Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta/ The In-depth story of ❯ Vegeta ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Ah, Vegeta, the most respectable character on DBZ, truly. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

In the beginning, Vegeta was a brat spoiled by his father. His tender baby hands were already tainted with the blood of innocents, even before he hit puberty. Hence, Vegeta was never a "boy".

He was highly influenced by his father. He admired his father like no other, and still holds him with high regard, for whenever Vegeta is at his lowest he calls out to his father.

There are several examples of this - I'll go with the most familiar one. Remember the scene where the gravity room blew up, and Vegeta was knocked out? He called out to his father out of frustration, a man who had been deceased for over two decades.... Yes, his father spoiled him before Frieza snatched him, to work for his empire. He was constantly by his father's side- a shadow, an equal.

I've heard of reference to Vegeta that his father kept him by his side showing that he cared for his son, this is true, but a little exaggerated. It's only weaker babies that are that are sent out, most likely because the weak, saiyan superiors felt they were expendable, useless. Vegeta however had the highest power level on the planet at the time, excluding Brolly, and he was the prince.

That is why he was by his father's side, plus, adding to the fact that saiyans in general, seem more relaxed around each other.

Have you ever notice the difference in Vegeta's attitude as soon as he joined Goku and gang?

His demeanor changed drastically and dramatically; he was more silent and hostile, eager to fight everyone. There was no one he could relate to anymore. Think about it - as much as he was annoyed by Nappa, he seemed more relaxed with


Hell, he joked around, and had conversations with him. The only reasons Nappa was killed were one: Vegeta was

showing off, and two: he put Vegeta on the spot, because helping him would have shown weakness in front of his enemies.

I just can't believe he would kill his loyal companion, and not kill Goku after humiliating him they way he did.

(Believe me, he had a long opportunity to finish him off). He was toying with him, which is not really true to his character. Vegeta is quick and precise- he usually just goes for the kill...Wait, that's not entirely correct: he did waste a lot of time on Cell, but that was because he wanted a better challenge to test his powers, but that has nothing to do with the battle against Goku.

When he was purging planets with his father, he was more relaxed, and looked like he was enjoying the time. It seems as soon as all the Saiyans that Vegeta was used to being around died, perhaps a part of him did as well.... maybe for the best.

Another interesting tidbit is the fact that everyone thinks all Saiyans has black hair, and eyes. That's not entirely true. If you look back to the episode where King Kai, is telling Goku about the Saiyans, they take a look into the past. I noticed in that short clipping, there was a dirty blonde-haired Saiyan, a maroon-haired one, and also a dark blue, but the eyes are consistent with black....

Vegeta's saiyan pride comes from his father. Vegeta's father is not cruel to Vegeta, but so many people like to write just the opposite. King Vegeta was very proud of his son, and wanted him to be stronger than him. It's obvious when he makes such statements as, "you to can become legendary", meaning he wasn't able to, but he wanted his son to achieve that goal.

Another great example is when his father attacked Frieza head-on, in order to get his son back. Did you ever wonder why his father was so desperate to get his son back from the clutches of a powerful mad man? Well, here's a theory: when Vegeta was young, he was a spoiled warrior. He was strong, but there was one thing he lacked, and Frieza influenced him greatly.

The young Vegeta wasn't as power crazy, or cruel. I think King Vegeta knew that he would humiliate his son, trying to break him, and turn him into another Frieza, only wanting power. His worst fear was Vegeta being broken, which he was for at least twenty-five years, but in all that time Vegeta always held his Saiyan pride in high regard. Even if pretended not to care, he did.

Ok, Vegeta is my favorite character. Why? Well, simply because he's more down-to-earth and not as naive

as the others, and has the most wicked sense of humor. He also can display an enormous amount of emotions that almost make him look human. Such passionate angst, and regret, for a strong man to yield, makes a true hero. For no hero is without his-or hers' faults, savior is just a sinner who has fallen down, and got back up.

I've never seen a character quite like him, and he's an intelligently witty villain. I liked him from the beginning, and if you really look into it, Vegeta is even a bigger hero then all of the Z-warriors. For example, the Android Saga.

If it weren't for Vegeta, Goku would have been slaughtered by android 19 when he was most vulnerable. Another example is when he struck at Cell, thus helping Gohan defeat Cell. If it weren't for this intervention, the Earth would have been destroyed. Gohan was fatigued and wouldn't have been able to fight back, if he could have even survived such a huge blast.

