Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Urban Legends ❯ The Witch's Grave ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, any Urban Legends (created or on the movie) blah blah blah...

Urban Legends
Chapter Two
: The Witch’s Grave

A week passed without either of the two players contacting the other, life had resumed to normal and night was quickly falling, signaling the start of the game. One of the players drove down the road, taking a turn and making it onto the highway. A nice, long drive around the mountains, lots of drop offs that could mean something interesting.

A simple legend to start the game, no one is expecting it so who cares which one, it‘ll get the media buzzing and that‘s enough.

Their lights remained off, just waiting for the unfortunate person to flash their lights, signaling to them to turn their own on. Several cars passed each not knowing that they’d dodged death. Each person wondering why someone didn’t have their lights on since it was such a treacherous stretch of road. Finally after an hour from when the drive had begun; a black Pontiac flashed their lights.

A vicious grin took over the person’s face as they took a sharp U-turn, following after their victim. They began to rapidly flash their high beams, speeding up dangerously after the other car. All the while the other remained in perfect control of their vehicle.

The woman in the other vehicle glanced in her mirror, confusion taking over her features as the vehicle she’d warned started following her. “What the hell are they doing?” she whispered to herself, scowling as she sped up to rid herself of the annoying flashing light.

She squinted as the other person sped up after her; she could see their face and silently cursed herself for not charging her phone. The woman took the next turn going 89MPH as she kept letting her eyes dart towards the rearview mirror. She knew how sharp and long the turn was, so she started to silently pray that she’d make it through the turn.

The turn was too sharp and the woman made the mistake of looking backwards, completely turning her body to get a better view of her tormentor. A gasp was all she was able to utter as her vehicle broke through the railing on the side of the cliff before a scream erupted. Her Pontiac sailed through the air, making no noise as it continued out a ways from the road, on nothing but air before it started to fall straight down. For the woman inside the vehicle it all happened in slow motion as they watched their life pass before her eyes, tears spilled down her cheeks as she closed her eyes tightly and gripped the steering wheel.

The person behind her had slowed down, waving slightly when they’d seen the woman turn around, the small smile still on their face as they stopped abruptly and got out of their car. Rushing to the side of the road, they watched as the car plummeted off the mountain side before crashing into some rocks and exploding. The flash of fire caught their eyes, illuminating them for a few minutes.

“And the press coverage for this is going to be great.” they murmured into the darkness, knowing someone was going to call this in.

They quickly turned and got into their vehicle, speeding away from the scene of the crime. During their brief chase they’d passed two other cars that could have easily reported what had happened. “That’s one for me…”


The blue haired female college student walked back towards her dorm room, a grin gracing her full lips as she walked by a group of people, turning their heads in her direction. A brilliant smile was flashed in their direction as she pushed a strand of hair behind her right ear. She fit the perfect profile of a college senior, the confidence, the class, the grace, and the knowledge.

Her sapphire eyes darted to her left, catching the sight of her best friend making out with her boyfriend, their arms wrapped around each other. “Chichi!” the woman yelled, causing her friend to break contact with her boyfriend for a moment.

“Hey, Bulma. Are we still going to have lunch?” Chichi grinned, feeling Goku’s arms go around her slim waist. Chichi’s black hair fell in layers down her back which was the same color as her top; a pair of dark blue jeans completed her appearance. It was the perfect outfit for the cool fall weather and her boyfriend didn’t seem to mind as he looped his fingers through her belt loops.

“Yeah, if Sumko ever shows up!” Bulma muttered, rolling her eyes when she noticed him jogging towards them. His dark brown spiked slightly, catching the sunlight that peaked through the clouds, his deep blue eyes pleaded with them as he stopped.

“Sorry I’m late, my professor wanted to ask me a couple of questions.” he pulled Bulma in for a quick kiss, before pulling away. “Are we still up for lunch?” and wrapping his arms around her, giving her a smile that he hoped would ease her ire.

Bulma let a sigh escape before shrugging her shoulders as she just let it go, “Yeah, lets go.” she glanced at her boyfriend, he wore a university t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans.

Once they finally got to the café and ordered, Chichi leaned across the table with the same look Bulma had seen time after time. The gossip look. She knew something and wanted to tell someone, anyone.

“Did you see the news this morning?” she could barely contain the excitement in her voice as she locked eyes with Bulma who was busy fiddling with the silver ring on her right hand before she glanced up.

“No, I had an early class.” Bulma leaned forward; figuring Chichi was about to spill something interesting. “What was on the news?”

“This woman was killed last night after her car went off a cliff on the mountainside, crashing into some rocks.”

“And this is special-how?” a skeptical look crossed Bulma’s features as she started to lean back, feeling Sumko’s hands trailing up her back.

