Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Clothing Chaos ( Chapter 41 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 41
Clothing Chaos

The remainder of December was buried under record snowfall, putting a stop to many planned activities, but opening the door to a host of winter time delights. Days filled with sledding and snowboarding and the creation of a vast community of snow people spilled into January. It was the middle of the first month of the new year before the snow finally ceased to fall.

When the first month bowed out, it seemed the only weather left for February was a blistering cold wind, with temperatures too cold to melt the snow.

It was a lazy day at the Son household. Since it was Saturday, Goten lounged with his father in the living room watching television.

The teen lay sprawled on one end of the sofa, with Goku reclining on the opposite end, flipping through channel after channel of uninteresting programming.

Chi Chi was spending the early afternoon in her small sewing room just off the kitchen. With determination, she ran the soft fabric through the machine, hoping that this time her pattern had worked. She snapped up the presser foot and pulled the garment toward herself, snipping the thread.

She shook the dark blue material until the right side was out and held it out at arms’ length to examine it. A frown crossed her features, and she furrowed her brow.

There was something amiss in the shirt’s design. The seams puckered too tight in the middle, causing it to look ruffled.

With a huff, she dropped the shirt into her lap and reached for her seam ripper. Pregnant or not, no husband of hers would be wearing a ruffled blouse.

As she pulled at the stitches, she looked to her notebook. Surely she had measured correctly. Maybe she needed to add more allowance for the seam?

Chi Chi sighed, dropping her hands into her lap. She had to face facts. She was no good at trying to convert a man’s gi pattern into a maternity top. Not one that could preserve her husband’s dignity, anyway.

Chi Chi squeezed her eyes shut to keep the tears at bay. Try as she might, she couldn’t ignore Goku’s condition. And as much as she wanted to be supportive and helpful, it was hard to watch the man she adored going through something...something she could not imagine anyone enduring. Not just the pregnancy, but the circumstances that brought it to be.

She would never admit it to anyone, but there were times she had wished for her sake, and his, that this event would have just been the result of an affair. That was something she could almost live with. She had already recognized the parallels between an extramarital affair and Goku’s drive and devotion to battle and training. At least in that case she could be angry at someone. Blame someone...and not suffer the pain of hurting for his suffering.

She would gladly exchange her pain for his.

But there was no helping it. She would be there for him, though it got harder to watch every day. Even with the counterbalance of his tail, he still stumbled walking up the staircase, and at night he moaned and shifted uncomfortably in his sleep.

Even though he was still her dear, sweet Goku, his belly was growing bigger every week. He had nearly outgrown all of the plain, oversized shirts she had made, and she had come to the conclusion that the shirts needed to be bigger in the stomach instead of just bigger all over.

Chi Chi shook her head to clear her mind and dropped the shirt into her sewing basket. She would just have to measure him again, to be sure, and then find one of her most plain maternity patterns and start from there.

Snapping up her notebook and tape measure, she walked into the living room.

“Goku, I - ” She stopped in her tracks at the sight before her. Her husband and her son, instead of lounging lazily on the sofa, were perched alertly on the edge, staring at the TV screen. The program they were watching consisted of two big breasted, bikini-clad women wrestling in a shallow pool of mud.

Goku and Goten turned quickly upon hearing her, guilt clearly written on their faces.

“Mom!” Goten shouted.

“Uh - ” Goku quickly grabbed the remote and pressed the ‘last channel viewed’ button. The ESPN ‘Girls of Summer’ swimsuit special filled the screen. He hit the power button. “Um...honey...um...”

“Son Goku!” Chi Chi screamed. Goku and Goten jumped to their feet.

“We were just flipping, you see - ” Goten tried to explain. He remembered the last time she caught his father letting him watch mud wrestling. Although it was over ten years ago, his ears still rang from the memory.

“How dare you let our baby watch such...such near pornography!” Chi Chi demanded. “While I am slaving away trying to make your clothes!”

“Chi - ” Goku began weakly.