Then lets travel to the Buu Saga. Vegeta was the savior of the day, first sacrificing himself. Even though it didn't work, everyone else knew not to try such a desperate attempt. Plus, it bought time for the little ones to escape, and then he is revived for a day, like Goku. He does the most heroic act to date; merging with his greatest rival/enemy, the effects of which they thought would be permanent. Vegeta sacrificed everything he held dear for the last 40 something years- his pride, his comfort being evil . . .he gave up everything to save his family, which is more honorable then any deed Goku would had ever done. I don't think many understood why his hesitation, you understand that hatred and failure that embodies his being. It took everything, and I mean everything shred of dignity he had to merge with the human-wannabe that defeated and mocked him whenever their paths crossed.

Vegeta would even merge with Frieza if it meant saving his family, but this was only possible in the Buu Saga. Before that, he wouldn't have done it, at least to that extent. Trunks and Bulma worked their way deeply into Vegeta's cold heart, melting his resistance. I really don't think he knew how they meant to him, until future Trunks was killed in the Cell saga.

Vegeta took another plunge by asking the people of Earth for help so that Goku would have enough power for the spirit bomb… they ignored him, then he begged whole-heartedly, it wasn't enough.

Vegeta is the most courageous anime being on screen, such a sight to witness the once proud prince, down on his knees begging for assistance to help the man that defeated him. Then Kid Buu was getting in the way, trying to stop the spirit bomb, and so Vegeta took another beating so that Goku could have enough time to form the spirit bomb to form completely, and he was even dead at the time.

You will find out later that the dead can be killed again. ((I told you it was old) I remember Goku saying if he is killed he will cease to exist at all, and honorably Vegeta went on to fight to the death if need be. Goku wouldn't do that. In fact, he didn't do it, it was just too brave for him...

it's also funny that he takes credit for defeating Buu, I don't think so, Buu was destroyed because all power in the universe united. (A side fact: the planets that kid Buu destroyed, when he went nuts, were never revived. So, Goku allowed Buu to kill all those aliens. Goku takes too many chances with other people's lives, so that he can have fun, the dumbass.) (I have another commentary of him too.)

Now with the Frieza Saga, Vegeta helped out greatly. Everyone would have been killed if it were not for him. He saved Krillin, and Gohan twice. He saved Goku and restored his health also by taking the beating of a lifetime and actually spared the others from Frieza's onslaught.

First of all, Frieza never wanted to kill Vegeta. Vegeta could have gone back to Frieza anytime, but he chose not to. He chose to fight against him. Frieza even offered him several chances to back out, but he didn't. Even when Frieza beat the

crap out of him, he still wouldn't budge. Why? Because of pride. No, I don't believe that was a factor, because at that time Vegeta was a broken warrior trying to regain the pride he threw away long ago, so that he could defeat Frieza. So, why did he not give in?

Lets go back to the fight against the Saiyans. The Spirit Bomb hit Vegeta head-on and it didn't kill him. Why? My theory is that Vegeta was never truly was evil, just misguided, and lost. For one, why would he give the Z fighters a chance to recuperate by giving a three-hour reprieve, when he didn't give the Arlians the same chance or the Nameks? Perhaps, Vegeta had found something in these Z-warriors that he could respect, learn, or perhaps settle down.

Maybe, just maybe, it was the beginning of his honor coming back. Notice most of the Z warriors are humanoid. For some odd reason Vegeta has no mercy towards non-humanoid creatures, aside from the Buu saga. Anyway, they were another race that he could blend in with, unlike the creatures he worked with previously. He tried to fight it, but they influenced him even though he refused to accept it.

So, why didn't he give in to Frieza, and become his dutiful slave once more? He was free. He was a free man and he would rather die then to go back, he would die as a proud saiyan. (Don't count the Buu saga - for one he was under another's influence, and two, he knew those people could be wished back. In fact, he counted on it.)

You know what, I'm sick and tired of Krillin and Goku trashing every good deed Vegeta has done. For the first time in Vegeta's life he had shown his feelings for his son Trunks when he was killed by Cell, and he attacked Cell with everything he had, and everything he didn't have… although it was futile.

