Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural ❯ Chapter 7: Unexpected ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I'm getting the worse migraines ever, but I've been struck with inspiration and I thought I'd take this opportunity to write a little. Warning, this chapter may be a little angsty, because I'm putting poor Bulma through some emotional stuff… But she's a tough girl. I'm sorry it took forever for me to get this chapter out. But the updates for a while now may be like this, but not forever. Just bear with me.
To answer a question that a reader asked: Yes, this story takes place a little while after the GR exploded, and as far as sticking with canons, it's a definite yes for this story and the next, but I may throw in a twist in there… I'm indecisive with a certain conflict I want to put in this story. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Once we reach GT in the third story after the Buu Saga, I may not follow the story line for GT to a T, because one: I did not watch GT much which leads me to two: GT sucked! I did not like it, so I quit watching it. But I'm still deciding on how far I want to take the story. For this one, we have a long ways to go, for that I am sure of. Hope that answered any questions!
I am with Formspring now! Yay! Now, you have the ability to ask me anything and you can remain anonymous!
WARNING! The next few chapters there will be a time jump, and in this one too! Not too much of a jump, just enough to get this story rolling! And be prepared for more Yamcha in the next few chapters. I know, I don't like him much, but it needs to be done! But there will be more Bunny! I love her!
REVIEW THANKS TO: xXBrittyBabeXx, JeMS7, VladLover, KaguraTheWindGypsy, SuperSaiyan2479, TheRebelx3, Sasse1892, MissySullivan, xXAmiRogueXx, Jaylee-Rebel, aangfan, Mkeanomi15, LoVeLiKeARaZoR, Cloud Envy Shikamaru, Flame3723, mossgrl615, AutumnEquinox, Miss Katrina Malfoy (If I misspelled any of your pennames, I apologize… I got more reviews than I anticipated)
DISCLAIMER: DBZ isn't mine, but my birthday IS coming up. AND, Dr. Aki is also not mine, it is a name my friend Gabe made up and I love it!!
WARNING: This story is Rated M for sexual content, adult themes and language. If you are offended by sexual themes or any reference to sex, adult themes, or the use of profane language; this story is not for you! You have been warned!
…And onto the story…
Through the Looking Glass Book I: Unnatural
Chapter 7: Unexpected
Bulma moaned and turned over in bed, the sheets tangling with her movement. The rays of the sun was streaming in through the window above the headboard of her bed and shining directly onto her, causing her to stir from her deep sleep. Wait… Her bed? She raised her head from where it lay on the pillow and scoped around the room. She was definitely in her bed. Didn't she fall asleep in Vegeta's bed last night? Or had it been a dream?
No, it wasn't a dream; it couldn't have been a dream!
She flung the sheets from her body and saw that she was, in fact, naked. Well, if she was nude then why was she in her bed of all places and not snuggled up with Vegeta…? This was not how she expected things to go. Bulma sat up and ran a hand through her messy hair. How was she supposed to take this?
The moment she swung her legs off the bed, the soreness between her thighs intensified and caused her to catch her breath. Bulma carefully climbed to her feet and decided that a nice hot bath would soothe her soreness. Then she'd deal with Vegeta. She approached her bathroom and began to fill her tub with steamy hot water and climbed in. She sighed as the ache between her legs slowly faded away as she soaked her body. Bulma laid her head back against the edge of the tub as she replayed last nights events and what might've went wrong for her to end up in her bed the next morning.
I don't understand…
From what she could remember, nothing went wrong. She knew they were both immensely satisfied and the last thing she recalled was falling asleep, curled up against Vegeta's side. So why was she in her room? It has to have something to do with him! To say she felt hurt was an understatement. After giving him her body and waking up in her room the next day, Bulma felt thrown to the side like a measly piece of garbage.
This is just sex… His words repeated in her head, but she didn't want to believe them. She refused to acknowledge that what they just had was only sex and nothing else. Bulma felt something while with him; it was something she had never felt while with Yamcha. And now that she was alone in her bathroom, it brought tears to her eyes. Was she not desirable enough?
No! Bulma's mind screamed. If I weren't desirable, then last night would've never happened!
She refused to be thrown away.
There was a logical explanation for this.
She'd find out.