“I don’t want to hear it!” she snapped. “That’s it! You go into town and buy your own clothes, mister!” Goku nodded as Goten rushed to the coat rack. “You’ve really got some nerve!” Goku caught the coat his son tossed him, but he didn’t move, obediently listening to the rest of Chi Chi’s ranting. “Some nerve! Honestly, Goku! If I were a less understanding wife, you would be spending the night fending for yourself!” She snatched up her purse that was sitting on the sofa table. “I mean, really!” She pulled from her wallet several bills and slapped them into his outstretched palm. “Go into the city and buy some things that fit you well - make sure they are big enough to last a while. And don’t get too many that button or zip in the front; those aren’t so easy to modify. And for mercy’s sake, pick something that you will be fit to be seen in! And don’t buy a bunch of junk food in the city!”

Goku nodded in understanding as he pulled on his coat. Chi Chi pulled the parka closed and zipped it up to his chin. Goten grabbed the car keys and left the house as his mother pulled the knit hat down over Goku’s head.

She took a step back and looked up at her husband, her eyes softening as he grinned at her.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been able to make you anything nice...” she said in a quiet, pained voice, dropping her gaze to the floor.

Goku’s grin vanished, and he moved forward, leaning down to lay a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“I’m sorry, too,” he whispered, causing her to look back up at him. “I won’t be gone long.” Chi Chi felt a blush of embarrassment rise to her cheeks upon seeing that her words had erased his smile. He gave a small wave before disappearing through the door.

Chi Chi sighed and dropped onto the sofa. She was now ashamed of her harsh words. True, she was irritated that Goku would let Goten watch such an indecent program, thinly veiled as a sport. But her true anger had been at her inability to convert a pattern, space a stitch and her need to have to do so.

Leaning back on the couch, she covered her eyes with her hand and took a deep calming breath. She had to remain in control to be there for Goku when he needed her. And soon enough, clothing would be the least of their worries as they would have to consider a crib and diapers. Not to mention room in their tiny house.

Before the panic could rise any further, she pushed it back and stood. She left the living room and walked into the kitchen. When Goku and Goten returned home, she would have a delicious, hearty meal waiting for them. That, at least, she knew she could do right.


Bulma smiled at her husband as he entered the kitchen and took his seat at the table. He had just come down from showering, having spent the morning training with Trunks. Once he settled into his chair, he had his daughter in his lap.

Bulma smiled wider.

“Papa,” Bulla began, placing an arm around his neck. “Are you going to spend the rest of today with me?”

Vegeta raised an eyebrow as he considered.

“I believe you are far too dangerous to train,” he remarked dryly.

Bulla laughed.

“I don’t want to train, Papa. I want to play. We need to have a Scrabble rematch, remember?” Vegeta didn’t look convinced as he listened. Bulla smiled sweetly. “I’ll let you use the naughty words this time.”

Bulma snorted into her coffee as she tried not to laugh. Both Vegeta and Bulla turned to her.

“So you lost because you couldn’t use naughty words?” Bulma asked.

“I had three tiles left,” he reasoned, and Bulla piped up with:

“And he wanted to build off of ‘friendly’!”

Bulma shook her head and went back to preparing lunch.

“So what do you say, Dad?” Bulla asked. “Play with me?”

Vegeta gave a short nod of agreement before sliding her off his lap.

Trunks joined them as soon as he was showered and dressed, taking his seat opposite his father’s.

“Enjoy your workout?” Bulma asked as she sat down. The kitchen bots scuttled behind her to lay trays of food on the table.

“Immensely. It’s weird how my muscles remember the motions, but boy, do they ache afterward!”

“That will pass,” Vegeta said, before filling his mouth with a heaping spoonful of beef stew.

“Will Trunks be stronger than you are one day, Papa?” Bulla questioned.

“Of course not,” Trunks answered immediately. Vegeta shrugged.

“You have the ability to be stronger, boy, unless you doubt.”

Trunks didn’t want to disagree with him, but he did doubt ever being his father’s equal in battle, let alone his superior. So he refrained from answering altogether.

“Trunks couldn’t beat you, Papa!” Bulla laughed. “I could beat up Trunks! Does that mean I will be stronger than you?”

Vegeta gave her a small smile before he answered.

“Your power worries me most of all,” he replied. Bulla beamed, pleased with herself while Trunks and Bulma tried not to laugh.

Halfway through their lunch, the phone rang. Bulma excused herself from the table to answer it.

“Hey, Aunt B,” Goten greeted. “Is Trunks there?”

“He’s finishing up his lunch,” she answered. “Where are you? I hear traffic in the background.”