“Well there were two witnesses that drove past her on the opposite side of the road; they said that there was a vehicle chasing her at high speeds, flashing their high beams.” Chichi paused, “There were several others that came forward saying how there had been a car driving down that same stretch of road without their lights on. There were three stations covering it, one had two separate reporters! Its big news, Bulma.”


̶ 0;It’s an urban legend! Or at least it’s like one.” Chichi grinned, “I figured that out when I got this strange email full of them, and I figured what the hell and read through it. It was some popular email that someone compiled all these legends in and then sent it out for some strange reason.”

Bulma’s eyes widened, “I know which one that is.” she flipped her slightly wavy hair over her shoulder so it fell down her back.

“I know! You wouldn’t believe all the creepy legends there are out there! There is this one talking about a girl who spends the night in a graveyard to prove she doesn’t believe in all the stories, the next day her friends find her, dead, in the arms of an angel statue. Or about the witch’s grave where it holds you down if you lay on it when the clock strikes midnight. And there was another one with that story about a tradition at this college, during finals week, at midnight everyone screams out to release all the tension. During this time someone is murdered on campus and no one can hear their screams over their own. They’re later discovered by another student.” Chichi took a deep breath, when she got to talking she had a tendency to not breathe, since she wanted to get it all out at once. It was something that Bulma had always found annoying, yet was impressed that her friend could manage to talk that much without taking a breath.

Chichi shivered after telling them and regaining her breath. “It freaks me out that things like that can happen.”

“Well, Chi. I guess you’re screwed because that last one is a tradition at this college and finals week will eventually come up before we graduate. Since there was only one death, just stay in our dorm room with me and you’ll be safe.” Bulma laughed, watching as the waitress came up to the table with their drinks.

“Damn, I forgot all about that one. The professors that came up with that said it helps you relieve all that pent up stress! We were just talking about it two weeks ago.” Chichi paused, taking a drink before returning to the conversation at hand. She faintly realized that their boyfriends were having some conversation, not really caring to find out what it was about. “Hey, let’s try out one of these.” her eyes gleamed mischievously.

“Try one out?” Bulma arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “What do you mean? Are you insane? Someone dies because of an urban legend and now you want to try one out?” she couldn’t keep the skepticism out of her voice as she locked eyes with her best friend.

“Well, Juu is always boasting about how tough she is, why not get her to help us find that other witch grave? After all, she seems unshakeable, she shouldn‘t have a problem.”

Bulma blinked, “Juu? She just broke up with her boyfriend, well they’re on their on again off again time of the month. It would be wrong.” she smiled, looking around the café.

“It would be wrong not to try one, just for fun. Come on, one last stupid thing before we graduate from college! We have this year left and then we’re out in the real world. Why not have a little fun?”

“Why not? We’ll try and get her to do that one tomorrow night.” Bulma leaned back completely, their conversation over as she once again scanned the area.

Dark blue caught her eyes as she glanced over in time to see Launch walk into the café, her matching blue eyes alight with happiness as she looked around. She wore a pair of tight, ripped blue jeans and a low cut red top, her boots clicking on the tiled floor as she turned around waiting for her companion to enter.

Bulma rolled her eyes, she personally didn’t care for Launch; she was shallow and a little lap dog. Her boyfriend however, was a different story; Bulma had known him for years. She watched as Vegeta Ouji strolled into the café, looking out of place as usual. His flame like hair was the first thing that caught anyone’s attention, then his badass smirk which fit his attire for the day. He wore a white wife beater with a black button down over it and ripped dark faded jeans with black boots. He came to stand next to Launch, his arm going around her waist as the waitress came over to seat them.

He glanced around, his pitch black eyes locked onto Bulma as he indicated to the waitress to seat them over in her direction. A groan escaped Bulma’s lips as she buried her face in her hands; he was trying to drive her insane.

Goku turned around, looking to see the source of Bulma’s discontentment and saw his friend. “Hey, Vegeta. What are you doing in here? I thought you hated this place.” Goku grinned, watching as the waitress sat them at the table next to them.

Launch beamed, “Well, Geta asked me where I wanted to eat and this is where I wanted to go.” she took her seat across from Vegeta, looking at the menu before her as she ordered tea while ordering the same drink for Vegeta.

“Oh, well congratulations Launch on getting Mr. Stick up the Ass to do anything he doesn’t really want to.” Bulma turned her attention away from Launch’s shocked face to see Chichi trying not to snicker.

“Ouch, Bulma, I think you were trying to hurt my feelings.” Vegeta smirked, watching as Bulma turned back to look at him with an innocent look on her face, just for show.

“Well I actually figured that was a complement, considering I dumbed down my insult so Launch could understand as well.” Bulma smirked, enjoying the conversation already.

“Really, well maybe you ought to be a little nicer, seeing as complete strangers are being killed.” Vegeta grinned wickedly as he watched Bulma glare at him. “I mean take that poor woman for example, out of no where she flashes her lights, trying to be nice and ends up getting chased off a cliff by the same person she tried to warn.”