However, the moment she shifted to stand from the tub, the soreness between her legs reminded her why she was taking a bath in the first place. Bulma settled back in the warm water and calmed her thoughts. What was it that her father taught her? Always have a plan. Follow it step by step and victory will be in your grasp. She chuckled at the memory of her father repeating those words to her when she was a small child, his lab coat draped over her shoulders, engulfing her body. Even as a child, she always admired her father and wanted to follow in his footsteps.
After soaking for nearly an hour, Bulma lifted herself carefully from the cooling water and began to drain the tub. She turned and grabbed a towel to dry off with, then wrapped it about her body before leaving the bathroom altogether in search for some clean clothes. Once dressed, she left her room, her march determined as her earlier thoughts began to drift back to her. Immediately, Bulma wanted to search out Vegeta, but as her father's word replayed themselves, she changed directions and headed for the kitchen.
She paused as she passed a nearby window and did a double take at what was out on the lawn. A few boxes were scattered across the yard in front of the simulator and immediately a red flag rose in Bulma's head. What was going on? Instead of heading directly for the kitchen, she passed it and left the compound, bee-lining for the GR as if her life depended on it. She had a bad feeling and from the looks of it… Bulma couldn't even handle the thought.
Coming up on the simulator she walked in, expecting to see Vegeta, but he wasn't there. Well, if he wasn't there then why were there boxes laid out like someone was moving? A heavy unsettling feeling came over Bulma as she turned from GR and walked back into the compound. Was he leaving? This didn't make any sense!
Losing her appetite, she passed the kitchen once again and found herself in front of her father's office. Her parents came back early that morning and if anyone knew anything about the boxes being out front, it would be her father. She knocked twice on the door lightly and waited till Dr. Briefs opened the door and smiled crookedly at his daughter.
“Hi, Daddy. How was your trip?” Bulma asked in a daze, her thoughts elsewhere.
Noting this, he chuckled, but still replied. “It was lovely, dear. Exceptionally beautiful.” He gestured for her to enter his office and she did so slowly, her arms wrapping themselves around her waist in an almost protective manner. “What's troubling you, Bulma? You seem on edge.” Dr. Briefs questioned concerning as he closed the door behind them.
Bulma raised her head, tears threatening to surface, for she felt she already knew the answer to her question, but she held them back and brought forth a calming expression to her face. “Is Vegeta leaving? I saw boxes in front of the simulator.”
Dr. Briefs eyed his daughter, noting her slouched posture, but didn't say anything about it. He nodded hesitantly. “He is. He came to me early this morning demanding a ship, but I told him that the Gravity Room was already a ship. I offered to make him a new one, but he refused. He seemed in a hurry…” He watched Bulma nod at his statement and saw her face crumble, her eyes beginning to wet with unshed tears, but as quickly as they came, they disappeared and her face hardened. Dr. Briefs decided to leave out the part that Vegeta didn't want Bulma knowing.
“Well, if he needs a ship, he should've come to me, I would've been glad to get rid of him!” She yelled, then turned and stomped out of the room.
Dr. Briefs stood there, and then chuckled at her outburst. He knew the moment he and Bunny left for their trip that something would happen between the two stubborn beings, and from what he saw from her display, something indeed had happened while they were gone. But to what extent, he did not know. However, he had a good guess.
It seemed to him that his daughter was falling for the troublesome alien.
He sighed.
Now he owed Bunny fifteen hundred yen.
He knew better than to make a bet against his wife.
Vegeta brought out the final box from his room. He wasn't bringing everything, just essentials and the few things he had with him when he came to Earth. He placed the box in the simulator and walked out, giving the giant compound one more glance. To say he was relieved to be leaving was an understatement. He relished it. After last night, Vegeta knew that training in outer space was exactly what he needed and being here only distracted him.
She was distracting him and he couldn't allow it any more.
Though last night was very satisfying, Vegeta knew that if he stuck around, their tryst would only continue, which would result in him becoming even more distracted from his training. Since he was a child he was taught that training always came first. To be the strongest was to be the best and to be the best, one must train day in and day out. No exceptions. He also knew that if their sexual escapade continued, she would more than likely become attached and Vegeta couldn't have that. He already had trouble tolerating her; he couldn't even imagine how things would be if the situation were to change.
