Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Why Look Elsewehere... ( Chapter 62 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 62
Why Look Elsewhere...

“So...” Goten took a deep breath and turned to his best friend. “Let’s talk.”

Trunks felt his throat constrict, and he swallowed the lump that was forming there. He stood back up and crossed to the center of the room.

“Right. Um....” He looked down at his hands, as he wrung them together. “...About last night -- ”

“You feel weird, don’t you?” Goten interjected before Trunks could finish speaking. The older boy blinked, stunned by what he had just heard.

“Me?” he asked, amazed. “No... I was worried that... that you might feel weird.”

Goten smirked.

“Nope. It’ll take more than that to get rid of me. Sorry, kiddo.”

Trunks smiled.

“I wasn’t trying to get rid of you. I just....” He ran a hand through his hair. “I just don’t want things to be... uncomfortable between us. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

Goten frowned, crossing his arms.

“You think there is anything that can ruin us?” he asked. Trunks was surprised by the hint of annoyance in his friend's tone.

“No... no.”

They were both silent, each watching the other. Waiting.

Trunks moved to sit by his friend, pulling his knee up onto the bed so he could turn toward the younger Saiyan.

“So... what are you thinking about ?” he asked. Goten shrugged. “Your inability to sleep by yourself, ‘cause you’re scared?”

“Fuck you,” Goten grinned, rolling his eyes. Trunks smiled.

“So talk to me,” he said.

“I dunno what to say...” Goten confessed. “What is there to say? We kissed... a lot...” He turned to his friend. “Why do you think that is?”

“You pretty much dared me,” Trunks replied, amazed that Goten had forgotten.

“No,” the younger boy grimaced. “Not that we did it, but that it was so... much... and so...” He paused, searching for an appropriate adjective.

“Nice?” Trunks supplied. Goten grinned.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “I’ve -- now don’t give me shit for this, but -- I’ve never felt... like that... before.” He laughed at the admission. “Okay, you can give me shit for that... but what the fuck do you suppose that means?!”

Trunks replied honestly.

“Should we question it?”

“Hell, yes!” Goten replied, turning on the bed to face him head on. “’Cause I wanna know why that stupid feeling that everyone talks about wanting, I get when I kiss you! Is that some kind of joke? Is the universe laughing at me?”

Trunks’ brow creased in concern.

“How does that make us a joke?”

“Because we can’t be together!” the younger boy exclaimed, exasperated. He watched Trunks’ expression soften into something that made his heart slow a beat. “...Can we?...” he asked uncertainly. “Wouldn’t that be... weird?”

Trunks stood, taking a few steps away, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You were the one who just stated that nothing could ruin what we have,” he said quietly. “Therefore, I can only theorize that if nothing can ruin what we have, we are left with it not changing at all...or...”

“Or, it getting better.” Goten felt his skin becoming warm at the very idea. Trunks just stared evenly back at him. “But...” The dark-haired teen shook his head. “...We’re guys...”

Trunks shrugged.

“And if we can’t get past that, it’s pointless to even consider. But I agree with you... I’ve never felt that way.”

The two were quiet again, unable to look at one another as they considered what was being said.

Goten was the first to speak.

“You’re not a guy...” he mumbled. “You’re just ‘Trunks’.”

Trunks smiled.

“Don’t be down. If we don’t want this, there is no need to be upset,” he explained. “We will always be best friends. Always.”

“But we can’t be best friends who make out with each other!” Goten snapped. “That’s called boyfriends!”

“Well, then I guess we are left with only two options,” Trunks stated firmly. “To forget last night and carry on as we always have.” Goten raised an eyebrow, waiting for the second option, the heat once again creeping up his neck. “Or... we give us a shot.” Trunks’ voice was quiet, but still held the confidence he felt when speaking to his friend. “Forget boy/girl convention, and see where chemistry takes us.” He looked into the younger boy’s eyes. “Because we have chemistry, Goten, that much is obvious.” Goten smirked.

“I’m just irresistible,” he commented. “But... if chemistry doesn’t work out?”

“Then we carry on as we always have,” Trunks said, holding his arms out in a gesture of resignation. “This isn’t debate club, Goten. I’m not trying to sell you something...” He crossed and sat back down on the bed at Goten’s side. “I wouldn’t even have taken one kiss so seriously if it had been with anyone other than you. It’s worth it to me because it’s you. But regardless of anything that happens -- or doesn’t happen -- between us, our friendship will always be a given.”

