Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Terrible Two ( Chapter 73 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 73
Terrible Two

“Ugh! The first snowfall of the season,” Bulma lamented as she looked out of the kitchen window at the flurry of snowflakes falling past, “and Vegeta and Bulla are still out there!”

“She’ll be fine, Bulma,” Chi Chi reassured her. She opened the oven and pulled out a pan of breakfast casserole and placed it onto a stone trivet. “She’s done this several times before.”

Bulma frowned, crossing her arms over her chest and dropping onto one of the dining chairs.

“But why does he have to keep testing her? I could tell by the look on his face alone that the first time she transformed, she controlled herself perfectly. I didn't even think Vegeta was capable of a look showing that much pride.”

Chi Chi turned off the rice steamer and moved it to the table.

“He just wants her to keep her control and concentration sharp. They only have this opportunity once a month.”

Bulma grimaced. This would have been the perfect time for her to light up a cigarette and watch her stress go up in smoke, but before the month of August had come to a close, Chi Chi had both Vegeta and Goku in her corner to convince Bulma to kick the habit -- for the good of the family. The weeks that followed were the only times that Bulma ever regretted letting the woman into her home. Once the addiction passed, so did any feelings of ill will, and the group resumed being a rather harmonious family unit much to the continuing amazement of some.

“Good morning,” Trunks greeted the two, coming into the dining room with Ninji in his arms. Goten followed, and toddling behind him was little Prince Vejita, dragging his yellow blanket and clutching an empty sippy cup.

“Good morning, boys,” Chi Chi returned. She observed the sour expression on the youngest prince’s face -- an expression he usually had when his father was away. Even in the face of such a grumpy expression, she couldn’t help but smile. The boys had not only grown bigger from August to December, but they had grown cuter as well. It seemed like only yesterday they were mostly sleeping, cooing babies. Now they were mobile, semi-articulate toddlers.

“Good morning,” Bulma smiled at Ninji, taking him from her son’s arms. She turned next to the grim-faced blonde. “And good morning to you, Veji.” The boy made a grunting noise and folded his arms, making Bulma laugh at the expression. “Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

“He was a little perturbed that it was me instead of Dad,” Goten replied, leaning on the counter and sneaking a piece of biscuit while his mother’s back was turned. “But Dad said he thought Vegeta would come back early since the snow started, so he went out to meet them. I told him Trunks and I could wake the twins.”

“I see,” Bulma remarked, standing and placing Ninji in his high chair. “Well, I hope he was right.”

“Mom,” Trunks spoke as she prepared breakfast plates for the babies, “I was hoping you could join me in the lab today. I have an idea about utilizing the device you designed for Gohan’s Saiyaman costume for use on the IAN model.”

Bulma raised an eyebrow and turned to Goten.

“Still haven’t given up on that ‘hot nurse’ idea?” she asked, causing the teen to laugh heartily. Trunks grimaced.

“No, I was thinking of using it on robots that are used in pediatric facilities," Trunks explained. "Making their appearance more child-friendly.”

“Good idea,” Bulma responded but continued to smile. “But it just might work on hot nurses too.”

Trunks shook his head.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Yeah,” Goten added with a grin, “thanks, Mom.”


The group turned to look upon the blonde twin who had just addressed Bulma in his gruff little voice. He held his cup out to her.

“I wan joose!”

Bulma chuckled softly, kneeling down to the child.

“Oh baby, I’m not your mommy,” she said sweetly. “I’m Bulma. I know you can say Bul-ma.”

Vejita scowled, looking with uncertainty at each of his brothers before turning back to the woman in front of him. Ninji watched the exchange with interest, looking from Bulma to his twin.

“I can still get you some juice though, sweetie,” Bulma continued, reaching for the cup. Vejita turned sharply, pulling away from her as if she were denying his request.

“Uh-oh,” Goten said, watching the blonde toddle over to his own mother. Veji looked from Goten to Chi Chi before holding up his cup to her.

“Mom! I wanjoose!” he insisted.

Chi Chi turned to Bulma, who was attempting to contain giggles behind her hand.

“Not ‘mom’, dear,” Chi Chi spoke gently to the child. “Chi Chi.”

Vejita’s brow furrowed as he surveyed the group. His mouth pinched and twitched before opening into a wide, wailing cry. Chi Chi kneeled down to try and comfort the Saiyan, and Bulma rushed to his side as well.

“It’s okay,” Chi Chi calmly told the toddler, trying to pry the cup from his fingers. Vejita howled, dramatically dropping the cup and pulling his blanket over his head. Trunks and Goten exchanged looks of disbelief.

“What’s going on?!”