Vegeta turned back to the simulator, deciding that now was the best time to leave than ever. He was trying to move fast in an attempt to avoid the wench, but he winced and stopped all movements when he heard his name screamed from across the lawn. Turning back, Vegeta saw Bulma stomping towards him, fire in her eyes. Damn that blasted woman. How in hell did she find out? Thinking back to earlier that morning, he frowned. Of course. Her wretched father had to go and blabber to the one person he didn't want to know about his departure until after he left. Apparently the old man couldn't be trusted like Vegeta had assumed.
He folded his arms as he watched the angry onna approach him. What could she possibly want now?
Bulma stopped several feet away from him and he could clearly see the wetness outlining the rim of her eyes. He scoffed at her display of emotion. “Why didn't you come to me for a ship? I would've been glad to see you leave!” She yelled as she tried to fight back the betrayal and hurt she was beginning to feel. A part of her knew she was being irrational and that they had no attachments towards each other, but after she had spent the night with him, she couldn't deny her feelings any longer. And it shamed her for falling apart in front of the one being who caused those feelings; whom didn't return them at all.
Vegeta rolled his eyes. “Please, I'm just as happy to be leaving this backwater of a planet. There was no need to go to you for a ship when I had already acquired one!”
Her fists clenched at his words and she took them as he was happy he was leaving her and she knew that he probably was. It hurt just the same. Bulma took a breath and glared at him. “How long do you plan on being gone? Or are you leaving forever?”
He frowned at the quiver behind her voice. She was becoming too emotional for his liking. “About five months, not that it's any of your business,” Vegeta replied coldly.
Bulma unleashed, the tears becoming ever more present. “Of course it's my business!” She screamed; her face nearly red as she fought back the tears from falling. “That's my fucking ship you're taking off with!
Vegeta winced as her high pitched wails assaulted his sensitive hearing and he stepped forward, cutting off her next sentence. His glare was frigid and it caused Bulma to take a step back, her mouth immediately snapping shut. Her rational brain was screaming at her that she was being ridiculous, that she should just allow the man to leave, but her heart fought back with a vengeance, silencing the voice that screamed in the back of her mind.
“Get a hold of yourself, onna.” Vegeta began, his voice steady and bitter. “I told you it meant nothing.”
Bulma swallowed hard and bit her tongue. Her hands were shaking and she fisted them to stop the trembles. He was right, she knew that. But it only meant nothing to him. She blamed it on her heart. It always got away from her and she couldn't control it like he could. So, instead of arguing with him, she simply nodded and stared hard into his eyes, before she slowly backed away, silently telling him she gave up.
To his surprise, she said nothing. But what could she say? Bulma had just as much pride as Vegeta did, and she just wounded it all on her own by giving into her emotions so freely. However, it bothered her that he was leaving and they were parting on such terms. But, then again, what could she say?
Instead, she thought, what would Vegeta say?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Bulma wiped her eyes dry subtly, trying to regain some of her dignity. She then lifted her head and folded her arms, acting as if their argument meant nothing to her. Their eyes met and she watched as he turned and closed the door behind him. Then, Bulma watched as the simulator began to power up and ready for take-off. She stepped further back until she decided to turn completely and head inside.
She'd pretend that him leaving didn't bother her, but inside, her heart was breaking.
Bulma let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes when she heard the simulator blast off, with Vegeta inside.
He watched as the blue planet got smaller and smaller as the domed ship drifted further away. Relief filled Vegeta instantly. He turned away from the small window and engaged the gravity to continue his training. It was harder than it should have been to leave and Bulma only made it worse. He knew that bedding her wasn't the best of ideas and he vowed that when he returned, it would never happen again.
Vegeta fell to the floor once the gravity was initiated, and his pushups began. He knew where he was heading, and it would take nearly two months just to get there. A nice abandoned planet was what the prince needed. A place with no inhabitants, where he could train in peace.
He pushed Bulma to the furthest part of his mind and focused on his ascension. He still couldn't fathom how a third class idiot was able to ascend before he was able to! What was his secret? Just thinking about him caused Vegeta's blood to boil and he rose from his position and punched at the air, sweat already building around his neck.
