Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Urban Legends ❯ Dealing with Loss ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, any Urban Legends (created or on the movie) blah blah blah...

Urban Legends
Chapter Eleven
: Dealing with Loss

Tears burned the backs of Bulma’s eyes as she watched them wheel away the body of her best friend. She felt her heart torn in two; there had been no warning, and nothing that would let her know what was going to happen. Seeing the body of her best friend was too traumatic and it had taken them forever to calm her down where she could once more form a sentence without crying. All that blood, her stomach churned at the memory. And to think last night she’d slept with ChiChi's boyfriend, twice.

Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the lights?

Morbid fucker.
She knew she’d seen that same scene before, in a movie. Bulma looked around at all the people surrounding her. There were; police, medics, curious onlookers and her friends. Currently she focused her attention on Goku, his heartbroken eyes stabbed her in the heart–he just looked so torn up and she knew it was mostly quilt from what they’d done.

Yeah, and I’m partly to blame. How could I go behind my best friend’s back and fuck her boyfriend the same night she was killed? What kind of person does that make me?

A little voice in her head pointed out that Goku had been the one to initiate the whole thing, therefore it was really his fault. She struggled with herself before giving up on the seemingly never-ending battle in her mind.

Bulma finally turned her attention to the doorway, just in time to see Vegeta and Launch stroll into the dorm building. She knew it was also his dorm, but still it didn’t seem right that he was just now getting there. Bulma watched as Vegeta looked around at all the police milling about, puzzlement etched into his handsome features.

“What the fuck happened here?” the question was so crude, yet simple at the same time as they neared Bulma that it gave her slight pause. Vegeta cast a glance at Goku, who was leaning against the wall for what seemed like support. Tear streaks evident on his pale face as he stared straight ahead. He hadn’t allowed himself to actually cry, yet. A few tears had managed to escape, only to roll down his cheeks soundlessly.

“You haven’t heard?” disbelief filled Bulma’s pained voice. “Chi was murdered last night.” A few more tears fell down her cheeks.

She saw Goku stiffen out of the corner of her eye before she crossed over to him. Bulma wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. It took him a minute before his arms wrapped around Bulma’s smaller form and they slid to the floor. His tears dampened Bulma’s shirt as he pulled her tightly to himself. Bulma’s grip tightened as she buried her face into his shoulder and sobbed. In the back of her mind she recalled the night before and being in his arms, naked. However, she pushed that all aside as her grief overpowered all logical thought.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry Goku.” her voice broke as she spoke into his shoulder, she’d felt the sobs racking Goku’s body as well as he pulled her to him even tighter. The dam seemed to have finally broken as he let himself grieve. He needed to, though she’d never truly seen Goku upset over anything–it was as if his happy-go-lucky personality couldn’t be damped, until now.

“I should have been there, I shouldn’t have-” he cut off, looking around at all those around them. Above all he looked at Vegeta the longest, feeling those onyx eyes burning in his direction. Guilt quickly filled him as Goku remembered what he’d been doing–or who he’d been doing–when Chichi had been attacked. “I should have come by to check on her like I’d said.” He knew, he just knew that someone else was aware of his unfaithfulness.

Unfortunately Bulma was too consumed in her grief to fill in a piece of the missing puzzle Goku had just presented her with, the information that he hadn’t come back to see ChiChi after the party–that it hadn’t been him that was in the room while ChiChi was killed.

The little blue haired female in his arms continued to cling to him in sorrow while under the burning stare of Vegeta and Launch. “Shhh…calm down Bulma.” Goku pulled her away as he looked into her eyes. “It’s ok; I’m going to be ok. I’ll get through this.” He had a hard time looking at the blue haired female without seeing her face twisted in pleasure as she moaned below him at the party the night before. Goku knew that most of his grief had come from seeing ChiChi as she had been left by her killer and seeing the affect it had on Bulma, how it was tearing her heart out.

Bulma wiped away her tears from her cheeks before she stood and threw a glance around at all the people still there. Her blue eyes landed on Vegeta, watching as he whispered something to Launch who seemed to like whatever he was telling her.

