Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta's temptations ❯ coated in a bloody wet dream ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: redcarpetgirl 
This chapter is weird, it seems to make me the author a little worried about Vegeta in the next chapters. :s
Coated in a Bloody Wet Dream!
This pestering of Vegeta was happening more and more often.
She knew it!
Vegeta sat down queitly and elegantly in front of her wooden dinning table she placed his food infront of himself.
She felt so annoyed at him for being here and trying to make her life a wreck. Why is he doing this to me? Anger boiled within her senses so she Spontagously knifed his finger at the sametime as her thoughts went wild. Bulma found it was painful for his little eye wince the prince made.She smiled, As it sliced his layer of skin filling blood. Although he couldn't feel it but he watched her dangerously with his eyes afterwards slowly turning his strong jawline towards her. Glaring very dangerously into her eyes.
He gingerly nodded into a 'No' his head went down, he shut his eyes and re-opened them again. Calming heself down, but it was too late. His anger slipped...
"It was an accident Vegeta,sorry" Bulma lied
"Yeah! It better of been Woman do that again and i will blow your rooftop over sideways and make this wasteland capsaul corp into a junction site, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"
"Yes" She replied quietly
'Fucking ass-hole i make him a decent meal and this is how he re-pay me'
"Just wait until i get Goku round here!"
"What was that?"
"I said just wait until i get Goku round here because he will sort you out if you are going to woman beat " She coldly threatened back.
Goku and Vegeta was getting along lately vegeta blushed at the thought. The worrior was like close in other words.
"huh...Ok! i will stop, WOMAN GOD! dont you ever stop screeching give my ears a fucking break.? Your so unfit to be my servant!"
"Just fuck off out of my life,Vegeta" she husked after that remark
He knew it was just a roll of the tougne Bulma never say things she means only out of fustration.
Though he dicovered this weird sensation in his lower regions but quite nice when with either her or Kakarott was around. This new development made him quiver in fear, these feelings are too much to cope with besides the fucking man was another thing, i will never act apon.
'No, what's wrong with me he's a CLOWN for fucks sake.........
It will wear off, just a phase.........maybe a good night sleep will help, have to keep up my level to beat him.
"NOW!!!Listen Vegeta.......
You better PREPARE yourself veggie-chan we are ging to the son's house for a meal In the morning first thing nine oclock sharp and we are shooting off. You are coming, no ifs or buts, also your not going to make a prat out of youself and me. We are leaving,okay, do i make myself clear!"
"Do i make myself clear vegeta" she repeated
"DO YOU HEAR A WORD I JUST SAID! HELLO!"she repeated again
She approached the prince out of his daydream, poking her little finger nail index on his cute button nose.
"Hey are you listening?"
"Fuck off!" He stomped Away in a Temper not even noticing she called him chan at least.Leaving her alone to question her emotional state again.
"........I am staying here by the way. You can't stop me" he yelled back several yards away from were Bulma was standing.
"That's strange" Bulma whispered to herself an emotional outburst from Vegeta.?
She saw it in his eyes before once especially when he talks about his home planet. It's very rare to witness the prince eyes as wide as what she witness not a moment ago.
Though Vegeta was a unpredictable speciem,she caught herself blushing again by the comment she stated in her mind.
'I'm warming up to this arrogant ass'
.........She was wet she knew it. Vegeta was quite hot and smelling his musky male scent invading her nose when she got close was unbearable, she has never got to the point of being as close to a man with such a powerful and effective scent.
It must be a primate thing or something because he excercise to an alternative extent!.
Just image what those muscles could do in bedroom department
"Oh! i want that monkey-boy" she Wickedly smiled to herself
"Hope we do have sausage and eggs, for the topping, mayo squirter" she laughed at her own quick witted joke she thought.
