Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ A New Day ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 29
A New Day

Several days after Bulma had visited the Son home, Goku met her at her lab for a blood test. While he nearly passed out at the very sight of the needle, he realized that if he wanted information about his condition it was going to require the sharp stick of pain that he feared.

The test confirmed his hormone levels were strong and, according to Daikkon, normal for a Saiyan who was ‘expecting’. It seemed odd to Goku to feel relief from the news, but he did.

And things began to return to normal, or as normal as possible, considering the circumstances. In the weeks following, Goten began school and most of the physical household chores reverted back to Goku while his son was in class. He willingly complied, noticing his pent up energy and using any excuse for physical activity. The only difference in that span of three weeks was that Vegeta had been silently watching him for two and a half of them.

“Goku?” Chi Chi called up to her husband from the base of the staircase. “Are you coming down for breakfast?”

Goku finished dressing and joined his wife and son at the breakfast table. He tried to ignore the nagging presence of Vegeta’s ki so close to his house, but the signature was weak, as if the prince were trying to keep himself hidden from everyone but Goku.

“Goten, please do not wear that shirt to school,” Chi Chi reprimanded the teen as he dropped his napkin on the table and stood. “It looks hideous.”

“It’s the style, Mom!” Goten laughed. “And besides, you said if I cut my hair before senior photos, you wouldn’t complain about anything else that I wore.”

Chi Chi grimaced, collecting the boy’s used plates.

“Well...you do look much less like a delinquent with short hair,” she mused. “But that shirt…at least you could tuck it in..."

Goten ignored her comment and kissed her on the cheek as he sailed from the room.

“I’m off to school. Peace.”

Goku chuckled at the boy’s antics as he continued to eat. Chi Chi stopped at his side and refilled his plate.

“Is that enough?” she asked, piling the remaining ham and eggs in front of him. “I can make more.”

“Nope, that ought to do it. Thanks, Chi.”

She smiled and turned to place the pan in the sink.

Happily, Goku dug in to his meal. With an unexpected suddenness, Vegeta’s ki flared sharply, and the fork dropped from Goku’s hand before it was halfway to his mouth.

Chi Chi turned, hearing the silverware clatter against the table.

“Hon, are you okay?”

“Um...yeah. Yeah, I am.” He stood. “I think I am going to go chop some firewood now. It’s starting to get pretty chilly at night, and I think we should start to enjoy the fireplace.”

Chi Chi looked at him with confusion.

“But you didn’t finish eating,” she reminded him.

“Oh, I know...” he replied, looking down at his place. “I just...suddenly feel very nauseous...” She nodded.

“I understand. Would you like some crackers, maybe?”

Goku smiled and pulled her to him for a quick kiss.

“Nope. Just a little fresh air.”

Goku was starting to feel nauseous, but only from the fluttering nervousness in his stomach. Vegeta was calling him out, had been trying to for weeks. And Goku was tired of it.

The crisp fall air blew gently over his skin, tossing his already unruly hair. He ignored the chill, even though it caused the hairs on his arms to stand on end.

Purposefully, he walked from the house, heading toward the steady pulse of Vegeta’s ki. He could feel the trembling of his muscles as he neared the source that was calling to him. The last thing he wanted was another confrontation.

Goku stopped walking and stood tense and waiting in a clearing in the woods. Vegeta dropped in front of him from above.

“You are dense, Kakkarot,” Vegeta stated in an irritated tone. Goku gave a gasp of exasperation.

“You called me out here to insult me?” he demanded.

Vegeta smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“At least you finally realized that I was, indeed, calling.” Goku shook his head at the prince’s haughty manner.

“Well, most normal people use the phone.”

Vegeta’s smirk became a frown.

“We are not ‘normal’ people,” he said, eyeing the younger Saiyan.

Goku frowned as well, pulling himself up straight to show Vegeta he was not intimidated.

“What do you want?” he asked. Vegeta stared at him, quiet a moment.

“You....are well?” he asked with a bit of hesitation. Goku wasn’t sure that he had heard him correctly.
“What? Well?” he replied. “If you want to know if I am doing okay, then yes. I’m fine.” Vegeta gave a curt nod and remained silent. Goku narrowed his eyes. “Why should you care, anyway? Wanted to make sure I am ready to put up a good fight before you try to beat me down?” Goku was a bit shocked to feel the anger rise in him. It had been so long since he had seen Vegeta face to face, and it stirred emotions that he thought that he had made peace with.

“Calm yourself, fool! I did not come here to fight!” Vegeta spat, giving him a look of disgust. “Bulma said you were well, and I came to see that with my own eyes! If I had wanted to fight you, we would be fighting!”

Goku’s normally cheerful, happy features were clouded by more negative emotions.

“Look, Vegeta, I know that you don’t care one way or the other about what happens to me or this...life...so you don’t have to pretend. I will tell Bulma that you were civil, if making up with her is your motive.”