Growling, Vegeta imagined Goku standing before him with that goofy smirk on his face. He aimed his punch for Goku's head, then switched tactics and began to use ki blasts.
He trained till he passed out from exhaustion.
One month passed since Vegeta left the planet. One long month while Bulma locked herself away in her lab, working on her latest project. Shortly after Vegeta left, Bulma headed straight for her father's office and nearly demanded to be given some work. It was then she found her arms piled with blueprints for their newest virtual reality simulator. Her eyes had widened at the many prints she held, several of them falling to her feet, and she looked up at her father, suddenly overwhelmed with her future work. But she didn't complain. Bulma needed it. She wanted something to rid her mind of Vegeta.
So, for the last month, Dr. Briefs had been in and out of Bulma's private lab as they edited and sketched the new simulator for the government. And occasionally, when she stepped away from her overloaded desk, Vegeta would flood her mind, causing Bulma to shed a few tears.
She made sure to only leave her lab when absolutely necessary.
Her parents knew something had happened between the two. A week after Vegeta left, Bunny approached her daughter right before dinner about her behavior. And being Bunny, she blatantly asked if they had slept together only to watch as Bulma turned redder than a tomato, sputter off some violent response, and stomp away. She barely heard her mother giggle with amusement at her outburst.
So, avoiding Vegeta plaguing her mind wasn't the only thing she was doing. She was also avoiding her parents as much as possible.
Now, Bulma had her head cradled in her hands as she stared at the many equations and lines that marked the paper before her. She huffed and sat her pencil down before rolling the long sheet up and putting it away. It was close to dinner and Bulma dreaded eating with her mother.
I'll just eat in the lab.
As she left her lab, Bulma felt a turning sensation in her stomach and nausea crept its way through her system. She groaned and leaned against the wall as a wave of dizziness hit her and immediately, she threw a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from vomiting.
This wasn't the first time this had happened, but it hadn't been happening long. Only the last few days had she been feeling sick. Vaguely she recalled having lunch at the new seafood restaurant with her mother just last week, and her immediate thought was food poisoning. Bulma closed her eyes and leveled her breathing until the spell disappeared.
Maybe food isn't such a good idea…
After shaking off the affects, she took a deep breath and decided to pass on dinner, even though her stomach grumbled for food. Leaving the hallway behind, Bulma made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water, stepping around her mother as she cooked. She filled her glass and sipped at it cautiously.
“Don't leave a plate for me tonight. I think I'm going to head to bed early,” Bulma informed her mother as she leaned against the counter, occasionally taking a sip of her water.
Bunny lifted her head to look at Bulma and placed a hand on her cheek. “Are you all right, dear?”
“I just don't feel good.”
“All right. I'll make a plate for you for later if you want?”
Nodding, Bulma emptied her glass, refilled it, and left the kitchen, the nausea already creeping its way back at the smell of her mother's cooking. Once in her bedroom, she sat the glass on her nightstand and lay in bed. Not once had she ever felt sick from just smelling her mother's food, not even when she was sick. But now, the stew her mother was cooking was repulsive and made her want to vomit.
She laid her head on her pillow and closed her eyes, not bothering to undress as sleep took her easily.
A week passed and Bulma had her head rested on the toilet lid, her hand lifting to flush it. Her mother stood behind her, softly brushing her hair away from her face. Bulma sighed at the reassuring gesture and leaned against her mother's shoulder, the dizziness finally leaving.
Not too long after Bulma feel asleep last week, she awoke with the violent urge to vomit and barely made it to the bathroom as the contents of her stomach left her body quickly. Ever since, the spells continued to come and go.
“This has gone on long enough. I'm making you an appointment tomorrow!” Bunny declared as she wiped at her daughter's face with a cool cloth. Bulma didn't disagree, but sighed heavily, disliking the fact of visiting a doctor. She had been avoiding her yearly physicals and occasional checkups, and knew that this appointment wouldn't be pleasant. Bulma hated doctors.
She hesitantly nodded and Bunny stood. “Can you stand, sweetie?”
“Yeah. I actually feel better,” Bulma exclaimed as she climbed to her feet. “I don't think I need to see a doctor, it's just food poisoning.”