Vegeta went to bed not saying one word to Bulma he insist on staying in her quarters. Eventually stripping down to a naked form he entered her large bed. His knees lifted to a protective position ontop of his pecks, his tail looped and curled in her sheets along with his body in a circle shape. Her natural odar was surrounding him then Letting himself be invited by the cool air it bringed he tugged the sheets more tighter to his skin. Then which made his body glide into a abyss next to his heated, flushed,big muscles the vanilla and womanly earth smell was soothing the wonds the day had created. Then drifted away in peaceful dreams of all sexy heaven that might accure which may give him problems in the morning, but like he cared he need it, it was tempting. Peeing the bed! for the meantime wasnt a worry so he spread his legs wide fluttered his lashes and sighed in delight as he subsided into this bliss that awaited him....
His tail grew back for his latest transfomation super saiyain two defeating, another perfectlly powerful opponent with him and kakarott, kakarott was in his dreams, he was everywhere with him. He hated it.
"VEGETA GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
wait until i get my hands on him!
Goku's pov:
At the son house Chichi prepared a meal for ten guests including herself. She cooked the most finest quality three course meals every Saturday.
All her spar-time hours had cost her more than she bargained for. She enjoyed spending her time to make a chiefs perfection, by scrambling the networks and reciepe books to her tastes in a supierior dish.
The golden medals and mark of pride gradulated in her vocabulary from Catering schools she recently visited offering her a golden troughey for the most esquisite meals.
Chichi smiled to herself even more by remebering.
"Ohh!... i am sure a lucky woman"
She said for the first time in her life she was contented. Being a overly materialistic woman most of her young days.
Chichi cooked the breakfast and the main meal both at the same time, so that she will not have to be rushing over the place later that evening when Bulma and Arrogant ass Vegeta arrive tonight, Preparing her organisation for the better was a good idea to bare in mind.
Being a fulltime housewife knew that already.
Getting to even important matters, she wanted Goku and Vegeta to behave themselves up the table.
Vegeta was different somehow he was acting weirder and weirder with her husband. I dont know what that mans problem is, but he better sort it.
As soon as she began doodling with the vegetables on the stove she rembered her old time memerories, when she first met the 'Z fighters' and with Cell and Buu, gone the world was at peace once again.
"Oh! that's my darling Goku" She signed in happiness.
As she began to think of her significant other she heard a bang at the door creating disturbed smell along with a noisy husband.
"Mmmmm, boy that smells good Chichi"
The man inhaled the lucturious scent flaring inthe whole kitchen unaware of an unhappy wife staring at him. Hans on her hips.
He came with his rude, bloody.....
"Fishing gear in my kitcten Goku how dare you" She yelled at the top of her lungs.
"Hey Chichi what's wrong?"Goku expression changed sadely, innocently waved his hands for his defense at the angry hell cat.
She continued to scroll now crossing her arms "that innocent puppy-eyed look will not work with me Mr, Your late again!."
Chichi eyed the worrior.
"Um, sorry Chichi, Gohan wanted me to take him fishing with Piccolo and we were meant to be gone an hour, but Gohan and i forgot the time because neither of us had a watch, chi"
his face looked downward slightly afraid of her reaction.
still deadly silence...........
"Look i came and that's important"
still silent!
"He picked up a signal from Capsaul Corp straight away and concered because......"
BANG! Chichi waked him with a firing pan on his past bruised damaged head
"OOOOWUCHHH!your man-dominator! Bulma is not as half bad and stubborn as you Chi".
"That's what you get for back-chatting me Mr, who do you think you are! huh."
"Always right! and always late!"
"Chichi please, i.........!"
"put it all on hold"
End of Goku's pov:
The birds singing sweet tunes outside the capsual corp early that morning as all was quiet, since Vegeta had a lay in. He stayed in Bulma's quaters considering their spat last night, he wanted to stay. For getting carried away with hearing gasps of pleasure in her room in darkness. He was jerking himself off along with the screams.
Vegeta in the morning.........
The sleeping beauty of prince Vegeta's naked form just under a thin layer of sheets, lay in a peaceful slumber of a banquet sea of dreams.
The images flashed behind the obtain eyes that were now creating delightlfull colours and feelings, as his hips rose to rub against the material of his bed as the silky substance contacted his arising manhood in carssing motion.