Vegeta shot him an insulted look.

“I don’t have to make nice with people to earn the approval of my wife,” he sneered. “You wanted to talk once, so damnit, I am here to talk!”

Goku sighed.

“Forget it, Vegeta. I’m done with the drama. This is my problem now.” He gave the prince a disappointed frown. “I don’t expect anything from you.”

Vegeta’s expression indicated that he was still thoroughly insulted.

“I am not here to debate this with you - ”

“Good!” Goku shouted. “Because there is nothing to debate! You made it more than clear how you feel about this thing! I don’t give a damn how you feel about it anymore!” Goku brought a hand to his forehead as he felt an approaching migraine. “Just leave me alone, Vegeta. You made your point. Loud and clear.”

Vegeta watched curiously as Goku stood taking deep, measured breaths, his eyes closed. There was something in his manner, in his posture, in his...scent that made Vegeta rethink his approach.

“I am that child’s father,” the older Saiyan spoke, his voice even and serious. Goku blinked open his eyes and looked in disbelief at the shorter man.

“Are you insane?” he asked. “You tried to kill it! Or tried to kill me, I don’t know... How dare you!” Vegeta felt his temper flare.

“I was trying to save the child from the disgrace of being born to me! Do you think it is not enough that I struggle to provide for the two that I already have?” Goku’s own anger rose to match him.

“That is crap, Vegeta, and you know it! You and Bulma have more than enough to provide for hundreds, thousands maybe!”

“There is more to raising a child than money, you fool! I am not speaking of material comforts!” Goku crossed his arms over his stomach self-consciously as the prince continued to shout. “I am speaking of nurturing and caring and...and...love! Things that cannot be bought. Respect and honor! My father owned an entire world, and yet these things were denied me! I was trying to break the cycle! I would not expect you to understand!”

Goku was still angry at Vegeta’s behavior, but in a small part of his mind, he was upset by the other Saiyan’s displeasure.

“Maybe I don’t understand,” he spoke. “But I don’t really want to understand the taking of an innocent life to ease one’s mind. Don’t worry, Vegeta. I will take care of it alone.”

Goku turned from him then, but Vegeta’s next words stopped him in his tracks.

“You can’t even admit to yourself what ‘it’ is.”

Goku stood still, listening to the rustling of leaves as Vegeta approached him.

“This ‘life’ to which you refer so vaguely,” Vegeta snapped. “This thing....your problem.”

“Shut up!” Goku shouted, whirling around to face him. “At least I am giving it a chance to live!”

“And what am I given?!” Vegeta retorted. “Why is it that everyone’s mistakes in this matter are forgiven but my own?” He shook his head, rage stilling the words in his throat. “And you wonder why I feel that I am to blame...”

“I don’t blame you for this!” Goku exclaimed, his voice almost shrill with exasperation. “Why can’t you see that? But how can you expect me to forgive you for trying to...to...for doing what you were going to do? Damnit, Vegeta! I tried to come to you, to talk, but you attacked me!”

Vegeta smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You came to tell me what you had decided,” he stated flatly. “Where was the ‘talk’ in that?”

Goku snapped his mouth shut.

“That’s right, Kakkarot. Blame me for being direct. But like it or not, you attacked me first.”

“How can you say that?” Goku asked. “You came to me and told me to end it. What was I supposed to do?”

Vegeta turned from him, pacing several feet away.

“I didn't use force; I made a forceful suggestion. You, however, made the decision on your own. Who are you to say that you are right and I am wrong in the matter?”

“Because I feel that I am doing the right thing,” Goku stressed.

“As did I,” Vegeta replied dryly. “Yet again, you discredit my opinion. I have no say in the matter. How is that fair?”

Goku brought both hands up to his head and squeezed his aching temples. Vegeta’s verbal assault was so exhausting, he almost wished the prince would start punching.

“Vegeta, I....” He couldn’t continue. He had no idea what to think or say anymore. Vegeta was right. He didn’t consider anyone could be right but himself. His head was spinning, and suddenly he felt weak in the knees. He swayed uneasily on his feet.

A hand came to his back, steadying him. Goku blinked, turning to Vegeta, who pulled his hand away as though he had been burned and paced away again.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t give you a chance to speak,” Goku told him. “But, to be honest with you, I would not have changed my mind.” Vegeta gave a disinterested shrug. Goku sighed, resigned. “And I forgive you. For what you did. But I won’t be able to if you try again.”

If Goku thought Vegeta looked insulted before, the expression he wore now was downright offended.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Vegeta barked. “What do you think I am? The woman has told me that by this time the child’s heart is beating. I will not be responsible for stilling it.”

Vegeta would have sworn at that moment, all of the color drained from Kakkarot’s face.

“Heart....beating...” he repeated quietly, his hand again finding its way to his head.