Goten sighed, keeping his eyes downcast from Trunks’ face as he smoothed out a wrinkle on the other boy’s shirt.

“...A part of me doesn’t want last night to be... I dunno... a fluke...” he admitted. “That would suck.”

“Nah,” Trunks replied, ruffling Goten’s already unruly hair. “You really just think it sucks because I don’t have boobs.”

Goten chuckled.

“I don’t know, dude. You’ve been pretty lax with the training. Give yourself a month or two.”

Trunks frowned.

“Don’t be an ass.”

Goten continued to laugh at his friend’s expense, but gave him a light punch on the arm.

“So... how do we test this chemistry?”

Trunks tilted his head to catch Goten’s eye. Goten smirked, his eyes involuntarily darting from Trunks’ eyes to his mouth and back again. Trunks leaned forward, giving the other boy a chaste kiss on the mouth. He leaned back and smiled, for it was evident in Goten’s eyes how he felt.

That was nice, too.

The two leaned toward each other, their lips again meeting in an ardent, yet patient kiss. The room became serenely quiet. It was just like the last time: slow, smoldering and completely sensual.

When they parted, Trunks spoke.

“In the lab, that is what we call the ‘smoke test’.”

“Well, it was hot, that’s for sure,” Goten chuckled, leaning his forehead against the other boy’s chest. Trunks put an arm around him, lightly rubbing his back. “So...” Goten said, his voice slightly muffled from his position. “This is it, huh? We just... go for it?”

“Would it be so bad? We know how much we like each other already. We care about each other... we have fun together...How will it make what we already have any different? Excluding, of course, the... um...”

“Benefits?” Goten said, raising his head. Trunks blushed.

“Yeah, but... don’t expect a ton of benefits...”

Goten laughed loudly.

“Are you kidding me?!” he exclaimed. “Of all the people on the planet, you think I’d disrespect you?”

Trunks shook his head and pulled Goten back into his embrace. Silence fell between them.

Goten closed his eyes, content in the feeling of security and still quite amazed that he did not feel uneasy. Goose bumps rose on his skin as he felt Trunks lay a gentle kiss on the top of his head.

“Hey,” he said softly, getting the younger teen’s attention. “Just... just so we’re clear on this...” Goten pulled back and gave him his full attention. “...I mean, I don’t want this to be... ambiguous...”

“What?” Goten asked. “You wanna wear signs?”

Trunks rolled his eyes.

“I think we should go on dates or something. At least, we shouldn’t keep from doing the things that we normally do, when we are looking for... others. I don’t want us to just be best friends who kiss and stuff while waiting for something better, something else...I don’t want this to just be something that fills in the gaps.”

“If you mean that you wanna continue to take me places and buy me things,” Goten stated, “I’m all for it.”

“Oh, good,” the young prince said dryly. “I was worried there for a second.”

“I get what you mean,” Goten said, laughing. “I agree. I wouldn’t take a relationship with you so lightly.” Goten squinted in concern as a thought struck him. “So what do we tell people?”

Trunks shrugged.

“We don’t have to tell anyone, until we’re sure. I mean, we’re doing this for us. To see if this works for us. I don’t think we need the scrutiny of our parents and friends until you are absolutely sure.” He made sure he had Goten’s eye before continuing. “Unless you want to tell, then I’m cool with that, too.”

“Nah, I think we should keep it to ourselves... for a bit,” Goten grinned. “If only to keep Bulla off your back for dating a guy.” Trunks groaned. Goten put an arm around him sympathetically.

It was a strange new feeling just to touch each other. Simple things they had done hundreds of times before now held new meaning. He and Trunks... were a couple.

“Does this mean I’m gay, too?” he wondered aloud.

Trunks frowned.

“What do you mean, ‘too’?” Goten laughed. Trunks gave a heavy sigh. “I don’t care what we are, as long as you are happy. Labels aren’t important. Not when you care about someone.”

“Hm,” Goten remarked softly. “This is kind of freakin’ bizarre. Yesterday, we were just friends. And today...” His voice trailed off as he couldn’t quite put his finger on an appropriate word.

“Still friends,” Trunks spoke. “I don’t feel any different toward you... nothing’s changed.”

Goten smirked before leaning up to kiss the older boy.

“Okay...well...” Trunks amended, “that’s different.” He sighed then, standing. “We should probably get some sleep.”