Krillin made a stupid statement. "Vegeta is so hot headed, that's no way to help Trunks Out!" and "Vegeta's

arrogance is going to get us killed" or something like that ...Shut up Krillin! Gee, dude, get off your butt and do something instead of complaining.

If Vegeta were successful, then Goku's shadow would have been happy. It was the first caring emotion he ever displayed in front of everyone. He didn't know how to control that intense feeling- it was new to him, and his brave emotions took over.

Now onto the Buu Saga. Vegeta sacrifices himself for his family.... and Kakarot, and what does Goku say? "Why did Vegeta have to be so arrogant?" What the hell? The guy just died trying to protect the world, give the guy a break! He was not trying to be arrogant, for he knew he was going to die, and go to HFIL (hell)!

There is no arrogance when giving your life to protect the ones you love, at the time it seemed to be the only option. If he was being arrogant he would have killed Goku, when he was unguarded, he wouldn't have sacrificed himself, and plus he didn't know that Bulma would wish him back. She could be very stubborn, you know. He did kill all those people. She even said this: "I'm not sure if I want him back, unless he is the way he was before." Mr. Holier-than-thou also committed suicide when he sacrificed himself to Cell; he had plenty of time to zap back to earth.

Lets move on to Bulma, for this is where Vegeta's conversion begins. The first meeting of the two was a huge insight into their relationship. It was obvious that he was highly attracted to her. The way he looked at her was a look of desire, a wicked smirk and downcast eyes.

However, Bulma was not interested at the time, but he most certainly was, and when Vegeta shot at Krillin and Bulma during the Namek saga, when they were trying to make an escape he could have easily killed them. Why didn't he just kill them and take the dragon ball? He didn't need their help at the time; they were still enemies. Vegeta has the best aim- if he wanted to kill them, he would have. Imagine if it was just Krillin that took off, and left Bulma behind. Perhaps, Krillin wouldn't be around being that he tried to slit his throat on earth after he was crushed by the giant ape Gohan.

Okay, then once Vegeta gets the dragon ball, he just lets them go. Since when? Sorry, I just don't believe it. "Well, seeing that I have all the dragon balls, I'll let you go." I think Vegeta had a big pair of googoo eyes for Bulma.

A perfect example of this romantic insight was right after the fact, when he ran into Gohan, he says, "I got it from that bald guy, and that gorgeous girl he was with." This shocked Gohan, also proving my theory that Bulma had a huge impact on his decision not to kill the others. As soon as he uttered her beauty, he was smitten. Normally, he would have fought Gohan, maybe even killed him.

What is interesting is the fact that he let him go.... you ever wonder what would had happen after the fight with Dodoria, if he had found Krillin, Dende, and Gohan before he met Bulma? It was obvious that he would have taken them out. That's why the whale suddenly appeared ... fate intervened

It is fact that Bulma could get Vegeta to do just about anything. It was pure attraction at first sight for him.

He was calmer and not so vulgar around her in the beginning. He was showing off in that fight with Zarbon, and he was

jealous that Bulma had a pair of googoo eyes for him that way. He wanted Zarbon to transform and quick. I also think he was highly amused by her mood change. A minute ago she was afraid, and now that she was infatuated with Zarbon, he tried to impress her by offering to let Zarbon go.

He didn't give anyone else that opportunity. Once Zarbon is defeated, he says, "Oh, I almost forgot you two were there." Yeah, right, and that's why you tried to stop them from leaving...

Bulma is the only one to calm his temper, and the only one that could get away calling him ugly. If you notice in the Cell saga, every time one of the warriors, Yamcha, for example, would try to start a fight and Vegeta was ready to go, then Bulma shows up and he gets all quiet and stuff, and harrumphs. He behaves as a child would with a crush. When it comes to Bulma, he is putty in her hands.

Example 1:

Vegeta drops down to earth for the third time he steps out of the pod landing at Capsule Corp. Isn't that convenient? Anyway, Yamcha comes up and talks some junk. Vegeta gets ready to pound Yamcha into a pulp, and then Bulma appears. He gets quiet. She insults him, tells him he stinks, and he just grumbles and does as she says (if you notice Vegeta was checking her butt out - no lie - when she was leading him to the bathroom). No one has ever been able to stop him from fighting except for Bulma, not even Trunks.