“Oh...well, I’m downtown,” he replied. Bulma smiled.

“So what kind of trouble do you want to instigate with my son today?” she asked, winking at Trunks.

“None, really. I’m actually out shopping with my dad right now.”

“Goku?” Bulma asked incredulously. “Shopping? What on Earth for?”

Goten shifted uncomfortably, looking over to where his father sat on a bench, waiting for the teen to finish his call.

“Oh...this and that...” he answered vaguely.

“Oh,” Bulma said. “Well, have fun. Here’s Trunks.”

Trunks took the phone from his mother and spoke.

“Hey, man.”

“Hey,” Goten echoed. “Can you meet me downtown?”

“Sure,” Trunks agreed. “What’s up?”

“I’m shopping with my dad, and we’re having zip for luck. Mom caught us watching the South City mudwrestling championship, and she told Dad he could go buy his own clothes ‘cause she was sick of tryin’ to make them.”

“Ouch,” Trunks said sympathetically. “So you didn’t get to see who won?”

Goten glanced back to his father and decided not to call Trunks what he wanted to. Instead, he just continued.

“Yeah, well, we haven’t really been able to find anything...there aren't exactly any places that specialize in what we’re looking for...”

“Of course I’ll meet you...but I don’t know what I will be able to do.”

“Keeping me from ramming my fist down the throats of the unhelpful sales people will be enough,” Goten explained. “Or you could throw your weight around a bit as The Mr. Trunks Briefs.”

Trunks chuckled.

“I’m probably better at controlling your temper. Not a problem, I’ll see you in about fifteen minutes.”

“Gotcha. We’re in front of the ‘One-Thirty’ cafe.”


The teens said goodbye, and Trunks hung up the phone.

“I’m going to meet up with Goten and his dad downtown,” he explained to his parents. “I’ll call if I’m going to be home late. I don’t know how long it will take to find Uncle Goku some decent clothes,” he grinned. “I guess Aunt Chi Chi got tired of making huge t-shirts.”

Bulma followed him into the living room, where he got his coat.

“So I take it he is buying new clothes because the old ones don’t fit?” she asked.

“I take it the same,” Trunks replied.

Bulma picked up her purse and removed her wallet. She handed several colorful credit cards to Trunks.

“Here. Take these. Don’t let him pay one single zeni.”

Trunks took the credit cards hesitantly.

“Do you think he will go for that?”

“If he doesn’t like it, tell him Bulma said ‘tough shit’. It’s the least we can do...”

Trunks nodded.

“Gotcha. Thanks, Mom.” He kissed her quickly on the cheek before leaving the house to join his friend.


“Here ya go, Dad,” Goten spoke, offering his father a tall hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. Goku accepted the beverage with a smile.


“I thought we could use a rest,” Goten explained, sitting next to him on the bench. Goku nodded in agreement and took a sip of his drink.

“What did you talk to Trunks about?” he asked.

Goten licked his lips, trying to think of a gentle way to admit that he wanted Trunks along for moral support.

“...he knows some good places...” he said lamely.

Goku shrugged, rolling the warm cup between his hands.

“I don’t know if I can do any more shopping...” he began. “I...I never liked it to begin with...” Goten tried to perk him up.

“Maybe if we go home with sad looks on our faces, Mom will go out later on her own and buy some stuff for you.”

Goku shook his head.

“She shouldn’t have to. I mean...they are clothes for me, after all...”

Goten remained silent after that, and the two finished their drinks without any more conversation.

True to his word, Trunks arrived within his specified time limit, parking his car by the curb in front of them.

“Hey Uncle Goku, Goten,” he greeted. The two stood upon his arrival and returned the greeting.

“Goten tells me you know some good stores,” Goku began, “but I have a feeling they’re not going to be what I’m looking for.”

Trunks smiled, trying to reassure him, but inside he had the same doubts.

“Well, I have a few ideas. I can take you there.”

The trio took Trunks’ car to the desired destinations. After no luck in the first shop, hopes were still moderately high. But after the third, none of them wanted to shop another second.

“Maybe we should just call it a day?” Goku asked. He was tired and disappointed, not to mention famished. “Thanks for all of your help, Trunks. But I think that maybe I should come back tomorrow and search on my own. I mean, a store that sells clothing for...for someone in my condition...who’s not female...is not actually going to be easy to find...”