Goten grimaced, looking down at the bed that he was sitting on.

“Should I not sleep in here? Would that be wrong or... I dunno... make you uncomfortable?” He grinned slyly. “You think I’m gonna molest you in your sleep?”

“How would that bebe different from any other night?” Trunks replied, pulling the top sheet back and sitting down. Goten laughed.


“Get in bed,” Trunks told him. Goten gave a salute.

“Yes, sir.” He crawled across the bed and lay down at his friend’s side, as he had many hundred times in the past. He lay on his side, pulling a pillow under his head and staring at the lavender haired teen. “Good night,” he said.

“Good night,” Trunks returned, giving him a smile before reaching over to turn off the bedside lamp. Goten bit his lip, trying to work out his next question in his mind as he watched his friend in the subdued light from the moon. He decided to be direct.

“Trunks,” he began.


“...Can I ask you a question?” Trunks gave a laugh.

“In addition to that one? Yes.”

There was silence.

Trunks looked at Goten, as no additional question appeared to be forthcoming. He rolled onto his side, looking into the other Saiyan’s eyes, and it was in them that he discovered what the other boy had on his mind. Goten grinned, cocking an eyebrow. Trunks laughed as he leaned in to meet the other boy’s advance. Before their lips met, he whispered:

“Don’t be an ass..”

Goten’s chuckle was swallowed by the kiss, and he closed his eyes and threw any inhibitions he might have had away.

He was with Trunks. Nothing else was important.


Chi Chi sat quietly on the end of the bed. The bed that she would now share with Goku in the Briefs’ home... their home...

The evening was now nothing but a whirlwind of memories. The dinner, the talking, the cleaning up, the packing... all seemed to have lasted for no longer than a few seconds of time.

She couldn’t sleep. Was it ridiculous to mourn for a home? She had told herself she was committed to her family’s happiness. And if this made them happy...

Certainly Goku was happy. He seemed so distressed at having to call Vegeta over at night. She looked back at the bed where her husband slept soundly. This would be better for him.

And Goten. The child practically lived here already. He would be happy, and the Briefs’ were always unnaturally generous with the boy. This would be good for him.

Chi Chi sighed, slipping on her house robe and leaving the room. A cup of tea would hopefully be soothing enough to help her sleep. The large house was deathly quiet but not too dark, as every room she entered had an automatic, motion sensor night light. It would be quite an adjustment, living in one of the most modernized homes in the world as opposed to their small country house. Why, the bathtub in the bathroom here was almost the size of their entire bathroom back home.

‘Don’t think like this, Chi Chi,’ she reprimanded herself. ‘You moved to the Mt. Paozu to live with Goku. Pa’s castle had plenty of space and conveniences... Home is where your family is...’

As she entered the kitchen, a small, grey domestic bot zoomed toward her, and spoke in a mechanized voice.

“How may I help you?”

“Doesn’t anyone help himself around here?” she asked the droid, perturbed. The bot paused as it processed her words.

“Good evening, Prince Vegeta. Would you like coffee?”

Chi Chi frowned.

“I am not Vegeta,” she grumbled, moving past the droid and searching for a tea kettle. “I can’t believe there is a broken machine here. Well, you know what they say about the cobbler’s children...”

“Let me assist you,” the bot spoke, zipping toward the sink. Chi Chi swatted it away, filling the pot herself.

“Go away!” she told it.

“Very well, your highness,” it replied before moving swiftly back to its base station.

Chi Chi sighed, waiting for the pot to boil and making herself a cup of tea. She considered drinking it on the back porch to enjoy the summer night air, but didn’t know what kind of complicated security system this house might have. As if a surly Saiyan wasn’t enough.

Grabbing a saucer for her cup, she decided to watch a bit of TV while she drank. There wasn’t a set in the living room, so she move on toward the den. As she approached the door to the next room, she slowed, seeing that it was presently occupied. When she realized by whom, she came to a full stop.

Vegeta was lying on the sofa, still dressed in his day clothes. Little Prince Vejita was sleeping on his chest, covered by his yellow blanket and held securely in place by his father’s arm. Vegeta never slept at her house, even when she offered to fix him a place on the sofa or when Goten offered his own room. He must not feel comfortable when not in his own territory. She could understand that.

She watched him a moment, transfixed by the normally stone faced prince in such a heartwarming position.

The baby stirred, and Vegeta’s arm tightened around him, keeping the baby safely in place.