If you look into their relationship, Vegeta pretends not to care when Bulma and baby Trunks crashed. Vegeta didn't do anything, right? Wrong. Think about it- Vegeta knew by then Trunks was his son, so naturally he assumed Trunks would go after her while he focused on Gero. I also believe he panicked, not being used to caring for someone, but it was obvious that he was apprehensive about the situation and so focused his energies on Gero, and rather loudly at that, to avoid his feelings. Despite that he still couldn't tear his eyes away out of concern.

Bulma embarrasses Vegeta every time he is around her. He doesn't know how to respond. He acts like a child and says "What are you doing here?" and he points this out only to her. "Why are you here?" Every time she shows up. He doesn't do that to anyone else. He's afraid of her. She might get him to do something foolish. He panics around her. It's so obvious. Maybe that's why she doesn't show up during the big battles. That's just asking for trouble. He is such a child. He was kinder to her before they got together, then his pride took over.

Vegeta only challenges an opponent who is willing to fight back. Think about it - every fight he has been in, the other side has provoked him. In the Saiyan Saga it was the Z fighters who initiated the fight.

On Namek, when he went to that village to get the dragon ball, the Nameks made the first move to attack. He may have verbally provoked them, but they took the first swing. Kewi attacked first. When Zarbon shows up he attacks first, at least he did the second time. I can't remember the first, but I think Zarbon may have as well. Frieza attacks first, everyone moving away from Vegeta, but be does goad them into fighting. So, to sum up, Vegeta only fights when either provoked or attacked by opposite sides...most of the time. Sometimes he's just blood thirsty.

Vegeta is an incredible strategist. This is fact.

Vegeta is independent. Vegeta is a smart character that can fend for himself. One of the things I notice is that he is a cunning survivor. I've read many stories where Vegeta has to depend on Bulma, which is highly fictional. Vegeta does not need Bulma to cook for him when he can hunt his prey - a good example of this is in the arrival of Raditz.

Upon hearing the news of Raditz's last transmission, Vegeta and Nappa are seen eating the remains of their victims, which means they can eat their prey. Now, unto the battle of the Saiyans. Vegeta makes a reference to Piccolo being good to eat. He replies "I'll make some of my special sauce" Thus concludes my theory that Vegeta can cook his own damn food. (Yuck, but maybe he liked earth food better.)

Ah, the gravity room, another B/V cliché. Vegeta is not that dependent on the gravity room. I've heard stories making reference to this, Bulma making Vegeta do something he doesn't want to do etc. One, Vegeta is familiar with mechanics as well.

Throughout DBZ he is constantly tinkering with machines. Take notice: Vegeta can operate a spacecraft better than Bulma. It comes more naturally to him, being that he is around all types of technology since he was taken into the fold. That's what he did- stripped planets of their people and technology- so naturally he would know how to operate various machines. He is much more experienced dealing with that type of technology...so what if Bulma shuts the gravity down? He'll just turn it back on.

Vegeta is the bravest and enigmatic character to ever be introduced. He was alone on Namek and planned to fight Frieza, never expected help. He was strong enough to fight against Frieza's oppression. It was the most compelling story I have ever seen.

Let's look into Vegeta's character. I noticed that Vegeta was afraid to die. That is why he tried to flee during the battle with Frieza; also adding to the fact, he didn't want to be killed by Frieza. It was his worst fear and the ultimate failure. If you notice, he didn't make any attempt to plead for his life on earth, when Krillin had his life in his hands. "Go ahead…" he challenged Krillin.

Now this is interesting- in the Trunks Saga, Vegeta was still afraid to die. I think he found a place to call home. He realized how good life could be, and I don't think he wanted to meet up with Frieza and gang anytime soon.... just a random thought.

Anyway, so Frieza was the worst way to be killed. First of all, I read a lot of stories where Frieza is an abusive sadistic asshole who, beats and rapes Vegeta. This is highly fictitious, and exaggerative. For one, Frieza is asexual, at least in his

final form. It seems his sex changes with the transformation, for the first appearance of Frieza is male, but that is not his true form. I really doubt Frieza would sexually abuse Vegeta, he was a mind controller, and very calm with that ability.

