; I just wasn’t concerned by its size. I thought you might be Pan.”

Gohan grinned and settled down next to the teen on the grass.

“Yeah, but Pan has been training,” he told the younger boy. “You have not.”

“Well, that will come to a screeching halt,” Goten grumbled. “Because Dad won’t be able to train her now….”

Gohan was quiet a moment, looking down at the serious, tense expression on his brother’s face.

“Goten, Dad is going to be fine,” he began.

“How the fuck do you know?!” Goten demanded, standing up. “Why is everyone so fucking calm about this?” Goten’s eyebrows drew together as he scowled, his mouth pinched. “He was raped, Gohan. And they made Uncle Vegeta do it. This doesn’t bother you?!”

Gohan frowned.

“Yes, it bothers me,” he stated, annoyed. “So what would you have me do about it?”

Goten clenched and unclenched his hands at his sides, breathing harshly through his nostrils like an enraged bull. Gohan softened his tone as he continued.

“Look. I am not going to pretend that it doesn’t bother me. I love Dad and Vegeta too much not to be hurt by what happened to them. But Goten, the only thing we can do is be here for them now.” Goten folded his arms across his chest, continuing to stare at the older Saiyan, but did not speak. Gohan sighed. “Dad thinks that you are angry with him. That isn’t true, is it?”

Goten let out an exasperated breath, and shook his head.

“I’m annoyed that he always has to be so fucking noble. It’s like he’s a glutton for punishment or something. He had to have known that this would totally piss off Uncle Vegeta.”

“So Dad has to be responsible for ending a life to make Vegeta feel better about something that happened to them both?” Goten scowled at the way Gohan rephrased his own words, making them sound so callous.

“That’s not what I meant!” he shot back. “I just don’t understand what the big fucking deal is! It’s a little blob of cells! It’s not a living thing yet!”

“Who says?” Gohan asked him. Goten narrowed his eyes.


“Who says that it is not a life?” Goten continued to fume silently, glaring at his sibling. Gohan shrugged. “Let’s look at it this way, then,” he said. “Let’s say instead of Dad and Vegeta, this happened to you and Bulla.” Goten’s mouth dropped open in shock at the very suggestion. “Now, if you were both adults, would you really like the thought of Bulla just ending the life of your unborn child?” Gohan raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response. When none came, he continued. “Dad is not a glutton for punishment. He just cares about life. He knows that he is not responsible for what happened to himself, and neither is the unborn baby. And you may think it’s just a ‘blob of cells’, but I don’t, and I don’t think Dad does, either. I don’t know…maybe it’s because we’ve already had children, but it’s already more than just ‘cells’. Just think about the amazing amount of growth that has already happened in these first few weeks…and what the baby might look like...” Gohan’s shoulders relaxed, and he shook his head sadly. "I don’t know exactly how to explain it, I guess. Just please know that Dad is not the bad guy here. The bad guy is the one that did this to him.”

Gohan stood then, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Maybe you need to stop and think about exactly what it is that is making you mad about Dad’s decision.”

Goten frowned, his jaw trembling from the amount of tension that it held.

“...I just don’t get why they had to do that to him...Why does he have to let them win...Trunks and…and even Vegeta are acting like this is all okay...IT IS NOT OKAY!”

Gohan pulled his younger brother and held him tightly. Goten struggled against him, until his body slumped against his older brother.

“It’s going to be alright, Goten...” Gohan said soothingly.

“How could they do that....how could they do that to him...”

Gohan squeezed his eyes shut, his heart aching for his brother’s pain. He knew Goten was not naive about these things happening in the world, but he could understand the boy’s incomprehension of something so heinous happening to the father that they knew to be so good and kind.

Goten spoke again, his voice muffled against his brother’s chest.

“Why doesn’t anyone care that Dad is hurting? Why doesn’t anyone care about his life instead of some microscopic...nobody...”

Gohan leaned his torso back to look down at his brother.

“Is that what you think? That we are more concerned about this baby than about Dad? That’s not true, Goten! We are all outraged at what has happened here, but forcing Dad to make a decision that he feels is wrong won’t help him...or make what happened disappear.”

