Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unpredictable ❯ Command (By Meg) ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ok, basically this took a while for me to write because of schoolwork, so here is the next chapter of 'Unpredictable' by me, Meg.

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Last chapter: Pan was trying to explain the situation to Goten within the bathroom, and Bra was in Trunks office calling Pan.

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..."Oh so that is what he wants to talk to us about?" Goten asked, with a puzzled expression.

'Maybe I should clarify it again' thought Pan, 'he doesn't seem to grasp the reality of the situation quite yet' Pan started tapping her fingers on the bathroom sink out of impatience, "Yeah, I don't know exactly why but basically he's going to tell us we are forbidden to see anyone related to Vegeta, which includes both of our best friends." she added the last part angrily 'How can I live without talking to Bra, or ever seeing her or Trunks again' she thought.

"Oh great, I doubt that there is anyway out of this is there?" Goten asked hopefully, 'I can go a while with out seeing them, but things would get pretty weird for a real long time, besides Trunks is my best friend, I wonder how they're reacting to all of this' he thought, then grabbed Pans arm so she would stop tapping her nails, it was driving him crazy.

"I don't know, I guess we can just hope that they will forget about it eventually" she said, grabbing her arm out of his grasp and inspecting it for any injuries.

"Yeah right, there's no way Vegeta will forget something like that" sighed Goten, opening the door.

"Yeah well, we better go downstairs before they wonder what's taking us so long" Pan walked out of the door and was followed by Goten to the top of the stairs.

"Good idea, here we go" They both walked down the stairs, Pan was crossing her fingers in hopes that she overheard incorrectly.

They walked down the stairs and into the living room, the whole family was there sitting in various places around the room. Goten sat next to his father on the couch, and Pan sat on the corner of the fireplace.

"What's this little family meeting about?" asked Pan.

"Well..." Gohan looked at his wife and then his father. Setting his face to one of anger he began his explanation.
"My father and I have decided that no one in this family should consult with Vegeta's family anymore, this includes Pan and Goten. Vegeta has made it quite clear that he is an arrogant, self centered man..." Goku gave a slight cough and Gohan continued carefully, "who doesn't want to associate with us, and we do not want you to associate with them for your own safety, and because we don't want those attitudes to rub off on you. I don't want to hear any 'ifs, ands or buts' It's very simple. Don't associate with any of them"

Gohan surveyed the room and slightly noticed that Pan did not have a surprised look on her face. He noticed his daughter open her mouth as if she had a plan to argue but he spoke first. "That is the final word, I don't want to discuss this any further. We can easily get on with our lives with out their attitudes and dangerous minds messing up our lives." He got up along with Goku and they walked out of the room.

"That went well," said Gohan, who ignored his fathers' stare and walked into the kitchen.

Videl sat in her chair for a moment with ChiChi. They both portrayed a surprised look.

'Obviously they just found out too' thought Pan. Everyone got up and left but Videl pulled Pan aside. Glancing around the corner she lowered her voice. "Honey, I know Bra's your best friend and all, but I think for a while you might want to stay away from them until this whole ordeal is worked out, promise me Pan?"

Pan nodded then ran up the stairs to her room. Goten went up to his as well. Walking down the hall Goten wondered exactly how Trunks and Bra had reacted to the news, and if Vegeta had given them some sort of command within the same nature.

Pan walked into her room and sat at her desk. 'I might as well write a letter to Bra, I can get a mutual friend or someone to get it to her' she thought as she pulled out some stationary and a pen. Before she could write she saw the small light blink on the phone, 'that only happens about 2 seconds before any phone in the house rings' she thought and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she said,

"Hi Pan?" asked a voice on the other side of the phone. Pan almost dropped the phone at the realization that the voice on the other line belonged to Bra.

Pan looked over in the other direction, double-checking the lock on her door she eased under her desk and lowered her voice.

"Bra? I'm not supposed to talk to you. How are you? How'd you get a chance to call?..."

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Ok everyone, there was my chapter, I'll try and make them longer from now on but I have a big project this week that is 50% of my average, so this should be one of the last short ones I put out.

Hey Jen, well it's your turn to write a chapter. Good luck!!!

Oh yeah and everyone? Go ahead and REVIEW!!!!!! Please, pretty please? Pretty please with ice cream on top?