Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unloved Dead Bodies in the Closet ❯ Unloved Dead Bodies in the Closet ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The reson why this is so huge is because I hate uploading one chapter at a time, it gets on my nerves! This is my first V/G fanfic...... Well, my first fanfic ever really, but I like it and if you do REVIEW ME PLEASE!!!!! oh, and I hate flames, they make me sad. Besides, you read the story at your own risk so if you don't like it, it's your own falt! Not mine. This story contains rape, yaoi, lemon, violence, blah, blah, blah. Just read it if you like gothic, twisted shit. i love you people! Read on!!! ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own DragonBallZ or Marilyn Manson (I just worship him!!! *Sigh*)

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He paced the floor quickly, his mind racing. Why would Kakarott want to take him out? Why not go with his family or His stupid friends? There had to be a reason.

"Daddy?" came a meek, little voice from the doorway. Vegeta turned to see his daughter standing there rubbing her eyes. He gave a smile and walked over to her, picking her up into his arms. "What do you need?" his voice was gental and kind. It had always been that way with him and his children. Innocent and sweet, there were no limit's to happiness... and they would love him no matter what.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? Pretty please?" her sky blue eyes held a pleading look. Vegeta gave a sigh and looked at her with a bit of regret and playful sarrow. "Sorry, Baby. Daddy has to leave with that big, stupid monkey, Kakarott." She giggled and looked at her father one more time before wraping her arms around him as best she could in a hug. "Okay, but next time you have to!" He placed her down and stood with his arms crossed looking at her. "Alright, But for now your going to have to sleep with your big brother." She nodded at him and ran out swiflt. Vegeta gave a content sigh. He had the perfect family... well, now he did. His smile turned into a scowl and look of pain as he turned his head tord the closet door. 'You will never win this Vegeta! They will find out, and they will hate you! Just like I did.' Vegeta cringed fearcely, claping his gloved hands over his ears as tightly as he could. He almost doubled over at hearing her voice. It had haunted him for the past week or so since the accident they had. "They will never know! You are done for and gone you fucking bitch!" His whispered words were full of hate and anger. She only hissed making him yelp as if every sound that came from her lips stabed him, driving an invisable blade deeper and deeper into him. 'Dead or alive I will always be here. Slowly driving you to your own death! And I assure you mine will not be in vain!' Vegeta wanted to scream! Oh, how he hated her. Hated her for not loving him, for not understanding him. "You're dead! That makes you powerless, you can't do a God damn thing, wench!' After a moment of silence, Vegeta opened his eyes and carefully stood up. 'Good, She's gone.' he thought, relived. He shook his head gentaly and then glanced at the clock. 6:37 glared back him from the white and red clock on the wall. 'she loved that clock...' the thought made Vegeta shiver under the guilty stare. He turned on his heel and quickly rushed from the room and into the bathroom. He had better get ready to go to the fair, Kakrott would be there soon. Not that it mattered to that olf if the prince was late or not, but he wanted to get away from the house and her as quickly as he could.

It had been well over an hour, were was he? Vegeta tapped his foot at the ground impatiently. 'I don't have time to wait all night, it's almost seven o' clock... moron.' The prince was inturupted from his thoughts by the sound of the loud door bell. 'Must be Kakarott.' Vegeta uncrossed his arms and started to make his way to the door. He was still baffled that the third class would ask to go somewhere with him, it just didn't make sence. Of course, he had been acting strange for a few days now. It started when Vegeta and him where training.....

"God, you smell like shit! You really should take a shower before going home. You're little hell cat is angry at you enough already for coming here without telling her, She might beat your head in if you go to her like that." Said Vegeta to the taller sayin who trailed behind him. The prince wrinkled his nose in disgust. Goku just smiled and placed his hand behind his head inoccently. "Sorry, Vegeta." He opened his eyes then and lifted his arm in the air. Curiously he smelled his under arm and then snapped his head away putting on the same nauseated look as his friend. "Whao... You're right, I really should get cleaned up. Mined if I-" "Please, go right ahead." inturpted the prince pointing to the stairs they now stood next to. Goku Blushed but then hurried up the wide, marble steps to the shower.

Vegeta rolled his eyes making his way to one of the down stairs bathrooms, to clean up himself. He turned one of the sleak silver knobs then the other. The water was cold at first but then warmed as it splashed into the porcelan floor and then hit the drain. Vegeta pulled off his sweaty, white gloves and put his hands under the running water. It felt warm and soft to his strong hands. He smirked lightly, then stood, pulling off the remaining cloths on his bruised and battered flesh. Soon he stood bare, his beauty was unmasked by it's binding restrants. He climbed into the shower and closed the glass door behind him. Steamy water slid over ever mucle and curve of his body. And like a lover's caress, it welcomed him to it's heat, relaxing him. The prince lifted his hands and ran them gently through his raven hair. His eyes were closed and full lips slightly parted as drops of water landed on them. The quite comforted him as he though once again about what had happened the week before. Was he ashamed? No. He felt she got what she deserved, He felt betryed... unloved. Vegeta's lips twisted and his eyelids tightened, as he tugged at his hair. He hated her so much, for everything she ever did and everything she didn't do. And even though dead, she still was there. She screamed and whimpered, a silent plea only he could hear and he felt because of it he was going mad. Vegeta quickly cleaned himself and hopped out of the shower. He didn't want to think about it, he couldn't think about it or it would pull him down with her. He dried, put on the clean cloths he had set out and darted out of the bathroom.

When he did he was suprised to run smack into the third class. Vegeta fell to the floor. He took a few seconds to get his bearings and looked up. The look then on his commrad's face was perplexing. A look of horror and fear. He quickly held out his hand to his fallen friend. Vegeta just pushed it away as always and stood on his own. Goku snached his and away and hid it behind his back. "I-I gota go, um maybe I'll see ya around." Vegeta watched him carefully. His voice was shaky and his eyes glued to the ground like a fearful child. Then he looked up slowly, meeting Vegeta's stare. The prince could only nod in response, his own eyes large in fear. 'What if he saw her!? What will He do!?' his mind screamed at him. God, he felt like just falling to the floor and crying. Truth be told he could never hate Kakarott, and it would kill Vegeta if the other sayin was afraid of him or disliked him in any way. Vegeta's heart seemed to fall apart as he watched the other man leave......

Ever since that day a week ago Vegeta hadn't spoken with Goku. until he called last night and asked the prince to acompany him to the silly human tradition known as the fair. Vegeta had hastily answered to the suprising call and unexspected question. But, why?

Vegeta opened the door slowly and almost gasped at what he saw. There he stood. The savior of earth, was one of the most beautiful things to behold. His hair was the way it always was, messy and untamed, framing his face perfectly. He dressed in a tight black t-shirt that showed every magnificently shaped mucle of his uper body. Long sleves covered his long powerful arms and could even cover his hands. And up the side of his arms were blue flames melted into the black. Vegeta's eyes wandered lower. Goku was wearing a leather black belt that held up flowing baggy jeans that covered almost all of his worn sneakers. And then his eyes. They were different, darker then Vegeta remebered.... Almosted changed. Goku smirked also taking in the glorous sight of the other sayian. Vegeta had on a black t-shirt as well, but it was looser and had big white letters acrossed his chest, that said 'FREAK'. He also wore jeans but they were torn at the knees and a little up the sides, only letting the tips of his black boots show. Goku looked up at him and smiled. The dog caler around his neck set of the rows of other silver chains and trinkets that started at his throt and went all the way down to his chest. And the caler of his ankle long black coat brushed at the small earings he wore. (sorry but I see them as the rocker types, especially ouji! ^ ^)

Goku held out his arm to Vegeta and smirked. "Sorry I'm late." His voice sent chills down Vegeta's spine. So intense and full of soild feeling. The prince took his arm and closed the door behind him as they flew off to their destination.

The lights were amazing and the air was full of laughter and joy. In a way, it comforted him, but at the same time it made him jealous and disgusted. They landed and Kakarott tugged at his arm pulling him out of his trance. "Come on. Lets go have some fun!"

Vegeta followed his friend quickly as he was dragged through the huge crowd, and passed rides. He felt safe here for some reason. Maybe because she couldn't get him here.... or maybe even because Kakarott was with him. He felt a similarity with Goku. Even though they were compeletly opposite, he saw a different kind of soul in him. One that had a great demand for everything in his life, it was all or nothing. But that might have just been the sayian blood in him..... Still even for their race something like that was odd, because you always had to live without what you wanted back then.

Goku stopped making Vegeta bump into him. He looked at the taller sayian and blinked. Goku had a big smile on his face as he pointed to one of the rides. Vegeta looked at it and raised an eyebrow. 'Brain Blaster' was painted in huge blue letters on the side of what, to Vegeta, looked like a really big BBQ grill put together very wrong. "Lets go on that one! That one right there! Oh! Come on! Lets go! Lets go! Lets go!" goku was jumping for excitment when he looked back at Vegeta. 'Why me?' he thought. But he looked into the innocence of his eyes and couldn't help but stare. Such warmth and love lived in those eyes. Vegeta had to speak to keep from pressing his lips to the smile plastered on Goku's face. "Fine." The word barely emerged from his throt before the third class grabed him by the arm and dashed off to the ride. Vegeta sighed. 'It's gonna be a long night'.......

The prince dragged his feet wearily. It had been hours. 'When's it going to end!? Doesn't this fucking place ever close?' "Hey, Vegeta," He looked at the happy Goku next to him who was muching on pink cotten candy. "What?" He answered in a bit of an annoyed tone crossing his arms proud over his chest. Goku stopped and blinked at his friend. His look was not so happy anymore but lonly and sad, like a puppy who lost it's master. Vegeta stopped and sighed turning back to face him. "What is it, Kakarott?" this time his voice was gental and calm. Goku looked at him timidly. "Uh, well... I wondered if you wanted to dance with me?" He lifted his arm and pointed to a little place that looked almost like a night club, but it was open under the stars, and a bit smaller so it fit perfectly into the fair atmosphere. "It's my favorit place in the fair...and I want you to dance with me." Vegeta walked up to him and grabbed his hand before he could place it behind his head. "Sure." Then it happened again, their eyes met. Vegeta felt his heart skip a beat. Maybe, just maybe Kakarott could give him the love he wanted, the love he needed. But such a thing would be a dream come true. Something that could and would not happen to Vegeta. But he couldn't help but have hope.... Vegeta shook his head lightly. What was he doing fooling around!? He still needed to find out about that day and about tonight. The questions were demanding, and would not stay off his mind. He lifted his head to look into the dark of Goku's eyes one more time. 'I suppose one dace couldn't hurt.' with that he gave a reasuring nod and Goku led him to the small party across the street. When they stepped onto the dance floor, Vegeta tossed his coat carelessly on a table near by and wrapped his arms around Goku's neck. He smiled down at Vegeta and began to sway to the new song that was heard over the speakers. Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson. The gutair was as smooth as the man's voice that came over the crowd. Vegeta began to twist his hips and sway gracefully to the music. His sholders diped and he moved with a desire and lust. Goku caught his breath and stood still for his very own special dance. Vegeta smirked as he felt Goku's breathing become ragged and desprete. He could tell Kakarott was trying to keep control over every nerve and impulse in his body. Oh, but how Vegeta wished he would lose that fight and fall to his feet begging for more. The prince became annoyed with the third class' rejection and turned his back to him, rubbing against him gentaly. Goku moaned lightly and closed his eyes tight. Vegeta knew he wanted it and the ouji himself could not resist the man who held him in his arms. Their dance seemed to last for years. The soft but modest touches, the want in wordless breaths. Niether could take anymore. As the song came to an end, Goku spun Vegeta around and pulled him as close as possible. The shorter sayain gasped in suprise but then glanced into the eyes of the one he wanted and could not dismissed what he saw there. Kakarott placed his hand on the back of Vegetas head and the other was spread out on his back. Vegeta's eyes drifted closed as he prepared for the kiss. But they just as quickly opened. Fear Filled his heart. The dirty guilt he had twisting inside him.. The song that now played was none other then his wedding song, and her favorit. 'Look, Vegeta it's our song.' her voice was mocking and Vegeta could smell the death of her all over again when she cackled. Goku pressed his lips hungrily to Vegeta's. The prince freed his hands from Kakarott's chest and placed them on his face. His nails dug deeply into his flesh as he let out a soul spliting scream. Goku cringed at the pain now sliding down his cheeks. He emediatly let go of the prince and watched him fall to the ground. Vegeta placed his arms around his own head and looked around for the spirit that haunted him. 'Look at all those people staring. They hate you too. And so does Goku.' Vegeta shuddered violently letting a sob escape him as hot tears made their way down his face. "FUCK YOU!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?" He screamed the words as if to banish her forever. But in his heart he knew it would never work. 'Kakarott... No! He can't hate me! God, please, no!' Vegeta glanced at him throw his painful tears, pleading and praying for his mercy. But there was none, only confusion and fear. He couldn't bare it! His world was gone, and he was slowly falling apart. 'She's right you could never love me! I'm a monster!' Vegeta hastily got to his feet and ran out. He didn't know where he was going but he had to go, and he had to do it now. He shot up into the air and flew as fast as he could, never looking back at what he had left behind. Because that was now nothing but a shattered dream that he could never return to.

Vegeta landed roughly and fell onto the wet grass, screaming. Screaming out of his own frustration and hate. Why couldn't she just go away? She knew what she had done to him, but still she acted as if it were his fault. Was it? No. He couldn't think that way, not after what she had done, she got what was coming to her. But he couldn't stand the pain and guilt every time he heard her voice. It was so powerful it took him over completly. The prince let out a whale of his sarrow, clutching his stomach and rocking slightly as he kneeled before the night sky. He tossed his head up and looked at the stars above him. Oh, how they mocked his saddness and despire. He sneered and let out another sob as his head dropped. It was an unfair world he now knew. Everyone always had to be the same, normal, and simple. And being such it was crule to his kind, when all he ever wanted was to be as happy as them.

"Vegeta?" He almost jumped in suprise to hear the gental voice. Vegeta turned to see him standing there. Yes, his hero and only love, Kakarott. But the love he wanted back so badly was but a dream now. A hopeless wish. "Y-yes, Kakarott?" He tried to keep the hurt from slipping into his voice, but it didn't work. Goku slowly approched him and knelt down beside him. "You forgot your, uh... coat." He held it out to the torn prince with a cheery smile. But Vegeta only turned his head away from him, making him frown in worry. After a few moments of silence, he couldn't help to look in Goku's direction just to make sure he was still there. And when he did his stomach twisted into his throt. Goku had his hands in his lap and was figeting with them as his eyes gave them an intense stare, like it could wipe away the tears that formed in them. "Okay... I'll go." He stood to leave but then turned to Vegeta, who was still in shock. He opened his mouth to speak but whipered. But he pushed the next one down and forced himself to look into Vegeta's onyx eyes. "I-I just wanted to m-make you h-happy...." with that said he prepared to leave. Vegeta could fell his world coming back together again. Did he care? Did he really care? Vegeta didn't know wheather to laugh or cry. He quickly scrambled up and grabed for Goku's waist, pulling him to the ground and holding him tight. "No! Please don't go!" Goku gasped in surprise but then let out a small laugh as he held his prince. "Thank God." was all he could say.

For the longest time they stayed in each other's arms, just holding and embrassing one another as if the years were only seconds and wasted away like a breath. Finally Goku reached down and grasped Vegeta's chin, bringing his lips to his prince's. A sweet but desirable kiss. Something that tied them together inside at that moment. A promise that niether one would suffer or feel the pain of heartache again. But Somewhere in his heart Vegeta could not help but think it was all too good to be true....

The next night came swiftly, waking the sleeping royal from his slumber. He smiled and pulled the sheets tighter around him. He was saved and his troubles were over! She would be gone and so would his tourment. Everything was perfect he had his children and now a new mate. One that would protect and love him always. Vegeta reached up his hand and lightly ran his fingers over the bite mark on his neck and the dried blood that was crusted on it. Yes, perfect... but what about- His smile faded and his eyes grew large. He glanced out at the night sky, and shot up from the bed to look farther out of the open window. He saw Kakarott out side lying in the grass star gazing himself. Vegeta bit his lip as he gathered up the white sheet on the bed and wraped it around his bare body. 'Shit! how could we go thru all that, me sleep away the whole day and me not notice!?' Vegeta felt a bit crushed again. Why did something always come between them? 'What will his family do... And his wife?' He knew that it would be difficult to explain to his own children, but Kakarott still had a mate. Fuck! How was he going to tell Kakarott about her? And about the dirty deed he held in his heart? Vegeta sighed sadly. 'He has to know.' With that he darted from the room and made his way down stairs. He had wanted this for so long. Him and his Kakarott. Ever since the day they faught, Vegeta pressed on to match him but at the same time he wanted to give in to those arms and know everything was going to be alright. To protect the savior in return for all his good deeds, but his pride would never allow such a thing. Now, it was okay to cry and okay to feel, because he was with his love and nothing mattered but them and their happiness. But still she stood in there way. All of them did. Vegeta could feel anger rage inside his heart. He had thought he could find the same love with her but it was never the same, and never could be. And now that he had what he really wanted, no one could drive him away.

Vegeta welcomed the calming breeze that hit his face. He needed all the comfort he could get. Goku opened his eyes to see his mate looming over him, but was bothered by the look of worry in his eyes. He pulled himself up to stand in front of Vegeta and held him close. The prince was chewing at his lip again. Goku tried to read his espressions for an answer, but couldn't find one. "What is it?" He was curious about the feelings painted on his mate's face and his heart demanded to know what was wrong. Vegeta turned his back to Goku and closed his eyes. After a moment of silence he spoke. "What about everything else, Kakarott? What about everyone else?" His tone was serious and intense making Goku shiver. "What do you mean?" He was almost suspceous in his words. Vegeta crossed his arms and turned to Goku who was only but a mear five feet away, but it was enough to quickly build a defensive wall between the two. "Your wife and your children. What of them?" Goku's face became worried and guilty. He tried to hide from Vegeta's stare but could not escape his impending eyes. He turned his back to the prince. Vegeta walked up to him in annoyence, spinning him around to face him. Goku attempted to look away but Vegeta wouldn't let him. "I want an answer, Kakarott. Tell me." Goku looked down on him and sneared. He pushed Vegeta to the ground quite harshly and glared at him like a filthy little dog. "Fine," He hissed. Vegeta could hear his heart in his ears and the fear in him rose. Goku bent over and grabed the prince by the hair on the back of his head, lifting so he was but an inch away from his face. The third class could taste the heavy breath of his prince like wine on his own lips, but he knew Vegeta would refuse to cry out in pain or fear. Goku gave a morbid grin. "I killed them. I killed them all."