Goten took a deep, shuddering breath as he listened.

“If you think that what you say is true,” Gohan continued, “then you tell Dad that you want him to abort this baby. You tell him that you don’t want him to have it.” Goten made a small grunt, uncertain of how to respond. “Goten, imagine if you will for a moment, how Dad would feel if he did that?” Goten looked down at the ground between then to avoid Gohan’s eyes. “How do you imagine him feeling then?”

“...he’d hate himself...” Goten mumbled quietly.

“I agree...” Gohan replied. He leaned forward again, collecting Goten in his arms for one more reassuring hug.

“I fucking hate this...” Goten whispered.

“We all do,” Gohan assured him. “But you and I can help make it easier, by being understanding to those suffering because of what happened.”

“I feel bad for Uncle Vegeta, too,” Goten admitted, pulling away and rubbing his eyes. “This...this just fuckin’ sucks.”

Gohan shook his head.

“No one said this was going to be easy.”

Goten was quiet a moment, his mouth twitching as if he was unsure if he should speak again.

“He...he did it to protect us...” Gohan nodded, waiting for him to continue. “...they were going to hurt Bulla...and...and who knows what else they were going to do...What if I can have babies, too? What would they have done?” Gohan could see the youth’s throat contract as he swallowed, hard. Heat and color rushed to Goten’s face as he felt a shuddering sob wrack his body. “But...I’m glad that it didn’t happen to me!” he cried. “Damnit, Gohan! What kind of monster does that make me?” The teen buried his face in his hands. “I’m glad it wasn’t me...”

Gohan lay his hand gently on Goten’s head as he stepped forward and let his little brother lean on him for support.

“Is that where all your anger is coming from?” he asked softly, his hand soothing the younger boy’s back. “Because you feel relief that you weren’t hurt, you somehow are responsible for this?" Goten continued to shake from the emotions that pulsed through him, his breathing coming in tiny shudders. “Goten,” Gohan wrapped his arms tightly around the boy. “ ‘I’m glad it wasn’t me’ does not mean ‘I’m glad it was him’. Do you understand that?”

Gohan looked to the east as he felt a familiar ki approach. As Goku touched down on the ground, his face reflected pain and concern at the sight before him. Without a word, their father came toward them, gently pulling Goten from his brother and embracing him.

“I could feel the fluctuation in your ki all the way from home,” he told his children, tilting his head to the side to get a look at his youngest son’s face. “Please tell me you are okay?”

Goten thrust his arms around Goku’s waist and held tightly to him as a new wave of tears and guilt washed over him.

“I’m so sorry, Dad!” he exclaimed. “I’m so sorry!”

“There, there, son...” he said calmly. “There is nothing for you to feel sorry for.”

“Yes, there is, Dad! If it were me, I would have wanted it gone! But I...I...”

“Shhhh....” Goku leaned his cheek against the top of Goten’s head, holding the child against him. “It’s okay. I understand.”

“No, Dad,” Goten sniffed. “I’m horrible. I would not have thought twice. And it’s my fault for not protecting Bulla that this happened to you. And it happened to you. It should have been me since it was all my fault, but I am so glad that it wasn’t!”

Goku pulled his hands up to Goten’s face, forcing the teen to look up at him. Goku narrowed his eyes, his mouth set in a line of determination.

“I am, too,” he spoke sternly. “After all that has happened, it is nothing compared to how I would have felt had it been you instead. It is my job, Goten, to protect you. I am your father.” Goten blinked the tears from his eyes, and Goku brushed them away with his fingertips. “I am so angry that those Saiyans caused you to feel this pain. This is all their doing; none of it is yours. Do you understand that? Nothing that happened was because of what you did or did not do. It was them. But I am done being their victim, Goten. I am not going to be beaten...and neither are you. You shouldn’t feel sorry that you are safe. I would not have wanted it any other way.”

“But, Dad -” Goku cut off the teen before he could finish.