“I could take you to my tailor,” Trunks suggested. “I’m sure that it would not be difficult for a professional to make some appropriate things.” Goku shook his head.

“Naw, that’s too much trouble...not to mention expensive, for something I don’t need long term.” He laughed then and gave them one of his trademark happy-go-lucky smiles. “Maybe I just need to stop being so picky and buy some of the things we already looked at. I mean, it is only for a little bit...”

“Because those clothes were hideous, Dad,” Goten replied a bit distractedly, eyes narrowed as he scanned the shops that lined the street. “I mean, damn, do they think that when people get a little bigger they lose all sense of fashion? And do they really think those hideously big prints make people looks smaller in comparison? Gah...”

“It’s really no trouble, Uncle Goku,” Trunks continued. “He’s just a few more blocks away and...and actually my mother said - ” Trunks was saved the awkwardness of having to explain Bulma’s monetary gift when Goten practically shouted:

“Holy E-ffing Shit!”

“Goten!” Goku grimaced, pulling his son by the arm to gain his attention.

“No no no,” Goten shook his head, and jerked his arm free, pointing to a small shop down the street. “What the hell!”

Goku and Trunks came up on either side of him and followed his gaze to the brick building that was flanked by identical shops. This one stood out from the group, however, with its bright display windows and large white letters on the roof top that proclaimed:

Everything for the Expecting Father

Trunks blinked a few times, and Goku’s jaw slowly fell open as he stared.

“That place has got to be at least worth a shot before we go anywhere else!” Goten explained, already starting across the street. Trunks was quick after him, but Goku stood rooted to the spot for a few seconds more. The boys waited by the shop’s door until he joined them.

Manternity was a well lit and organized looking store. The floor was dark wood with a glossy finish and covered in several areas with dark, rich colored carpeting. The clerk counter was directly to the left of the door and next to a section of clothing racks on a burgundy carpet. To the right of the main entrance was a navy carpeted area where many coordinating pieces of baby furniture were displayed. The back of the store was filled with display shelves of toys, and the walls held decorative art pieces grouped together by style and near the collection of furniture that they complemented.

A young brunette with wavy hair greeted them as they entered. Goku and Trunks bowed slightly to her, Goten just gave her a charming smile.

“Boys,” Goku whispered. “I don’t think this is what we were looking for. I mean, clearly, so maybe we should go.” They nodded in agreement. “And, if I were the owner...I would be super mad they got my sign wrong.”

The words were barely out of the Saiyan’s mouth when the group was greeted with a very jovial:

“Welcome to Manternity!”

They were approached by a rather young looking man in a grey suit and red necktie. He smiled warmly at them, his eyes gleaming under the thick fringe of bangs from his unruly black hair. He wasn’t wearing a tag or badge to identify himself, but the matter was soon resolved as he pulled Goku’s hand into his.

“My name is Mal. I’m the owner, and I hope that I will be able to help you find everything that you need.”

Goku appeared startled even as the man dropped his hand and shook hands with both Trunks and Goten in turn. Trunks took note of Goku’s dumbstruck appearance and Goten pursing his lips to hold back laughter. He stepped forward and addressed the owner.

“What we are looking for, actually, Mr...”

“Mal,” the man replied matter-of-factly. Trunks tried not to grimace.

“Mr....Mal...is some clothing. You see, my uncle - ”

“Say no more!” Mal exclaimed. “Say no more! Why, that was one of main reasons for opening Manternity.”

Goten’s face was turning red from holding his breath, but when the teen-looking owner spoke the word ‘Manternity’ as though her were referencing a god, Goten huffed out a barely disguised choking laugh. Trunks quickly spoke.

“You don’t say?”

Mal nodded his head in earnest.