“I'm still worried. It's better to be safe than sorry.”
Frowning, Bulma glared at her mother, knowing she was just as stubborn and not going to budge on the subject. She heaved off the wall and left the bathroom without a word, her feet stomping to announce her distaste to the upcoming appointment, but Bunny just chuckled. She followed after Bulma, making sure to call the doctors as soon as lunch was made.
Bulma's leg continued to shake as she sat in the waiting room of her doctor's office, her mother lounging beside her reading a home and garden magazine. She rubbed her sweaty hands on her pants and folded her arms, then legs to stop her knee from shaking. She hated doctors, not because of their ability to use sharp objects, but because of their knowledge. Why go to a doctor when she knew what was wrong with herself? It was ridiculous.
It also didn't help the fact that the last time she visited a doctor, whom wasn't her own family practitioner, had leaked out some information about her to the public, causing rumors to fly left and right, and a panic phone call from Yamcha.
That was the last time she made any appointment with a doctor.
To say she was upset to be here was an understatement, but she only hoped that her mother was smart and paid these people to be quiet about her visit.
Her head lifted when she saw her doctor walk out and gestured for Bulma to follow her. Doing so, Bulma found herself forced to sit on the exam table, her leg shaking again from both nervousness and agitation. She folded her hands and smiled politely at the doctor, though inside she wanted to push her over and run from the room without looking back.
“Hello, Miss Briefs, I am Dr. Aki,” the doctor started out, her smile polite and friendly. “I was informed that we need to keep this visit on the down-low, correct?”
Bulma nodded. “Yes, the last doctor I saw apparently didn't understand the terms, doctor patient confidentiality.”
Dr. Aki smiled and chuckled. “Well, I can assure you that I take that policy very seriously and no one will know that you've been seen here.” She sat down on her small stool, setting her folder in front of her and clicked her pen. The doctor opened her folder and read Bulma's file, her eyebrows rising with surprise. “I see that you haven't had a physical in almost three years!”
Bulma, again, nodded, this time sheepishly.
“Well, we'll need to take care of that while you're here, but first things first. Why are you here today?”
Taking a deep breath, already feeling the nausea bubble within the pits of her stomach, Bulma started. “I've been getting sick for the last week. I actually feel nauseated now.”
Dr. Aki nodded as she wrote in the file. “Is it just nausea or are you dizzy, have a runny nose, fever?”
Bulma shook her head. “Dizzy, nauseated… I've also been vomiting…” She stopped her sentence and closed her eyes, her hand covering her mouth to prevent herself from getting sick again.
The doctor watched this and opened a cabinet, handing Bulma a small bucket. “Just in case.” She looked over at Bunny whom was rubbing Bulma's back. “So, it's only been the last week?”
Bunny nodded. “She seems to think its food poisoning, but I'm not so sure...” She trailed off.
Dr. Aki continued to write, then snapped her head up when she saw Bulma had recovered from her spell. “Are you sexually active, Miss Briefs?”
Bulma shook her head. “No, it's been a while.”
She watched she her doctor through her a skeptical look. “And how long is a while?”
“Um… A little over a month…” Her eyes widened at the realization and her heart began to pump even faster. “You don't think…”
Dr. Aki nodded as she finished her note and stood. “Anything is possible with sex.” She pulled out a small specimen cup. “Just to be safe, let's take a urine sample and do a pregnancy test.”
Bulma stared at the small cup held before her, panic beginning to settle within. She slowly took the cup with an unsteady hand and left the room.
The moment she left, Bunny squealed. “Oh, I hope she's pregnant! I've always wanted grandchildren!” Dr. Aki chuckled, but knew from the look Bulma held before she left that she would feel entirely different.
They waited a total of five minutes before Bulma came walking back in with the filled cup and she handed it to the doctor. She sat on the exam table, dreading the results she would hear before the end of her visit.
Dr. Aki smiled gently. “All right, I'm going to run this to the lab and I'll be back shortly.”
This could not be happening. It was suppose to be a simple food poisoning, something she could get over in just a short few days. But something like this just didn't go away that easy. It was permanent! What the hell was she going to do now?