“No. You cannot blame yourself. I will not have it. They used horrible drugs to overpower you. Vegeta and I fell as well. No one is to blame except them.” Goku sighed, shaking his head as he looked down at the child in his arms. Just like Bulma had held him... “No more tears, no more pain, Goten,” he whispered. “I’m mad, but I am not going to let them steal my peace. It is time to move on.”

Goten nodded, but was still unable to meet his father’s gaze. Goku held out a hand to his oldest son. Gohan took it and smiled reassuringly at them both.

Goku felt renewed anger in his heart over the pain that this entire ordeal had caused his baby. It was not fair that Goten had to deal with such grief and guilt. But he knew that anger wasn’t going to solve anything. He would have to take his own advice. He needed to move on….


Chi Chi set down the letter from her father that she was reading when she heard her husband and son come through the front door. Goku had left a short time ago with a concerned look on his face and, despite his assurances that it was nothing to worry over, worry seemed to be what she was naturally good at.

“Was everything o......kay....” she felt her breath hitch in her throat at her son’s blood shot eyes. “Goten!” she exclaimed, rushing to his side. The teen smiled, trying to shrug off his distressed appearance. “Sweetheart, are you okay!?”

“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine!” he spoke, taking her hands before she could touch him. “I’m fine.”

Chi Chi looked between father and son a moment, questions obviously on her mind, but she remained silent.

“I think I am going to go up and make sure I have everything ready for my picture,” Goten told his parents. “I mean, school is just a few more days away!” He gave his mom a quick hug before departing up the stairs.

Chi Chi turned to Goku. Now that their youngest was out of the room, Goku’s brow furrowed, his eyebrows drawn together and his mouth set in a scowl. His fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles were beginning to lose color.

“What happened?” Chi Chi asked in a harsh whisper, tugging on Goku’s sleeve. “What happened to him?”

“Nothing,” Goku forced out, shaking his head. He looked down at his wife, considering whether or not he should tell her Goten’s feelings. “It’s nothing.” He relaxed his hands and walked into the living room, slumping on the couch. Chi Chi followed, sitting by his side.

“Goku, are you sure everything is okay?”

“Goten is okay,” he replied, giving her a weak smile. “He is just upset for me...that’s all.”

Chi Chi lay her hand on Goku’s thigh.

“We all are, dear,” she spoke softly. A more natural smile warmed Goku’s features, and he covered her hand with his.

“I know....thank you...”

Chi Chi reached over and gently tilted her husband’s head close to her, pressing a kiss against his forehead. Goku’s smile widened, but neither said another word.

Chi Chi left the living room and made her way upstairs to her son’s room. She knocked on the door before being allowed inside.

“Come on in!”

Goten was lying across his bed with his hands folded beneath his head. He seemed surprised by which of his parents had followed him up.


“You had two calls while you were out,” she told him, tidying the papers on his desk, “both from young ladies...”

“Uh,” he replied, sitting up. “I...I had my phone off...sorry...”

“Well, you don’t need to apologize to me,” she continued, moving from the desk to where his new suit hung on the closet door. “It was the young women whom you have left wondering who will escort them to their first day of classes. Although I don’t see why they need escorting at all. It’s high school, not a social club. And don’t they know how far out we live?”

Goten shrugged.

“I don’t think it’s escorting, mom, so much as ‘walking to class’,” he explained. “And it doesn’t matter where we live. We just walk around the hallways at school.”

“Well, you children should focus more on studying than strolling. No one has ever received a college scholarship for being sociable.”

Goten grinned at her remark.

“Well, maybe now is the time.”

Chi Chi stepped in front of her son and ran a hand over his unruly mane of hair.

“Now’s the time for a haircut,” she replied with a frown. “It is pointless to spend over one hundred zeni on a suit for a photo when the picture will show nothing but hair. Honestly, Goten, tomorrow we are going to cut this before your photos are taken.”

“But, Mom,” he smiled, taking her hand, “if I cut the hair, everyone will think I’m an aspiring scholar, like Gohan.”

“I don’t think a haircut will perform miracles,” she told him, dryly. “Not when you dress like one of those skating...boarding kids...”

“Ouch!” he exclaimed with a grin. “Well, maybe the haircut will make the clothes less offensive?”