The prince was stung by the words. "W-what?" Goku let him go and pushed him down flat on his back again. "Yes, I hached them into tiny little pieces. Every last one of them!" Vegeta turned away as he felt the tears come again. He wiped them away. 'No, I will not cry!' he thought looking back to face the blood thirsty stare of his love. "Even..... Gohan, Goten, Pan?.... All of them?" Goku's smile only widened. "Yes." Vegeta wanted to throw up. How? His Kakarott the one he loved, murder all the ones he was supposed to care for? It had to be a lie it couldn't be true. The two glared at each other for a brief moment. Then Vegeta quickly tried to get to his feet and run, but Goku gabbed his wrists and straddled his waist, pining him to the cold grass below them. The prince could feel himself start to panic. He couldn't bare the look in Kakarott's eyes. A look of chilling pride in what he had achived, a look of blood lust that did not suit him well. He grinded hard on Vegeta's hips making him yelp in pain. "Please, Vegeta, stay for the story..."

The day was a beautiful one. The sun was bright and he felt particulary good. "AH!" He screamed as he tossed another punch and kick at Vegeta. But he only doged it and smirked. Goku smiled. He loved that look, that mouth, it drove him mad! He powered up some more, but was suprised to see his muse already on the ground, his power supressed and put away for another fight another day. Goku frown "Hey! Vegeta, whats the big idea, lets fight!" Vegeta crossed his arms and shook his head. "Sorry, but I promised I would take Bra somewhere today." Goku sighed and powered down as well, floating gentaly to the ground. "Okay, but can we fight tomarrow?" His voice was full of hope. Vegeta began to walk inside. "Sure, whatever, Kakarott." His classic smile returned and he padded after the prince. Vegeta lifted his head and snifted the air. "God, you smell like shit! You really should take a shower before going home. You're little hell cat is angry at you enough already for coming here without telling her, She might beat your head in if you go to her like that." Vegeta's face twisted in a disgusted way. Goku felt a bit embaressed and blushed, putting his hand behind his head. "Sorry, Vegeta." He lifted his arm a little higher in the air and gave it a snif. He cringed and droped his arm. "Whao... Your right, I really should get cleaned up. Mind if I-" "Go right ahead." Vegeta pointed up the stairs to their right. Goku's face went a deeper shade of red as he dashed up the stairs. When he got to the top he gazed down and watched Vegeta turn on his heel and leave. Then he smile dreamily to himself. Vegeta was so beautiful to him. The prince and the god of his secret thoughts. A frown came to his face as he began to make his way down the long hall. But that was his dream and not what was supposed to be, or what should be. It always had to be about everyone else and their lives and what they wanted. Never could he have what he wanted. Goku sliped into Vegeta and Bulma's bathroom, he pulled off his cloths and tossed them in a pile on the floor. He turned on the shower and stepped in. The water made him relax a bit but only made him think about his anger more. He ran his hands thru his hair and over his body, cleaning himself slowly, trying to take his time because every second here would take away from the time with his nagging wife. He hated her so much, but what would the hero of earth become to everyone if he got a divorce or left his perfect little family? It was just not what was exspected of him. and that ment it wasn't an option. Goku felt tears prick his eyes. He loved Vegeta... But Vegeta loved someone else, so it wasn't like if he did leave he would have what he longed for most of his life. Goku rinsed himself and stepped out of the shower, drying off with his ki. He walked over to his pile of cloths and bent down, reaching in the pocket. He pulled out a small blue capsle and then poped it open. When the cloud of smoke disapered, he picked up the neatly folded cloths at his feet. He put them on and gathered the others, putting them in the capsle. He stood still for a moment taking in a few breaths. And then a sickening smell filled his nostrails. He blinked and looked in the direction it was coming from. He followed the smell as it got stronger. He walked from the bathroom and thru the Brief's large bedroom, and then stopped at the closet. He covered his mouth and nose, as the smell became overbaring. Curiously he reached for the silver door knob and pulled it open. Goku felt his heart skip a beat. Blood covered the closet floor and some even seped out onto the wooden floor as Goku opened the door. Bulma was lying naked on the floor, her eyes stared up at him, and the skin on her face was in shreads. Long strips of it were sliced all the way down to the bone, but dangled just barely on her chin. Her nose was obiously broken and her sky blue eyes were full of fear and pain as three needles stuck out of each eye. There was an axe thru her head and her arms had been severed, resting beside her. Goku continued to look apon her. Her chest and abdamon had a nearly five inch gash thru them and at the bottem of it, a tall pair of bloody sisorrs stood, embeded in her womb. Her heart was gone and to Goku it looked like she had someone elses skin wrapped around her body like a sheet. Pieces of it where sewn together and it ended like a blanket at her feet. He glanced at her face again and then understood what had brought her to such an untimely end. Yamcha's head was next to her's and his cheek was nailed to the bone under her eye. His jaw was missing and he had needles in his glaring eyes as well.

Goku slamed the door shut and held his breath. "How the fuck?" was all that would come out of his mouth. He thought Vegeta loved Bulma. How could this happen? Goku stumbled away from the closet, his mouth still open in shock and his breathing labored. He just had to get out and now. He wandered down thru the door and down the hallway. He nearly fell down the stairs. When at the bottem he rounded a corner and the side door was in sight. But before he knew it he had collided with the prince. Vegeta looked up at him strangly. He immediatly held out his hand, trying to help the prince up, but as always he dismissed Goku's attempts and got up himself. Goku put his hand behind him, throwing his knowing look to the smooth white tile. He could feel Vegeta's stare burning holes in his skin. "I-I gota go, um maybe I'll see ya around." he glanced up at Vegeta and whatched him nod slowly in response. Then he hurried out of the house as soon as possible. He began to slowly walk down the street and for the first time he took a moment to process what he saw. A chilling smile of realization came to his lips. 'You did it for me didn't you, Vegeta?' Goku laughed. Yes his prince had come to him and wanted him too. He killed for him. Goku stopped his rejoycing for a moment and then smiled wider. 'My love, what a present you have given me! Oh, what a treat..... I must do the same for you, because thats how much I love you.' with that Goku took to the air and made his way to his home and family, a sickening plan in mind.

Vegeta's eyes widened. "you saw her? No, y-you wern't supposed to-" Goku cut him off with a fierce kiss that bruised his lips. And then smiled as he watched his little prince squirm under his might. Vegeta could feel the tears coming again. It couldn't be! Not his Kakarott, not the innocent soul he had always loved so much. That night came to his mind as Goku's hands began to roam over his body as he kissed down his neck. The hot trails of his tounge felt like a demons fire as they schorched him right down to the bone. But he did not fight, all he could do was feel. He tried to move but couldn't. All that came to mind was her face drenched in his blood and her screams. Screams of agony and pain. That was a sight he could never forget....

The sun was resting above the trees, setting off oranges, blues, and pinks in the sky. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and face, walking inside the large house. He stopped for a moment. Something didn't feel right, something out of place maybe? Vegeta shook the thought away and walked up the stairs. His ears perked up. What was that noise? He narrowed his eyes at his wife and his bedroom door. It was cracked open and he could see small movements thru the space. He moved closer and pushed it open. His breath caught in his throt. There was his lovely wife, straddling another man, her face flushed in pleasure and lust as she moaned his name again and again. Vegeta looked down at the man's face. He felt his anger rise a little more. Yamcha. 'That fucking bitch! How dare she! And with this pathetic excuse for a living creature!' Vegeta let a flaming hot tear of his rage slip passed his thick lashes. 'You were my mate, you were supposed to love me! Forever and always, until the day you die...' Vegeta smiled horrbily, expossing his clenched teeth. 'I asure you, you will.' He stormed into the room and Yamcha yelped as he saw him. Bulma turned around to see her husband in his jealous rage and tried to scream, but he grabed her by her shoulder length hair and ripped her head back muffling her cries with his mouth. His tounge slid down her throt and he bite at her lips. Yamcha got up quickly and ran from the room. Vegeta let go of his weeping mate and followed after him. He chased him down the stairs and into the kitchen. There he tackled him and Yamcha's head slammed into the ground. Vegeta lifted him and tossed him onto the bare table. He heard Bulma begging him to stop and he turned to her. "Please, Vegeta! We can talk about this, just don't hurt him." Her baby blue eyes pleaded with him, and it only made him more infurried. He could hear Yamcha groaning in pain from the blood that rushed from his nose. He glared at his wife and her tear streaked face. He wanted so much to rip it off. 'What a geinus idea!' He smirked and struted over to the sink and picked up the foot long old sissors that hung on the wall next to it. Then he grabbed his wife, throwing her on top of Yamcha. She sqealed in fear. Vegeta held his weapon high in the air prepared to bring it down. "You two should die together, because thats how much you love each other." He sneared at his own words and then brought the sissors down. And scream anfter scream filled his ears, and the steanch of blood and death filled his senses, but he could not stop. He was in love. In love with the death and darkness that sorround him. Because that was what this world's love was all about right?

Yes, pain. But there was still no reason. Why did people see love and hate as the same? Treat it the same, because it wasn't. Was it? Could it be you were able to hurt someone to love them or have them love you in return? Vegeta didn't know, but what this was in Kakarott's eyes was something he wished not to be apart of. Not this love.

Goku's fist tightened on Vegeta's wrists as he leaned down to taste the inside of his mouth one more time. The prince sneared at his probing tounge, dening him enterence. 'I can't give up! I am not weak!' Goku only smirked against his lush lips. Then he sunk his teeth into them, making Vegeta opened his mouth in pain. Goku kissed him as hard as possible as he ran another hand over the struggling form under him.

"Please, don't fight, my love." He whispered the words gentaly as he moved his lips down the prince's neck, ripping off small chucks of smooth, salty flesh as he went. Vegeta grunted as he tried to get his knees under Kakarott's bare stomach. Goku only clawed at them. He looked down at the fresh blood on his hands and raised it to his mouth. He stared at Vegeta as he licked it off slowly. Vegeta glared back at him with hate, but Goku only smiled. The prince closed his eyes and shivered. He hated that too. That classic grin of happiness and joy, turned into a haughty, awful look of a cold blooded murderer.

The third class placed his blood covered lips again on Vegeta's neck, then he worked his way down, his eyes never left the prince's face. Vegeta's head was back and mouth twisted as if he were having a horrible nightmare he could not escape from. Goku chuckled as he took in one of his nipples. Vegeta sobed as his face flushed. His body was abandoning his true emotions. Vegeta clenched his teeth as Kakarott sucked wildly, nibbling lightly. This was supposed to be in the name of love, not of sick plesure. He sucked in another breath as Goku ran his nails down Vegeta's sides and over his chest.

"Kakarott, Stop!" he yelled at Goku, hoping to get through to his love. He wanted his Kakarott back, not this monster, this dark beast. Goku only clawed harder. Blood covered his hands and he smiled again. Vegeta looked at him with pleading hope. But Kakarott only stared back with no emotion or mercy as he ran his long nails over the fresh wounds. Vegeta tossed his head back and arched against Goku, screaming out in pain. "No more!" He begged. But the other sayain went on still. Slowly he ran his crimson covered hands over the him, slashing and gashing the once untamed beauty of his prince. Vegeta whimpered and screamed, he pleaded silently with his love, but it didn't work..... Goku didn't care.

Kakarott stopped, staring again at Vegeta. The tears sliding down his brusied and bleeding flesh, his dieing look. The prince bit at his lip trying to fight his flowing tears but he could not hide it from the one that was hurting him so badly. He knew he would not win this fight, but in his heart he had hope. Because he also knew that this might mean his life. But how would he survive? He was not strong enough for the third class, and even if he was he still loved him too much to ever hurt him. He had to face that he would lose the most painful battle ever, love and hate.

Vegeta opened his eyes to see a blury image of Goku. He gave a shaky and fearful sigh. Slowly he let go of the ebony hair that he held so tightly in clenched fists and rested his tired arms at his sides. "Please stop Kakarott..... Please... Goku..... No more......" Goku glanced up at him in rage. Then he grabed Vegeta by the hair and pulled him close. He bent down and ran his tounge over Vegeta's parted lips. Goku's head shot up as he slammed the prince's into the hard ground. "My name is Kakarott! I am the legendry super sayain! All will bow to me. Even you my prince. So, remeber that 'Goku' is no longer here. You're all alone now." Vegeta let out a howl at his words. 'No, Goku..... My love.' He couldn't hold it in any longer, there was nothing left for him, no mate, no true love..... No Goku. Vegeta wrapped his arms around Kakarott's neck and cung to him as he broke down into sobs. They filled the air like a banshee's song, full of sorrow and pain. Goku tried to pull him away, but Vegeta could not bare to look into his eyes again. Kakarott cringed at the loud weeping. Then finally he pried the prince from his neck and pushed him down. Vegeta let out one last cry before Goku crushed his lips with a painful kiss and ripped the sheet from his naked body. Goku continued to ravish his lips as he pulled his own pants down. The prince gasped as Kakarott pulled away and put Vegeta's legs on his shoulders. He gave the man below him one last look and smiled as he entered him. Pain filled Vegeta and he tryed to scream, but Goku placed a hand over his face. He was panicing and tried again. Nothing. His gasps became shorter as Kakarott pounded into him harder and harder. He couldn't breath! But Goku didn't move his hand. Vegeta reached for it franticly, but Goku grabbed his arm and smirked as he watched his love slowly drift into a deadly sleep.....

He was moving. Someone was carring him, but who? What was going on? Was he dreaming? He cringed at the pain that flowed over his body. That was a no.

Vegeta's eyes opened carefully and looked around as the colors that blurred around him came into focus. He glanced at the person who held him in their arms. The prince almost yelped. It was Goku. He smiled down on the prince as he stired. Vegeta's eyes met his then began darting around their surroundings. They were coming up the main stair way to the bedroom. Vegeta's head whipped around to look at the clock that should be above them at that point. 1:09AM. How long had he been out? He looked again at Goku who still gazed apon him.

"Finally, you're awake. You missed all the fun." Vegeta cringed. He didn't want to know what Goku ment by that. Then he turned his attention back to the third class. Vegeta glared into his tainted eyes with red hot anger and hate. Betrayle was writen in those hurt, lifeless pools and Vegeta was going to make him pay. He put his hands on Goku's chest and shoved him away, then he started kicking. Blindly he threw his fists. The rage in him flared even higher and he went up to super sayain two, catching Goku off gaurd and making him fall to the floor in shock. Vegeta charged at him again, slamming his legs, arms, fists, and whatever he could at Kakarott. He became annoyed with the prince's attempts and powered up himself. He blocked Vegeta's next hit and wrapped his hand around the tight fist, squezing it. Vegeta yelled in pain as he heard the bones crack. Goku stood and smacked Vegeta to the ground. He powered down as did the other sayain. Goku smirked at him regaly. Vegeta sneered back at him. He just rolled his eyes and picked Vegeta up, throwing him over his shoulder. The prince screamed at him and pounded on his back demandingly. "Put me down, now!!! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" Goku looked back at him a bit amused. "What will you do, my prince? Kill me just like your dear wife?" Vegeta stopped. 'I told you. You will suffer too, vegeta.' He shuddered at hearing her again. No! She was wrong, he was strong enough to get out of it! She was weak, an idiot. But he was better then that. He cluched his head and his eye lids slammed shut when she laughed. 'No, it won't happen to me.' He fell out of his thouhgts as Goku tossed him on the bed. Vegeta poped open his eyes and imedaitly tried to get away. He sat up abruptly and scrambled to his knees climbing from the matress. Goku reached for him and pinned him down. He placed Vegeta's hands above his head and then put two energy rings around his wrists to hold him down. The prince yelled out in frustration and put his feet on Goku's stomach, pushing him off and making him land hard against the far wall. Goku got up again and grabbed his ankles, binding them down as well. Vegeta felt some of his cofidence come back as he watched Goku breath raggedly. He smirked as the third class looked at him and frowned. Kakarott marched over to Vegeta and kissed him again, making the little sayain whimper. He savoired the joining of their lips and the harsh explorations of his tounge before parting to look at the broken soul in Vegeta's eyes. "If I didn't love that smirk of your's so much, I'd eat that smug little face right off of you." His words were gental and playful but dripped with a morbid meaning. Goku stared at him for a moment as if to take in his beauty, But then looked away as he grabbed for the blanket that had been kicked onto the floor and threw it over Vegeta's tattered body. He looked up at Vegeta's face again and gave a content smile. The prince watched him, perplexed by his sudden care and gentalness. But he could still tell his Kakarott was not back, because Goku acted as if nothing was wrong.

"You should rest. I think I tuckered you out." He leaned over and brushed his lips to Vegeta's forehead and didn't seem to notice when he squirmed at his touch. Then he got up and walked for the door. Goku reached for the door knob but then turned around and stood for a moment, as if in thought. Vegeta could feel himself panic again. What was he going to do? He wouldn't be able to stand something like before. He couldn't go through that again, not with Kakarott.

Goku struted over to the bed and sat next to Vegeta. "How about a bed time story?" Vegeta looked at him in horor as Goku bent down to his ear. "I mean, I never did tell you how I did it." The words hit Vegeta's ear with cold reality. It made him see that, nightmare or not he would never be free again. Goku sat back up and smiled at his love. Then he opened his mouth to begin his story......