For instance, Vegeta was just like Frieza in the beginning, not much of a difference between the two. That would mean he also would have been a molester, a sexual predator, and Vegeta just wouldn't put up with that crap. People also say, "but what about the scars on Vegeta in the Trunks saga?" First of all, those were battle scars, obtained most likely after the fight with Frieza, for when he was returned with the dragon balls on Namek, all battle wounds were gone. He was healed completely. Now don't forget, Vegeta went on a

journey to look for Goku.

He encountered many battles during that time, and that's where the scars came from. Don't be overdramatic saying those scars are from beating from long ago. That would be incorrect, since when he met Frieza on Namek, Vegeta hadn't even seen Frieza for quite a while, perhaps years. Those scars were fresh wounds, and also, if they were from past beatings they would have never healed in the Buu saga because again there were not there when he was shirt-less training in the gravity room with Trunks.

Now lets talk about Frieza raping Vegeta, if that was true then Vegeta wouldn't have enough pride to live. He would be too ashamed to, for a man whose life is based on pride couldn't take it. Also, the defeat of Goku wouldn't plague him as his "first great humiliation". In fact, his hatred toward Frieza would be much stronger than that towards Goku, or Kakarot.

Vegeta wishes to be the best. He was a Prince reduced to a mere soldier, a scout for Frieza, mocked constantly by his superiors. He was a prideful saiyan who was outmatched daily, for Ginyu called him a "pushover" (Japanese version: "Veggie Chan", which is a cute affectionate name for little girls). That is what he was dealing with daily. Even weaklings like Guldo would mock him. He didn't just hate Frieza; he hated all of them. It's just that Frieza was the leader and Frieza killed his father, and planet. He knew that, which is why he held so much anger towards Frieza, for he seemed unbeatable and held dominance over Vegeta.

He was raised a prince, so naturally he believed every one should be bowing at his feet. That's the type of attitude he had - aristocratic, arrogant, nose-in-the-air type of Saiyan, and was constantly belittled. Worst of all, became a servant to the man that killed his people, planet, and father. That's why his hatred was so strong against Frieza. I think that is enough on that...

Vegeta's sacrifice was one to be remembered and meant the most. One, a man who seemed arrogant and uncaring sacrificed himself for his family. Yes, Goku did it too, but that pales in comparison.

First of all, Goku lived a naive good life, untainted by evil. He was never kidnapped and forced to live a hellish life of a servant. He sought out challenges rarely did they just happen upon him. Therefore, it was much more meaningful when Vegeta gave his life. He knew he was going to hell where all his enemies resided, especially Frieza and Ginyu. He was going back to his hellish past.

Goku was going to heaven, could keep his body, go to other worlds, and all other sorts of adventures. Believe me, Goku was happier dead. It's true; just look at his expression. He had always neglected his family, so that was an added bonus for his sacrifice. Just imagine if he was sent to a void like the hyperbolic time chamber instead of the other world. He wouldn't have killed himself. He wouldn't be able to handle it, or he would have made the other guys feel guilty and go to the New Namek to revive him.

Remember, he couldn't even stay in the time chamber, not even for a year. Do you think he would have sacrificed himself then? I don't think so- he would have dropped Cell off on King Kai's planet, then instant transmission back to Earth. Let the others die. He would say, "They can be wished back with the dragon balls" Insert cheesy dumb-ass grin here.

Oops, sorry. I was talking about Vegeta, making his sacrifice more meaningful. The sad part of it all was that it was all for naught. Vegeta suffered greatly and slowly. Goku's sacrifice lasted a second then he was gone and probably didn't suffer much due to the fact that the body goes into shock. Vegeta, on the other hand, was being burned to ashes slowly and painfully.

Hell, Piccolo was about to go back and get him, but was stopped by cowardly Krillin, so for two episodes Vegeta reduce to scorching smoldering ashes, the most intense pain known to man is to be burned alive. It was slow, can you imagine that lingering pain, nowhere to run stay, and suffocate in heated flame. He had stayed to make sure Buu was dead. He didn't even try to escape. I have more respect for his character. It took a lot of courage to do what he did, and in the end what was his reward? A one-way trip to hell. Not fair.

Why, you ask? Well, for one Vegeta repented by killing himself for the greater good, but in all fairness, I guess I could understand if he was sent to hell, only if Buu killed him, instead of the sacrifice. He did kill all those innocent people, but he was under the influence of Babadi's spell (yes he was under the influences, even though, Babadi didn't have complete control, he had restored Vegeta's old self, the evil half he pushed away.