Goku appeared in the room so quickly, it could have been mistaken for instant transmission. Vegeta and Bulla followed behind him. All three were damp from snow that had melted on their hair and clothes. Vegeta was grimacing as he watched the group move to allow the tall Saiyan to pull his flailing, screaming child into his arms.

“He didn’t want to get out of bed this morning, Dad,” Goten explained, “and I guess he was a bit confused in calling Mom and Bulma ‘Mom’... he was pretty pissed to be told otherwise.”

Chi Chi gave her son a corrective slap in the arm for his language.

“Shhh...” Goku hushed the toddler, pulling the blanket from over his head. Veji’s dark, wet eyes landed on his mother, and his crying ceased. He sniffed pitifully and gave a whine of despair.

“...Mom?...” he said quietly, with uncertainty.

“Yeah!” Goku smiled. “I’m your mom. It’s okay!” He held the child against his shoulder, hugging him closely. “What’s the matter, Veji?” he murmured, rubbing the baby’s back. The blonde continued to sniffle, giving a pathetic gasp between each word.

“I. Wan. Joose.”

Chi Chi filled a clean cup with the child’s favorite beverage and handed it to her husband.

“This?” Goku asked, gaining Vejita’s attention and showing him the cup. The blonde smiled happily, taking the cup in both hands.


“Jekyll-and-H yde,” Goten sighed, shaking his head.

“His temper is probably tied to the full moon,” Vegeta suggested, watching the boy drink from the cup while resting his head on his mother’s shoulder.

“And it was wicked-full last night!” Bulla chimed in.

“Well, that explains your behavior all these years,” Goten teased. Bulla pulled back her fist, smirking when the older boy flinched.

Chi Chi shook her head at their interaction.

“Someone please call Daikkon so we can eat,” she spoke. “And you three,” she motioned to Goku, Vegeta and Bulla, “put on something dry first.”

Without arguing, all three turned from the room. Goku sat Vejita down on the floor, but the child followed him into the next room. The tall Saiyan moved slowly, keeping a close eye on his son as he climbed the stairs one at a time to keep at his mother’s side. Once at the top of the staircase, the baby rushed ahead and waited patiently for Goku by the nursery door.

“Nap?” Vejita asked, wide-eyed, as Goku turned into his own room to retrieve his clothes.

“No. New clothes.”

“Cloze?” the child repeated, following his mother and watching him change. He stood close to Goku, trying to link their tails together.

“They are getting to that age,” Vegeta spoke, leaning against the door frame as he observed the two. “Whenthey get annoying.”

Goku laughed, letting his tail entwine with the child’s before moving the appendage to gently brush the baby’s cheek.

“He’s not annoying! He’s adorable.” He kneeled down and smiled. “Aren’t you, baby?”

Vejita gave a happy shriek of laughter, throwing his arms around Goku’s neck and hugging him tightly.

The prince shook his head.

“However,” he began again, more seriously, “they might also be at that stage when we can begin to teach them something... some of the basic principles of combat.”

Goku picked up the toddler and rested him on his hip.

“Like flying?”

Vegeta frowned.

“The last thing we need is that one flying.”

Goku chuckled.

“You wanna fly, Veji?” he asked in an excited tone.

“Don’t,” Vegeta warned.

Goku continued to encourage the baby until Veji was chanting ‘fly, fly!’ with excitement.

“And here!” Goku announced, unloading the child into the prince’s arms. “Papa will teach you!”

Vegeta grimaced, catching the happily bouncing toddler.

“Wan fly! Wan fly!”

Goku laughed loudly, rushing from the room to escape Vegeta’s potential wrath. Vejita placed his little hands on his father’s now scowling face.

“Papa...” he said quietly. “Wan fly?”

“Not today,” Vegeta replied, leaning to place the boy on the floor. “But today, we will teach you to fight.”

Vejita smiled. The look on his father’s face when he said the word ‘fight’ made it seem like quite a fun idea.

“Now come. I’m starving.”

Vegeta turned from the room, but didn’t take very many steps before turning to see if his child was following. The blonde was still standing by the bed, a frown on his face.

“What?” Vegeta asked impatiently.

The toddler grimaced, pulling at the fabric of his jeans.

“Drrty,” he stated unhappily.

Vegeta groaned, picking the child up and heading for the nursery.

“There is something else you’re going to start learning today...”


Snow continued falling into the afternoon, dusting the entire Capsule Corp grounds in a blanket of shimmering white powder. Even with the moderate temperature of the house’s heating unit, the appearance of snow outside seemed to make the temperature inside drop ten degrees.

Inside the den, Trunks sat on the sofa reading a medical textbook that he had propped up on the arm of the furniture. Goten was relaxing on the same sofa, his head in Trunks’ lap as he read a textbook of his own. His eyes were merely scanning the words as he had stopped comprehending long ago. An hour stretch was his limit on studying, and they had done almost twice that.