“You know, one of these days someone is going to take your morbid little comments as a threat and you’re going to end up with a rap sheet.” she jabbed, watching as the waitress sat their food down before leaving them to take Vegeta and Launch‘s order. “Now if you’ll excuse me, our food is here and I’d really hate to loose my appetite while talking with either of you.”


“And that’s all you have to do, Juu. You come with us to the graveyard so we can find the witch’s grave.” Bulma grinned, her back currently resting against the wall as she sat cross-legged on the futon she had in the main room.

“How do you know I won’t leave and then come back later?” Juu shook her head, tossing her golden blond locks over her shoulder casually. Her legs tucked neatly under her as she sat in one of the random chairs the two females had acquired, next to ChiChi who was also in one, while Bulma was across from them.

“Well, if you find it, leave two sticks in the shape of an X, that way we‘ll know you were there! IF you find it first and you get tired of waiting for us to find you, then you can leave and we’ll try it the next night.” Bulma’s eyes danced with mischief. “I heard it was somewhere in there, Chi knows where it is, but I don’t. There are two of them in there actually, so Chichi will have to look for the other one.”

“Well what do you do after you find it?” Juu asked, leaning forward as Bulma grinned letting one of her pajama clad legs dangle over her futon as she pushed away from the wall. She looked like a dark angel, her shinny blue hair fell down around her shoulders with a slight wave to it while she wore her black pajama set. The loose silky pants made it easier for her to get situated comfortably and the equally loose button down top covered her smooth skin giving her a darker look and making the story seem even creepier.

“Well if its not past midnight when its found, then one of us will lie down on the ground at the grave and when the clock strikes midnight it is said once the 12 chimes stop, you try to get up but you’re held down for several minutes.” she lowered her voice, leaning closer, watching as Chichi and Juu hung on her every word. “By the witch herself, who is angry at the disturbance of her final…resting place.”

The door banged open as Vegeta poked his head in, watching as all the girls screamed and jumped at the loud noise. Chichi turned her wide eyes to see who had scared the shit out of them, before narrowing them.

“You asshole! You were listening in!” she watched as a smirk took over his face before he looked around the room at all of them, letting the door swing open to reveal him clad in only a pair of long, black night pants. His arms crossed over his bare chest as he looked at the occupants of the room.

“So what? You shouldn’t be telling those stupid ghost stories if a little noise is going to scare the shit out of you.” he quirked an eyebrow at the murderous look on Bulma’s face. “Is it that time of the month, again, Bulma?”

“Fuck off. We were just having a nice, friendly conversation before you interrupted us! What the hell do you want at this hour and be careful what you say.” Bulma climbed off her bed, taking a menacing step forward.

“I was looking for Kakarot.” he rolled his black eyes when he noticed Bulma take a step forward, like that was going to scare him.

“He isn’t here! Obliviously he knows not to bug us at this hour.” Bulma turned on her heel before walking over to the huge window that had been cracked to let in the cool, fall air. She glanced out and down at the ground that was a couple stories below them before shutting it completely. Once she turned back around, she lifted herself up and sat down on the ledge.

“Well I figured this was where he’d be since his girlfriend is here and he isn’t in our suite.” Vegeta scowled, as he watched Bulma roll her eyes at him. He didn’t like being mocked and he knew that’s what she was doing.

“Well maybe, and did you ever this of this--that he could be getting something out of the vending machine?” Bulma shook her head, her blue hair swaying with her movements before falling down her back like a waterfall.

“Why? We have plenty of food in our room.” he took a step back, turning to leave the room. Vegeta had taken a couple steps into the room, seeing as there was no point in staying out in the hallway. “Oh well.” he turned around once he got to the door, a condescending smile taking over his features. “Now, ladies, no more scary stories before bedtime.” and on that final note he disappeared out into the hallway, the door clicking shut behind him.

Juu stood up; the shock having wore off after seeing that it was only Vegeta. “I swear, I think he purposely hangs out in that damn hallway to scare the shit out of us.” she muttered under her breath before she walked across the room and opened the door. “We’ll meet here tomorrow at 10pm and then we’ll head to the cemetery to look for those graves. I think after that little scare, we’ve gotten the fear out of our systems.”

Chichi nodded, watching as Juu left the room. “I think she is handling her break up quite well.” she commented, falling back into her pillow, causing her hair to fan out behind her. “Vegeta is such an asshole.” she finally spoke, watching as Bulma hopped off the window ledge. Her blue haired friend walked out of the ‘sitting room’ towards her room, turning the navy blue sheets back before fixing her pillows. She came back into the sitting room where ChiChi was sitting.