Chi Chi frowned. There was something about Vegeta, from this view, that showed a side of him she felt probably only Bulma truly ever saw. In his sleep, like this, she could almost see how Bulma couldn’thate him. How Goku couldn’t dislike him. How heryounger son adored him. But when he was awake, with his dark piercing eyes and his arms folded haughtily over his chest instead of cradling a baby, could she learn not to dislike him? Because that was what was important. Important to Goku, and thusly, important to her. She would not hate the father of Goku’s youngest children.

Chi Chi decided that maybe her tea would be best enjoyed at her bedside. She turned and left for the portion of the house that held her room.

Vegeta opened an eye and watched Kakkarot’s wife walk away. He could sense her unease, and he berated himself for empathizing with her. Shouldn't he not care, if in the end he had possession of what was his? His sons, living within his home, and to a small extent, possession of their mother? In this way, he could more actively guide Kakkarot’s decisions for the boys’ lives. But no matter how much he wanted to think only that, it was becoming hard to convince himself that was all that mattered. Chi Chi was also a victim in this, and he feared he could, unfortunately, more closely identify with that.

Holding the child closely, the prince stood and made his way to his own bedroom. Bulma was sleeping, a style magazine lying open beside her. Vegeta smirked. She must have fallen asleep waiting for him to come to bed.

She stirred as he laid the baby on the mattress.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Almost two,” the prince replied, undressing down to his boxers and joining her in bed. He situated the baby close to him and the infant continued to sleep contentedly.

Bulma smiled, scooting closer to the two and laying a kiss on the baby’s cheek before turning her face up to kiss Vegeta as well.

“I’m glad this is working out,” she murmured. “I think we’re all going to be so happy.”

“That remains to be seen,” Vegeta replied.

But if the majority of them were happy, who was he to complain?


Trunks slowly opened his eyes as sleep began to fade and his body began to wake. The room was still dark in the early hours of the morning, but the newly rising sun cast a warm glow through the curtains, giving more than enough light for his Saiyan eyes to see clearly.

Goten was still asleep at his side, facing him. Trunks watched him a moment, letting himself acknowledge the feelings as they surfaced. He’d never been in such an intimate situation with someone he was ‘dating’, but he had shared his bed with Goten thousands of times. But now, it was different. Even though they said otherwise last night, it was different.

Trunks reached out and ran a hand through the other boy’s hair.

“Hey, Goten,” he said quietly, yet firmly. “Goten, wake up.”

Goten groaned and turned his face down into the pillows as he reached out to push Trunks away.

“Come on,” Trunks continued, giving his friend a pat on the back. “It’s morning.” He smiled, his heart warming at the very idea that he and Goten were no longer ‘just friends.’ He leaned over and gently kissed the younger boy on the back of the neck.

Goten stretched and turned to face Trunks, grinning.

“Good morning,” he murmured. “Thanks for the wake up call.”

“No prob,” Trunks replied. “I just wanted to see if you wanted the shower first or did you want to sleep while I take one?”

“What?” Goten replied. “You weren’t going to invite me in with you?”

“Don’t be crazy,” Trunks replied, paling and blushing simultaneously. “That’s... that’s...” Goten chuckled at Trunks’ loss for words. Trunks got out of bed, mumbling to himself as Goten curled back into the warm spot he vacated, “That’s inappropriate...”

Once the teens were both showered and dressed, they headed out into the dining room for breakfast. Chi Chi was in the process of cooking while Bulma was directing the kitchen bots to set the table.

“Good morning, boys,” Bulma greeted, kissing her son on the cheek as he passed.

“Good morning,” they replied in unison, taking places at the table beside each other. Bulla was the next into the room.

“He’s not coming,” she announced, sitting in the chair next to Goten.

“What do you mean?” Bulma asked, frowning. “Did you tell him we were eating?”

Bulla rolled her eyes as she answered the question.

“I told him it was breakfast time and I told him you wanted him to come out here, but he said... I don’t know... something about how he shouldn’t intrude on our family and how he had some work that he ‘wished to finish’ in the lab.”

Her mother’s frown deepened.

“Well, that’s just ridiculous.” she replied, leaving the room and heading down the hall for the guest room. When she reached the door at the end of the hall, she knocked.

“Enter, please.”

Bulma pushed open the door and folded her arms over her chest as she looked at the occupant.