“Hey man,” Goten spoke, closing his book and letting it slip to the floor, “I can’t study like this.”

“I know what you mean,” Trunks agreed, shaking his head. “I don’t have any highlighters.”

Goten chuckled in amusement, reaching up and taking the older boy’s book to place it with his own.

“Nooooo,” he continued, “we’ve been at this for hours. It’s a dreary day. I’m anxious for winter break --”

“And we have finals,” Trunks responded. Goten groaned dramatically.

“Let’s go play in the snow,” he suggested. Trunks laughed.

“What are you, seven?”

“Just for a bit," the younger boy grinned. "Let’s take a break now, and later I’ll help you study anatomy.”

The lavender haired prince raised an eyebrow.

“Isn’t that two breaks?” he asked with a smirk.

Goten shrugged.


Goten tugged on Trunks’ collar, pulling him close so he could kiss him. Trunks leaned closer, slipping his arm beneath Goten’s head, returning the kiss.


Bulla rolled her eyes as she walked into the room. Goten quickly sat up and grinned sheepishly at the princess.

“Hey, sport.”

“Hi, Bulla,” Trunks added.

“Hello,” she returned, reclining in a nearby chair. “Studying, I see.”

“Yeah,” Trunks answered, rising from the sofa. “But I need to get highlighters -- oh, and paper clips.”

“Hey,” Goten spoke, taking his hand to stop him, “go all out and grab some of those sticky flags, too.”

Trunks nodded.

“Right. Good idea.”

Bulla giggled as her brother left the room. Once alone with Goten, she turned her focus to smoothing out the coat on her tail.

“How was training?” Goten asked, leaning back on the sofa and watching the young girl preen the sky blue fur. It had taken some getting used to, but so many months had passed since her first successful attempt at regenerating the distinctly Saiyan feature, it would be odd to see her now without it.

“It was great,” she told him. “Papa gets tougher every time.” She smiled and leaned forward as she spoke. “Next month, I have to try to suppress the transformation and not change. Papa says it’s crazy tough, and it will probably take months to learn. But I can handle it!”

“I’ll bet you can,” Goten agreed.

Bulla settled back in her chair again, scrutinizing the teen for a moment. She had hoped that months of getting used to the fact that her first crush and her idol big brother were dating would have made iteasier to accept, but when she looked at the handsome, dark-haired Saiyan, it still made her giddy.

“So,” she began again, “you and Trunks doing anything special for winter break?”

Goten shrugged, lying back onto the sofa.

“Haven’t really thought about it. I’ve been so stressed out just hoping to pass my finals... what about you?”

“Maybe. I have some friends throwing parties, and I want to spend some time with my grandma and grandpa...” She cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes. “Are you and Trunks gonna get married?”

Goten’s eyes bulged at the question, and he laughed nervously.

“Not over winter break!” he exclaimed.

“But someday?” she pressed.

The teen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. How was he supposed to answer that question? He and Trunks had only been dating for five months, and while both assumed it was forever, they never talked about the future. Goten smiled.

“Why do you want to know?” he asked.

The preteen shrugged.

“Because I was thinking I could make my own dress, and I wanted to know if I would be good enough at sewing by that time...”

“Well, that’s a really long way off,” he told her. Bulla raised a brow.

“But it will happen, right?”

Goten knew what she was looking for now. Weakness. Whether or not it was to foster her hopes or massacre him for not being one hundred percent committed to her brother, he wasn’t sure.

“I really hope so,” he told her truthfully. “I’m sure we will.”

Bulla nodded.

“Cool. Can I ask you another question?”

“Another one?” Goten asked with a laugh. What could be worse? “Shoot.”

Bulla stood from her chair and crossed to sit down on the edge of the couch where he lay.

“If you weren’t in love with Trunks, would you think I was pretty?”

Goten smiled, giving her a playful punch in the arm.

“I already think you’re pretty!” he replied. “Prettiest girl in the world!”

She smiled broadly.

“Thanks, Goten.”

“No thanks. It’s the truth,” he told her.

“So,” she continued, giving a look of serious contemplation, “am I pretty for a human? Or pretty for a Saiyan?”

Goten’s brows furrowed in confusion.

“What’s the difference?”

“Well,” she explained, standing and looking down at herself, “I know I’m pretty for a human, but I want to know if I’m Saiyan-pretty too. Mr. Daikkon said, after my tail grew back, that my coloring was ‘highly unusual’ for a Saiyan.”

Goten’s features darkened, and he sat up.