Rubbing his cock shortly after rythemtic movements, caressing his member and tickling his ball with his fingers alone with the pulsing dick that now sprung to life in his lifeless body.
But mentally in a land of pureness white.....extacy.
There he was! on a desert island or something.
His eyes couldn't adjust well with all the sand, the light.... and muk what slapped in his face like a stung. The beam of blue rays shined into his soul.
The prince panted in heat, his tail swaying back an forth anticapted......wait. How the hell did his tail grow back full size. Something wasn't right here.
why am i here
'I have to see who is responsible for this'
Vegeta glanced around seeing nothing but sore-dust, sand and not to mention a black harnessing figure emerging towards himself in a sway of seductive movements.
Heat was raidating off himself in waves,he was very dry, alone with the habitat that had no supply of water for plants, that are all now dead.
Sand storms surrounding his being with not a soul in-sight apart from the lustful being standing forth inches from his body. Now slowly walking to his direction.
Sunlight blocked his path, sqiunting at the figure in the distance.
"Show your face you coward, you must be responsible for this! give me an explantion i demand you, before i blow you to kingdom come!"
He stated loudly, proudly and very clearly to the unknown stranger who awaits him.
"I will make your kingdom cum, don't you worry!"a manly voice stated back to him in a taunting way. Thinking it was highly amusing.
"What! that's laughable, you think you CAN DEFEAT ME THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYAINS hahaha what a joke, LOSER"
"No! let me rephrase that......."
"No, show your face first otherwise your going down freak" Vegeta prepared for combat
The figure came into the shadows allowing his eyes to adjust to the other man.
"WHAT! IT CAN'T BE?......im...posible?"
"Yes! yes it is,and it will" he flicked his lips out to wet his lips
Vegeta STARED in shock wide-eyed at who the man actually was, it was unbeliveable!!!!
A tall man about 6 foot 10. Thick Spicky golden mane of a lion. Blue sash with an gi which was bright orange, the colour of carrots.
"Are you mocking me again? Is this some-kind of joke?why did you bring me here, i demand you to talk and answer me at once"
"Nobody, i know something you don't know about yourself yet vegeta you want me too convince"
"That i think your an 'Idiot' and dispicable for living as a third-class worrior" Vegeta smirked "what do you mean your not a fortune teller clown?"
"Oh,my vegeta! my little prince"
"Shut-up! i'm not yours"
Vegeta was not sure what goku was planning but he did not trust the man before him. The eyes were not the same as usual kakarott's innocent, loveable eyes. He read a tint of moking and evil and maybe seductive"
"Don't come near me kakarott! i mean it! stay right were you are clown"
Pointing his gloved finger at goku.
Goku walked two metres forward his eyes shining a bluish aura. Setting swirls of multi coloured trippy illusions.
Those delicate, soft royal fingers wrapped and protected in them white clothed gloves will be on himself soon, very soon. Wont they my Little posession fuckable prince.
"I mean it stay.... ohhh!" vegeta blushed catching the eyes in a hypnosis trance and his body became soild unable to move at least an inch. Pastel colours of a golden road of staircase leading him flowing to a Rainbow vision behind the eyes of the beholder. The metalic colours mixed in his now unconsious mind.
"I will stay " he purred
"let your senses resist vegeeeeta"
Goku caught Vegeta in his arms murmuring sweet nothings to him rocking him back an forth.
"My little princess, my beautiful, beautiful saiyain. I will share my secrets, if you let me see yours Vegeta!"
He purred deeply catching all his unique smell. As for the royal blooded saiyains, there customs do have a stronger smell than a lower-class like himself.
He wanted Vegeta to collect milk from him, like a newly born baby and make him belong to him and him only, it was obessive hehavoiour in that matter.
Laying the prince down next to a jaggard rock and slicing the flesh of the prince's body, attending to rip his spandex and all tracers of cloths to shreads.
Excited! to get to the bronze perfection underneath.
"I want to know your secrets" he whispered sweetly to the ouji right in his ear-hole.