“Daikkon,” she began sternly, “I’ve lived most of my life amongSaiyans. You cannot convince me that it’s okay for you to miss a meal.”

Daikkon smiled warmly at her.

“I appreciate your concern, my lady,” he spoke. “But I do not think it is appropriate for me to sit at your table with your family. Not after I have so greatly displeased the king. I will not show such disrespect to his highness. I cannot come back until he had given his blessing.”

Bulma’s frown remained.

“Come on, Daikkon,” she implored. “Doesn’t it matter that I want you to be there? Or Goku?”

“It matters a great deal,” he told her. “To me. But it does not affect protocol. I must abide by his majesty’s wishes. Besides, I do have a project that I wish to complete. I told Prince Trunks that I would convert my documentation on Saiyan physiology into a format that is compatible with the IAN system.” Bulma didn’t look happy about the answer. “I am fine, my lady, I assure you,” the Saiyan finished.

Bulma sighed heavily.

“Fine... fine... but this is really unacceptable. I’ll see you later in the lab.”

“Of course.”

Bulma gave him a weak smile before heading back into the dining room. Vegeta and Goku were at the table now, each holding one of the twins.

“Well, Daikkon will not be joining us this morning,” Bulma announced, taking her seat beside her husband. Goku and Trunks were the only ones who looked disheartened by the news.

“Why not?” Goku asked. Bulma gave Vegeta a stern look.

“It’s a long story,” she said. “I’ll tell you later.”

Vegeta ignored the reprimanding look.

“So we can eat then?” he asked dryly.

“Well, our family is all here now, aren’t they?” Bulma replied.

The meal began in silence. There was no speaking, just the clinking of dishes and the robotic hum of the kitchen droids as they brought items to and from the room.

Vegeta became increasingly aware of being the focus of the meal, as every bite he lifted to his mouth his tiny son would reach for.

Vegeta looked down at the child. The blonde prince was transfixed by the fork full of meat suspended above him.

“Don’t you dare,” Bulma warned. Vegeta smirked.

“As if I would feed him from my own plate,” he scoffed. “The child doesn’t even have teeth yet, anyway.” Trunks and Goten chuckled at the situation. Bulla turned to her mother.

“When will the babies be old enough to eat real food?” she asked.

“Oh, not for another month or so,” her mother answered. Goku turned now to Bulma as well, his eyes alight with excitement.

“Only another month!?” he asked. “Only? Really?”

Bulma smiled, putting a napkin to her lips to cover her laughter.

“We can talk about it later, sweetie,” she replied. “But I advise you not to get too excited.”

Goku’s smile faded, but when he looked down at the sleepy infant in his arms, it returned. Ninji wasn’t interested in the adults' food. Vejita, on the other hand, was becoming more vocal. Vegeta grimaced, trying to hurry his eating without making a Kakkarot-type spectacle of himself.

“Do you mind if I hold him, Vegeta?” Chi Chi asked, drawing everyone’s attention. Vegeta slowly chewed rest of the food in his mouth as he considered his answer.

“I wouldn’t want to interrupt your meal.” he said finally.

“I’m finished,” she assured him. “It’s no trouble.”

All eyes moved from one to the other, as if watching an amazingly slow tennis match. Vegeta gave a nod, putting down his fork and standing. Chi Chi came to his side of the table and took the child from his arms. The blonde cooed happily, focusing on the woman’s face. Goten and Trunks exchanged looks of disbelief before resuming their meal. Chi Chi cuddled the infant prince in her arms until breakfast was finished.

“Can we spar today?” Goku asked Vegeta as the kitchen bots came in to clear the table.

“I am training the girl this morning,” he replied. “Maybe one of the boys will indulge you if you cannot wait until later.”

Before Goku could turn, Trunks spoke.

“I have class this morning from ten to noon. Then I have a project to finish in the lab... sorry.”

“I have to work,” Goten added. “Or I would love to... but since I have work...”

Goku frowned. Vegeta did as well.

“I see where Ninji gets his ambition,” he said dryly. “I suppose, Kakkarot, if you are still inclined to spar after the girl’s training, I will be your opponent.”

“Great!” Goku exclaimed.

“And you two,” Vegeta addressed the teens, “you better clear your calendar for tomorrow because you will be on the sparring field to see how badly the summer has dulled your technique.”

“Yes, sir,” the boys answered together.

“I’m going to get ready for class,” Trunks spoke, rising from his chair. “It was a wonderful meal, Chi Chi.”