Chi Chi shook her head.

“You put a lot of faith in my ability to wield a pair of shears,” she told him, tweaking his chin. “At least a haircut will show more of this handsome face.” She smiled down at her son but still wasn’t able to hide the concern in her eyes. Goten took her hands in his.

“I’m fine, Ma. Really.”

“I know,” she told him, sitting at his side. “I know that you are. I just...I just don’t want you blaming yourself for this.” Goten’s mouth dropped open, but she continued before he could respond. “I know that ‘what ifs’ are easy to think about at times like these, but there is no point in putting yourself through that. There is nothing you or I or anyone could have done to change things.” She touched her youngest child’s cheek tenderly, her eyes softening. “I am so proud of your father for keeping you safe. I don’t know what I would do if anything had happened to my baby.”

Goten felt his jaw tighten at the emotion in his mother’s words. He had never thought of the situation like that.

“...but… what about Dad?..”

Chi Chi’s smile remained, but turned down a little. She sighed before speaking.

“We will take care of him. He has made a decision, and I will stand by that. He has done so much for us...we shouldn’t question what he has decided is right for him.”

Goten looked deeply into his mother’s eyes before he replied.

“Mom,” he asked quietly. “are you okay with this? I mean...are you okay?”

Her smile returned, and she brushed the hair from the teen’s forehead.

“Goten, I love your father so very much. His pain hurts me, yes. But his strength also makes me strong.” She smiled wider, blushing a bit. “And I like to think that my strength will give him strength in return. You see, sweetheart, I know what your father is feeling. He knows that life will always bring light to where there is darkness...” She touched his face gently as she spoke. “When your father died, I didn’t know how I was going to cope knowing he would never come back...and then I found out I was having you...At first, I was scared, wondering how I could raise you alone, but you brought me so much joy...took away so much of the pain of losing him...made the pain of losing him easier to bear...”

“I don’t know if this is quite the same, Mom,” Goten whispered.

“I can only hope that this baby will help ease your father’s pain like you did mine.” She stood then and kissed her son on the forehead. “Don’t worry anymore, my dear,” she instructed. “It will all work out.”

“You think so?”

Chi Chi smiled at him, smoothing back his hair. She sure hoped that it would.

“I am going to make you and your father a fine supper!” she told him. “Why don’t you lie down for a bit and take a nap?”

“Sounds like a good idea,” he agreed.

“I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

Chi Chi gave him one final kiss on the cheek before leaving her son. Goten sat for a moment, mulling over his father’s words and now his mother’s as well. His father and his Uncle Vegeta had done what they had to do to protect him and Bulla. They had gone to the worst extreme he could imagine....so he couldn’t fathom how they would have felt if they had failed. Maybe they were right. In their situation, it was the best they could do. If it had been up to him to sacrifice his body in exchange for Bulla’s innocence, he would have chosen exactly the same as they had.

But agreeing with them didn’t lessen the ache in his chest or the sour feeling in his gut. He wanted things back to normal. It was selfish, he knew that. He had wallowed in his guilt, and now it was time to stand up, shake it off and be strong for his father. Be strong like his mom. She had taught him to fight; now he was going to follow her example and learn how to be supportive.

Goten pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and selected the name on the top of his speed dial. It barely registered a third ring before being answered.

“This is Trunks!”

“Hey, bro,” Goten greeted. “Wednesday is my last day of freedom. What do you say we get together and enjoy the summer before it's gone...?”


A/N: I hope everyone liked this chapter. This chapter was rather difficult for me because Goten's grief took me totally by surprise. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone, but sometimes the character's write themselves...Anyway, I wouldn't say I have writer's block so much now as just plain not having time to write! I scribble little bits and pieces down at break time at work and I have TONS of little sheets of paper floating around my computer room with half scenes written on them. Now, if I can only get them written into my word processor...Anyway, I can't thank my reviewers enough. Ya'll have made writing this, even in the difficult times, fun as HFIL. And of course, Thank you to my beta reader, Rowina, who has lots going on in real life but makes time for my little world as well. *hugs* I am getting to work on the next chapter just as soon as I post this one!