The night sky was shinning with bright stars when he made it home. He smiled at their beauty. They reminded him of Vegeta, his true love. The one he would hold in his arms after this night. It was time for what he had planed. Vegeta would love this present.

Goku struted up to the house quite confident in his intendsions. The door swung open and his chin floated down a bit as he looked upon his son. Goku tried to hide his excitment from the young boy, but Goten could still fell something not exactly right about his father.

"Dad, you okay?" Goku lifted his hand and hid a snickering smile. But he straightend up at his son's suspicious look.

"Of course I'm okay, I just wanted your help with something." Goku put on a fake smile as Goten's face turned relived and then resumed it's normal, happy-go-lucky state. The boy closed the door and darted up to his father excitedly.

"What can I do to help?" The glow in his eyes was blinding. He looked up to Goku so much for everything. He wanted to be just like Goku. And that was, in his eyes, the perfect hero. Goku wanted to jump for joy. How wonderful it would feel to distroy that feeling, that loving innocence. The third class swore to crush it.

"Follow me, it's a little deep in the woods." Goten nodded and took to the air after his dad. Goku smirked as he turned his back to the teen and flew off into the distance.

Soon they landed in a little clearing that was illumanated by the strong moonlight and a small fire in the center of it. Goten smiled as the glow of the flames played on his smooth features. Goku glanced at him then to his 'Supplies' that were laying beside the fire. He walked up to it slowly and Goten hurried after him. As the got closer, the boy spoted a chainsaw and a roll of duck tape sitting by one of the sparking logs. His smile faded and he stopped abruptly. Goku haulted himself when he heard the other foot steps cease. He turned slowly to revile the chilling spread of his lips. Goten looked at him with a mix of raging feelings. Betrayle, fear, shock, disbelife. They were all stiring within his dark eyes. He flinched from the locked gaze he held with his father as Goku started to walk tords him quickly. Goten gasped and tried to shoot off into the air, but Kakarott grabbed him and threw him into the dirt covered ground. He yelped as his father twisted his arm and held it to his back as he held his face to the ground. Goku pulled him up and held him still as the boy struggled hard. But then he started feeling different... his power! It was decreasing! Goku's palm was flat on Goten's back as rivers of energy poured into it. He shuddered at the rush as Goten groaned weakly. Goku pulled back his hand and dragged his son over to a near by tree. He pushed him into a sitting position as he retreved the duck tape. Goten paniced and tried to fly off again but nothing happened, he was as strong as a full-blood human. He scurried to his feet, but Goku was there in a split second and grabbed him by the neck, pinning it to the tree. Goten could feel the tears coming down his face. What was going on? He was so scared. This couldn't be his dad, could it? No. His dad loved him he would never hurt him. Never. Right? Goten let a sob out at his own thoughts in frustration and confusion. He sucked in a breath of hot air as he watched Goku, praying that this was a joke, a dream, anything but real. But it was real. At that moment Goten knew he wouldn't get out of this alive.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he watched his father put the duck tape to his mouth and stat to unravel it with his teeth. The sound of it coming into long sreads was sickening to his ears. Goku wrapped the tape around the tree and then low on Goten's waist several times. He did the same to the chest area level to his under arms and then to his throt, making it harder for the teen to breath. When he was done, Goku stepped back and admired the sight in front of him. His sweet, little boy, trapped helplessly and crying for mercy. What a wonderful sight it was. A playful, mocking frown rolled across his lips.

"Aww, you look scared. Come on I'm just having some fun." He said in a joyful tone that, to Goten, was one of the most horrible things he had ever heard. He stared at Goku, trying to see a different truth in his eyes. Maybe it was a joke... A big aweful, hidious joke. But the fire played in his eyes and it told no lies. A look of blood lust, of hate. Goten let a sob rip from his mouth, then another, and another, until he was drowning in his own fear and sorrow.

"Please, stop.... it's not funny anymore, I wanna go home." He managed to utter past cries and sniffles. (AN: OH!!! poor little Goten!) Goku reached back and picked up the chainsaw. His smile faded and his face became serious and flared with anger.

"Who ever said I was 'kidding around', Goten?" His words dripped with the contempt of the devil himself, and he inched closer ever so slowy. Then the weapon he held roared to life in his hands. Goten opened his mouth in a silent cry as Goku was now but a breath from his face.

"It's my turn to have some fun around here. So you're just going to have to deal with it." He smiled as he lifted the spinning blade with ease. He raised it and brought it down slowly, slicing off a sliver of his son's face, making him scream in agony. Then it traveled down his arm bring off some of the bare flesh there as well.

"Does that hurt? You want more?" Goten shook his head and arched his back letting out a scream as Goku raised it again. Another piece of his face fell to the cold ground, but the cut was deeper this time, making hole in his cheek and exposing blood covered teeth through it. Goku smiled.

"I asked you a question, you should answer it, Goten." Goten looked at him with dread as tears stained the chunks of flesh still present on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, no matter how he tried to force it. Goku squinted his eyes, as if he had been challenged. The chainsaw was lifted high this time and slid down his forehead and part of his nose.

"I said, 'ANSWER ME!!!!'" Still nothing but sobs and whimpers. Goku shook his head in disapointment. Then he brought his tool lower. Goten tried to give him the answer he wanted but he couldn't, and he didn't want to. He glanced at the bloody blade and his eyes widened as Goku brought it to his right side. And then the pain filled him as it sunk into his once beautiful skin, splatering it with blood. It felt like Goku wasn't even moving the chainsaw, but he was. And it was cuting into ever piece of him. Goten let out a shreik that filled the sky. It was his finally plead.

Soon the blade was through him, leaving him in halves on the old tree and he saw it stop moving. He glaced at his father. Blood was sprayed on his features and his eyes were glazed with a feverish rush of excitment. Those eyes.... they were dark and they did not belong to the father he once loved and looked up to.

Goten felt himself slipping away. 'like sleeping,' he thought 'yeah, I'm just sleeping....' His head bobbed back and forth as his eye lids began to slide shut.

"....Daddy.... I feel... funny...." his words still held his pure innocence as Goku brushed a stray hair from his lifeless face. A smirk made his eyes even darker as watched his son fade away slowly.

"Sleep, Goten, and may you never wake again."

He gazed at the limp body on the tree and smiled. It was a work of art in his eyes and something to be proud of. He turned in the direction of the house. He would have fun with them too. Everyone was going to be there. He knew because it was a friday, and thats when Chi-chi would invite the whole family over for a night of talking and some fun. All of them would go, one by one.

Goku blasted off to the house after putting out the fire. He could just picture the look on their face's when he walked in with Goten's blood all over him. Chi-chi, Videl, or Pan might not notice who it belonged to but Gohan would. He would smell it. So he would be the first to go.

The house came into sight and he landed in front of it. He could see movement in the window and the lights of the house glowed brightly in the dark night. He looked up. The clouds were begining to cover the stars and even the moon, consuming everything in it's darkness. A drop of water fell on his lip and he blinked. Rain, such a beautiful thing. Sad but beautiful. Goku was happy to see it this way now, it was the perfect atmosphere for what he had planned.

"Goku, There you are! What are you do-" Chi-chi cut herself off as she looked her husband up and down. Her mouth was slightly open as her eyes made their way to his. He could see her shudder. He put his mask back on and gave her a smile as he placed a hand behind his head.

"Sorry, Chi-chi. I got into a fight with a boar when I was training in the woods. But I won and got lunch!" She let out a sigh and her curiousity was wiped away. She rolled her eyes and waved at him to come inside. He walked up and stepped into the house. Videl was holding five year old Pan in her arms, watching the child contently as did Gohan who leaned on her other shoulder. They looked up at the two who entered the room. The girls smiled but Gohan's eyes got large and he stared at Goku.

"Hey, Goku! You're just in time, Chi-chi and I were about to start dinner." she let out a little gasp of suprise as Pan exploded from her arms and into those of her grandfather. He smiled as she hugged him tightly. Videl turned her atendtion away from them and glanced back at her husband. He was glaring at Goku hard, as if trying to find something and seeing something horrible. She gazed at Goku as if trying to see what he saw, taking a deeper look. She noticed something..... Besides the blood on him, he had oil on his hands.

"Goku, why don't you go clean up-" "What happened?" inturupted Videl looking intensly at Chi-chi for an answer. She was puzzled by the girls behavior and answered unsurely.

"He had a little trouble hunting a boar..... you know he does that all the time. What's wrong, my dear?" Videl stared into Chi-chi's eyes for a moment. then shook it off, glancing at the ground. She smiled up at her mother-in-law and sat back on the couch.

"Nothing, I was just cuorious." Chi-chi raised an eyebrow at her but just turned away to walk into the kitchen. Videl put her eyes on Goku, seeing him shift on the bottem stair. He placed Pan down slowly and locked stares with her mother.

"I should be down soon, so maybe you should get some food ready. I'm so hungry, I could eat all of you in one bite." She shivered as she scoped up her daughter. Gohan let out a small growl as he watched his father make his way up the stairs and turn the corner.

When he was gone, Gohan grabbed his wife's arm and pulled her close to his lips. "You should get out of here, somethings going on and it doesn't look good. Get mom and Pan and go home, I will be there shortly."She nodded at his demand. They both got up, one walking into the kitchen and the other up the steps.

Gohan watched his wife enter the next room and he turned back to his own destnation. Slowly he made his way to the top of the stairs and began walking carefully to the master bed and bathroom. He heard the shower running and placed his head softly to the door. He couldn't hear anything going on in the room, Goku must have already been in the shower. He layed a palm flat on the wooden door and pushed it open gentaly. Gohan gasped as he felt a sharp pain enter his head. He looked up to see his father smiling down on him. His face blurred out of vision as Gohan began to lose concinceness.

"Videl, Pan, mom....... get out... of...here..." Then his eyes slid shut and his glasss fell to the floor with a crash as he slipped to the deadly sleep, just like his little brother.

Chi-chi and Videl were downstairs laughing and chating away. But Videl could still not get the feeling out of her heart that something was wrong....She looked at the woman next to her. Pieces of long raven hair swayed in her face as she cleaned the biggest pan she could find for dinner.

"Videl, could you get out the spices?" She snapped out of her thoughts and did as she was told. She pulled open the cabniet door and her arm lifted as her hand wondered into the crowded space. But she stopped.

Thump, thump. "What was that?" She glanced back at Chi-chi and her heart beat sped up seeing the fear in her eyes as well. Thump, thump, thump. There it was again and it was getting closer. Pan grabbed onto her mother as Chi-chi steped into the doorway of the kitchen and living room. She turned her head to the stairs and a breath caught in her throt. Goku was standing near the bottem of the steps and was still covered in blood, some of it new. And behind him he had a hold on one of Gohan's legs as he dragged his lifeless body down the stairs. An axe was through his head quiet deeply and the rest of his faced seemed to be spliting as blood ran from where the axe was embeded.

Chi-chi screamed, but before she could turn and run he grabbed her and pushed her into the kitchen. Videl was at the back of the kitchen by the cabneits as she clung to her daughter tightly. Pan was crying in her mother's arms and the sound made Goku shiver. He snached up Gohan's leg and dragged him the rest of the way into the kitchen. Videl burst into tears at the sight of her husband. Pan tried to look back but she was held to her mother's chest so she wouldn't witness such a horrible thing. But she knew in her heart what was there and it made her cry harder.

"Beter start cooking, our meat might go bad." Goku smirked at his words as he pointed to the stove. Chi-chi looked at him in disbelife and he glared her down when she didn't move.

"Are you deaf!? Didn't you hear me!? GET TO IT!!!" She straightened up and wiped a tear from her face as she snarled at him. "Never, you disgusting pig!" He rolled his eyes and glanced at Pan and Videl, curled up in the corner. He smiled again and marched over to them, ripping Pan from her mother's arms. She let out another ragged cry and turned to look at her grandfather. He smiled sweetly and turned back to Chi-chi as he pretended to comfort his grandaughter.

"Now, you wouldn't want anything to happen to this adorable, little girl, would you?"

Chi-chi stumbled back and grasped the counter for suport.

"You monster..... Look at what you've done!" more tears slid down her face and she sobbed, staring at him through acussing eyes. It made him shiver. "No! I'm not a monster, you are for all you've ever done to me, you good for nothing piece of trash!" He hissed his words through clenched teeth, tighting his fists on Pan's red shirt. She looked passed his shoulder and looked at her mother. Her arm was reached out to her daughter, and the other hand to her chest. She was still, like a statue, a crying statue. Pan's eyes lowered to slits and she glared at Goku, but he didn't seem to notice as he stared at Chi-chi with hateful eyes. She had to do something quick. Goku continued to toss babbling insults at his wife as Pan made a small energy blast in her palm. It glowed with a blue light as she raised it to his face. He turned at her suprised but couldn't do a thing as she let it go with a scream. He yelled out as pain pirced his cheek. Everyone darted up as he fell and they ran for the door.

"You little bitch!" He growled as he shot up and flew after them. He grabbed onto Videl's long, flowing locks and pulled on them. She screamed, but did not stop running. Then the sound of her own flesh ripping from her head filled her ears. She skreiched out in agony. But Goku covered her mouth as he tore off her jaw and snapped her neck. He looked up and saw his other victums heading for the door. He put to fingers to his forehead and appeared in front of them.

"Nice try, but you aren't going anywhere." He wrapped one arm around each of their waists and threw them over his shoulder. They both kicked and screamed as they were tossed into the kitchen. Chi-chi hugged Pan and held her tight as she looked at Videl's dead body outside of the kitchen doorway. Goku glared at Chi-chi and pointed again to the stove.

"Get to work." He smiled and then put his hands on his hips. "You cook and I'll cut." He chuckled at his sick little joke. Chi-chi cringed and let go of Pan. She got to her feet and wondered over to the stove heating it. Goku snached up Pan roughly and put her in a chair. She screamed and yelled in his ears as he pined her down with energy rings. He turned the chair to face the big table wooden table near the middle of the room. He pick up Gohan who sat only a few feet away and layed him out on the table. Pan broke down into tears again and closed her eyes. She couldn't bare such a morbid sight. Goku smiled and walked over to the utensile drowr and open it. He pulled out the biggest and sharpest butcher knife he could find. And then he saw some needles in a small plastic clear box and he reached for it. He cringed. No matter what, he would probaly still hate these things, but they might come to use. He looked back at Pan and her tightly closed eyes smiling. 'Yes very useful.' He strolled over and ran the knife experimently over Gohans stomach. A cut and rivers of blood appered. Pan squrimed at hearing the knife go over his skin. Goku looked at her.

"Oh, come on. Don't you want to watch?" He said playfully. She shook her head back and forth hard, letting out a whimper. He frown. "Well, if you must be difficult, we can do things the hard way." He walked up to her and looked at her as she cracked open an eye to see what he was doing. He pulled out a needle and held it carefully. And as her eyes became wide in fear. He reached for one of her lids and he quickly pinned it to her forehead, making her scream. Chi-chi turned abruptly, but Goku glanced over his shoulder at her before she could charge at him.

"Don't even try it, bitch." he growled in a low tone at her as he turned back to Pan. He sucured the other lid and she yelped again. He looked at her and smiled.

"That's much better." She spit at him and it hit his cheek. He wiped it off and examined it for a moment. Then he brought it to his lips and licked it off. She sneared and sobed again. Goku went back to the other side of the table and picked up the knife about to cut into his son once more, but he saw Chi-chi staring at him in the corner of him eye. He turned his head to her. It was that look. How he hated it. It made him feel so dirty, but this time he could push it away because he would slice that look off of her face soon. But first he had to set his sights on the fun he wanted or else it would be ruined. His eyebrows furrowed and he yelled at her. "Get some vegetables cooking! Don't just stand there! GO!" She jumped at the tone in his Voice and dashed over to the refrigorater and pulled out some onions and green peppers. She carried them over to the counter next to the stove and worked quickly with shaky hands. Goku went back to what he was doing as well. He brought the knife down and across again. He loved the feel of his blood and torn skin on his hands. A rush of excitment filled him again. It was beautiful. 'Like Vegeta....' He thought of his love as he continued to slice and dice the life he had once had for the life he had always wanted.

The smell of spiced vegetables and blood intoxicated his sences. They mixed well together. He turned to Chi-chi. She stood ringing her hands and staring at the ground.

"Is everything ready?" He asked bluntly. She looked up at him and nodded lightly. He handed her a plate of bloody meat chunks. Her eyes grew large and new tears slid down her already stained face. She hesitated but reached for it slowly. Goku felt smug at seeing her discomfort. She stared at the plate for what seemed like forever but he placed a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him.

"Come on, Chi. Don't just stand there all day. Pan and I are very hungry, and I'm sure you are too." Her lip quivered and she looked at him with pleading eyes. But he only winked and shoed her over to the sizzling pan on the stove. She dumped the contents on the plate in with the vegetables and it made a harsh hissing sound. Her nose wrinkled at the ungodly smell. Again she watched it silently. Her stomach turned. She couldn't hold it in anymore. She hunched over and vomited. Everything she had eaten that day was now in a big puddle on the floor. Goku looked back at her and narrowed his eyes.

"Do that again and I'll make it a side dish." She looked at him and placed a hand over her mouth, raising herself to finish cooking. Goku grunted and turned to his grandaughter. She was still and her eyes were large in shock and fear. But deep inside of them he saw anger and sorrow. Goku walked up to Pan and placed a hand on her shoulder. She sucked in her breaths slowly.