Bulma sat on her bed, having just got home from her appointment. She could still hear her mother talking enthusiastically with her father over her knew found pregnancy, already planning for the future. However, she felt entirely different. Her hands were pressed to her stomach as if she could feel the life growing within her; her shock had yet to disappear. It didn't take as long as she had anticipated for them to run the test. When Dr. Aki came back into the exam room, Bulma continued to chant please don't say it over and over in her head, but when the words Congratulations, you're pregnant, Miss Briefs left the doctors mouth, she sat stunned.
What was she suppose to do now?
Then, when they left, Bulma zoned out, her mother's babbling becoming a hum in the background as panic flooded her mind. It was inevitable when she began to think of Vegeta and how he would react once he returned from space. Would he be angry? Would he care?
It wasn't until Bulma was in her bedroom when the real panic kicked in… and the loneliness. Tears filled her eyes and she buried her head in her hands as she sobbed. She could handle the pregnancy; that she knew of. But the fact that she had to handle it alone never hit her till now. She had no idea what she was doing and what the future held for her.
A soft knock sounded at her door and she lifted her head from her hands, quickly wiping the many tears that streaked down her face as her mother walked through. Bunny smiled gently and sat down next to Bulma, her arm sliding its way around her shoulders comfortingly. Bulma, then, laid her head on her mother's shoulder, tears still falling from her eyes.
“I'm so scared, Momma…” Bulma whispered hoarsely.
Bunny chuckled and rubbed her arm. “Don't worry yourself, sweetheart. We'll get through this.”
Bulma stiffened when she heard we instead of you and for just a moment, her tears stopped. But only for a moment. She looked up at her mother, her face still wet, and her eyes wide. Bunny just smiled and wiped the wetness from her daughters face, then leaned in and kissed her on the forehead sweetly.
“You've forgotten that I've gone through this before, darling,” Bunny wrapped Bulma in a tight embrace, stroking her hair lovingly. “I didn't expect to have you, but it was the best thing that happened to me.”
Her breathing even out at her mother's attention and she, too, wrapped her arms around Bunny's waist. “I thought you and Daddy…” Bulma trailed off, unsure of how to finish her sentence.
Bunny chuckled and shook her head. “No. You're father was so busy before you were born that we hardly ever saw each other except for nights,” she giggled at Bulma's groan. “We had agreed to wait on having children for several more years, but fate had different plans for us.”
Bulma sat up, her sniffling becoming a nuisance to her as she reached for a tissue. She blew her nose and cradled another tissue in her hands.
“So, how did Daddy take the news?”
For the first time, Bunny's smile dropped and her face became serious. “You need to realize that your father loves you like nothing else in this world. But back then, times were much harder for us…” she trailed off and took a deep breath. “I didn't tell him for a month. I never saw him and when I did, he was always so stressed. The company was just taking off and your father was dealing with big people. And when I did tell him, he wasn't entirely… happy….”
Bulma's eyes widened, her heart feeling a slight pang at her mother's words. She couldn't imagine her father not wanting her; she was a Daddy's girl. Her father treated her like she was a princess and taught her everything she knew about engineering and science. When she went to open her mouth to protest this to her mother, Bunny held up a hand and shook her head.
“We fought, but not once did he suggest an abortion. I knew he was just stressed. We both weren't expecting this. But he saw I was happy and as time went on, your father came around too.”
Bulma narrowed her eyes in confusion, knowing there was more to the story than what Bunny was letting on. Seeing this, Bunny just smiled and patted her leg gently. “What I'm saying is, I know you're worried about what Vegeta is going to think when he comes back. He reminds me a lot of Trunks. If you give him time, he'll come around.” She said slowly. “Besides, you have more important things to worry about.” Bunny giggled as she rubbed Bulma's stomach.
Bulma's eyes began to water at her mother's words and she threw her arms around her shoulders in a tight embrace.
“I love you, Momma…” she whispered in her mother's ear.
“I love you too, my sweet angel.”
They sat like that, both holding each other firmly in silence as Bulma's tears began to dry and her sniffling slowed.
“I also think you should tell Yamcha…” Bunny whispered and Bulma closed her eyes, already dreading his reaction.