They had opted for one of the suites since it was their senior year and they’d wanted to stay on campus. It had a ‘sitting room’ which they had a TV, futon, couple of chairs, coffee table and various other objects. It then branched off having two bedrooms, a small kitchen area, and a private bathroom. It was like an apartment, without the rent or any of the other bills.

“Yeah, but he is always like that. He gets a kick out of scaring the shit out of people, especially me.” she murmured the last part, watching as Chichi stood to head towards her own room. Sighing she crossed the room and flipped off the lights before locking the door to their suite. No more unexpected visitors tonight. She thought before walking towards her bed. “Night, Chi.” She called after her.

“Night, Bulma.” came the soft reply before Bulma got into her own bed and fell asleep, still thinking about what they were actually going to do tomorrow night.

The next day flew by, each of the girls thinking about what they were going to be doing that night. Bulma looked in her closet, pulling out a pair of jeans and a school hoodie while Chichi looked for clothes in her own closet.

“We need to be dressed for this; after all it’s getting colder at night.” Bulma muttered, pulling the hoodie on over her tank top. She pulled on her jeans before rummaging for an older pair of tennis shoes. Sitting down on the floor, she pulled them on before glancing over at Chichi; who also wore jeans, old shoes and a hoodie, only hers was a different style. “That’s funny; we’re wearing almost the exact same thing!” Bulma chuckled as Chichi raised an eyebrow before laughing as well.

“Well it’s the most obvious thing to wear since we don’t want to ruin any of our good clothes.” she watched as Juu walked into the room. Juu just wore a pair of ripped jeans and a long sleeved shirt; she shook her head when she looked at her friends.

“You two dressed the same?” she laughed before watching as Bulma quickly stood up. “Alright, how are we getting there?”

“Well how about we take two cars? That way if one of us has to leave or something comes up, the other two will be able to stay longer.” Chichi watched as they nodded their heads. “Great, we’ll take my car and Juu’s!”

It took them ten minutes to get to the cemetery, parking their cars on the side of the road. “Well, Chi takes the left, Juu gets the right and I’ll take the middle.” Bulma spoke up, pointing out their individual sections. “Since we know their names, it shouldn’t be a problem finding the really old grave. Ignore the newer ones, look at the really old ones, obviously.” she grinned, handing each of them a flashlight and some spare batteries. “If something happens, just call one of the others and tell us where you are.” Bulma paused, “Hey, Chi, remember if you get freaked out it was your idea! You’re the one who got that urban legend email.” she winked jokingly.

Satisfied that she’d covered everything possible, Bulma turned her light on and started walking toward her section. Juu and Chichi looked at each other before making their way towards their areas.

They never even noticed the dark figure that had been listening into the whole conversation. The witch’s grave? They’re not going to have to worry about that stupid urban legend. I’ve got a better one, I got that same email. The figure grinned, looking down at the shinny blade resting in their gloved hand. So my opponent thought they were so special with that stupid gang high beam legend, well this one is going to top it. Now which girl should I chose?

They were silently thankful that someone had finally come along; they had been there since it had started getting dark. No one had come by the night before so they‘d decided to try once more to complete their currently selected legend. The urban legend they were trying to do wouldn’t work unless someone came around the area…at least to visit a grave.

The person walked quietly behind their chosen victim, careful not to make any noise. They’d chosen this girl because she had been the one who’d went in the direction of the angel statue. The person stayed back a ways from the female, watching as she looked around for the witch’s grave before she stopped suddenly. She had been walking around for thirty minutes, bending down to look at various tombstones and now she seemed quite happy with herself.

“I found it.” she whispered, turning around to look for any sign of her friends. She noticed a dark figure a ways back before it lunged at her, her flashlight shinning over in its direction quickly. “Shit!” she screamed, turning to run away. Her eyes wide in fright when she saw the knife in the person’s hand, its blade reflecting when her flashlight had been aimed in the unknown person’s direction. Fear gripped her so tightly she thought she’d suffocate before she started running, her heart pounding in her chest.

End of Chapter

Review and let me know what you think so far...all reviews welcome! I love knowing what people think (unless its a pointless review).

Thanks...hope you enjoyed the second chapter because it can only get more interesting! And don't you want to know who is going to die? Any quesses because I'm interested to see who you think I'm going to kill!!!!!!

To answer any questions: yes this story has been posted up before under the account b-chan2007

(if you look at my bio you'll see my note) It has been posted up to chapter 3, but when I took it off the internet I changed various parts of it around to fit the new underling story line that I added to give it more of a solid base. I wanted to post this note here that way anyone who has read the old version will know and instead of reading the whole thing on my bio you can get the shorter version.

As with every story I've ever posted I'll let you in on a secret, the more reviews I get the quicker I update. I've got this whole story complete so just let me know what you think of it along the way. Its only a few seconds of your time. Thanks to the two who left reviews, I post this chapter for you!