"It's almost time to eat, maybe we should go clean up." He touched the blood that had landed on her face and cloths when he had cut up her daddy in front of her. She didn't respond to his words so he pulled the needles out of her eye lids and took off the energy rings. He picked her up gentaly and carried her to the doorway, but before he could leave the room a hand landed on his back. He turned his head to see Chi-chi standing there with fear filled eyes.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt her if I did this." He stood in silence for a moment then shoved her off. "I make the rules here. You don't, so back off or else I will hurt her." She stepped back and took her hand from his back. Goku turned back swiftly and made his way up the stairs. He entered the bathroom and started the water. he set Pan in the bath tub with all of her cloths on and finally she moved to look at him. Such contempt lived in those eyes for a girl her age. But she was only angry with him and that ment she was nothing, just like the rest of them. He turned off the water when it reached her chest. And she watched him as he got to his knees next to the bathtub and grabbed the soap, bringing it to her face. He rubbed it to her cheeks slowly and then down her arm. Their eyes never let down the battle they were having. And there was that rush again, that sick want. To kill her bravery and her innocence. He ran a hand over her cheek and then down to her shoulder. He stopped there and griped gentaly then harder. Her eyes grew large as they had done before and she opened her mouth to scream as she twisted in his grip. But he grasped her other shoulder and pushed her under the water Bubbles came from the water as her yells for help were silenced and her arms lashed out at him. He felt the power again as she became weaker, and weaker. He saw a trail of blood run from her lips and float into the water, tainting it with her death. Soon she stopped moving all together. But he held her still, feeling her go cold under his hands. Then after what seemed like forever he raised quivering hands from the water. He couldn't help himself it was to tempting, he had to kill her, hurt her. Everything didn't go exactly to plan but he didn't care, at least Chi-chi would suffer the most and she would do it all alone. He smiled looking at his hands. 'All for you my love.... we will be together soon, I promise.' He told himself before getting to his feet and walking from the room. He wondered down the stairs and saw Chi-chi sitting at the table. She had set out three plates of the speical meal she had prepared. She glanced at him as he entered.

"Were's Pan?" Her question was quiet and meek but it filled the room with the stench of her worry. Goku raised his head and opened his mouth to speak. "She will not be joining us.... She's felling a bet under the water." He smiled at another one of his jokes. Chi-chi slammed a fist on the table and shot up, knoking her chair to the floor.

"We made a deal! You said she would be alright! You promised!" He was angered by her sudden burst of confidence. Goku dashed up to her and pushed her down on the table. He held a tight grip on her throt, making her gag.

"You better calm the fuck down or I'll make you eat her too." He let her go and she gasped for air standing and rubbing her neck. Her glare was still intense but she sat down like she was told. He pushed the plate in front of her and sat down across form her. He watched her closely and she didn't move.

"Aren't you goning to eat?" She looked up at him and her black eyes glared daggers. "You first, Goku." He raised an eyebrow in suprise but brushed his annoyence aside as he picked up a piece of the meat. He brought it to his open mouth and dropped it in. Goku chewed and then swallowed.

"Yum." He smiled exposing crimson covered teeth. She shivered and looked at her plate. The thought that this was once her little boy was sickening. She sighed fearfuly and grabbed her fork. She stuck the meat onto it slowly and shoved it into her mouth. She cringed and fresh beads of water made their way from her eyes. She did it again and again, but with great speed, trying to make the meal disapper as quickly as she could. Goku watched her contently as she whimpered and whinned around every plump bloody chunk of flesh that she shovled into her mouth. Abruptly she stopped. Goku blinked. Chi-chi tossed her fork to the ground and put her face in her hands. She wept and wept, tears falling from the space threw her fingers. He glared at her, annoyed.

"What do you think your doing? Finish!" She wept harder "I can't! No more! please, no more!" He rolled his eyes at her and placed his chin in his hands. "Alright, what do you want?" She never moved her face from the darkness of her palms but she answered him. "I want them back. All of them! I want it to be okay again...... Goten...Gohan......." She gasped at their names. A mavilous idea came to Goku's mind. He smiled as he stood up and walked over to stand by her side. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well, I don't know about the rest but we might be able to get Gohan back." She looked up at him in confusion.Then he ran a hand threw her hair. "Here, let me show you." His face became angry again as he yanked on her treses. She yelped in pain as he dragged her to the counter top and pushed her onto it. "What are you doing!?" she cried but he ignored her and reached over to the cutting board. Three knives lay there. Two from when Chi-chi was cutting up vegetables, and the one one Goku had used to butcher their son. He grabbed them all and drove the biggest one into Chi-chi's chest. She screamed and struggled as he tore down her abdomen. He pined her wrists above her head and straddled her waist, looking at her with stone cold eyes. He pulled back the skin and pined each side down to the counter with the sharp knives. He reached into her and she shrieked in pain.

"Maybe he's in here somewhere," said Goku reaching for another spot in her open body. He shook his head playfully "Nope guess not....Wait! I know where he is!" He smirked as he grabbed her heart and ripped it from her chest. She gagged on her own blood and let out one last scream before she fell limp under him. He stared at her for a moment then leaned down to kiss her on the forehead lightly. Her eys were frozen in a glare of fear and panic as he climbed from her. "Nighty, night princess." He snickered as he casually strolled into the living room. Goku turned to look out of the window to see the rain had not stopped, but was coming down harder then ever. He smiled as he walked for the front door. He opened it slowly and stepped into the cold rain. He smiled and raised his arms as the water washed away the exterior of his sin. But he held the truth deep inside and one day he would show it to the world and they would bow down to his greatness. His head bobbed up and he looked at the sky passed the rain drops. Tonight that very sky cried just for him. And he promissed himself that he would make it cry for him many times to come.......

He couldn't speak, all he could do was stare at the man before him. The man he had loved and cared for with so much passion and fire. And finally the secret that was locked away in his heart came free, but it did nothing for him but bring pain, because the one he loved was gone. Gone for good.

"I love you so much...." He trailed off into silence and his deep sensual voice made Vegeta shiver. But he continued to look on at his love and it made him hurt more. Vegeta turned away from those dark and crule eyes. From the monster he saw there. But a hand smaked into his face harshly. He looked back at a frowning Goku. His eyes burning him with their violent fire as he narrowed his eyes at him.

"You're supposed to say you love me too! What the fuck are you waiting for!?" Vegeta opened his mouth and studdered. This just made Goku more angry. He hit Vegeta again with twice as much force as before. The prince could feel the sting spread and it brought a few tears to his eyes. He glanced at Goku again and the third class grunted baring his teeth. He twisted his fingers into Vegeta's hair and pulled down. The prince arched up, trying to let go of some of the pain. He let a growl of his own emrage from thin lips, closing his eyes tightly.

"Answer me, prince!" Vegeta opened those beautiful orbs to stare into his tourmenter's. He spit at Goku and yelled in frustration.

"You moron! I don't love you! I hate you! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!" Goku loosened his grip and lifted his chin to get a better look at his prince. There was no mercy or second chances in the windows of his soul, a broken and battered soul. Goku wanted to cry. To take back everything. At that moment he was so sorry. He had ment what he said before and it was still true now. He just wanted to make Vegeta happy, make him love him and not judge him. Goku stared as Vegeta still struggled under him pointlessly. Kakarott sighed and his breath quivered as it left his lips. All of the sudden he felt Vegeta stop moving and he looked down on him. His head was turned to the door. And his face, it had that look again. That look of soft love mixed with fear and horror. Goku's eyebrow's furrowed. He hated them all even more and his heart raced in furry. He would kill them all again..... But this time he would add a few more names to his death list. A wonderful thought came to mind and his scowl curved into a smile. That's exactly what he was going to do.

"Dad, were home!" "I got you a present, daddy! Come see!" He could hear the voice of his children and it made him more afriad then he had ever been. He couldn't loose them. Goku pulled Vegeta from his spinning thoughs by grabbing his chin. He was but an inch away from Kakarott's face and it made him sick to his stomach to see that look in his eyes again.

"Why don't you tell them to come on up..... I'm sure it would be great fun!" Goku threw his head back and chackled. Vegeta painced and tried to push him away. But nothing worked, he was still held down by the rings Goku had put on him before. What was he going to do! He need to save them, get them out of here! Even if it ment he would never hold them in his arms again, or ever be able to say how proud he was or even goddbye, all that mattered was their safety. Vegeta tossed his head back and screamed.

"Kids, get the hell out of here! NOW!!!" Vegeta could hear his daughter and could tell she felt something was wrong.

"Daddy, whats going on? Where are you?" "Dad? Dad, whats wrong" Trunks could feel it too. Vegeta wanted to scream at them but hug them at the same time. It didn't matter what he felt he just need to get them away. He opened his mouth and screamed louder than before.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!" Goku looked at the door as he heard them scurry around to leave. He glanced at Vegeta and smiled.

"They're all mine." He jumped from Vegeta and dashed down the stairs. The prince struggled fircly. Nothing the rings were too strong then a scream.... it was his daughter... Kakarott could have hurt her! NO!!! He powered up as high as he could in the blink of an eyes and the rings shattered. With that he followed the same trail Goku was running just seconds ago. Bra's eyes widened as Goku grabbed her. Trunks tried to reach for his sister, but was smacked to a far wall. Vegeta looked at Kakarott with pleading eyes. Suddenly his anger had fade and only his broken hope and sorrow lived on. 'Please no...... not my children....' The thought ran thru his mind multipul times at that moment. But they went unanswered and Goku stared at him with excitment. Then his eyes went back to Bra. Vegeta could see tears in her sky blue eyes. It ripped his heart in two when he heard her whimper as Goku tightened his grip around her neck and waist. Trunks was shaking as he watched his sister struggle helplessly in Kakarott's grasp.

"How should I kill her, Vegeta?" He broke down into tears again when those words slipped through his mate's lips. Fear shook him as he clenched his stomach and begged for his mercy. Goku rolled his eyes.

"You're no fun, Ouji! Fine. I'll think of something myself." He looked around their surroundings and his eyes wondered in thought. Then they lit up with a horrid idea, Vegeta was sure. Bra began to scream as Goku dragged her with him down the hall. Vegeta and Trunks looked at each other then scurried up to follow. Goku stopped in front of the door to Bulma's labrotory. He kicked it open and made his way down the narrow steps. Then he lifted the little girl in his arms and dropped her on one of the stretchers in the middle of the room. When she tried to get up, Goku grabbed for a leather strap that was hanging from the left side of the bed and then for another that was on the right. He brought them together over her chest and buckled them together. Then three other straps that went all the way down to her feet. He then turned on his heel, walking over to the medical supplies cabniet. He swung open the door and rumaged through, bottles, needles, capsles, you name it. Then he stopped and chuckled as he lowered his head slowly.

"Perfect." He whispered it under his breath and Vegeta's eyes got large as Goku turned to him and his son with a needle and bottle of what looked like a toxic substance. Vegeta could feel in his heart that this was it, and that he would never again hold his little girl living again. But he would not live with that. He clenched his fist as he stared Kakarott and his smirk down to the ground. But this only made the third class happier.

"This should be fun, real fun"

Vegeta wanted to kill him and spit on the words that were coming from his mouth. Anger rose in him rapidly. He hissed at Goku through his teeth and began to aproch him. But an arm stopped him and he looked back at Trunks. His beautiful blue eyes dark with fear and stinging tears. Vegeta bit his lip at the sight of his son.

"Dad.... you can't do it! He'll kill you too. Don't leave me here alone.... Please." Vegeta's eyebrows furrowed in a saddend confusion and he opened his mouth to speak, but simply had nothing to say. Goku looked back at him and rolled his eyes at the two as the clear liquid of the bottle filled the needle in his hands. Bra's breathing became tense and labored as Goku walked up to her and stared at her, smiling.

"Now this won't hurt a-" He was cut off as Vegeta grabed him, swinging him around to face the broken prince. Tears spilled from Vegeta's eyes and his hands were pressed tightly onto Goku's bare chest.

"Don't hurt her! Please!" He begged between his sobs "I'll do anything, just don't hurt my children!" He dropped his head to Goku's chest and closed his eyes as his tears dampend Kakarott's skin.

Goku gazed apon him for a moment, his look unreadable. Then he smiled and began to comfort the prince. Trunks and Bra watched on suspicously. Suddenly, Goku grabbed Vegeta by the shoulders and shoved him to the ground.

"Don't you see, Vegeta? This is all for us. They will be gone and no one will harm us again."

The prince stared at him . No this was not what he wanted and he could not allow it! He jumped to his feet and threw a punch at Goku's jaw then another to his stomach, and another to his eye. He couldn't think or feel he just had to keep going, and as fast as he could. But it didn't work. Soon Kakarott held both of his angry fists in a tight grip. Vegeta bit his lip and shook his head. He could not accept defeat! Never!!!

"Fight me for real, Kakarott! Or you are nothing but a coward, like the ones you have slaughtered!" Vegeta grinned at the other man's response. He shivered as he stared on at the prince with unsure eyes. He clenched his teeth and grabbed Vegeta around the neck. The sound of his children crying out for him slowly faded as he heard the blood pumping furiously in his head. It began to pound and his heart raced. But that monster's face seemed as clear as day, and his words struck Vegeta.

"I have an idea..... I really want you to see their end, Vegeta. But how about we give them a show first." Goku smiled at him and his grip loosend, sending Vegeta to the floor.

He glared up at the taller sayian in confusion. He did not know what Kakarott ment by his words and that scared the hell out of him.

"Now, why don't you take off that sheet and bend over for me?" Vegeta looked at him in disgust. He would not degret himself in such a way! Espiecally in front of his children. He looked at Bra and she was silently watching as if her life hung on every word that came out of Goku's mouth. But Vegeta knew that she was too young to understand what he was talking about. Then his gaze met his son's. His eyes were wide and his arms dangled at his sides. The look of horrid shock was writen on his face.

Vegeta cringed. This was one fucked up situation. He shook off his embarassment and gave Goku the most regal look he could muster.

"Never! I hate you, and you are a fucking idiot if you think I would do something so vulger." He turned his bare back to Goku and heard him gasp.

There was that feeling again. The feeling to stop because of those few, simple words. I hate you. They sounded so bitter coming from his mate's lips. But he dismissed his regret. This was Vegeta's present, and he did love Goku...... Yes of course he did, that's why he killed Bulma. That's why he dance with him. That's why they made love. But he was confused.... Why would Vegeta say those thing unless he ment it? Goku didn't know, but he knew this is what Vegeta really wanted and he would not let his love down.

"Well..." His voice was deep with desire as he walked over to Trunks. The boy gasped again as Goku stepped behind him and grabbed his hips. He grinded the hips on his clothed crotch and Trunks squrimed in discomfort. He tried to lift his rear from Goku but he couldn't and a tear rolled down his face.

"I can just have some fun with Trunks if you don't want to, Vegeta. But the question is, how much will he hate you after words?" Vegeta began to shake. Trunks sobed as Kakarott's cold hands romed over him. Vegeta let the sheet fall to the floor and glanced at Goku. He smiled back.

"Fine, I'll do what ever you want, but don't hurt him." Goku let the purple haired teen slip from his grip and he stood, slowly walking over to the prince. Vegeta's eyes were closed but he could hear the light taping of Goku's shoes as they hit the ground with each step then the sound of his jeans dragging on the floor. Soon they got closer and closer then stopped. The taller sayian's breath played on Vegeta's head, burning him on the inside. Goku wrapped his hand around Vegeta's chin and lifted it to kiss him gentaly. Then harder. Vegeta screamed into his mouth as Goku's tounge dominated his. Kakarott put his hands on either sides of Vegeta's face and bit down as hard as he could. The prince finally jerked his head away and sucked in as much air as possible. He looked at Goku and then touched the trail of blood that trickled from his own lip. He flinched as the pain in it throbbed. Kakarott aproched him and grabbed his shoulders. He spun the prince around abruptly.

Then he ramed a fist into Vegeta's gut. He grunted and bent over. Goku ran a hand over the beautifuly sculpted back in front of him. He took in the sight of Vegeta, like a dog, under him. It drove him mad! And he couldn't take it anymore, he needed to be inside his prince.

Goku spread Vegeta's legs, making him yelp in suprise. And he almost lost his balance on the ground as Goku slammed into him. A tear fell onto the tile as pain surged through him. He closed his eyes, not wanting to think about his children and what they saw at that moment. But mostly if they saw him as nothing but a dog, like Kakarott did. In his heart he knew it was over and it was killing him to think there was nothing he could do about it. He sobed gentaly.

Goku moaned and his eyes rolled back in his head as blood began to run from Vegeta's enternce. It was warm and welcoming to him and inside it made him quiver with delight. The sound of his love's crys excited him even more and sent him over the edge. Goku shuddered as he shot his seed into the prince.

But soon he pulled away from the warmth and pushed Vegeta to the ground.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Vegeta glanced back at him but only to put his head back in his arms and sob again. It had only been a few moments, but to him it felt like forever. The pain made the time slow still, but he couldn't give up...... He must go on.

Vegeta stood and snached his sheet from the floor. Blood stained it as he wrapped it around his waist. Timidly, he look at his children, tears and shock were painted on their features. Vegeta cast his eyes away from their stare. Why did this have to happen? And to Kakarott of all people. It didn't make sence. Why couldn't he, just once, have what he wanted? What he needed?

"Now, back to business." Goku's words awoke Vegeta from his thoughts. He jumped in front of his daughter before the man could even move. Goku looked at him in suprise. He blinkeded then shook his head in disapointment, the look on his face gave Vegeta the chills.

"Oh, Vegeta, you could make this a lot easier you know." He spit at Kakarott again.

"Fuck you." He hissed as he grabbed Bra's hand and squeezed it to comfort her. She sighed and squeezed back. Goku raised an eyebrow as Vegeta glared at him with death in his eyes. Then he turned to Trunks and the boy's fear was stirred again. He began to shake a bit and figet as Goku looked apon him.

"I need you to hold your father back for me." He lifted his arm and pointed to Vegeta demandingly.

Trunks was silent as his fingers played with the bottem of his shirt, his blue eyes not even daring to look at Kakarott. This annoyed the sayian and he crossed his arms, tapping his foot.

"Well?" He stared Trunks down and eventually he looked up. Then opened his mouth, but only stuttered. Vegeta's eyebrows furrowed in worry. Trunks looked at his father and felt what he always felt when he looked at him, a sudden urge to make him proud, to make him love him a little more. The teen lifted his chin with new found confidence and his eyes narrowed at Goku.