Goku bring his nose down to the sleeping ouji and inhaled then licked the sticky sweat off the prince hard nubs and pectorals.
"MMMN tasty, like a work of art~ special ingredents to place ontop of an iceing cake"
"I smell your delicious glands, you want me Vegeta, pine and ginger sugar spice, it's so pure and tempting"
Vegeta opened his eyes just hearing the comment he made about him.
" Your a Faggot bastard, did you know that?"
"No! not just me, you are that as well vegeta, you do not have a father and......well the other statment is for me to deicide."
"Now! where was i,oh yes! i remeber, Shall we proceieve the process?"
"huh wha...."
"I'll guess i take that as a yes"
Vegeta was still in a paraletic state from the trance, his muscles spasms jerking upwards and side ways in response until he found the whole thing subciously enjoyable. Kakarott was giving him hickey's on his neck, sucking the blood in his veins.
"Oh yes karrr"
His eyes fluttered and winced in pleasure.
"You like that, veegtaaa"
Goku lapped the wound with his tongue, while teasing the area with wet kiss touches.
Goku massage the sculpture muscle attending to relax the ouji for the intense work he does thoughout the day.
The muscle clicked in place to it's socket. Causing the prince to howl in bliss of the painfull loss.
He brought a flower petal out of his hand and made patterns on his skin with the most teasing effects.
"What is that object?"
"Don't worry it's just a petal, Vegeta"
Continue On his blades finding the buttons to send pleasure to his delighful prince, tracing patterns on the tips of his scars. He slowly worked on his back, the flower tubbling down the passage of his spine to meet up with his tail, then ass crack. Then massage his harden balls and penis with tiny flicks of a paint-brush.
Vegeta held in his scream then.
"That penis look very, yummy Vegeta"!
bitter sweet honey
"I am terribly dry out in this place, hope i get a mouthful at least!"
Vegeta shivered in response, as the taunting eyes stared back at him.
He continued.....
"YOU! will be blasting to kingdom cum in my mouth that look one hell of a prick, Vegeta"
Electricity was flowing throughout his whole body now in heat.
"PERVERT, i will never submit to you third-class baka"
"Hmmmm! you will be a hard one to tame, that mean i will try extra hard to do so. It will b e worth the challenge"
Another caress flicked on his member.
Making Vegeta arch up in desperation, with the delicate touch.
Goku giggled
"Get off me Kakarott i demand you" he growled
"Now, i will wip your tight ass for saying THAT, you are a BAD boy Vegeta, prepare!"
"Why? Don't you dare kakarott"
"KAA goku no"
The blood dribbled down his naked form and goku began to strip along with the the prince.
The purple cut landed in his mouth creating mounts of bliss to his senses.
{MY GOD! KAKAROTT IS A SEX GOD! HE IS ACTually good at one thing}
The pince was hot and hot to the blow, he was sissling as his cock bounced in the sheets below, up, down, up, down like a bunny in heat.
His seed bursting out in hot semen gush, as he lay full of sperm through his quilt, sticking and smelling. He was practically coated in his own juices.
As he awoke from the pleasent dream he once knew. He realised the loss of good sensation and attention he had gotten. Opening his eyes to his bedroom and four walls surrounded him,tucked in a bed.
"A DREAM" he asked himself. Feeling sick and discused by having oral sex and foreplay with Goku.
'He called him, a lower-class a worthy whore for fucks sake. The fag was beating him to a boot.'
The dream was vomiting, he would never have sex with a man. Especially not with Kakarott or an earthling as a mate.
Panting sweating as sunlight ray stars blocking him yet again in vision of reality.
not finished........still up~dating the lastest chapter, this chapter and the others, will be done soon until end of April.
But thanks to zofo who has put a review.(open your eyes )fantasize urges begins.
vegeta gets sexual dreams,encounters,manipulated,raped and killed due to his sexual desires comes to life in this dodegy story.
For the later chapters!
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Thriller / Mystery / Hentai | Type: Yaoi | Uploaded On: 03.15.2008 | Updated On: 03.24.2009 | Pages: 1 | Words: 16 | Visits: 2.2K | Status: Work In Progress

This chapter is weird, it seems to make me the author a little worried about Vegeta in the next chapters. :s
Coated in a Bloody Wet Dream!