“Did he say that to you?!” he practically growled. Bulla was surprised by his reaction.

“No, I heard him tell my mother that,” she answered.

“Well, you listen to me,” he told her seriously. “You’re pretty no matter what planet you're on, or what people you're compared to, okay? Daikkon wouldn’t know pretty if it turned him around and cracked him across the jaw.”

Bulla giggled.

“Thanks, Goten,” she beamed. “For that, I will leave you alone and let you get back to playing ‘snuggle bunnies’ with my brother.”

Goten blushed.

“We were studying,” he defended lamely. Bulla rolled her eyes and shook her head as she headed toward the door.

“Whatever,” she sighed, passing Trunks on her way out.

“I got the study stuff,” Trunks announced, handing the younger boy the highlighters and sticky notes.

“Thanks,” Goten said absently, moving over so Trunks could sit back at his side. The older teen picked up his text book and resumed reading. Goten watched him quietly a moment before speaking. “You think I’m hot, right?”

Trunks gave an amused smile, shutting his book.

“Yes, Goten. But I have to study.”

“I’m not trying to get you to do anything,” Goten replied with a grimace. “I’m just asking.”

“Of course I do,” Trunks reiterated. Goten turned and looked him straight on.

“As a human? Or as a Saiyan?” he continued.

“Both,” Trunks answered assuredly.

“How can you be certain?” Goten questioned him. “How do you know if I fit the description of ‘hot’ by Saiyan standards?”

The older teen gave him an odd look.

“That doesn’t matter. You’re hot by my standards.”

Goten grinned widely. Leave it to Trunks to come back with an answer like that. Goten leaned over and cupped the other boy’s face in his hands, kissing him passionately. Trunks dropped his book, his arms wrapping around Goten as the younger Saiyan moved to straddle his lap.

“Is this all you two ever do now?” Vegeta grumbled with a frown as he stopped in the doorway. Goten grimaced, slipping off of Trunks’ lap and sitting at his side. Trunks cleared his throat.

“Um... no,” he replied.

Vegeta continued to frown.

“We’ll see. But for now, both of you come with me. I need your assistance.”

Goten and Trunks exchanged looks of curiosity and surprise before rising and following the prince from the room.

Vegeta was silent as he led the teens through the house to the indoor gravity room. He punched in the keycode and when the door slid open, he motioned them inside.

“Hi, guys!” Goku greeted cheerfully. The tall Saiyan was seated on the floor, Ninji in his lap and Vejita climbing over his shoulder as if he were a living jungle gym. Trunks and Goten were now more confused.

Goten leaned toward his friend.

“If they give us some sort of safe sex talk,” he whispered, “or tell us not to have babies, I’m using my energy to self destruct.”

Before Trunks could agree or reply, Vegeta gave the younger boy a smack to the back of his head.

“You better not need that speech,” he growled. “But you better listen up.”

“We’re gonna teach the babies to fight!” Goku spoke excitedly. “Isn’t that great!?”

Trunks’ expression made it obvious that he didn’t agree.

“Aren’t they a little young?” he inquired. Vegeta gave a snort of amusement.

“There is no such thing.”

Goten too looked incredulously from the twins to their parents. He didn’t want to fight babies! He didn’t want to fight Bulla, but he was certain she could kick his ass.

“We’re just starting with the basics, anyway,” Vegeta told them. “They are Saiyan. It’s in their very nature to fight.”


Half an hour hadn’t passed before Vegeta declared that training was over for the day. Ninji was teary-eyed, holding on to the leg of Trunks’ pants while Vejita growled and howled like a wild animal, trying to escape Goku’s grip.

“This is ridiculous!” Vegeta exclaimed, scowling as he tried to decide exactly what went wrong.

“If you don’t mind me saying, Dad,” Trunk began quietly, leaning down to pat Ninji on the head, “I don’t think they understand what we’re doing.”

“Yeah,” Goten chimed in. “Ninji seems scared out of his mind, with all of the near passing out he’s been doing. And Veji must have thought we were trying to kill him, since he’s been insistent on trying to kill each of us!”

Trunks turned to Goten, the other teen’s statement sparking his memory.

“Did he break the skin?” he asked. Goten turned his arm to look at the bright pink bite mark on his wrist.

“Damn near...”

Vejita let out a blood-curdling scream, bowing his body away from his mother. The prince stalked over to them, pulling the child into his arms.

“Enough,” he stated firmly, his tone jolting the toddler into calming down.

“It’s nap time, anyway,” Goku sighed, settling onto the cool metal floor. Ninji let go of his brother’s leg, creeping quietly past his father and climbing into the safety of Goku’s lap. Vegeta’s frown deepened.