"N-No." He said bluntly. Goku sighed frustrated. 'Why must they be so difficult?' But then another wonderful idea. Kakarott gazed back at Bra and Vegeta, then again to Trunks. He still shivered, and Goku could see he was unsure about his choice and that was his advantage. He smiled and clasped his hands behind his back, strolling up to Trunks. He looked as if he were about to run but Goku snached up his arm and held him still.

"Do you think he will hate you if you do this?" Trunks' eyes went from Goku then to his father and back. He bit his lip and thought for a moment but nodded slowly. Goku's grin spread wider.

"Well, my boy, he already does." Trunks looked at him open mouthed and in disbelif. But Kakarott could tell that Trunks had believed that ever since Bra was born.

"I mean, look at those two. Did you actually think he loved you more, or even just as much? Of course he couldn't. She's his favorit and you were nothing to him but an accident." Vegeta growled at Goku's words and glared at the teen who seemed to be processing what was just said.

"Don't you dare think for even a moment that what that son of a bitch is saying could possibly be true! I love you more then life itself!" Trunks glared back at him and fresh tears poured down his face.

"Bull shit! He's right you don't love me! You could care less! You love her, she's the gift and the little girl you always wanted! I'm nothing!" His sobs cut him off and Goku wrapped an arm around Trunks as he covered his face with shaky hands.

"There there. Everything will be okay, this is your chance to pay him and her back." The boy raised his face and gritted his teeth watching the two hands of his sister and father cling to each other with such love that it made him sick.

"Fine. I'll do it." He marched up to Vegeta and grabbed him. The prince yelled in pain as his arm was harshly twisted behind his back. The boy was lucky Vegeta was injured. Goku went back over to Bra and Vegeta screamed, but his cries were soon muffled by Trunks' hand. Kakarott smiled and picked up the little girl's arm she struggled but it did her no good and Goku stuck the needle into her arm and it sunk into her vien. He pushed the sureng and soon the liquid disappered. Vegeta went still. No! She was done for his little girl.... no, this couldn't happen. But it did and Goku stepped back to observe his handy work.

Bra's shrieks became moans and he body strated to twitch with sesures ( A/N: I know I didn't spell that right > <) Each one shook her more and she groaned. Then foam bubbled from her mouth. Vegeta couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to turn away but couldn't he couldn't move, and for a moment the world seemed to stop spinning. Blood spilled from her mouth and she stopped moving. Her chest didn't rise and her eyes stared at him with a pointless glare. He fell limp in Trunks' arms. The teen was caught by suprise and let his father fall to the floor. He lay for a moment unmoving. He didn't want to move, he saw no point anymore. But he had one thing left. Vegeta glanced at Trunks. Suddenly he popped up, and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Boy, you have to get out of here! Please, go....... I can't lose you both." He whispered it to Trunks and Goku turned to look at them. His eyes narrowed at Vegeta. But he was calm.

"Trunks, come here." Goku comanded. Trunks looked at his father and Vegeta shook his head. But Trunks disobayed and stood turning and walking to Goku. The ouji could feel his heart pounding in is rib cage and his breath was short. 'No, Kakarott, not him..... He's all I have left!'

Goku wraped an arm around Trunks again and the boy flinched, but did not try to run away. Goku smiled at him.

"You should be rewarded for what you did. It was very brave of you." Trunks smiled back timidly.

"uh, thank you." Goku looked at him lovingly and cupped his cheek with one hand. The boy blinked at him in suprise, and Vegeta's jaw fell to the floor as Goku wrapped the other arm around Trunks' waist. There was silence as Kakarott studied him.

"You are almost as beautiful as your father...." His whisper trailed off as he brought his lips to the teen's. Then Vegeta heard a sickening sound. Flesh ripping apart and bones braking. Trunk's eyes widend as Goku parted from their kiss. Vegeta could see a huge puddle of blood forming around their feet and his heart jumped into his stomach. Goku's arms went through Trunk's abdomen and he spread them, slowly tearing Trunks apart. And the teen watched in horror as his organs fell to the floor and his own blood splattered on his face. Goku soon ripped the rest of him apart and pulled his arms from the lifeless body. But befor it could fall to the floor he grabbed Trunks' head and what little skin was left on it and then crushed his skull.

Vegeta felt part of himself die at that moment. Everything was gone..... it was over.

Goku smirked at the mound of bloody flesh and broken bone in front of him. 'guess your not so pretty now.' He laughed at his own thoughts and turned back to Vegeta. Once again he was silent and sat on the floor unmoving. Kakarott stood and walked to stand over Vegeta. The prince never took his eyes form his mate's. And Goku chuckled, his hands on his hips in a proud manner.

"Well, princy, you're all alone now. It's just you and me."

Goku looked at him with pure joy in his eyes. Vegeta slid away from him but the other sayian got a hold of his pant leg and pulled him back. They were but a breath away from one another and Vegeta turned away from his glassy stare. Goku hugged him and Vegeta flinched as he held the smaller sayian tight.

"Get away from me! You've ruined everything, baka!" He lifted one hand from the floor and placed it to his face as another tear fell. Goku wiped it away and smiled.

"Don't be so angry, love. We can be together now." Vegeta looked at him in thought for a moment. The tears stopped and he straightend into a full sitting position, pushing Goku into one as well. The third class gazed at him with a twisted and relived happiness.

"....You're right, they can't get us now....." His eyes were blank and stared at nothing for that moment. He blinked a few times and looked back at Goku with the same twisted smile that had offten lately been plastered on the other sayian's face. Goku sighed and let out a little laugh as he pulled Vegeta into his lap. Vegeta kissed him on the forehead gentaly and brushed a hair from his firey eyes.

"I knew you would be happy! Now nothing can stop us..." He trailed off and his face became angry again. Vegeta looked at him and tried to read his emotion through his face, but it was clouded. Concern crossed his features.

"What is it, Kakarott?" Goku glanced back up at Vegeta when he spoke. Then he huffed in frustration

"What about the others, Vegeta? They can still hurt us..... Hurt you." Vegeta blinked again and thought for a moment.

"We must kill them, the both of us, together!" Goku intrupted The prince's thoughts. His eyes were alive with fresh blood and murder and Vegeta shivered, but a smile came to his face as well.

"Wonderful thought, my love." Goku grinned at the sound of pride in Vegeta's voice. Yes he was proud of Goku and Goku had given his prince what he wanted. Now they could share the blood they spilt, they would be bonded by their love and horrid sins. The thought excited Goku so much that he wanted to jump for joy. He shot up and held Vegeta in his arms. The prince let out a yelp of excitment himself.

"We must hurry, or they might find out." Vegeta nodded and then jumped from Goku's arms. He snached the third class' wrist into his palm and dragged him up the stairs to get ready......

Finally they were ready to go. It was five in the afternoon. The sun should be setting in a few hours. Goku ran a hand through his hair again. The summer sun was shinning through the window and it filled him with joy as he watched Vegeta sharpen an axe that glimmered silver and clean in the sunlight. Goku thought it would look much prettier once crimson was dripping from the blade. He glanced at Vegeta's face. Blood would be beautiful there too..... With an angry smile. Goku shivered in anticapation just thinking about it. The prince looked back at him with a content glimmer in his eye. Goku turned back to the vanity behind him and returned the stare through the reflection. He opened his mouth to speak into the lingering silence.

"We should be going. Our fun might be ruined if we come to late." Vegeta nodded lightly and stood. He walked past Goku and made sure to sway his hips as he made his way to the door. He smirked as Goku moaned watching him. The third class dashed after him and pulled him close, nipping roughly at his neck. Vegeta spun away. and shook his finger in Goku's face.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not yet." Goku groaned a complant and his eyes pleaded with the prince. Vegeta only smirked as he placed a hand on his hip.

"Why not? We could spare some time." begged Goku. Vegeta sighed and put his other hand to his chin. He looked back at Goku.

"I'll make a deal with you." Goku nodded, bitting his lip despretly. His eyes glowed with want and dark lust. Vegeta strolled up to him and ran a finger down his chest.

"If you do a good job tonight, and be a good boy, I'll give you the reward you want." Vegeta stared into Goku's eyes and the taller sayian grinned.

"Alright, deal. Now lets hurry, I can hardly wait." The ouji gave Kakarott a wink and spun around on his heel marching down the stairs. He reached the bottem and slipped on his long coat over the axe on his back and the other things he carried with him. Goku put on the large book bag that was resting on the floor and looked up at Vegeta to see him looking down on him.

"Did you tell them all to meet us at the old man's house?" a serious tone masked his egarness. Goku smiled as he stood in front of Vegeta.

"Yes. They will all be on the island."

"Good, now lets go." With that they left the house. No one knew what fate awaited them and they didn't know the fate that was bestowed apon their friends either. Goku smiled to himself as they both blasted into the firey sky. He would make sure they would never know....

"Urg!!! Where are those fools? They said they would be here." 18 looked around the room to see her husband, daughter, Tein, Chalzu, Piccolo, and Mr. Popo all conversating together, but the rest had not shown up yet. 'Those lazy bums!' she thought. 18 grunted and crossed her arms leaning on the wall. She had been in a bad mood quite offten lately. She didn't know why but she was having bad feelings, like something bad was going to happen or something wasn't exactly right. She always was in a bad mood when she felt like this, but it had been a long time.....

18's head snapped up as the front door opened. Goku and Vegeta emargd from the doorway. They were as handsom as always and greated everyone as per usual..... But something was off about them, the were different to her somehow.

18 shook her head. 'It must be me.' she thought as she smiled at the two. Goku smiled back and then scanned the room. His eyes narrowed.

"Where's everyone else?" He asked curiously. 18 shrugged showing her frustration.

"I don't know! Roshi and the rest of them went off somewhere earlier today and they're not back yet. But there's food and most of us are here so don't worry, I think we'll do just fine for right now."

Goku bit his lip and looked at Vegeta with a bit of concren. The prince looked back and nodded, which obviously relived Goku.

18 watched them closely, they were acting strange, but what were they up to? She didn't understand, but maybe she was wrong right? She hoped so.

Krillan huged Goku tightly. "Long time no see, buddy! How's the family?" Goku's eye twitched lightly, but Krillan didn't notice.

"They're just fine." Goku cleared his throt and smiled. Krillan eyed him for a moment, and Goku swallowed hard.

"Speaking of which," said Goku's little friend puting his arm behind his head and looking at the ground.

"Why aren't they here?" Goku's mouth opened but nothing came out.... Why was he so nervous? He looked at Vegeta. That must have been the reason, he didn't want to disapoint his love. Goku starightend up sunddenly. He couldn't disapoint Vegeta and if he were nervous he would ruin everything.

"Well," He began his answer with his naturaly silly smile. "Chichi kinda got mad at me for eating out the frige before dinner so, she didn't want to come with me. Besides the kids wanted to go to the fair, it's almost over ya know." He placed his hand behind his head as everyone laughed. It disgusted him so.

Krillan then turned to Vegeta and raised an eyebrow.

"Now, I gota know, how the hell did Goku get you to come here with him?" Vegeta grunted and sneared at The short man. The prince crossed his arms and lifted his chin.

"I was bored. Besides, you should be thankful that I would waste my time with such trash." everyone was silence as they looked at him and rolled their eyes as always.

"Come on, Vegeta. Try to be a little more happy to be here." The prince smirked and closed his eyes.

"How can I be 'happy' if I'm surrounded by morons like you?" Goku laughed, ignoring his insult and turned back to the group of his friends. His face suddenly was hit with relization. Krillan noticed.

"What is it, Goku?" The thrid class looked at him and smiled sheepishly.

"I forgot to get those chips you guys wanted me to bring, oops." Goku closed his eyes and his smile widened.

"I'll go get them, I just wish that someone would come with me." Krillan raised his hand and waved it lightly.

"I'll go with ya! But lets hurry, I wanna get home to eat." Goku nodded and grabbed Krillan's arm heading for the front door quickly. Vegeta smiled, watching them leave. This was perfect. He turned to 18. And she sighed looking at him with her hands on her hips.

"I need help with lighting the candles for outside. Come with me, Vegeta." The prince uncrossed his arms and huffed annoyed as he followed her.

"Whatever." he stopped at the doorway as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tall candles that were leaning on the wall. She walked out and they both walked out the back door of the house.

The beginning of the night felt crisp and clear as the cool air embraced him. Vegeta looked back at the house and smiled as everyone inside mingled without a care.

"They have no idea."

18 looked back at Vegeta and he was gazing with a strange smile at the house. She turned away and searched for the matches that were in her pocket. How odd, there wern't there..... She fished some more then was startled by the prince's voice.

"Need a light?" she spun around to face him and he was holding a black lighter. The flued in it sloshed back and forth as he waved it at her smuggly. She narrowed her eyes at him and tried to snatch it from him, But he pulled his arm away from her. She gazed at him suspciously.

"Give me the lighter." She commanded putting her hands on her slender hips and lifting her head lightly. He smirked.

"Say the magic word." She clenched her teeth and her hands turned to fists on her waist. She and Vegeta never got along and she hated it when he acted like this, playing stupid little games with her like she was a dog. Vegeta's smile widened as he watched her become angry.

"Now." She demanded. His snickers faded and his smile became twisted in the new silence.

"Wrong answer." 18 stepped back as he reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out a long, blood red candle. Slowly he rose the lighter and a flame shot out as he turned it on. He lit the candle and approched her. His arua was intense and dark. It made her shiver as he held the candle to her face. The heat daced down 18's cheek and then her neckline. Then suddenly, Vegeta brought the flame to touch her. She yelped as the fire singed her skin. She looked into his eyes and something there told her that he wasn't playing anymore.

18 pushed him aside and dashed for the house. But as soon as her hand touched the door knob, Vegeta grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away. 18 tried to scream, but the prince slapped a hand to her mouth and dragged her behind the house. When there, he pinned her to the side of it, she struggled but nothing worked. A tear slid from her eyes and she slumped against the house. Vegeta chuckled.

"Sorry, 18, but you would get in the way of things, wouldn't want that now, would we?" She looked at him with wide, pleading eyes but he just kept smiling. 18 searched his face for reasons why. Why he was doing this and if he would do this to the others. But there was nothing but blood, hate, and pain in those eyes. So much that she wanted to cry for him.

Vegeta tossed back his head and chuckled at the confused look she wore. Then he gazed back at her and shook his head. He reached back into his pocket and pulled out a small roll of duck tape. He spun it around her mouth and head multipul times. Then when he was finished Vegeta ripped the tape off with his teeth and smiled at her again.

"Goodbye. I'll tell your daughter that her mommy loves her, and as for Krillan..... I think he's done for." With that, Vegeta lifted the lightler to 18's shirt and it set a baze with orange and blue. The fire travled quickly acrossed her stomach, chest, then to the other parts of her, engulfing her completely. She tried to run but only fell to the ground in a burning heap. Vegeta smiled watching her squirm and roll in pain. The tape around her mouth slowly murged with her skin as her flesh was melted from her bones.

After a few moments her body stopped moving as the fire ate at it slowly. Vegeta reached for her leg and dragged her to the shore line. He then picked her up around the waist, ignoring the flames that lapped at him and tossed her into the sea. The wind whisled in Vegeta's ears as he stared at the twisting flames on the water. But soon they disapered with the waves, as did 18's cooked courpse.

Goku loved the feel of the wind hard against him and running through his hair as he flew threw the air. He closed his eyes to enjoy it for a moment. Such bliss and love he felt there. The wind was not cold to him but warm and garceful, and it gave him peace inside. A peace that he could share with Vegeta for the rest of his life, and maybe even beyond that.

He smiled and looked back at Krillan, who was enjoying the passing senceary even though it was but a blur. He had a content look on his face, one that was relaxing in the setting sun. But Goku saw it as nothing. They would bring pain to him and his love, they could never love them for what they did, or what they were. Monsters. Yes, that was it...... But couldn't monsters love too? Was it impossible to still feel such a feeling after this kind of misdameanor?

Goku truned his eyes back to the path in front of him and tears glazed his black orbs. This was all he ever wanted, but something inside of him was truely afraid..... Afraid of his dream being too good to be true. Did Vegeta love him? Did he feel the same way? Or was he alone, damned to face eturnity in darkness forever? He didn't know.......

Suddenly a smile came to the young sayain's face and he reached a hand up to wipe a now cold tear from his eyes. Unsure or not, he had his love and the fire in Vegeta's eyes promised he would never let Goku fall.

The small abondoned house came into view and Goku stopped abrubly. Krillan smacked into him from behind and Goku grunted. He looked back at Krillan and rolled his eyes. The shorter man raised himself to Goku's height in the air an smiled stupidly.

"Sorry, Goku. I will be sure to look where I'm going next time." He blinked and looked down at the house below them in the clearing of the woods. It was old and hadn't had anyone living in it for an ovbiously long time. The white paint was chipped everywhere and the screen door was wide open, rust was on the hinges.

Krillan gave the house a funny look, and for some reason his heart was telling him to run. To run as fast as he could away, but he didn't. He was probably just jumping to conclusions, Goku would never hurt him or anyone else for that matter..... But something wasn't right.

The shorter man turned to Goku with a questioning look, but before a word was said, Kakarott grabbed him and muffled his cries with a cold hand. Krillan shivered. What was going on? This couldn't be really happening, it just couldn't!

Goku darted to the ground and landed swiftly. He lowered his ki and began to drag his unwilling victum tords the house. Krillan kicked and struggle but it only made his pain double. He groaned as Goku slammed an elbow into his face to shut him up. Finally they reached the door and went in. It was dark, black and shady colors of blankets and curtans clung to the windows and blocked the light forcefully. The house was bare and had scoffed, wood floors. What they were doing here, Krillan didn't know. And he didn't want to find out either.