This pestering of Vegeta was happening more and more often.
She knew it!
Vegeta sat down queitly and elegantly in front of her wooden dinning table she placed his food infront of himself.
She felt so annoyed at him for being here and trying to make her life a wreck. Why is he doing this to me? Anger boiled within her senses so she Spontagously knifed his finger at the sametime as her thoughts went wild. Bulma found it was painful for his little eye wince the prince made.She smiled, As it sliced his layer of skin filling blood. Although he couldn't feel it but he watched her dangerously with his eyes afterwards slowly turning his strong jawline towards her. Glaring very dangerously into her eyes.
He gingerly nodded into a 'No' his head went down, he shut his eyes and re-opened them again. Calming heself down, but it was too late. His anger slipped...
"It was an accident Vegeta,sorry" Bulma lied
"Yeah! It better of been Woman do that again and i will blow your rooftop over sideways and make this wasteland capsaul corp into a junction site, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"
"Yes" She replied quietly
'Fucking ass-hole i make him a decent meal and this is how he re-pay me'
"Just wait until i get Goku round here!"
"What was that?"
"I said just wait until i get Goku round here because he will sort you out if you are going to woman beat " She coldly threatened back.
Goku and Vegeta was getting along lately vegeta blushed at the thought. The worrior was like close in other words.
"huh...Ok! i will stop, WOMAN GOD! dont you ever stop screeching give my ears a fucking break.? Your so unfit to be my servant!"
"Just fuck off out of my life,Vegeta" she husked after that remark
He knew it was just a roll of the tougne Bulma never say things she means only out of fustration.
Though he dicovered this weird sensation in his lower regions but quite nice when with either her or Kakarott was around. This new development made him quiver in fear, these feelings are too much to cope with besides the fucking man was another thing, i will never act apon.
'No, what's wrong with me he's a CLOWN for fucks sake.........
It will wear off, just a phase.........maybe a good night sleep will help, have to keep up my level to beat him.
"NOW!!!Listen Vegeta.......
You better PREPARE yourself veggie-chan we are ging to the son's house for a meal In the morning first thing nine oclock sharp and we are shooting off. You are coming, no ifs or buts, also your not going to make a prat out of youself and me. We are leaving,okay, do i make myself clear!"
"Do i make myself clear vegeta" she repeated
"DO YOU HEAR A WORD I JUST SAID! HELLO!"she repeated again
She approached the prince out of his daydream, poking her little finger nail index on his cute button nose.
"Hey are you listening?"
"Fuck off!" He stomped Away in a Temper not even noticing she called him chan at least.Leaving her alone to question her emotional state again.
"........I am staying here by the way. You can't stop me" he yelled back several yards away from were Bulma was standing.
"That's strange" Bulma whispered to herself an emotional outburst from Vegeta.?
She saw it in his eyes before once especially when he talks about his home planet. It's very rare to witness the prince eyes as wide as what she witness not a moment ago.
Though Vegeta was a unpredictable speciem,she caught herself blushing again by the comment she stated in her mind.
'I'm warming up to this arrogant ass'
.........She was wet she knew it. Vegeta was quite hot and smelling his musky male scent invading her nose when she got close was unbearable, she has never got to the point of being as close to a man with such a powerful and effective scent.
It must be a primate thing or something because he excercise to an alternative extent!.
Just image what those muscles could do in bedroom department
"Oh! i want that monkey-boy" she Wickedly smiled to herself
"Hope we do have sausage and eggs, for the topping, mayo squirter" she laughed at her own quick witted joke she thought.