“Thank you, Trunks,” she replied. “Goten, please help clear the table,” she added as her son stood.

“It’s okay, Chi Chi,” Bulma spoke, waving the boys on. “The bots will get it.”

Chi Chi frowned as the teens quickly slipped from the room.

“That reminds me, Bulma,” she began. “I think one of your kitchen machines has a slight problem.”

“Oh?” Bulma asked, looking toward the hovering bots. “Which one?”

“The small grey one with the white stripe,” she answered, pointing. “It... didn’t recognize my voice last night.” Bulma smiled, relieved.

“Oh, that’s an older model. It’s not broken, it just doesn’t have an advanced voice recognition system. It determines identity based on speech patterns and not vocal pitch or depth.”

Chi Chi tried to fight off the frown that tugged at her lips.

“Oh...” she said, turning to look at the prince. Could she really be mistaken for him? Of course, it was just by a stupid pile of metal. The prince wasn’t looking back at her, but staring off toward the dining room door. He noticed her staring and addressed her.

“I can take him back now,” he said.

“You and Bulla were going to train, weren’t you?” she replied. “I’ll help Goku watch them.”

Vegeta ignored Bulma’s cheshire cat grin.

“Thank you,” he said to her, before turning to his daughter. “Come, child. There is no reason to waste time.”

“I’ll see you later!” Goku happily called after them as they left the room. “When we spar! Chi Chi, you wanna help me dress them?”

Bulma continued to smile as she was left alone in the dining room. Morning one was a success.


Goten followed Trunks into his room, shutting the doors to the sitting room and the inner bedroom. He watched the older boy as he placed his laptop computer inside of his bag and began sorting through his school books.

“Why did you take so many summer classes?” he asked, leaning against the wall.

“The more classes I get out of the way this summer, the sooner I get my degree,” Trunks replied.

“But... it’s summer time...” Goten groaned. “What is this lecture on today, anyway?”

“The evolution of computer assisted surgery and the use of robotics in medicine,” was the reply.

“I just got chills,” Goten told him without humor. “And as thrilling as that sounds, totally, any chance you wanna blow off that class to spend the day at the beach with me?”

Trunks looked to him, feeling a slight tug of indecision.

“Doing what?” he asked. Goten shrugged, pushing his hands down into his pockets.

“Hanging out... surfing... just... hanging out...”

Trunks gave a small smile.

“I’d love to, Goten, you know that. But you also know that I have school and you have work.”

“Yeah, I know,” the younger boy grumbled. Trunks felt his mouth go dry as he watched his friend.

“But,” he began slowly, causing Goten to look up at him, “if you don’t work late... maybe we could... I don’t know, get together for dinner?”

Goten grinned, raising an eyebrow.

“You asking me on a date?”

Trunks smirked at his friend’s attempt to make him blush, but it worked.

“Goten, you and I have been out together thousands of times to dinner or movies or whatever... so it’s not like we haven’t ‘dated’ before... we just didn’t call it that.”

“Nah, I mean a proper date. You gonna take me someplace nice?”

Trunks smiled, throwing his backpack over one shoulder and crossing to stand in front of the other teen.

“Where do you want to go?”

Goten reached out, giving Trunks a weak punch in the side.

“Wherever you normally take people, that’s cool...”

Trunks affectionately tousled the other boy’s hair.

“Be ready at seven.”

“I’ll wear my red, strapless number,” Goten replied, batting his eyelashes. Trunks chuckled, pulling his friend from in front of the door.

“Have a good day at work. Stop by the lab if you can.”

“I might if I have time,” Goten agreed. “Don’t fall asleep in class since it sounds legendarily dull.”

Trunks shrugged.

“It’s my area of expertise. I doubt I’ll fall asleep.” The two lingered at the door a moment. Trunks checked his watch. “Well... see ya.”

“Yeah...” Goten nodded. “See you tonight... you gonna kiss me goodbye or what?”

Trunks smiled shyly andleaned forward, giving him a kiss on the mouth.

S’that it?” Goten asked, amused.

“Anything else and I won’t want to leave,” Trunks told him. “I’ll make it up to you.”

Goten watched his friend leave the room, a happy, nervous feeling of anticipation twisting in his stomach.

“You better, Briefs...”


A/N: Well, another chapter done... but there is no end in sight! LOL. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!! ^_^

Oh.. and they say the cobbler's children have no shoes... in case you didn't know! : )