Goku dragged him across the floors and through doorway after doorway until they had reached the biggest room in the house. It was in the middle of the small dwelings. 'What's he going to do? Why are we here?' His mind screamed the questions at him over and over, but there was no answer. Then something in the center of the room caught his eye. The small man turned and Goku stopped, both of them staring at the wooden crucifix in frot of them. It was just Krillan's size and the shacles that were conected to it would suit him just as well. He began to scream, he didn't know what he was screaming but it was loud and it made his mind race with a fever of panic. Goku chuckled and let him shriek, no one would hear him anyways..... Not now.

The sayian grabbed Krillan by the hair and pulled him to eye level. He was crying now, the tears stained his face beautifuly, and his eyes, oh, his eyes! they were magnificent, Such fear, horror, and betrayle was there. It made Goku smile.

He snached up his friends wrist and wrapped the thick, metal hoop around it. He clicked it into place and Krillan groaned at how tight it was. Kakarott did the same with his other wrist and ankles. When in place, he took a minute to stare at his victum. And at that moment Goku wondered what he was thinking. If he had given up, if he had a plan to get away, or maybe he just was confused. The third class didn't know, but he was having fun and that was all that mattered.

He smiled at Krillan and walked out of the room. The shorter man looked to his right. There was a small, old nightstand and on it was a huge butcher knife, with blood stains all over it, ( A/N: yes the one Goku used to kill Chi-chi.) and a box of long matches. Krillan looked up as Goku entered the room again, this time a big pair of scissors in his hands. They shimmered in the very little light that shown through cracks around the marron blanket on the room's window. But nothing was as bright as the glow of Goku's eyes. He snipped the scissors once in front of his face, examining them slowly. A chilling grin spread on his lips as he looked up at Krillan again. He shivered and turned away from the saiyan's glance. Another tear rolled from his face as he closed his eyes tightly. This cvouldn't be the end. Goku was his best friend, and for Goku to do something so awful was unheard of. It confused him and his tears pushed him to a headache.

Goku aproched him with that plastered and unmoving smile. He didn't open his eyes but he could feel it on him. Next, Goku lifted the blade to Krillan's chest and when he heaved, his breast touched it lightly. The metal was cold but at the same time it seemed to burn him. His eyes fluttered open as he heard Goku put the knife down and walk away. He watched the saiyan curiously.

Kakarott made his way to the doorway again and bent down to pick something up. Krillan tried to look past him to see what it was his friend was getting, but Goku stood and Krillan no longer needed an answer.

A gas can was what Goku was holding. The shorter man bit at his lip to keep the tears from coming as Goku unscrewed the lid. He gracefuly walked around the room as the liquid poured from the rusted can. The fumes of it burn at Krillan's nose. He jumped in suprise when Goku quickly flicked the can from his hands. It landed with a crash on the saturated floor and the saiyan turned to his friend. He strolled up to Krillan and captured his chin gentaly with in his hands. The man on the cross refused to look at him but the feel of him was almost pain full as he glanced at Goku through the corner of his eye. Kakarott placed a small kiss on the bridge of Krillan's nose.

"Good bye, my friend." Goku could feel him flinch at the smooth words and he snached up the matches from the table beside them. Carefully he pulled on out of the black box and lit it. He gave Krillan a final glance as he flicked it into the circle of gas around them. Tall flames surrounded them almost imediatly. But hey stayed around them and did not get any closer. Krillan was almost disapointed to find there was more to this death game of Goku's. But what could it be?

Goku smiled again as he reached for the knife and wrapped his fist loosly around it. He brought the blade to Krillan's shirt and in one fluid motion he sliced the material in two and watched it fall to the floor.

Within seconds, Krillan was rid of his cloths completely. He stared at Goku as his eyes became glazed with the heat of the fire. His lids were heavy and sweat poured from his temples as it got hoter, and hoter.

"Now," Goku's voice awoke Krillan from his fire daze and he stared up at him weakly. Goku spun the knife in his fingers playfully but stopped as blood began to drible from one of them. He gave it a scowl but looked at Krillan again with a smile.

"I have with me a very, very sharp blade." He paused for a second and stared at the blade.

"What I am going to do with the blade is give you twenty-four cuts. Mean while," He turned and pointed to the fire.

"The sweat from this heat will pour into them. I don't mean to be a copy cat, but I find this method of execution very intreging. And, of course, the fire was my own personal touch." His words beamed with smug pride. Krillan tried to scream as Goku neared but his throt was dry from the heat that seemed to be draining the very life from him.

Goku raised the knife to his victum's left eyebrow and in one swipe, it and most of the skin under was gone.


He moved to the other eyebrow and sliced it off.


Krillan groaned in pain and closed his eyes as blood rained onto his eye lids. Goku moved the bloody blade to his friend's shoulders and lifted it a bit, only to bring it down with a chop. The skin was gone on his shoulder, the bone was visable under a thin layer of crimson.


The weapon was moved again. Krillan dare not open his eyes as the pain raced threw him, stringing every part of his being. The skin on his right should fell to the floor as Goku cut into it.

There was silence and no movement. The seconds crawled on forever. Could it be over? He ruled out that possiblity as the wet blade brushed against his breast. It came up again then went down harshly, slicign away the muscle and flesh that was there.


Goku's hand brushed against his nipple and he sucked in a breath as the knife followed. Krillan could feel the sweat dripping into his wounds, and like sault it stung the freash blood and butchered flesh.


Goku reached for krillan's arm and removed the shackle. The apendage was limp in his hand and he pulled it out gentaly so it spread before him. He pealed the skin from Krillan's elbow to hand with his metal killer and it fell into the small forming pile of flesh on the floor. But the fire began to melt them.


Goku almost laughed as the shorter man opened his eyes in terror only to slam them shut once more. Kakarott freed the other arm as well and to it did the same as the one before.

"Eight." He chanted.

He dropped the other arm and lifted his own. He placed the knife in Krillan's shoulder cut and he rip the blade down, taking off the skin of the upper arm.


He did the same to the other but more slowly.


Then carefully he spread Krillan's legs and cut his inner thigh right down to the bone, sawing the skin from it.


He then brought it to the other thigh and stabed it. Krillan tried to crie out around his tears but only a meak whimper as the blade slamed threw his muscles. Soon the flesh there was gone as well.


Goku got down on one knee and looked up at his friend. Pain was writen all over his face and The saiyna wanted to burst out into giggles. This was too much fun, he didn't want it to stop. But the though of Vegeta came to mind. Their bodies covered in sweat from their passion, their lips bruising one anothers. 'Vegeta.....' The thought echoed in his mind and he lifted his weapon again. swish.

Krillan's left calf muscles fell away.


Then his right.


Krillan let out another silent cry as Goku rose from the floor to stare him in the eye. He reached up a bloody hand and ran it over Krillan's temple, then the wounds were his eyebrows used to be. The touch of Goku's hand and the sweat on it made him arch his back in pain as it coursed threw his head and body.

Kakarott ran a few fingers over his wet cheek and smiled.

Krillan watched as Goku raised the blade to his heart. All of the sudden he could feel it and hear it, and everything else was silent. Thump, thump, thump. Nothing else exsisted as the knife was plunged into the beating heart. Blood spurted from Krillan's mouth as he finally screamed. But soon it was put to rest as the beating stopped.

But Goku didn't.


He sliced through Krillan's neck and his head fell to the floor.


He lifted the left arm again, but never took his eyes from the place were Krillan's head was. He stared at it in anger and disgust. He srevered the hand and it fell with a sickening thud.


Another hand fell, but he did not drop the arm.


Instead he cut that off as well, then dropped it as blood spilled onto the crimson floor.


He lifted the limp limb and sliced threw the bone.


Goku bent down and flicked the blade at Krillan's ankle. The foot detached itself easily.


He lopped the other the other one as well, then stood.


Fiercely he rammed the knife into the space between the hip and leg bone, and Krillan's leg left its place on his waist.


Goku severed the other apendage and stared at the bloody courpse for a moment before he said anything.

"And twenty-four."

He smiled at his work, but soon his eyes left the body before him and travled to look at the fire around him. It was getting closer. 'I should leave.' With that thought he gave Krillan a final glance and licked the fresh blood from the knife before stuffing it in his pocket. He struted over to a window and slammed his elbow into it. The glass shattered and he flew into the night.

But his fun was far from over.

Vegeta turned back to the house as the sun set gentaly. Fire orange and red spread recklessly across a dim sky and he smiled. Now the real fun would begin.

The prince was pulled from his thoughts as he heard the scren door close to the house......

"Hey, Mr. Vegeta, Mommy, what's that smell? Is something burning?" A small blond head popped out from the corner and Vegeta smiled at her, sitting next to a bon fire he had started, just in case anyone got suspicous. She shyly wondered over to him with her hands behind her back.

"Umm... Mr.Vegeta, sir, were's my mommy?" Her voice was meak and innocent. The prince grinned wider. He reached out his hand.

"Your mommy went to the park. She wanted me to come get you so she could meet us there." Vegeta leaned down and covered his mouth with his hand as if to tell a seceret to the little girl. "I wasn't suposed to tell you but, she had to stop and get ice cream for you first, that's why she couldn't take you along. It was a suprise." Marron gave him a curious look then smiled with excitment. She put her hand in his and he stood. Suddenly she turned back to the house.

"Shouldn't we tell them we are going. I don't want them to get worried." Vegeta looked at the house as well. And shook his head at her.

"No. Mommy didn't want them to know."


Vegeta was getting sick of her questions. But he smiled sweetly still.

"Because, she just wanted it to be us...... And it was okay that I was coming because,"

He paused for a moment and searched for his words carefully. A chilling smirk landed on his lips.

"Because I'm really good at pushing little girls on the marry-go-round."

She nodded at him with excitment.

"Okay! Lets go!"

Vegeta picked her up into his arms and blasted into the air. They flew for a long time before they reached the park. It was almost dark and very silent, no other people in sight. It was a big park, kind of old, but it was in a desolet little place where no one ventured. This place was perfect.

The prince looked to his left and he felt warm inside. There was a large marry-go-round. It was red and yellow, the paint was chipped a bit, and it tilted slightly, but it would work fine for what he had in mind.

"Where's mommy?" Marron looked back and forth through the park, her long blond strands swung from her pig tails as she moved her head lightly. Then she glanced at him with her clear blue eyes. They were so questioning. Vegeta glanced back and began to look around himself as he spoke.

"Well, Isuppose she isn't here yet. We will just have to wait." The small girl sighed in an almost sorrowful way. And Vegeta looked at her again. This was the time to put his plan into action.

"But while she is gone," The prince bent down the her level and grabbed her chin gentaly. He pointed to the marry-go-round.

"We can play." Marron glanced from him to the big piece of metal the was supoosed to be playground equitment. She wrinkled her nose and gave it a douting look.

"I don't know.... It doesn't look very safe, and mommy has never taken me to this park before, so I'm not too sure I wanna get on that." She pointed at it as Vegeta dropped his own arm. He was getting impatint with this kid, but he knew he couldn't lose his cool if he wanted this to be fun.

"But I know a game you will really like. It's called...... Doggy in the dirt." He smiled as she went into thought. After a moment she nodded at him and dashed over to the marry-go-round. Vegeta lifted himself from the ground and strolled over to her. She looked up at him ansiously.

"How do we play?" Vegeta put his hands on his hips as he gazed at her. Slowly his eyes made their way to his pocket. He reach into it and pulled out a few pieces of rope. The little girl's smile faded and another curious look came to her features.

"This is what you do," Vegeta began as he set down the rest of the ropes except for one. He bent down to Marron's level once more and grabed her hands.

"Turn around."

"You're going to tie me up?"

Vegeta stopped for a moment and looked at her.

"Yes. It's part of the game. I have to tie you up, or else we can't play."

She hesitenly turned around and he bound her danity hands behind her. He then grabbed for another rope form the small pile.

"Sit down, there on the ground." He pointed to one of the dirty spots next to the marry-go-round. Marron wanted to protest but he inturpted her.

"Do you want to play or not?" She turned her head away from his dark eyes as if ashamed of something.

"Well, mommy will get angry if I get my dress dirty."

The prince looked at the dress she wore. Yes, it was very beautiful and looked exspensive. It was blue and as the dress went out it got lighter until it lead into the baby blue lace. It reminded him of his children's eyes..... Vegeta shook the thought off and held back his stinging tears. He rolled his eyes at her.

"Then you're a baby if you play with me." He began to stand up but she grabbed onto his black tee-shirt and pulled him back down.

"I am NOT a baby! I'll play."

"Alright. Then sit down."

She ploped onto the ground and stuck her nose in the air as Vegeta began to tie her feet together. She was like her mother, so much pride and strength, especially for her age. To bad that would get her killed.

After her feet and hands were tightly bound, Vegeta snached up the last rope and slipped it over her head then tied it to one of the rusted bars of the marry-go-round. After he made sure everything was succure, he stood. Marron looked at him susiciously as he smirked at her smuggly.

"This might hurt a bit, but scream if you want me to stop." Dread was painted on her face as he grabbed one of the bars and with a single push it began to spin, slow at first then faster and faster.

The rope tightened on her neck and she began to gag as Vegeta jumped on the spinning toy. Tears clouded her eyes and her breath was now hard to catch. She looked at him and opened her mouth to scream, but reached out and took a hold of her waist. He flipped her onto her stomach in one fluid motion.

The dirt was filling her mouth and invading her eyes, soiling her tears, but she had to scream or else he wouldn't stop. Suddenly she felt his hand on the back of her head and she paniced.

Vegeta pushed her head into the dirt so she couldn't breath at all. Her screams were muffled and almost nothing to the sound of the wind wipping around them.

"I can't hear you!" He charmed cheerfully. Soon the soil was wet with her saliva and tears. And they kept spinning. Around and around they went, the sky was now tainted with the night and finally Vegeta couldn't feel anymore life in her. Her skin was cold and so were her tears. He jumped off and stopped the marry-go-round so her body stopped at his feet. He flipped her over carefully and examined what he saw.

Her dress was covered in mud, her pretty white shoes now brown. And her eyes were no longer blue, in fact all Vegeta could see was the dusty grey of the dirt, caked onto what was beneth her open lids. Her moth was open and was filled with soil as well, giving her the fearful look of a dirty street urchin.

The prince turned away and shot into the air. But he still remembered those moments he held the innocence of life in his hands. And the feel of the wind as it spun around and around.

Goku landed on the island and looked around. No Vegeta in sight, but he could smell the death around him. He smiled, this was so perfect and nothing could stop them or their love. Nothing.

He gazed at the stars as they began to appear one by one. Soon him and his love would be gazing at those same stars, alone, with no hurt, or bothers to worry about.

He was about to walk into the house full of chating friends, when Vegeta landed behind him. Goku spun around. They were but an inch apart and Vegeta smirk as he watched Goku flush with desire. The third class pulled him close and their lips meet. It was fire between them, lust, and a dark love. Something that most people would have never thought exsisted. But it was there and it held them bonded in its deadly grip.

Goku slid his tounge into Vegeta's mouth and the prince withered in pleasure as it danced across every part of his mouth. Vegeta moaned and wrapped his arms around Goku's neck. They savored the flavor of one another for a long time now. Suddenly Vegeta pulled away.

"Not yet, Kakarott. We have to finish what we came here for." Goku gave a sigh of frustration and want as Vegeta ran a finger across his jaw line.

"Fine." He answered bluntly. The prince nodded and wondered up to the door. Goku followed as he opened it.

What was a house full of people was reduced down to only two. Panic was lit in the third class' eyes and he shot a look at his mate. Vegeta looked back with the same fear.

'Where's Piccolo!?' The thought ran through the prince again and again as he watched Chaltzu ( I don't know how to spell his name) and Tien talked about things that seemed so simple compared to what was going on around them. They finally noticed The two sayians standing in the doorway and they quieted looking at them. There was a silence that gave Goku the chills. Maybe he didn't do a good job. Maybe they knew...... Maybe he had disappointed his prince!

Goku looked at Vegeta with an almost pleading dread that seemed like it would spill into panic at any second. The older sayian was about to panic himself and the face of Kakarott at this moment was not helping him.

"Finally someone showed up! Everyone just up and disappered..... Do you two know where the others could be?" There was a sigh of relife from the sayians as Tien spoke.

"No." Vegeta answered the question bluntly as he looked at Goku who was shaking his head back and forth. He turned back to Tien and Chaltzu when he noticed the little mime was looking at something..... Something on Goku's shirt. The prince timidly glanced back and he bit his lip. There was a small spot of blood on Goku's clothing. To any normal human, it would go unnoticed. But he knew that the small man next to Tien knew exactly what it was.

Chaltzu trew his head in Tien's direction and the cyclops looked at him in suprise. His eyes were warning him of something and that it was very dangerous. Tien looked from his friend to Vegeta and an unknowing Goku. His eyes became large. There was blood on Goku's shirt. Human blood...... It was time to run.

Vegeta's fist tightened. It may not be as fun, but it would get the job done. He looked at Goku and smiled. The taller sayian blinked and smiled back.

"Get them." Vegeta held out his hand and pointed to their next victums.

Immedately Goku dashed over to them and the two jumped up, atempting to escape. But it didn't work. Vegeta ran over and grabbed Chaltuz around the waist and Goku got Tien in a head lock.

"What has goten into you?" Yelled Tien, struggling to get away from his capture. Vegeta held Chaltzu firmly in place as he began to panic.

"What are you going to do to us?" Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"Kill you. What the fuck does it look like?" The smaller man began to weep and Vegeta slapped him.

"Shut up, you morron!" Goku giggled and gave the prince a loving glance. Tien noticed and did his best to look back at Goku.

"Goku, What's wrong with you!? What has that bastard done to you?" He looked at Vegeta with narrowed eyes and the prince stared back regaly. Goku growled at Tien but he ingonred him.

"I knew you could never change, you freak! You'll always be nothing but a broken prince, who's mad because instead of a king, you turned out to be Frieza's whore and then a side kick!" The words flew from his mouth and they hit Vegeta with an impact that thretaned to rip his heart out. It had been a long time since someone had metioned that. It hurt him inside to even think about the fall of his kingdom, how he was always behind...... The changling's touch.....