Vegeta went to bed not saying one word to Bulma he insist on staying in her quarters. Eventually stripping down to a naked form he entered her large bed. His knees lifted to a protective position ontop of his pecks, his tail looped and curled in her sheets along with his body in a circle shape. Her natural odar was surrounding him then Letting himself be invited by the cool air it bringed he tugged the sheets more tighter to his skin. Then which made his body glide into a abyss next to his heated, flushed,big muscles the vanilla and womanly earth smell was soothing the wonds the day had created. Then drifted away in peaceful dreams of all sexy heaven that might accure which may give him problems in the morning, but like he cared he need it, it was tempting. Peeing the bed! for the meantime wasnt a worry so he spread his legs wide fluttered his lashes and sighed in delight as he subsided into this bliss that awaited him....
His tail grew back for his latest transfomation super saiyain two defeating, another perfectlly powerful opponent with him and kakarott, kakarott was in his dreams, he was everywhere with him. He hated it.
"VEGETA GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
wait until i get my hands on him!
Goku's pov:
At the son house Chichi prepared a meal for ten guests including herself. She cooked the most finest quality three course meals every Saturday.
All her spar-time hours had cost her more than she bargained for. She enjoyed spending her time to make a chiefs perfection, by scrambling the networks and reciepe books to her tastes in a supierior dish.
The golden medals and mark of pride gradulated in her vocabulary from Catering schools she recently visited offering her a golden troughey for the most esquisite meals.
Chichi smiled to herself even more by remebering.
"Ohh!... i am sure a lucky woman"
She said for the first time in her life she was contented. Being a overly materialistic woman most of her young days.
Chichi cooked the breakfast and the main meal both at the same time, so that she will not have to be rushing over the place later that evening when Bulma and Arrogant ass Vegeta arrive tonight, Preparing her organisation for the better was a good idea to bare in mind.
Being a fulltime housewife knew that already.
Getting to even important matters, she wanted Goku and Vegeta to behave themselves up the table.
Vegeta was different somehow he was acting weirder and weirder with her husband. I dont know what that mans problem is, but he better sort it.
As soon as she began doodling with the vegetables on the stove she rembered her old time memerories, when she first met the 'Z fighters' and with Cell and Buu, gone the world was at peace once again.
"Oh! that's my darling Goku" She signed in happiness.
As she began to think of her significant other she heard a bang at the door creating disturbed smell along with a noisy husband.
"Mmmmm, boy that smells good Chichi"
The man inhaled the lucturious scent flaring inthe whole kitchen unaware of an unhappy wife staring at him. Hans on her hips.
He came with his rude, bloody.....
"Fishing gear in my kitcten Goku how dare you" She yelled at the top of her lungs.
"Hey Chichi what's wrong?"Goku expression changed sadely, innocently waved his hands for his defense at the angry hell cat.
She continued to scroll now crossing her arms "that innocent puppy-eyed look will not work with me Mr, Your late again!."
Chichi eyed the worrior.
"Um, sorry Chichi, Gohan wanted me to take him fishing with Piccolo and we were meant to be gone an hour, but Gohan and i forgot the time because neither of us had a watch, chi"
his face looked downward slightly afraid of her reaction.
still deadly silence...........
"Look i came and that's important"
still silent!
"He picked up a signal from Capsaul Corp straight away and concered because......"
BANG! Chichi waked him with a firing pan on his past bruised damaged head
"OOOOWUCHHH!your man-dominator! Bulma is not as half bad and stubborn as you Chi".
"That's what you get for back-chatting me Mr, who do you think you are! huh."
"Always right! and always late!"
"Chichi please, i.........!"
"put it all on hold"
End of Goku's pov:
The birds singing sweet tunes outside the capsual corp early that morning as all was quiet, since Vegeta had a lay in. He stayed in Bulma's quaters considering their spat last night, he wanted to stay. For getting carried away with hearing gasps of pleasure in her room in darkness. He was jerking himself off along with the screams.
Vegeta in the morning.........
The sleeping beauty of prince Vegeta's naked form just under a thin layer of sheets, lay in a peaceful slumber of a banquet sea of dreams.
The images flashed behind the obtain eyes that were now creating delightlfull colours and feelings, as his hips rose to rub against the material of his bed as the silky substance contacted his arising manhood in carssing motion.