“What? Are you ill?” Vegeta asked him as he stared at the younger Saiyan in horrified fascination.

Goku felt all of the moisture leave his mouth, and the rushing of blood and his own heartbeat were loud in his ears.

Inside of him, at this very second, was a baby, with a beating heart. Not just a life, not a ball of ki, but a child. Vegeta was right. He had not really thought about it before. He was too busy trying to protect his ideals.

“Its heart is beating,” Goku repeated numbly, holding out his hand to steady himself against a tree. He looked over to the Saiyan prince, who stood looking blankly back.

“Yes,” Vegeta stated. He sighed then, running a hand across his sore neck. “Everything is not as simple as you would have it, Kakkarot. Good, bad....life, death...There is so much more in between that you do not pay attention to. If it were only that we did not deserve to have this happen to us…but it has become so much more than that." Vegeta looked away, embarrassed by his own words of kindness. “You do not deserve to have to bear this burden, and the child does not deserve to be born of this pain...” He paused as he remembered his son’s words to him on that matter. That maybe this child would be their reward for such misery. Vegeta took a deep breath and steeled himself against his stinging pride. “But perhaps my actions were a bit...hasty...”

Goku watched Vegeta as he stood staring out into the forest. Was this his way of apologizing? Of admitting some sort of fault?

“I’m sorry that we can’t seem to see these things the same way," Goku spoke quietly, causing Vegeta to turn to him. “I know that you have been through a lot of horrible things, and I tried to remember that when I made my choice. But as much as it will be challenging and....hard at times, I couldn’t imagine just trying to fix it and pretend that it never happened. You said so yourself, Vegeta: we will never be the same again...”

Vegeta gave a ironic smirk.

“So I did.”

Goku flattened his back against the tree on which he was leaning and crossed his arms, taking a deep breath. With some hesitation, he began speaking again.

“I don’t know what I ever did to make you hate me so much...In these last several years I was beginning to think that we might almost be friends...the way you would come find me to spar...” Goku gave a wistful sigh at the very mention of the rush of battle. But a grim expression returned to his face as he continued. “...and then all of this happened...and you are more angry with me than ever, and I find myself again wondering what it was that I did this time…” He looked away from Vegeta’s stern, unwavering gaze. “But I don’t want to give up hope that someday you might tolerate my company...”

Vegeta was quiet a moment before he let out a grunt of amusement, or disgust; it was hard to tell which.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he stated. Goku watched the other Saiyan, who now seemed very interested in the treetops.

“Do you really hate me?” Goku asked quietly. “So much?”

Vegeta didn’t turn to him as he answered.

“I might not have been entirely justified in treating you as if you were to blame,” he spoke. “...and I suppose that my consideration of you has not changed significantly...in actuality...”

Goku furrowed his brow.

“What does that mean?”

“That is all I have to say for today.” Vegeta spoke sharply, jarring Goku with the abrupt change of tone. “Just know this, Kakkarot: you will no longer have to fear my actions. I will not harm you...further...” Goku thought he might have seen a tinge of color on the prince’s face, but Vegeta turned quickly and walked away.

“Vegeta, wait!” he called to him, pushing himself from the tree. “What...what does this mean? What do I do now?”

Vegeta stopped, but didn’t turn back.

“Take care of yourself. My children will want to take part in the preparations for this new being. Soon its existence will be all too obvious...”

“And what about you?” Goku asked, twisting his hands nervously as he waited for a response. “What...what do you want?”

“...I want my children to be happy...” was the older Saiyan’s reply before he powered up and left Goku standing in the clearing alone.

Goku turned away from where the prince had once stood. Most of Vegeta’s words and behaviors had confused him, yet the conversation left him with a lighthearted, happy feeling in his heart. Vegeta, in his own small way, had apologized to him. Had admitted regret for his actions and asked Goku to take care of his child.

Their child.

Goku grimaced as he felt a twist of uneasiness in his stomach. That fact was still so abstract to him as he looked down at the even, flat plane of his abdomen. He knew that it was the life of a person he was protecting, but at the same time...it was really just more the idea that he was protecting a life that was real to him.

But soon, as Vegeta had said, its existence would be obvious, and maybe at that point he would feel more connected to it, not only as a child, but as his child. It seemed strange to him that Vegeta had already come to terms with that fact….

Firewood forgotten, Goku headed back toward his home. He needed to process the events of this morning and, even more important to him at that moment, he needed a nap.


A/N: Awwwwww....Aren't they cute! Well, I hope ya'll liked this one. I'm glad they are no longer fighting. It was hard on my brain! I want to thank eneryone for reviewing!! It really makes me happy to know what you think! Anastasiavesperman and TT, welcome! And of course, to my lovely beta Rowina: Je vous remercie de tout coeur!!! (Is that right?? ^-^) Chapter 30 will be next!! Canyabelieveit???? - B°