“Thank you, boys,” he addressed Trunks and Goten. “I’ll let you get back to ... ‘studying’.”

“If we can help,” Trunks replied, as Goten pulled him from the room, “let us know...”

The door opened and hissed shut, leaving the two Saiyans alone with their youngest sons.

Vegeta sighed, releasing Vejita and setting him on the floor. The toddler rushed to his mother, climbing into his lap and cuddling beside his brother. Goku wrapped his arms around the children and held them close.

“Maybe they are too young...” he mused sadly. “Maybe they don’t understand. I don’t want them to think we want to hurt them.”

Vegeta stared at the children, his eyes meeting Vejita’s before moving on to Ninji’s.

“...Oh, I think they both understand... in their own way...” he spoke thoughtfully, kneeling down in front of the three. Goku watched Vegeta with interest. He could practically see the prince’s mind working.

“Vegeta,” he spoke quietly, but firmly so that the older Saiyan knew he was serious. “I hate to say it, but I think training for the twins needs to wait until they are old enough to comprehend what we are doing and why.”

The prince didn’t respond immediately, but when he did, he nodded in agreement.

“Fine. We’ll give them four more months. By then, they will be roughly the age of a three and a half year old humans. That’s how old Trunks was when I first taught him how to throw a punch.”

Goku smiled.

“That was about how old Gohan was when Piccolo trained him,” he sighed, giving the children in his lap an affectionate squeeze.

Vegeta stayed kneeling a few feet away from Kakkarot and the twins. Both children stared back at him, uncertainty in their eyes as they clung to each other.

Was this the look he used to give his own father?

Vegeta let his tail slip from his waist and calmly sweep against the floor. He could see the babies’ eyes turn to the furry appendage and watch it move, their own tails relaxing and beginning to sway. As caught up as he was in his thoughts, he didn’t hear Goku whisper to the boys.

“Go give Papa a hug.”

Both toddlers clamored from his lap and crossed the short distance to embrace the prince. Vejita threw his arms around his father’s neck, while Ninji happily hugged his bicep. The prince flushed.

“E... enough of this now,” he stammered, but didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t going to push them away.

Goku smiled as he stood, his hands resting on his hips as he watched his second family. An odd feeling surfaced in his heart as he watched his children and their father... maybe it was sympathy for his friend. Vegeta could only live what he’d learned, and trying a new way was hard.

Goku took a few steps and reached out, brushing the back of his fingers across Vegeta’s temple to gain his attention.

“Hey,” he spoke, quietly. Vegeta lifted his eyes. “They know that you love them,” Goku told him.

Vegeta looked away, slightly uneasy and embarrassed.

“But is it enough?” he asked gruffly, putting his arms around his children and picking them up as he stood. Ninji cuddled sleepily against his throat, so Vegeta handed his brother to Kakkarot.

“What more do you feel you need to do?” the taller Saiyan returned. He knew full well Vegeta had the answer. It wasn’t that the prince didn’t know how to give affection, but he was scared to show it. Emotion had been his enemy for too long. He didn’t want to appear weak.

“Your mother tells me that it’s nap time,” Vegeta addressed Ninji, leaving Kakkarot’s question unanswered. “What do you think of that?”

“Nap,” the dark-haired child echoed.

Goku laughed, following Vegeta out of the training room to the other side of the house to the nursery. Once inside, they sat the children down on the bed. The toddlers had long since outgrown their crib, even in its toddler bed conversion, and were now sleeping in a double bed that Bulma had custom made for their height. Veji bounded onto the mattress, tugging on Goku’s hand.

“Nap!” he insisted, watching Ninji crawl to the pillows and lie down. “Nap!”

“Well... I am kinda tired...” Goku chuckled, lying down on the bed at Ninji’s side. Vejita looked with approval upon his mother before turning his dark eyes to his father.

“Nap!” he stated.

“No, you nap,” Vegeta replied, picking the child up under the arms and laying him down at Ninji’s side.

“Papa nap!” Vejita spoke firmly, his hands clasping onto Vegeta’s wrists before he could pull away. Vegeta glanced down at the double bed, quickly assessing that there would not be much room for the four Saiyans.

“No,” the prince repeated, pulling the child’s fingers from his wrist. “You.” Vegeta picked up Veji’s yellow blanket and tucked it around the child, ignoring Kakkarot’s grin. “Good night.”


Before Vegeta could turn to leave, the blonde Saiyan was on his feet again, holding out his arms. Vegeta felt his heart warm at the sight, and upon hearing his child’s little voice.