Rubbing his cock shortly after rythemtic movements, caressing his member and tickling his ball with his fingers alone with the pulsing dick that now sprung to life in his lifeless body.
But mentally in a land of pureness white.....extacy.
There he was! on a desert island or something.
His eyes couldn't adjust well with all the sand, the light.... and muk what slapped in his face like a stung. The beam of blue rays shined into his soul.
The prince panted in heat, his tail swaying back an forth anticapted......wait. How the hell did his tail grow back full size. Something wasn't right here.
why am i here
'I have to see who is responsible for this'
Vegeta glanced around seeing nothing but sore-dust, sand and not to mention a black harnessing figure emerging towards himself in a sway of seductive movements.
Heat was raidating off himself in waves,he was very dry, alone with the habitat that had no supply of water for plants, that are all now dead.
Sand storms surrounding his being with not a soul in-sight apart from the lustful being standing forth inches from his body. Now slowly walking to his direction.
Sunlight blocked his path, sqiunting at the figure in the distance.
"Show your face you coward, you must be responsible for this! give me an explantion i demand you, before i blow you to kingdom come!"
He stated loudly, proudly and very clearly to the unknown stranger who awaits him.
"I will make your kingdom cum, don't you worry!"a manly voice stated back to him in a taunting way. Thinking it was highly amusing.
"What! that's laughable, you think you CAN DEFEAT ME THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYAINS hahaha what a joke, LOSER"
"No! let me rephrase that......."
"No, show your face first otherwise your going down freak" Vegeta prepared for combat
The figure came into the shadows allowing his eyes to adjust to the other man.
"WHAT! IT CAN'T BE?......im...posible?"
"Yes! yes it is,and it will" he flicked his lips out to wet his lips
Vegeta STARED in shock wide-eyed at who the man actually was, it was unbeliveable!!!!
A tall man about 6 foot 10. Thick Spicky golden mane of a lion. Blue sash with an gi which was bright orange, the colour of carrots.
"Are you mocking me again? Is this some-kind of joke?why did you bring me here, i demand you to talk and answer me at once"
"Nobody, i know something you don't know about yourself yet vegeta you want me too convince"
"That i think your an 'Idiot' and dispicable for living as a third-class worrior" Vegeta smirked "what do you mean your not a fortune teller clown?"
"Oh,my vegeta! my little prince"
"Shut-up! i'm not yours"
Vegeta was not sure what goku was planning but he did not trust the man before him. The eyes were not the same as usual kakarott's innocent, loveable eyes. He read a tint of moking and evil and maybe seductive"
"Don't come near me kakarott! i mean it! stay right were you are clown"
Pointing his gloved finger at goku.
Goku walked two metres forward his eyes shining a bluish aura. Setting swirls of multi coloured trippy illusions.
Those delicate, soft royal fingers wrapped and protected in them white clothed gloves will be on himself soon, very soon. Wont they my Little posession fuckable prince.
"I mean it stay.... ohhh!" vegeta blushed catching the eyes in a hypnosis trance and his body became soild unable to move at least an inch. Pastel colours of a golden road of staircase leading him flowing to a Rainbow vision behind the eyes of the beholder. The metalic colours mixed in his now unconsious mind.
"I will stay " he purred
"let your senses resist vegeeeeta"
Goku caught Vegeta in his arms murmuring sweet nothings to him rocking him back an forth.
"My little princess, my beautiful, beautiful saiyain. I will share my secrets, if you let me see yours Vegeta!"
He purred deeply catching all his unique smell. As for the royal blooded saiyains, there customs do have a stronger smell than a lower-class like himself.
He wanted Vegeta to collect milk from him, like a newly born baby and make him belong to him and him only, it was obessive hehavoiour in that matter.
Laying the prince down next to a jaggard rock and slicing the flesh of the prince's body, attending to rip his spandex and all tracers of cloths to shreads.
Excited! to get to the bronze perfection underneath.
"I want to know your secrets" he whispered sweetly to the ouji right in his ear-hole.
Goku bring his nose down to the sleeping ouji and inhaled then licked the sticky sweat off the prince hard nubs and pectorals.