Vegeta turned away and shame crept onto his features. Goku looked from his mate to the man in his arms. Contemp was held in his eyes, contemp that was much deeper then anytime before. His eyes narrowed and his heart raced with rage. No one would say that to the one he loved. No one.

Goku pushed Tien over his knee so the cyclops' face was in plain view. The smug look on that face was soon gone as Goku glared down at him. Terror filled his eyes as the saiyan put his hands on Tien's chest and lower stomach. He pushed and hsi victum yelled out in pain as his back popped quite harshly. Goku smiled at him and pushed harder, never taking his eyes from his friends face as it twisted in an unspeakable agony. But it wasn't enough.

The third class put one of his hands over Tien's face and paused as he felt the man's labored breathing. It was quick and hot under his hand, but it seemed to stop as Goku moved it to Tien's eyes.

"You know," Goku's voice was silent but booming at the same time and it cut into Chaltzu's cries as he gazed at Tien with hate. Vegeta dare not turn his eyes back to the seen in front of him, for fear they would never be looked into by his love the same way.

"That was not a very nice thing to say. I think you need to be punished, so let me make this clear."

Goku suddenly stuck his index finger into Tien's right eye and blood and puss poured from it as the man screamed out in pain.

"Don't ever," his voice seemed to ring with the screams and Vegeta looked over at his mate as Goku plunged his middle finger into the eye on Tien's forehead.

"say," Tien screamed louder and now tears mixed with blood as they made their way down his cheeks and onto the wood floor.

"that," Goku gritted his teeth and then screamed out in furry as he ripped his fingers from the blood sockets they were in, taking what was left of Tien's eyes with him.

"AGAIN!!!!!" Tien reached up to where his eyes used to be and blood covered his hand. His screams turned into groans as ha covered his intire face.

Goku sneared and placed his hands where they had been before.

"Hope you got the point." His words were serious and this hate in him shined through. He pushed down as hard as he could and a chilling crack filled the air as Tien went limp and blood ran from his lips. Chaltzu stopped his sobs as he looked at his best friend's body lying on Goku's leg. He was silent as he stared. Vegeta looked down at him and then back to Tien with a snear. But he smiled as a wonderful idea came to mind. He gazed at Chaltzu and wiped away one of his soundless tears before it fell to the ground.

"Don't cry, you'll be joining him soon. And turst me, you wont ever be apart again." Vegeta laughed as he grabbed Tien from Goku's leg. The prince looked at his mate and nodded tords the kitchen. Goku nodded back as he darted into the kitchen. When there he dug through the droars, looking for somthing that would satusfy his love's idea.

He smiled as he reached into one of the cabniets and pulled out an electric meat cutter. He turned it on and it buzzed as the small blades on it went up and down so fast that they blured together.

Goku turned it off and walked into the other room, handing it to Vegeta. The prince nodded at Tien, his face stone, hiding the hurt those words inflickted on him. Goku frown and walked over to Tien's body holding it up so Vegeta had acsess to his stomach.

The prince stuffed Chaltzu under only one arm and the clown started to cry again. Vegeta ignored him as he turned on the meat cutter. He stared at it for a long time before slowly bringing it to Tien's stomach. The skin and mucsle fell away with almost no work as the blade sunk into them. Blood spilled from the new wound and some splashed onto Vegeta. He grunted as he threw the meat cutter aside. He looked at Goku who was silent, staring at the ground.

"Kakarott." Goku's head snapped up, a bit of hope in his eyes but Vegeta still held his cold look. The prince tossed Chaltzu into Goku's arms. He blinked in suprise and Chaltzu gasped, weeping even harder. Vegeta threw off his already blood coat and began to take his fish net sleves from his fingers. When done, he pulled them up, exposing the tense mucsles of his arms.

He reached into Tien's stomach and began to pull it apart. Almost like he was stretching it out. When there seemed to be enough room for what he had planned, the prince snached Chaltzu from Kakarott.

The smaller man squirmed and struggled as Vegeta held him. He looked at Tien and then back to Chaltzu. Suddenly he slammed Chaltzu into Tien's stomach. It was a tight fit but, it worked quite wonderfully. Goku smiled as Vegeta pushed his victum behind all the cut, bloody skin and tissue. His cries were muffled as Vegeta pulled the skin back together over the mime.

The prince grabbed for his coat with a free hand and he dug in the pocket quickly.

Finally he pulled out a needle, a long and think piece of string, then a lighter......

Goku smiled again as he watched in aw.

Vegeta began to sew the skin together. He did it perfectly and when he was done, he cut the thread with his teeth. But before he turned away, he turned on the lighter and held it to the wound, just close enough so it would have a good effect, but not set the body on fire.

After a few seconds the flesh and thread melted together slowly, seeling the screaming Chaltzu inside. Vegeta turned away and snached up his coat, puting it on with a hasty and upset manner.

Goku bit his lip as he watched his prince. Slowly he made his way over to Vegeta and he placed a hand on his shoulder. The prince flinched.

"It's okay, you know...... I don't think you any different." Goku's words were sothing but Vegeta spun around and shoved him away.

"Don't you EVER defend me again! I can do it myself, I need no one's help, you hear me third class!?" He yelled at Goku.

The taller sayian closed his eyes for a moment then opened them again.

"I was just trying to help, I-"

"Well, you didn't so back off!" Vegeta turned his back to Goku and crossed his arms over his cheast. The third class Grabbed for his shoulder again and spun Vegeta round. He wrapped his arms around The prince's waist and snached up his chin so Vegeta couldn't look away.

"Vegeta, things aren't like they were before. We have each other and it doesn't matter who's stronger or smarter, or whatever, because I love you and you love me." Vegeta's look softened as Goku brushed his lips acrossed the prince's forehead. He gave a shaky sigh, and placed his hands on Goku's chest, resting his head there as well. Goku held him as a tear ran down the prince's face.

"It's going to be okay, no one will ever do those kind of things to us again, I promise."

Goku's hands ran through Vegeta's hair slowly, savoring the feel of every silky strand as he held his love.

Vegeta lifted his head and looked at Goku. The third class blinked and stared back into his eyes. Vegeta turned away for a moment and closed his eyes.

"Look, Kakarott, I'm gonna say this once and only once, so listen up." Goku nodded and looked at His prince eagerly. Vegeta turned back to meet his loving stare.

"I love you."

Goku felt his heart skip a beat at Vegeta's words and he almost wanted to cry with joy but he held back the happy tears and wrapped his arms around the prince's waist, gentaly craddling him.

Vegeta leaned into his warmth and nuzzled lightly into his chest. Goku sighed and rested his head on his love's, nuzzling back.

"I love you too." The words seeped out from around his smile and the air seem to hold them close to the two lovers.

Goku reached down and captured Vegeta's chin in his hand. The prince stared into his bottemless eyes and smiled. But it wasn't twisted and it was not a smug little smirk, but a smile, a real smile.

Goku shivered and brought his lips down on Vegeta's, tasting his love with gental caresses of his lush lips. He ran his tounge over Vegeta's lips, begging for entrance. The shorter sayian opened his mouth and the third class took his breath away again as their mouths spun into an endless embrace.

Kakarott couldn't be happier. This was everything to him, maybe even more. Without this love in his life he would die, be no more, simply parish. But in his heart he knew his prince could never betray him, they had both had to much heartache to let go of something so beautiful.

Goku pulled away to look at him again. Beautiful was exactly the word he would use for what they had, for what Vegeta was. And now nothing could take that away from them.

But his smile faded as he caught something out of the corner of his eye. Movement. Kakarott narrowed his eyes and turned to the new person in the room.


His eyes stared, almost empty at the two. His mouth was slightly open and his breath moved quitely passed his dark lips. Goku looked back at Vegeta. His teeth were clenched together and eyes in the same direction Goku's had been before, that sweet and rare smile gone. He noticed the namkian as well.

The prince swiftly turned and glared at Piccolo. The green being flinched at the powerful look.

There was silence........

Suddenly Goku dashed over to Piccolo and the namkian almost yelled in suprise. He did his best to fight Goku off but it did'nt work for long.

The sayian warped his arm tightly around his waist and then the other hand covered his mouth. Piccolo struggled against him but his eyes were on Vegeta as the prince put on his smirk and strolled casualy up to the namkian. He ran a finger down his cheek and the taller alien flinched.

"If you promise not to scream or throw a blast at me, Kakarott," Vegeta stopped in midsentence to point to his lover, a bit of violent lust in his eyes. Goku smirked back.

"Will remove his hand from you mouth. Got it?" Piccolo stared at Vegeta as his yells became silent behind Goku's hand. Slowly Goku removed it. Piccolo was still quite but the look he gave Vegeta spoke volumes.

The prince smiled at the hate he saw in the green man's eyes. He turned away and then he began to wander over to the entertainment system that was to the left of Kakarott and his victum. It was very large and of some of the best quality. There were six speakeres, two came up to Vegeta's chest and the others scaled down from there. The sayian pushed open one of the glass doors that held some of the equitment. There was a huge stereo thet looked like it could be used for many things. Vegeta looked down and smiled as eh spoted a cordless michrophone. He pick it up and turned to Piccolo waving it at him. The namkian's eys became large with fear.

"You know," Vegeta began, carefully examining the object in his hand.

"Krillan and Roshi always had and obbsesion with this kind of expenseive electronic stuff."

He turned on the michrophone and his voice seemed to echo through it even though he held it near his waist.

"What are you going to do to me? What have you done with the others? Where are they!?" Piccolo's voice became despret and shaky.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so many questions at once..... It's not like you'll have use for them anyway, it's over for you."

Piccolo's voice caught in his throt and he stared, terrofied. Vegeta chuckled at his state, twirling the michrophone in his hands as he looked on at the creature with pity. The prince began to play with the nobs and butons on the stereo and after he was done he stood. He looked at the other sayian and could tell he was getting excited by the way he was biting back his own laughter.

"Don't namkians have sensitive hearing?" His question made Piccolo shiver. But he sucked back the emotion, trying not to show it. Vegeta looked at Goku and smiled.

"I could've sworn they did. Didn't you think so too, Kakarott?" Goku chuckled and tightened his grip on Piccolo.

"Yeah, I was pretty sure they did, but we just have to find out." Vegeta gave a sarcastic gasp and put his hand on his chest.

"I suppose we will..... Hope it doesn't hurt too bad." He snickered lightly as he turned the volume up all the way. He held it to his lips and winked at Goku like a rock star to a fan and Goku blew him a kiss.

The prince opened his mouth, and then screamed.


The noise continued for what seemed like forever to Piccolo and his head began o throb. Harder and harder it throbed until he thought it would explode. And to his discomfort, it did. Blood splatered over the room as the namkian's skull shatered, blowing his head to pieces. Goku dropped his body and stared at it in a bit of aw. Then his head snapped up to look at the artist who had done such beautiful work. Vegeta smiled at him as he dropped the michrophone on a pick of green skin. Vegeta walked through the mess without a care as he mde his way to Goku's arms. And Kakarott welcomed him openly, holding him again.

Their lips touched once more and fire lit between them. Vegeta could hardly stand keeping his hands from Kakarott, but he had to. He wanted Goku to earn his prise.

Vegeta moaned as the taller sayian's hand found it's way to the prince's tail. Goku stroked the base of it lightly and Vegeta began to purr. Damn he was good at that...... And that seemed to be one of his favorit places to place attendion, Vegeta noticed. But he had to stop. This wasn't part of the plan.

Quickly the prince pulled away from his lover and a frown came to Goku's face.

"Vegeta!" He held a begging tone in his voice, but Vegeta shook a finger at him.

"Kakarott, you must be patient. We are not finished here." Goku huffed in disappointment. Vegeta lightly ran a finger across his jawline, making the taller sayian shiver with delight. The smile came back to his face and he kissed the prince gentaly on the lips.

"Fine, I'll wait. But only for you." Vegeta grinned at him as they stood holding each other. But soon they broke apart as the front down began to open and the sound of chatering voices spilled in.

Vegeta turned to Goku and took both of his hands in his own, forcing the third class to look away from the door.

"This is it, Kakarott. Prove your love to me. Kill them all."

Goku looked into his love's eyes and nodded slowly as a grin apeared on his smooth features.

"I will, I'll kill them all for you, Vegeta." there was excitment inn hsi voice and Vegeta lightly ran a hand down his face.

"Good. Now, go." Goku nodded again and turned to the group of people who had just entered the room. Master Roshi, Yajirobe, Puar, Oolong, Mr.Popo, Dende, Korin, and the turtle (A/N: Does it have a name?) were amungst the party. They busled into the room and then their voices were hushed at what they saw on the ground in front of them and the walls around them. Blood, bone and flesh. There was silence as Goku aproched them. There was a look of utter confusion on everyone of their faces. Goku's smile widened. They were still. He reached behind him and pulled out a huge axe. The blade glimmered as he turned the handle in his palm.

"Time to play." Suddenly everyone broke apart and ran for the exsit of the house. But it was all locked up. Vegeta stood smiling at the site before him.

Goku slid in front of Dende and the teen let out a gasp of fear. But he was soon on the floor as Goku lopped off his head in one swipe. It tumbled to the floor next to his limp body and a puddle of blood began to form around it.

His head shot up and he looked at Master Roshi, sliding against the wall, as if not close enough for comfort. He was all too right. Goku flew up to him and the old man cringed as the axe was slammed into his stomach. Crimson rushed apon it and Goku lifted the blade and swung it at him one more time before Roshi fell in two pieces in front of the crazed sayian.

He chuckled and turned again to more victums, frantic to get away. It wouldn't work, they were doomed. It was patetic. Trying to run. Kakarott laugh mentaly and the grin on his face widened. It's over.

He grabbed for Yajirobe as he ran by. Goku wrapped his hands in the long raven hair and pulled the plump little pest to him. He spun the shorter man around and the fear filled expresion was frozen as Goku's weapon sank into his skull and quickly made it's way down. Yajirobe's organs fell to the floor as he split in half, falling in opposite directions. The blood pooled around Goku's feet and added to the growing mess on the floor. Beautiful. The sayian could see his reflection in the crimson and it soothed him. The axe tight in his deadly grip and his eyes, twisted and playful as they stared at the blood. The chilling smile and cloths he was wearing were both tainted with innocent blood.

Suddenly something hit him in the back of the head but the blow was not powerful enough to knock him out. He turned slowly and his eyes met Mr. Popo's. There was dread and regret writen on his features. Goku frowned at him.

"That wasn't very nice. I think you should be punished." He laughed as he wrapped an arm around Mr. Popo's neck. The victum gagged and choked as he was dragged into the kitchen.

Goku looked up on the table then the counter. The rest of the doomed were in that room. Perfect.

The sayian slid over to the wooden counter top, dragging the one in his arms with him. When by it's side, Kakarott lifted Popo from his almost limp position. He was staggering to stand. Goku growled and lifted his hand, smaking the shorter man across the face. Mr. Popo blinked and, again, gazed at Goku in terror.

Goku tossed down his weapon and snached up Popo's wrists, holding them together behind the older man's back. With his free hand, Kakarott pushed off the white turban that sat apon Popo's head and then he placed his fingers on the dark, bald skin under it.

Slowly, he pushed on them. His finger nails began to tear through the skin and muscle, almost making their way to the bone. But Goku stoped and Mr. Popo screamed as the sayian made a fist, scrunching his skin together and ripping the tissue. A tear slipped down his not so pale face as Kakarott slammed his head into the counter top. Then again and again. Mr. Popo's body was soon limp and his face now nothing but a bloody pulp of broken bone, torn flesh, and chipped teeth. He let the courpse fall and he looked to the floor were his blade lay, in a pool of freash splattered blood.

Maybe he wouldn't need that for right now. He could add some creativity into his work, that would impress his mate.

Kakarott looked at Puar who was a bit farther down the light colored wood. She had tears all over her fur and they seemed to mix with the few drops of blood that had found their way to her. Goku reached for her and she shrieked, clawing at him and struggling with all the strength she had. But nothing worked and her screams soon turned into hopeless sobs as Goku looked around the room, holding her by the scruff.

He glanced over at the switches next to the metal sink. He grinned again as he marched over to it. Lifting the cat to his face, he gave her sorrowful features on last look before he shoved her head into the drain. She began to scream and squirm again as he held her in the tight space.

Kakarott ignored her as he flipped the switch to the garbage disposal. It came to life insantly. The loud growls and gurgles drowned out her pitiful cries as they faded into nothing. Blood sprayed him and his surroundings. Her body twiched a few times but soon was lifeless as all the others.

There were three left.

Goku looked over his shoulder to see, Korin, the turtle, and Oolong all bunched together on the table. They were shivering and tears stained their faces as well. Goku Clenched his teeth together in frustration.

He was gettinng impatient. But he had to make sure not a breath of life was left in them if he wished to get what he desired from his mate.

The younger sayian's eyes darted to the doorway and his beautiful prince stared back at him. The body of his muse tempted him as Vegeta leaned on the door frame with a pleasing smirk.

The prince strolled into the room and grabbed Goku's chin. Each breath was more ragged and wanting then the first as he stared into the prince's eyes. Kakarott could feel himself burning from the inside out as they stood there, so close but yet so far from what he had been waiting for.

Vegeta's hand fell then landed in Goku's palm. He wrapped his fingers tightly around the taller sayian's hand and he tugged him into the room next to the kitchen.

The wash room.

Vegeta looked back at a confused Goku and then let go of his hand.

"I have a perfect idea." His words were sly and sudductive as he walked over to the dryer. He leaned on it and watched Goku as the younger sayian gazed on with an unfeedable lust. The prince pointed to the kitchen again as soft cries and despret voices whispered o each other quietly in that room.

"Get me all the shap objects you can find and bring the rest of them in here as well."

Goku nodded at his master and darted from the room.

Vegeta could hear him rumaging almost franticly for the things he had asked for. Silver clashed with the ground and cabniets smashed into the wall. They were wonderous sounds to Vegeta, so destructive.