In Babadi's own words "Return to your dark nature". Vegeta tried to resist Babadi. Whenever Vegeta disobeyed Babadi he would hold his head in pain, fighting off Babadi. After a while Babadi gave up. Vegeta was too hardheaded.) So, in short, what's the point in sending a redeemed man to hell ... again, the only one to give credit was Piccolo.

Goku didn't really care that Vegeta was dead, only the fact that he couldn't try out his little fusion technique. Like Vegeta would have joined him. He was desperate when they fused together. He had to get Trunks back; he wouldn't do it unless he had to. I don't think he would have complied with Goku otherwise.

Now I'm not referring to Goku's first sacrifice, that was a good one, but then again, if he hadn't been so naïve with Raditz, he wouldn't have had to.... but that's another story...

Another turning point is the battle with Frieza and probably the first time I was disappointed in our Z-fighters. For one, they let Vegeta die. That was wrong, regardless on how you feel about Vegeta. He saved their lives and didn't deserve to be beaten to death by Frieza.

I know, I said I don't believe he raped Vegeta, but mentally he did something to him. There was fear there. There was that sadistic affectionate look in his eyes. I don't know what he felt for Vegeta, but it was sick. He definitely desired him in some way, I'm sure of it, but I don't think he acted on those desires because he cared for Vegeta.

Believe it or not, he did, in a sick and twisted way (gosh I hate him). Not only had Frieza destroyed his home, family, and pride, but also he was to take his life, and he did, with the three gawking cowering warriors that should have fought against Frieza, instead of watching his demise unfold.

Vegeta was one of the strongest warriors and they needed him. I would rather die then sit back and watch. Gohan was the only one willing to fight but was stopped by Piccolo....

Gosh how he must of felt so worthless that nobody gave a damn. I don't think he ever got over that humiliation, and it also contributed to his distrust of the Z-fighters. Case in point: Cell Saga: Vegeta was fighting 18, and the boys show up. 17 tells Vegeta he won't interfere, only if the others don't jump in, Vegeta says, "You don't have to worry about this group. They won't risk their lives for me."

I was just thinking: Goku knew Vegeta was getting the beating of a lifetime by Frieza, but waited until he was healed. Okay, that was just stupid. He could have left a little sooner than he did, and once he got out of the healing tank; he stops to smell the air. What is wrong with him? Anyway, he gets there late as usual, and acts like a typical retarded fool, trying to argue with a dying man. At least he could had said yes to every thing he asked, just to make him feel better, but nope, he didn't... okay, Frieza then blasts Vegeta through the heart.

Then Vegeta makes his last request, tears falling from his eyes, for Goku to destroy Frieza. He was delusional and desperate and Goku took advantage of that. After Vegeta was gone, Goku claimed he cried because Frieza made him into the monster he wanted him to be. Well, that is not true, for if it was, Vegeta would have changed his ways. He cried because he tried so hard, and like the past it resulted in insults and failure, to see the undeniable proof that Frieza was indestructible as well as his inability to avenge his father and his people. He was their Prince, their last hope, and he failed. Then there was the possibility that Goku might be a Super Saiyan and possibly beat Frieza, when he had never even felt the hell Frieza put him through.

Goku just wanted to fight- no passion, no reason, just wanted to fight. That is heartless, if you ask me, adding to the fact that Goku claimed victory over him. A third-class saiyan a clown could do something he could not, no matter how hard he tried. That day it was for naught and he cried because he wouldn't be able to witness the defeat of Frieza he dreamt of for so long while being in bondage to Frieza.

Vegeta is the most skilled fighter in DBZ no one can beat him in that area not even Goku. Goku is more powerful, yes, but once evenly matched he doesn't stand a chance. A good example of this is the fight with Cell. Most of Cell's moves were Vegeta's.

There was also the fight with Goku vs. Vegeta. In my opinion, in that fight Vegeta won between those two. He only lost because of circumstances, i.e., Gohan, Krillin, and Yajirobi. Seeing that the fight was only supposed to be between the two should have automatically forfeit Goku, because once they interfered Goku was out of the battle. He lost, was put out of commission, and paralyzed. The fight was still in progress (What type of person with honor would except that as a win?) Vegeta was still standing and fighting. I don't know why he beats himself over that; he beat Goku, and no, he did not cheat, so what if he transformed to get power? So did Goku. It's called the Kaioken attack, which heightened his power, which I say Goku overused.... same as transforming.