“Hug?” Vejita asked, holding his arms up higher. Vegeta leaned closer to the bed, letting the child embrace him. As the baby looked up at him, Vegeta ran a hand over the boy’s soft mane of hair. “Kiss?” Veji continued. The prince smirked, realizing that this was Kakkarot’s usual bedtime ritual. Kami forbid a child should rest his eyes without hugs and kisses. He leaned down and gave the child a peck on the forehead. Happily, the baby pointed to his brother. “Kiss Nin!” he instructed.

Goku felt his chest swell with happiness upon seeing a look so near to joy on the prince’s face when Ninji scrambled to his feet to receive his father’s affection. It was almost as if Vegeta had forgotten that the third class was present. Vegeta gave the ponytailed baby a hug and a quick kiss before pointing back to the mattress.

“Now lie dow --”

His words were cut off by Veji’s happy chatter.

“Kiss Mama!!”

Goku stopped smiling.

His eyes darted to lock with Vegeta’s, and the two stared at each other. Vejita clasped his father’s hand, trying to urge him closer. Ninji was quiet, looking from one to the other. A silent, tense look was shared between the two adults for several long seconds.

Goku swallowed.

“Here,” Vegeta spoke calmly, pulling Vejita to his side. The child looked expectantly up at his father as Vegeta leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Give this to your mother,” he said, before kissing the toddler on his cheek.

Happily, and as if on a mission of great importance, Veji leapt across the bed -- nearly treading on his brother -- and threw his arms around Goku’s neck, kissing him enthusiastically on the cheek.

“Awwww,” Goku sighed, hugging his back. “Thank you.” He looked up at the Saiyan prince, who stared evenly back. “Thanks.”

Vegeta gave the younger man a clap on the arm, a hint of a smile curling his lips as he turned from the room.

Don’t mention it.”


Bulma quickened her pace as she passed through the living room, shouting “I got it!” to the household before stopping at the front door.

“Hey, beautiful!” Yamucha greeted her with a smile. “What’s going on?”

Bulma smiled in return, taken a fistful of his coat sleeve and pulling him into the house.

“Not much. Just catching up on some laundry while the little ones sleep,” she told him, helping him remove his coat. “Not any blankies, though, I assure you!” she added with a laugh.

“Ah, laundry and it’s many ‘zen’-like qualities,” he teased her with a grin. Bulma rolled her eyes.

“Come with me. I’ll make us some coffee.”

The ex-bandit followed his former flame into the dining room, taking a seat at the table as Bulma continued into the kitchen.

“So, if the babies are asleep,” he began, running his hand through his hair before leaning against the table, “where is everyone else?”

“Let’s see...” she replied, taking two steaming cups from one of the kitchen bots and sitting at his side. “Chi Chi is in her sewing room working on a project with Bulla, Trunks and Goten are in the bedroom watching a movie, and the rest of the Saiyans are sleeping.”

“All of them?” Yamucha asked, raising a brow. Bulma smiled.

“Yep,” she answered before taking a sip of her coffee. “At least they were five minutes ago -- oh, not Daikkon. He’s in the Capsule Corp library reading up on some of our research. But the others had a nice afternoon together and are taking naps.”

Yamucha smiled at the self-satisfied smirk on Bulma’s face.

“I got to hand it to you, B,” he said with a shake of his head. “You sure know how to tame the most volatile of situations.”

“I am a genius,” she sighed dreamily. “I told you we’d make a nice, happy family. You have no faith in me!”

“Your track record is improving,” he admitted. “When can I join the family?”

“Oh honey,” Bulma said, patting his hand, “you are family. But Vegeta and I already decided that you can’t be my second husband.”

Yamucha scowled at her now wide grin.

“I wouldn’t marry him to get to you, sorry baby.” Bulma laughed heartily. “Besides, I think Vegeta would insist upon being the only king in this castle.”

Bulma merely continued to grin as she sipped her coffee, thinking it best not to mention how she and Vegeta had previously discussed a nearly similar scenario.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she shrugged, leaning back in her chair. “The way I see it, I already have six adorable children, two handsome husbands and a beautiful wife who cooks better than a celebrity chef. I swear I’ve gained seven pounds since she’s been here! I’m lucky it only appears to be breasts and ass, so far.”

Yamucha snorted into his coffee at the remark.

“Brains, beauty and modesty,” he laughed, wiping his mouth. “What more could your spouses ask for?”

She winked.

“I’m rich, too.”

The friends’ laughter at the comment was interrupted by a happy shriek.

“Ya-cha!” Vejita dashed across the dining room and threw himself into the human’s lap.

“Hey, buddy!” Yamucha greeted, pulling the child up into his arms.

Goku followed the young prince into the room, smiling at the sight.

“Hey, Yamucha.” The ex-bandit grinned at his friend.

“Hey, Goku. Nice nap?”

The tall Saiyan nodded as he stretched his arms above his head.