“I do!” he agreed. “Expecting, hm?” he addressed Goku. The Saiyan’s face had paled considerably, and he could only nod. “And your wife is not the only one who has gained the weight, am I right?” Goku’s brows pulled together as he became aware of just exactly what the man had meant. “No need to be ashamed!” Mal insisted, taking Goku’s arm and leading him to the clothing section. “Sympathy weight is something that everyone loves to joke about, but no one wants to talk about as a harsh reality! Well, have no fear, my friend. Manternity - ” Goten coughed into his fist, but Mal did not miss a beat, “does not leave any self-respecting father-to-be with the sad options of having to buy clothing in several ascending sizes or buying from just any store’s ghastly ‘big-man’ section. Our clothing is top of the line quality, fashionable, comfortable style...with a little elastic in the waist, just in case.” He stopped in front of a clothing rack and picked up a hunter green, tight-knit sweater. “No one likes to waste money on bigger clothes that they will soon have no need for when the baby comes. But our selection is not only well constructed, handsome clothing, but as it is designed to accommodate fluctuation in weight either way, it is also easy on the wallet.” He smiled at Goku. “I can take your coat if you would like to try some things on...and I can have one of my associates bring coffee or tea.”

“I’m fine,” Goku murmured, his eyes taking in the many different racks of clothing.

“Well, you seem like you are quite a sturdy, young man as it is,” Mal continued. “Let me find some things to get you started.”

The store owner made a quick turn around the clothing area and ushered Goku to the fitting rooms. Once he was inside, Mal showed Goten and Trunks to some comfortable armchairs by the changing rooms.

“Excuse me for asking, Mr. Mal,” Trunks began, taking the offered tea from a blue-suited male associate with a short pony tail. “But I’ve never come across this store before, and I think I would have...remembered it.”

Mal smiled proudly.

“We just opened last week! This is a satellite store. The main one is in Central City.”

Goten made a snorting sound as he swallowed his tea.

“You mean there is...more Manternity?” he asked.

“Oh, yes,” Mal replied. “My other is twice as big. But there is a demand, you know.”

“I’m curious,” Trunks began slowly, “how it is that you came about...this store...”

Mal gave a knowing grin and nodded.

“Many are,” he replied. “And I suppose it was when my brother and his husband were expecting their first child.”

Again, Goten inhaled tea into his lungs and up his nose. Trunks reached over to pat his friend on the back.

“Your brother and...his husband?” Trunks queried.

“Yes. That’s when I realized that you don’t have to be the one carrying the child to be involved in it. And it seemed all of the stores were focused around women, and rightly so for the most part, but what about the fathers? There are families without women in them. And even in families that get to conceive and bear children naturally, there are still expectant fathers. I know I gained at least ten pounds when my wife was carrying our first.” He gave a small nod of his head in the direction of the young man that brought them tea. “So I know of what I speak.”

“With all due respect, Mr. Mal,” Goten said, “You don’t look old enough to have a child.”

The dark haired man simply replied:

“Thank you.”

“Well, it is a very nice store,” Trunks put in. The man smiled wider, his eyes scanning the interior.

“Yes...Manternity...I thought it was a worthwhile idea...thank you.” Goten watched him in horrified fascination as the boyish-faced store owner looked as though he might, any minute, break into song.

It was at that moment that everyone’s attention was diverted to the fitting room as Goku emerged.

“Well?” Mal inquired. “Was there anything to your liking? Can I help you select anything else?”

Goku sighed, relieved, but still looking a bit apprehensive.

“They are all very nice...and very comfortable...but...”

Trunks stood and pulled out his wallet.

“We’ll take anything that my uncle likes,” he directed, handing a credit card over to the shop keeper. “If you have to call for authorization, my name is Trunks Briefs.”

“Very well, Mr. Briefs!” Mal said, unloading the merchandise from a dumbstruck Goku.

“Trunks,” Goku said in a serious tone, “I can’t let you do that. I have money - ”

“I have to,” Trunks cut him off, shaking his head. “My mother told me to. And sorry, ‘mom’ overrides ‘uncle’ every time. Besides,” he added softly, “we’re family.”

A/N: Take a bow, Mal!!!

*Mal comes rushing to center stage and bows deeply* "Thank you!!"

B°: Mal kindly concented to step out of one of my other stories for this little cameo, and I hope that he has entertained you. This chapter gave me the giggles for some time, so I hope you all liked it! I seem to be on a short chapter spree, and for that I apologize...Hopefully, I will be getting back into the writing groove and moving this bad boy along a little faster. Of course, last night I burned the shit out of my hand from taking a pizza pan out of the oven WITHOUT an oven mit on...okay, I was wearing an oven mit, it was just on the other hand! Boy, I must have been tired! Anyway, I am off to try to write some more with one hand. Thank you to everyone who reviews! Thank you all!