Vegeta has the most stamina I've ever seen. Example one: after transforming into Oozaru, all saiyans I observed pass out after such an ordeal, but Vegeta is the only one who can not only control his form, but also still fight after having his tail cut off, resulting turning him back into his original form. He was fatigued but quickly was back in action, fighting rested warriors (otherwise at their best, not damaged, etc.). Then, after being hit head on by the genki dama (spirit bomb), he was not giving up that easily, and the only person who could beat the crap out of Gohan when he was transformed. He is also the most resourceful fighter, for he learned most of the Z - fighters' useful moves just by watching them during their battle. Incredible.

Vegeta deserves more credit then he gets. A true hero hmn... in that battle nobody beat Vegeta; it was circumstance, like a big ape crushing the already-fatigued warrior and even after all that he was still strong enough to get into his pod. Goku isn't half the warrior Vegeta is (at least that's my opinion- I like Goku, but he has many faults).

Vegeta also has his faults. He's too much of a show-off, trying desperately to prove he's a better fighter then Goku, and his arrogance gets in the way of his better judgment. There is one weakness the Vegeta has and it's not pride or arrogance, but rage.

There are several examples of this. It's why he lost to Frieza and Cell. It's also what stopped him from killing Goku. How!? Well, Vegeta was so pissed that Goku was even a challenge that when he finally bested Goku he took his sweet time in killing him, which was a huge mistake. His rage makes him sloppy and stupid. His attacks are off, his focus is off, and he is just as useless as Krillin in that state.

Once he calms he's a dangerous adversary, who shouldn't be taken lightly, which is also his advantage. Most opponents he fights with think that he is all talk, so he uses that to his advantage. The funny thing is he tells them exactly what they are up against. He doesn't hold back and I like that.

Another weakness is that he lets too many people get to him; he pretends to be confident. He feels that he has to fight them in order for them, to give him respect (I'm referring to the Z-fighters and some enemies). Nobody does, he's use to that, but that doesn't mean he has to like it, and not from people who are weaker then he is. He had already gone through

that crap with Frieza and now that he was a free man, he didn't want to go back to being the pushover he was before.

What is interesting is how everyone started to act braver when Goku was around. Krillin did. Anyway, the problem is he gets too distracted by what people think, and say, whether it's Yamcha saying he's going to dominate in the tournament against Cell or Goku bragging about how strong he is.

Vegeta gets upset that anyone would have the audacity to think they could accomplish something he couldn't. He needs to relax. The truth is, Vegeta unconsciously doubts himself. He feels inferior and he wants to convince himself more than others. If you pay attention, when argues with someone it always is focused around him, a self-preaching. It is like he is trying to convince himself. But in his mind he doubts everything.

I've also heard him speak of this to himself *" Maybe I'm not what I think I am"* or *"I have to be a Super Saiyan"* those are just two of many crazy-guy-gets-too-frustrated-needs-to-calm-down moments (I'm surprised he didn't have an brain aneurysms yet, stressing himself out like that)

Wait, I thought of another one: overconfidence. His worst enemy. It makes him underestimate his opponent and thoroughly makes him look like an utter desperate fool. Two words to prove my point: Cell saga.

Vegeta is the most interesting character. He's simple but complex, easy to understand, but hard to accept his actions. He is unpredictable. He can be an enigma. Sometimes he can be foolish, cruel, or downright evil, and people judge him by his mouth. He's quick with the tongue and I don't think he thinks of the consequences.

In other words, he doesn't think before he talks. Sometimes he reminds me of Bulma with the sudden mood swings and the big mouth, but it makes his character the most interesting. After all this time, I still hold his character in high regard as the best character to ever be animated.

He's just that intriguing. This is just my opinion. You don't have to agree, not to sound like a know-it-all brat, but this commentary is accurate, and very true, if you really look into it.... well, that is quite enough. *Sighs* I'm

famished talking about Vegeta takes a lot of energy. But it was fun. Can't wait to talk about Yamcha. Hee

hee ^~_~^ (insert evil grin here).