“I’m beginning to think that hibernation isn’t such a bad idea,” he answered with a smile. Yamucha chuckled.

“The weather does suck this time of year,” he responded. “But it does bring with it the holiday spirit. And is there a bigger holiday in December than the birth of little Prince Trunks?”

Goku chuckled, shaking his head to agree.

“I don’t believe that there is,” Bulma added. “There has not been a child born who can compare to my boy.”

“What about your girl?” Goku asked. Bulma shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee.

“She’s a little bossy.”

Yamucha and Goku laughed, amused by her response. Vejita joined in with his own hearty baby laughter, causing all three adults to laugh all the more.

“Where’s the Ninja?” Yamucha asked, using the nick-name that the older children often used for Ninji.

“He’s playing,” Goku replied, taking a seat next to Bulma and watching as the baby Saiyan started climbing on his friend. “Trunks bought him these puzzle blocks, and I’m afraid he’s developed an addiction.”

“He probably gets that determination from his father,” Yamucha remarked, taking hold of Veji’s tail to keep him from climbing farther. “So, how old would you say they are, about?”

“Well,” Bulma began. “chronologically, they are twenty weeks. By all of the signs they are close to two years.”

“Damn,” Yamucha breathed, shaking his head. “It’s hard to think that it was really not that long ago...”

Goku leaned over and pinched the grinning blonde on the cheek.

“But it’s hard to remember times without them.” He was quiet a moment before adding, “It’s funny how quickly you become accustomed to change...”

“Change!” Vejita echoed happily.

“Well Uncle Ya-cha will just hand you back to Goku then,” Yamucha told him, handing the child over to the Saiyan. Goku chuckled, swinging the toddler into his arms.

“I just changed you!” he declared, but smiled as he carried the child from the room.

Bulma and Yamucha sat in silence after they left. The fighter watched his female friend as she sipped her coffee and watched the snow falling outside of the patio doors.

“Hey B,” he began quietly. She looked to him, a curious expression on her face. “Are you all really as happy as you look?”

Bulma smiled.

“Of course we are? Why wouldn’t we be?”

Yamucha shrugged.

“It’s not that I don’t think that you are...” he explained. “I just hope that you are.”

Bulma reached across the table and patter her friend’s hand.

“We are,” she assured him. Yamucha continued to look incredulous as she continued. “I know what you’re thinking -- yes, I have more people to share Vegeta’s attention, but I’m not the jealous young girl I used to be. I know that no matter what, I still hold the best space in his itty-btity heart.” She smiled at his near grin. “I know he loves me.” Before the ex-bandit could speak, she amended her statement. “Not that I was ever in doubt of your love, but I was too silly back then.”

Yamucha smiled softly.

“Vegeta is a lucky man,” he admitted, raising his glass as if in a toast. Bulma mirrored the smile, gently striking her mug against his.

“Someday you are going to make someone a lucky girl,” she told him sincerely.

Yamucha merely smiled as they both lifted their drinks.


Vegeta sat alone in the den, watching the snow pile up outside of the windows. The chill in the air frosted each pain of glass, making it appear as if the winter landscape outside was a hazy image in a dream. At least three additional inches of snow had fallen since the blizzard began in the morning, and while the winter wonderland thrilled the woman, the prince had never taken any delight in it. Even inside the heated complex, every surface just seemed cold.

The prince shifted his position on the leather sofa, folding his arms over his chest and turning his focus to the fireplace. Even though Capsule Corp was heated with top of the line machinery, Bulma still insisted on using the fireplace in the winter. She said it added ‘atmosphere.’ What it did for Vegeta was give him something more pleasant to focus upon. The crackling logs set in the recess of stone reminded him of passion, of power, of untamed land...

Of home.

Planet Vegeta had always seemed like a distant memory to him. A place that existed in a previous incarnation. The unexpected encounter with the Saiyans had thrust those memories to the forefront of his mind. A battle now existed inside the princelike none he had ever known, between a hunger to remember and understand the Saiyan ways and a desire to forget them. Forgetting felt like the only way to retain his sanity when, at every turn, something he thought he had known as absolute truth about his people turned out to benothing more than a deception created by pride.

The Saiyans were born warriors. Why would his sons not fight?

Vegeta sighed and raised a hand to massage the tense muscles of his forehead. He tried to take comfort in Trunks’ and Kakkarot’s insistence that the children were too young. But were not Saiyan infants sent to destroy civilizations on their own? Trunks was of ample years and trained in the art of war, but even he lacked the desire for battle. It would seem that the common denominator between the two... was Vegeta... Was he Saiyan enough?