Soon Goku was back in the wash room with both things his mate had asked for. Knives, forks and other utensiles were crowded under his arm, and the three animals under the other. He set both down on the floor in front of Vegeta and the prince smiled at him.

"Thank you, Kakarott." He slid away from the drying machine and ran a finger down Goku's cheek and then over his lips. The third class was unmoving as he gazed at Vegeta, fighting back the desire to take hi right then and there with all the strength he possesed.

Vegeta brushed his lips to Goku's ever so lightly, but he turned away just as quickly. He bent down and gathered the sharp objects in his arms. Then he turned to the dryer and reached for the round, glass door. It popped open and he inspected the inside of it. Just a metal tube. Vegeta grinned. It would be a death trap when he was done with it.

A small ki blast formed in Vegeta's hand, but it didn't fly away or disapear, it just stayed within his palm, glowing blue, like that of a sulfer flame. It lighted the inside of the dryer, but as he held it close to one of the walls, it began to melt. He quickly snached up a fork from his other arm and stuck the handle in the metalic sluge. He repeated this process with every, single weapon Goku had given him.

Finally he was finished and stood up straight. Silver gleamed from inside the small machine, all different sizes and shapes crowded the tube. Oolong, Korin, and the turtle had a silent fear painted on their faces and the prince chuckled.

Kakarot watched curiously, as he bit his bottem lip in excitment. Vegeta picked up all three of the little animals with one hand. He looked at them and then tossed them into the dryer, each of them screaming and begging for their lives. But Vegeta showed them no mercy as he set the timer as high as it would go and pushed the blue button next to it.

The dryer began to spin and the three inside paniced, clawing at the glass, pleading for escape. But as ir spun faster and faster, they began to get cut and impaled over and over again. Blood splatered multipul times on the clear glass, but you could still see the squirming bodies and hear the painful cries of the three animals.

Vegeta and Goku had been staring at the machine for a while now, But the silence was broken as Goku spoke.

"Are you proud of me?" Vegeta turned to him and smiled.

"Yes, very." Kakarot let out a grin of his own as he strolled over to his mate and wrapped his arms around his slender waist.

Vegeta sealed his lips to Goku's and the third class moaned as Vegeta opened his mouth to invite the taller sayian in. Goku sliped his tounge inside and ran it all over the place slowly.

After a few moments the two parted for air.

Goku bit the end of the prince's nose making the shorter sayian smile. Vegeta took Goku's hand again and began to led him out of the room.

"Lets go have some fun."

They walk from the room, the lovers hand in hand. Leaving dried blood on the walls and torturous screams behind them.

Vegeta darted into the living room then up the narrow staircase. Finally they were in the bedroom. The prince turned to Goku and planted a small kiss on his lush lips. It grew deeper as they stood caressing each other gentaly.

Goku lifted his hands from Vegeta's back, and brought them to his waist line. From there he slid his hand's slowly up the older sayian's shirt.

Vegeta moaned as Kakarot's blood covered hands made contact with his bare skin. They slipped up his slender stomach and then to his chest. The palms finally found his nipples and he masaged them slowly, making them stiff to the touch. Vegeta's hands made their way to Goku's hips and they lingered there as the prince seemed to fall into a daze of pleasure. His long raven coat fell from his shoulders and down to his elbows.

Goku's lips moved from Vegeta's mouth to his chin then his neck, each kiss making the shorter sayian's breath a little more ragged then before.

The sound of fabric tearing cut through the air. Vegeta opened his eyes in suprise, then looked down at Goku and smiled as he pulled the prince's shirt away from his bare chest and abdomen.

Soon his mouth scorched the flesh of him and Vegeta began to purr.

Kakarot kissed down his coller bone and then down his breast. He finally stummbled u

pon one of the prince's nipples. A sly grin reached his features as he began to foundle it, making it even harder then before. He looked up at his love, the little groans and gasps of pleasure he was releasing exciting him.

Goku carefully brought his mouth to the small nub. Vegeta shoved his hands in the third classes hair as his tounge stroked and teased a very sensitive spot on the prince. Kakarot lifted his mouth and then moved it to the other nipple.

Vegeta felt himself begin to shake as the wet heat of Goku's mouth made it's way down his torso. Slowly the third class left the erect nipples and made his way down his love's stomach, leaving a trail of saliva and warmth.

After what seemed like forever he got to the rim of Vegeta's jeans. He stared up at the prince as he began to play with the buttons and zipper. He pulled the pants down, now on his knees.

The fabric fell to the floor and Vegeta stood in his black boxers and ripped shirt.

Goku nuzzled against his crotch and the prince moaned, his shaky hands making their way to Goku's shoulders.

"Mmmm...... More..." Goku smirked to himself. He loved to hear Vegeta beg for it.

"What was that, my prince." As he spoke, he gentaly pulled at Vegeta's boxers and the shorter sayian growled at him. But it soon turned into a purr as Goku uncovered him. Another shiver passed over the prince.

"More..." He repeated but louder this time. Goku stared at the throbbing member. Carefully, he grasped it with his hand at the base and ran his hand down to the tip.

Veget exhaled and moaned again as his lover pumped the lenght slowy at first then faster and fuller. The prince was so close to release but suddeny, Goku stopped.

Vegeta's eyes flew open and he looked at his mate whinning in protest. His face twisted into a pleading state as Goku looked at him with a dark smirk.

"I want to taste you, Vegeta." The prince glanced at him with blinding lust in his ebony eyes. He stood in silence for a moment, but then turned to his coat on the floor. He bent down and picked it up reaching into the pocket. He pulled out a needle and Goku shivered, almost drawing away from Vegeta, but he was still.

The older sayian brought the thin piece of metal to his stomach and implaed it there. After it was half way imbedded into his flesh, he pushed it down, making a long, slender cut. Then he pulled it out and tossed it to the floor. Vegeta then reached for Goku's hand, the third classes fear and bewilderment slowly turning to excitment.

The prince ran the younger sayian's fingers and palm over the wound, drenching them in blood. Kakarot watched in awed silence as Vegeta took his hand and brought it to his length one more time, Goku's palm coating it with crimson from the cut womb.

The third class could feel his own pants beginning to tighten. But he was supprised when his head was shoved onto Vegeta, The prince filling his mouth completely. He began to suck gentaly then harder and harder, loving the taste of Vegeta's blood and hot jucies.

Vegeta made a sound that was a mix between a growl and purr deep in his throt. His hips atempted to thrust farther into Goku's mouth but he held his mate still.

"Oh.......God, Ka-Kakarot." He whispered the words and Goku smiled around him. He loved hearing his true name from those beautiful lips.

"Ahh..." He gasped and shuttered as his seed spilled into Kakarot's mouth. Goku swallowed it and got to his feet quickly.

He grabbed the back of Vegeta's head and trusted his wet tounge into the slightly parted lips. Soon, he had pushed the older sayian on the bed. He pulled away the rest of Vegeta's tattered shirt and stopped his ravishing kisses to gaze upon the beauty before him. The prince stared back, his breath still trying to catch up to him and his cheeks flushed red. Goku kissed him again.

"I love you, my prince. I love you so much....... I promise I will never betray you. Not like they did." Goku's words were warm as he breathed them silently to Vegeta. And the ouji was touched by those words and something in his eyes. Their lips met again.

"Take me, Kakarot. Make me yours one more time." Goku nodded as he slipped two fingers into Vegeta's mouth, coating them with saliva.

The prince sucked on his fingers for a few moments before Goku pulled them away. The third class slid his hand behind Vegeta as he lifted the shorter man's bottem half up. Vegeta complied and wrapped his legs around Goku's thick neck.

Kakarot pressed his wet fingers to the prince's entrance, making his breaths shorter once again. Goku inserted one digit, then another.

Vegeta groaned as the fingers roamed inside him, stretching and pleasureing him quite wonderfully.

Goku watched him intensely.......... He was so handsom. He was lieing with his arms above his head, his raven hair was damp with sweat and his eyes were closed tight as he moaned through swollen lips. His fingers moved faster, loving the sight before him.

"Now..... Do it now."

Goku nodded at the dazed plea and took his fingers from the prince. Vegeta almost whined a complaint but gasped as Goku slid into him. The third class shuttered at the feel of his love and slowly he began to move. He started a rythm and Vegeta kept up pefectly as they began to go at unhuman speeds.

But Goku noticed The prince's eyes were still closed. He lent down and kissed him gentaly.

"Look at me." He demanded. Vegeta almost didn't hear him over their pants. He groaned trying to speak an answer.

"I-I.....uh..... I c-can't...." Goku suddenly stopped and Vegeta let out a whale of torment. His eyes fluttered open and he gave Goku a begging look.

"Why did you stop?" Goku glanced at him in silence for a moment.

"I want to see your eyes when I'm inside you. I want to see every sisation that runs through your heart...... You have such beautiful eyes......." He trailed off into silence as Vegeta smiled at him, staring back with his ebony orbs. Goku began to move again, but this time, they watched each other, spoke to each other with their looks and sounds.

The prince came again, his juices pouring out between them. His inner walls crushed Goku and with a scream, the third class threw back his head and came inside Vegeta.

They calapsed on the bed and soon fell asleep in each other's arms..... But is that the end to this twisted tail? Surely not.

He woke the next night, fully rested. He looked out the window of the small bedroom and smiled. Rain. He stared for a moment then looked down at his arms only to find them wrapped snugly around the pillow instead of his mate. Where had Vegeta gone to?

The third class shrugged it off. He probably was going to the bathroom or getting a glass of water. He would be back soon. And that he was.

Goku glanced at the doorway as his prince entered. He held a sheet around his nude body as he aproched the bed, glass of water in hand.

Goku smiled as the shadows of raindrops played on his skin. The prince smiled back as he slid under the covers. Their lips met again in a passionate kiss. Goku could never get enough of his taste. He knew he would be in love for the rest of his life.

They parted and Goku examined Vegeta. There was something a bit strange about him at this moment....... But what was it?

He didn't know, so Goku shruged off the thought and lifted his hand, brushing it against Vegeta's cheek.

"Did you sleep well, my prince?" Vegeta nodded slowly as he stared back at Goku with emotionless eyes.

The third class blinked. He drew his hand away slowly and a questioning look crept onto his features.

"Is something wro-" He was cut off by a scurring sound on the floor. Vegeta remanined unmoving as Goku leaned over the bed and glanced into the shadows of the dark. Suddenly a small white mouse darted across the wood floor and Kakarot jumped back in suprise. He turned to Vegeta, who's eyes were still glued to his mate.

"I never knew they had mice..." Goku trailed off as he glanced at the floor again.

"They do now." Stated the prince with a smile.

Kakarot looked at him in confusion and fear. 'Why am I afriad? I'm stronger then him..... But he wouldn't hurt me anyway, right?' Goku's thoughts raced past his brain as he lifted himself from the bed.

Vegeta stood after him on the oppisite side of the bed. There was tension as they were still in the silence.

"Whats going on?" Vegeta was silent as he began to make his way around the bed. Out of no where he slammed into Goku and pushed him against the wall. Goku Gasped in suprise. Vegeta held him down hard and......... He couldn't move!

"Do you feel weak, Kakarot?" Goku's eyes were filled with disbelf. How could this happen!? How could this be true!? It couldn't be the end. It just couldn't!

Goku snarled at him with anger and betrayle boiling in his blood. Vegeta smashed his lips to the third class's. Kakarot groaned in pain as blood began to roll from their kiss. He swirmed and struggled against Vegeta but it didn't work, nothing worked. He looked up at his prince as they parted from their kiss.

"How could you do this to me?........ I thought you loved me....." Tears were stinging in his eyes. vegeta stared at him for a moment then slammed him into the wall again.

"You are a fool! I could never love a monster like you. In fact, I hate you for everything you've done. So, I played along and when you put down your gaurd, I disabled you with restraints. I wish I could take care of you on my own but I had no choice. You're done for, kakarot. And as soon as you're gone, I will wish everyone back. You will be gone forever." Goku shook his head and a laugh escaped him as he tossed his head up against the wall he was pinned to. There was amusment in his voice.

"You think they will take you back after what you did!? I was the only one who loved you! They could never understand, they will surely hate you." Goku glanced at Vegeta as the prince tensed and clenched his teeth in anger. His head snapped up and he smacked Goku in furry.

"You are wrong! They will forgive me once they find I saved them. Everything will be fine."

Goku reached out a hand and brushed it over Vegeta's cheek.

"Don't be so fucking stupid. You know better then that. You were never happy before and you wont be happy after this. Hell, even your kids will hate you now." He laughed at Vegeta again.

"I didn't kill them-"

"Yes, but you didn't save them either." Vegeta growled at him.

"Nothinmg you say will save your pathetic excuse for a life and nothing you say will make me love you." Goku stopped his laughing and hurt came to his eyes once more. He growled back at the prince.

"You know you love me, don't deny it." Vegeta's mouth twisted into a grin.

"I love you, huh?" He pulled Goku from the wall and dragged him to the bed. Hurshly, the third class was thrown onto it. His head his the post and he groaned in pain. Vegeta pounced on him.

"This is how much I fucking love you!" He shot energy rings around Kakarot's writs and ankles.

"Does this seem familiar.?" He chuckled and Goku let out a cry of heart break as a tear rolled down his cheek and blood began to trickle from the raw wound on his head.

Vegeta swung his leg from around Goku's waist and stood on the side of the bed. He then turned and rushed from the room. He soon returned with a huge, metal, pot and a something like a box covered with a burgandy cloth. There was a lighter clenched in his teeth, the same one he had used to melt the skin from 18's body.

He struted up to the bed and placed the pot and lighter down next to a very confused Goku.

Vegeta smiled as he fisted the deep colored matieral in his plam. He pulled it from the object in his other hand and unvailed a cage of mice.

Goku cocked his head to the side and stared at the cage filled with many small verman, his face held in puzzlement.

Vegeta picked up the pot and palced it on his mate's stomach. He examined it to make sure there were no openings were the rim met Goku's flat abdoman. He smiled and then looked at the cage still held in his other hand. He lifted the pot just a little and then opened the bared door of the cage. Mice surried out and onto Kakarot's stomach. The tickling sinsation made him quite uncomfortable. He swirmed some more. When all of the mice were under the pot, Vegeta grabbed another sheet that was laying on the floor. He wrapped it arounf the top of the pot and then he lifted Goku's back, tieing the pot and his mate together. He stood for a minute in thought and his eyes searched the room. Finally, they landed on the nigth stand and a smirk crept over his face.

Vegeta made his way to one of the night stands across the room. He pushed the lamp and few small trinkets that sat on the wood. He lifted the table and broke off the thin legs. Turning back to Goku, Vegeta smiled as he carried the broken wood over to his mate and set it on top of the pot.

Kakarot was silent as tears rolled from his eyes. There was pain there and it made Vegeta flinch as he snached the lighter from the bed.

The prince took a moment to stare at Goku. His salty tears and dark blood stained the sheets as they sank into the mattress. There was a mixture of dispare, disbelif, and betrayle in his bottemless eyes. And the way his lips twisted everytime he tried to hold back a sob was pathetic and heart wrenching........ There was pitty in Vegeta's heart at that moment, yes he admited that but there was something else. Could it be love? NO! He resfused to believe that. One could only hate a monster like Kakarot..... But what if all this monster wanted was to be loved for real? What if he was sick of pretending for the rest of the world, just like the prince?

Vegeta shook his head at the bickering thoughts. He held the ligther to the wood and with one movement a flame came to life in his hand. The fire licked at the wood and soon, it was ablaze with bright colors.

Goku screamed and tears began to pour from his eyes again as he glanced at the fire. His eyes were blurry from the wound on his head and as everything aroun dhim began to swirl together he cried harder. He was afriad of the dark that was lapping at him, he was afriad of being alone in his mind were his thoughts could take him over. But more then anything he was terrorfied of the death that Vegeta intended. He wanted it to stop, he wanted it to be a nightmare! He wanted to wake up and hold his prince one more time. But he knew that this was very real.

Kakarot was drawn away from his thoughts as he felt a slight clawing at his stomach. It became harder and more urgant. The mice they were trying to dig through his skin!

"This is called the caldron. The mice trapped under that pot want to escape from the heat of the fire, but sence there is no way out, their only chance is through you." Vegeta smiled at Goku as he crossed his arms.

Goku looked back at him in horror and he tossed his head back, screaming in pain. The prince could hear the tearing of his flesh. Vegeta watched still. Soon blood began to dribble from the very small cracks in the pot. It ran onto the sheets and then to the floor. Drip, drip, drip.

Goku screams slowy softened into sobs. He could feel the little creatures racing around inside of him and it made his stomach turn.

A lump rose in his throt and vomit spouted from his lips, spilling all over the third class's face and chest. He sobbed again. The smell over powered him and he gagged at its fumes.

His body went limp and he could feel himself slipping away into nothing. He glanceed over at Vegeta one last time. The prince stood still and emotionless as he stared at the dieing warrior. There was a battle going on inside him and Goku knew exactly what it was.

In a finally plea, Kakarot opened his mouth and began to speak.

"D-dead....or.. alive, I... w-will al-always be....here, and you w-will always........ love......me...." His head dropped and there was silence as his skin went cold and his movements ceased.

Vegeta sighed heavily and shifted as he staredat the third class's body. Swiftly he turned on his heel and marched from the room. But he stopped in the doorway and looked back at his lover. The shadows of dieing flames danced on his face and a tear slipped down his cheek.

Yes, he had done the right thing........... But once he had loved the man he always desired, could he ever forget him? And once he had felt the blood of inocence on his hands, could he ever wash it away?

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I hoped you liked it. The fucker took me forever to write and it might have a sequal but I don't know........ I'm kinda lazy so it's hard to tell. Anywayz, PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! I love reviews..... they make me happy!!! ^_^ (see the happiness?) thank you to all the peeps that liked my writing! I love you all. Bye, bye!!!