“I’ve got to go, I’ve got class.” she murmured finally, turning and heading out the door, with no intention of going to any of her classes that day or the next. Instead she went on a drive, a nice long drive to clear her mind and try to put all the pain from the last few days out of her mind if only a few minutes. The trip quickly took on several hours, while she just wondered. She’d cheated on her own boyfriend with someone else’s boyfriend, even if alcohol had been involved–lots of alcohol–that however, was just no excuse to sleep with Goku.


Launch glanced over at her boyfriend; he’d seemed troubled after they’d left Goku alone back at his dorm. The haunted look in Goku’s eyes would stick with her until she died, and the fact that Vegeta had apologized to another human being had shocked her.

I’m sorry for your loss, Kakarot.

That simple sentence had probably saved a drowning man in the mist of his own grief. They pulled up to her parent’s house, it was empty of course–they were on vacation and had left the house in her care.

She glanced meaningfully at Vegeta, wanting to invite him inside, but figuring he needed to think. “I’ll see you tomorrow, at your place?” her voice came out softly as she watched him snap out of his trance.

“Yeah, at my place.” The blank look in his eyes did nothing to assure her that he was even listening to her at this point.

Launch leaned over, kissing him sweetly on the lips before pulling away. “I love you.” she whispered in the darkness, knowing he’d never say those words to her in return; he seemed to be somewhere else when he was with her. They’d known each other since childhood and she’d had a crush on him even then. It wasn’t until he’d asked her out and stolen her virginity that she’d realized she’d fallen head-over-heals for the classic bad boy sitting next to her.

“Bye, Launch.” was the only response she got as she exited the vehicle and watched him drive away into the darkness. Sighing she approached the house, glancing at the darkened building and shivering involuntarily.

After everything that had happened she wanted nothing more than to take Vegeta away with her out of state and wait the whole thing out. Too much death. She walked inside, flipping on the lights before she completely entered and sighed when she saw nothing.

“You’re so stupid, Launch. There is nothing here and you’re being silly for thinking otherwise.” she scolded herself out loud, walking down the hallway and into her room. She glanced around, looking under the bed and in the closet–nothing. “I’m paranoid. I’m even talking to myself!” she shook her head, opening her dresser to pull out her pajamas. Launch quickly slipped them on and wondered down the hall into the living room.

I’m not going to get to sleep anytime soon, might as well watch something on TV.

She sat down on the couch, turning on the TV to look for something interesting. Eventually she finally settled on Cruel Intentions, it had long been one of her favorites and appeared to be starting.

Thirty minutes into the movie and Launch was completely engrossed, so wrapped up in it that when the telephone rang she jumped, startled. Sighing she reached over and grabbed the cordless, pressing talk and putting it to her ear.

“Hello?” she was secretly hoping it was Vegeta, calling to say he was coming over after all.


Goku climbed into his Trailblazer, turning on his favorite radio station as he pulled out of the dorm’s parking lot. It still pained him when he thought of Chichi and he knew that the guilt of his actions the night before was going to kill him. Especially at the funeral, a few tears gathered in his eyes. Bulma's pained expression filled his mind making him draw in a deep breath before the image changed to her under him once more.

“I can’t believe I slept with Bulma.” he muttered into the darkness, his eyes focusing on the road ahead as he tried to sort through his thoughts. Goku knew he’d been considerably drunk and that Bulma had been as well. It was no excuse, no excuse at all to let himself go. The grief from loosing one of his friends had been really bothering him and when he’d heard about the party, which had been enough to make him want to escape from reality. But he’d forgotten one important thing, when he got drunk he lost control of himself. Of course his mind could never grasp that drinking made him horny as hell.

The weird thing was how his friend had died and now that he thought about it, there were other unusual deaths. Then Chichi’s death, which mirrored a movie he’d seen. They’d all seen that movie in one of their classes. What was it called? Urban Legend. He came to the conclusion as it dawned on him. They’d all died by urban legends; he glanced in his mirror when he heard a noise behind him and caught a flash.

End of Chapter

I hope you all enjoyed that, Vegeta has once again made an appearance; several of you notice that he hadn’t been around in awhile. This chapter was sort of short, but it had all that it needed to lead into the next chapter which is longer, more action/suspense packed and furthers the plot even more. I’ll have it out Friday next week.

Thanks to all who reviewed! Also if you have any story you want me to check out (I always leave a review), I'd be more than happy to check it out for you. Thanks for checking out my story, the amount of views this fic has received is amazing. You can send me your questions, comments, recs, and in a review!