The prince was pulled from his thoughts when he was joined in the room by Chi Chi. The dark-haired woman carried a steaming mug in one hand and a small sewing basket in the other. The two gave each other a nod of greeting.

“I saw you sitting in here next to the fire,” Chi Chi began as she crossed the room. “I know you like it much warmer in the house than the rest of us, so I thought you might like something hot to drink.”

Vegeta was still slightly uncomfortable with offered kindness from anyone other than his wife and Kakkarot, but he accepted the beverage graciously, quietly thanking her.

“You’re welcome,” Chi Chi replied, passing him and settling down in an armchair across from the sofa. Vegeta watched her curiously as she removed a project from her sewing kit and began to work. She looked up at him, catching his eye. “You don’t mind the company, do you?” she asked.

The prince shook his head.

“Not at all... although I probably don’t have to warn you that I am not the most engaging conversationalist...”

Chi Chi smiled slightly, turning her eyes back to the embroidery in her hands.

“It is possible that you only need practice,” she commented lightly. Vegeta smirked, lifting the mug to his lips to cover the expression, and took a drink. The distinct, yet unexpected taste of dark cocoa coupled with a cream liqueur slid pleasantly over his tongue. He raised an eyebrow to the woman across from him. Chi Chi continued to sew. “The boys mentioned how the training went... so I thought it couldn’t hurt if your ‘hot drink’ was strong as well.”

Vegeta sighed, the grimace returning to his face.

“I know that I don’t have any prior experience with full Saiyan children,” Chi Chi told him, “but from what I’ve seen of Ninji and Vejita, they appear to have the same sequence of milestones.”

“What do you mean?” Vegeta asked absently, taking another long drink.

Chi Chi shrugged, not missing a stitch.

“They were on liquids before solids, sitting before standing, crawling before walking...”

“And your point?” he asked, but not unkindly.

“When Goten was just a little boy, I trained him,” she explained. “But that was after he had learned a lot about the purely enjoyable part of fighting.” Vegeta’s look expressed his cynicism, but he was still listening. “He had to learn to play and wrestle before he learned to fight. Gohan never had any training before being taken on by Piccolo, but he was always rough-housing with Goku,” she smirked, continuing. “Not that Goten and Gohan are the best examples to use, seeing as neither are as passionate about battle as their father.”

Vegeta’s brow rose as he considered her words. He was possibly being too hard on himself. He nodded absently in agreement as he took another soothing drink of the warm cocoa.

“You’re right.”

Chi Chi raised her eyes to him, her expression concealing her surprise. The prince seemed to be in his own world. She continued to sew.

“Well, like I said, I’m no expert on Saiyan children... but I would surely bet that they’ll be just as strong and accomplished fighters as their parents are.”

“A wise wager,” he agreed with a slight smirk. “But I know of no one who could tell you the ways of the Saiyan child.”

Chi Chi shrugged slightly.

“Daikkon has written some rather interesting pieces on Saiyan children,” she commented casually. The prince’s smirk deepened.

“You’re more Saiyan than that pandering bookworm,” he growled. “And you have actual experience behind your theories.”

Chi Chi smiled at his observation.

“Just the same...” she said, continuing to stitch, but said nothing further.

Without a detectable approaching ki, neither Chi Chi nor Vegeta noticed Ninji until he was at the edge of the sofa. The child was quietly watching the two adults.

Chi Chi spoke to the child.

“What do you have, dear?”

Ninji looked down at what he carried, answering in a small voice.


Vegeta raised an eyebrow as he watched his son climb onto the sofa and crawl to his side. Ninji stared expectantly up at him.

“Can I help you?” the prince asked dryly. The Saiyan toddler laid the book on his father’s thigh.

“Read me?”

Chi Chi kept her head down, but could see the prince turn toward her briefly. There was a moment of silence before Vegeta picked up the book. Ninji scooted closer, leaning against his father so he could see the illustrations on the page.

Vegeta cleared his throat.

“Tiny Bear’s... Forest Friends.”

Ninji pointed to the picture.


Chi Chi tried to keep her smile hidden as she gathered her sewing supplies together.

“I can take your mug, if you are through,” she announced, standing. Vegeta picked up the cocoa mug and drained it quickly before handing it out.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Chi Chi smiled at Ninji as she exited the room. Her smile broadened as she heard the beginnings of the children’s tale being read softly in the prince’s gruff, stern voice. Never in her life would she have imagined she would feel pride, much less affection, for the prince of all Saiyans.


A/N: Yes, real life makes it hard to get chapters out! lol. I'm okay, nothing to worry too much about. I'm trying to get back into the writing groove and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thanks to everyone who is still with me, and to everyone that tries this story out. I appreciate it!! Bear with me!! ^_^ -B