Bulma paced back and forth in her living room. She called Yamcha twenty minutes ago, telling him she needed to talk to him, that it was important, and immediately hung up without waiting for his response. After having that conversation with her mother, some of the weight lifted off her shoulders, allowing her to breathe and think clearly. She decided to wait a few days to call her ex; she wanted time to deal with the fact that she was pregnant. She also wanted to plan how she was going to tell him.
Today, she impulsively picked up the phone and dialed his number, then blabbered off what she needed to say and hung up. Bulma knew he wouldn't take long to see her and her hands continued to shake at her nervousness. She sat down on her couch, her knee bouncing with her agitation.
Then, the realization that she was going to tell the one person who hated Vegeta the most finally settled in.
Oh Kami! What the fuck am I doing?
In a panic she ran to the phone and began to dial his number, but she was too late. A knock sounded at the front door and Bulma set the phone down on the end table. Think, Bulma, think!
The immediate thought to pretend she wasn't home appeared, but she brushed it off with a scoff.
He knows your home, dumbass!
Taking a deep, though shaky breath, Bulma lifted a hand and turned the knob to the door slowly. Why was she doing this again? Oh yeah… He deserved to know… Scowling before she opened the door, Bulma decided to blame her mother on her sudden conscious and worrying for what Yamcha would think. Scowl lifted and replaced with an expressionless face, Bulma opened the door wide, revealing a concerned Yamcha on the other side.
There was no Hi, no Hey babe, no usual greeting that normally came from him. Instead, he stepped through the doorway, slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in for a tight hug.
“You freaked me out when you called, what's going on, B?”
Bulma found that she couldn't even open her mouth to reply. He called her B. He never called her B. She never had the heart to tell him she hated that dreadful nickname he always called her. Babe… It just didn't sit well with her. But when he called her B, it felt different. More authentic.
Without replying, she wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed, her eyes already brimming with unshed tears, but she hid her face in his chest so he wouldn't see. What would he think once she told him? She knew he'd be angry, but would he listen? Would he understand?
Bulma nearly sobbed when her last thought was how desperate she needed Yamcha to be there for her.
She was afraid to say anything now.
More so than before.
She felt his hands slide to her shoulders and he gently pushed her away to get a good look at her. His face crumbled when he saw tear streaks down her cheeks. Bringing her back into his embrace, he shook his head, completely confused and utterly worried.
“What the hell is going on, Bulma? You're not telling me something…”
My Kami… He actually sounds worried… Bulma wanted to hit herself at that thought.
She pulled away from him, turned, and began to walk towards the couch to take a seat. He followed close behind, his thoughts getting more worse by the second. Was she dying? No, that's ludicrous!
They both sat on the couch and she made sure to have a good foot between them. Bulma wiped at her eyes and inhaled, then exhaled. How to tell him without being blunt? Was there even a way?
“Bulma?” Yamcha questioned, though it sounded more like a demand.
Building the courage, Bulma faced him full on, her game face on as she finally threw out what she had been holding in. Her heart was hammering in her chest and her palms were sweaty, but none of that mattered. She had to tell him. It didn't feel right, him not knowing. Besides, even if she didn't tell him now, he would've eventually found out.
Instinctually, Bulma pressed a hand to her stomach protectively as she stared him squarely in the eyes.
“I'm pregnant, Yamcha…”
Dun dun dun….
So, I've been down in the dumps, but I told myself I HAD to write. I'm not going to lie to you guys, with all the (please excuse my French) bullshit that's been happening, that damn writer's block has been kicking in hard, but I'm pushing on through! I've been reading some books for inspiration. I'll leave a list of my inspirational books and sound track that I listen to when I write on my blog sometime tomorrow.
The next couple chapters, there will be a big time jump, probably in the next two. I want to get a good view of how Bulma deals with her pregnancy without Vegeta and show how Yamcha steps in, even though they really don't show it in the series, but what the hell. You may hate me for bringing Yamcha back, but we all know it needs to be done. Don't worry, he will be a douche again later.
I apologize for the length it took me to write this, but that's life. I've been tweeting and blogging my frustrations with my home life, my family, my car, and my father, while also updating on what's going on with this story and any possible future stories. Check it out at my blog on my profile.
Thanks for sticking with me! I love you all!
Until next time, my lovelies!