"MMMN tasty, like a work of art~ special ingredents to place ontop of an iceing cake"
"I smell your delicious glands, you want me Vegeta, pine and ginger sugar spice, it's so pure and tempting"
Vegeta opened his eyes just hearing the comment he made about him.
" Your a Faggot bastard, did you know that?"
"No! not just me, you are that as well vegeta, you do not have a father and......well the other statment is for me to deicide."
"Now! where was i,oh yes! i remeber, Shall we proceieve the process?"
"huh wha...."
"I'll guess i take that as a yes"
Vegeta was still in a paraletic state from the trance, his muscles spasms jerking upwards and side ways in response until he found the whole thing subciously enjoyable. Kakarott was giving him hickey's on his neck, sucking the blood in his veins.
"Oh yes karrr"
His eyes fluttered and winced in pleasure.
"You like that, veegtaaa"
Goku lapped the wound with his tongue, while teasing the area with wet kiss touches.
Goku massage the sculpture muscle attending to relax the ouji for the intense work he does thoughout the day.
The muscle clicked in place to it's socket. Causing the prince to howl in bliss of the painfull loss.
He brought a flower petal out of his hand and made patterns on his skin with the most teasing effects.
"What is that object?"
"Don't worry it's just a petal, Vegeta"
Continue On his blades finding the buttons to send pleasure to his delighful prince, tracing patterns on the tips of his scars. He slowly worked on his back, the flower tubbling down the passage of his spine to meet up with his tail, then ass crack. Then massage his harden balls and penis with tiny flicks of a paint-brush.
Vegeta held in his scream then.
"That penis look very, yummy Vegeta"!
bitter sweet honey
"I am terribly dry out in this place, hope i get a mouthful at least!"
Vegeta shivered in response, as the taunting eyes stared back at him.
He continued.....
"YOU! will be blasting to kingdom cum in my mouth that look one hell of a prick, Vegeta"
Electricity was flowing throughout his whole body now in heat.
"PERVERT, i will never submit to you third-class baka"
"Hmmmm! you will be a hard one to tame, that mean i will try extra hard to do so. It will b e worth the challenge"
Another caress flicked on his member.
Making Vegeta arch up in desperation, with the delicate touch.
Goku giggled
"Get off me Kakarott i demand you" he growled
"Now, i will wip your tight ass for saying THAT, you are a BAD boy Vegeta, prepare!"
"Why? Don't you dare kakarott"
"KAA goku no"
The blood dribbled down his naked form and goku began to strip along with the the prince.
The purple cut landed in his mouth creating mounts of bliss to his senses.
{MY GOD! KAKAROTT IS A SEX GOD! HE IS ACTually good at one thing}
The pince was hot and hot to the blow, he was sissling as his cock bounced in the sheets below, up, down, up, down like a bunny in heat.
His seed bursting out in hot semen gush, as he lay full of sperm through his quilt, sticking and smelling. He was practically coated in his own juices.
As he awoke from the pleasent dream he once knew. He realised the loss of good sensation and attention he had gotten. Opening his eyes to his bedroom and four walls surrounded him,tucked in a bed.
"A DREAM" he asked himself. Feeling sick and discused by having oral sex and foreplay with Goku.
'He called him, a lower-class a worthy whore for fucks sake. The fag was beating him to a boot.'
The dream was vomiting, he would never have sex with a man. Especially not with Kakarott or an earthling as a mate.
Panting sweating as sunlight ray stars blocking him yet again in vision of reality.
not finished........still up~dating the lastest chapter, this chapter and the others, will be done soon until end of April.
But thanks to zofo who has put a review.(open your eyes )fantasize urges begins.
vegeta gets sexual dreams,encounters,manipulated,raped and killed due to his sexual desires comes to life in this dodegy story.
For the later chapters!
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Thriller / Mystery / Hentai | Type: Yaoi | Uploaded On: 03.15.2008 | Updated On: 03.24.2009 | Pages: 1 | Words: 16 | Visits: 2.2K | Status: Work In Progress