Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Veil ❯ Soaring ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I'm back with another chapter! I'm having a complete mental shut down for my other fic, so I thought it would be best to write this for the time being. Thank you for the reviews!

Vegetarocks87: Hopefully this won't be as long as BOHOE, I don't think I could do that again lol. Thanks for the review!

Princess Sapphire: Yes Bulma is going to meet Goku (in this chapter hee hee). Oh and this is not a Bulma and Radditz fic, nor will it turn into one. Although it does seem that way doesn't it? lol. Thanks for the review!

Bunni Girl: LOL, no I don't have a secret potion. Thanks for the review!

Silver Midnight: Yes it is a writer's worst nightmare, I'm hating it so much lol. Thanks for the review!

Hope you all enjoy this chapter!!

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Bulma chuckled inwardly as she saw a faint blush grace his cheeks as he left. She sat on the bed, her shoulders slowly slumping into a dejected stance. She had made a bargain with Frieza to join his force, something that she was momentarily regretting as Bardock's words echoed through her mind. She closed her eyes and waited rigidly on the bed for Radditz to return.

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Bulma sighed and stood up, she began pacing the dark and bleak room with nervous energy. It had been fifteen minutes and Radditz still had not come back. She was beginning to wonder if he had run off and deserted her. She sat down in the nearest large chair and tapped her foot impatiently in a rhythmic beat.

The creaked open and Bulma looked up from her seat, shocked to the core to see a younger version of Bardock standing before her. She gaped silently at the uncanny resemblence. "Bardock?" She asked in a unsure quiet tone.

The Bardock look-alike chuckled and shook his head, "I am his youngest son. You may call me Kakarott."

She was speechless from the Saiya-jin's personality. Weren't all Saiya-jins apart from Bardock and Radditz supposed to be complete dickwads? She mused to herself as she analyzed the tall Saiya-jin in front of her.

She shook herself out of her thoughts, "I didn't know Bardock had another son. How is it that I've never met you before?"

Kakarott shifted his weight on to his right foot, not particularly liking the way she was gazing at him intently. "We chanced upon meeting, as you and my brother have. I take it that you two are, friends, of some sort."

Bulma nodded, not knowing what to say.

Kakarott smiled slightly, "Not many people are lucky enough to acquaint themselves with my brother. He must really like you if he keeps your company."

Bulma blushed at this, she realised that this Saiya-jin didn't have much tact when it came to conversations. "Do you live here with him as well?" She inadvertedly switched the subject, not knowing the full extent of Radditz's feelings towards her.

Kakarott was ignorantly oblivious to her tactics, "Yes."

She stood up motioned for him to sit on the chair, making her way to the bed she was sleeping in. "Please sit, you don't have to stand, this is after all your home. Where is Radditz?"

Kakarott sat down uncomfortably on the chair that Bulma had occupied. He waited for her to take her place before beginning, "He is out acquiring food. It is the evening meal time, he should be back any minute."

She wanted to chuckle as she remembered that Saiya-jins didn't have names for certain things. She shook her head to herself, not bothering to tell him that it was called 'dinner'. She didn't think she could take any more odd looks.

That sat in silence for a moment, before Bulma found herself filling the void. "How did you know I was here?"

Kakarott shrugged, "My brother told me to look after you while he was out. I did not come sooner because I thought I might disturb you."

Understanding graced her features, "I see.." She trailed off as she caught him staring intently as her face. She frowned in a questioning manner.

Kakarott noticed the look and tilted his head. "Why do you have blue hair?" He asked curiously, like a five year old child.

Bulma raised her eyebrow, "Why are you so strong?" She countered his own question with defiance.

He found himself wanting to laugh at the tiny female. "No wonder my brother enjoys your company. You have a spirit that not many Saiya-jins possess."

She scowled, "Yes well that didn't do me any good, because I'm stuck on a planet with people I hate, against my will!" Her voice was bitter.

He mirrored her scowl, "That's not a very nice thing to say." He said quietly.

She breathed out a weary sigh, "Ok, I don't hate everyone on this planet. You, Radditz and Bardock are the only ones that I can actually stand to be around."

His face brightened at her comment.

She looked at the handsomely chiseled face watching her and saw the uncommon kindness he had within himself. The face reminded her so much of Bardock that it was quite unnerving. She bit her lip, "Can I ask you something?"

He sat patiently, waiting for her to continue.

She pushed on, "Why does Bardock live in the palace in the servants' quarters when you have a home here?" She could tell he was startled by the question.

Kakarott's brow began to twitch, underlying the hidden anger. "It is not my place to tell, if you wish to know question my brother about it," he growled as he remembered how his father was forced to live in the palace with the corrupt King of the Saiya-jins.

Bulma withdrew from her interrogation, her head snapped towards the bedroom door as they heard rustling from somewhere in the house.

Kakarott heard more acutely, "It is my brother. He has returned, come I will take you to him." He stood from his seat and walked slowly out of the door, looking behind to make sure if she was following.

Bulma followed without hesitation, she felt her stomach growl and grimaced at its impatience and yearning for food.

She followed Kakarott, walking through the small yet cozy home. She narrow passageway branched out into two other rooms, she frowned when she noticed that all the walls were made from rough stone.

Kakarott slowed his pace as he realised that she was inspecting their home. This small Chikyuu-jin was very intriguing to him, and already he felt a brotherly protectiveness over her which could not be helped.

He could tell that she possessed a great deal of intelligence, but he couldn't help wondering why Vegeta no Ojui never mentioned her to him. After all, he considered the proud Prince his friend.

The reached the end of the short hallway, with a front opening, she found herself abruptly turning right. Descending a shallow slope, Bulma slowly walked into another adjoining room which had a large window and table placed in the middle, already set with barbaric looking wooden plates.

She could see another room which branched off the present one and assumed that it was the kitchen, this was most probably that dining room and it was here they were greeted by Radditz who was standing over a closed large pot.

Kakarott sniffed the air and spoke eagerly, "Did you get?" His stomach began growling even louder than Bulma's did.

Bulma held back a giggle.

Radditz looked at Kakarott with brief disgust. He sometimes wondered if he was really related to the moronic oaf before him. However there was no doubt that he was a strong fighter, his brother's power almost matched the powerful Prince's. He didn't bother answering the stupid question, instead he looked at Bulma in mere exasperation.

Bulma laughed at the look on Radditz's face, "What are you hiding under that pot, Radditz?" She asked teasingly. Warmth spread through her body as she thought she saw him blush slightly.

"It is this evening's meal." Radditz stated gruffly.

Kakarott eagerly took his place on one of four seats surrounding the table, Bulma followed suit.

She looked expectantly at Radditz, "What are we having?"

Radditz opened the lid to show her.

Bulma's face paled considerably at the contents of the pot. In the extremely large pot was some sort of skinned animal, that looked like an overgrown turkey. The meat was bubbling away in a thick red liquid.

Bulma gulped, "Is that red liquid made from tomatoes?" She asked quietly. She still couldn't get used to the eating habits of Saiya-jins, it was as if they lived in the stone age sometimes.

Radditz raised an eyebrow, "It is marinated in the animal's blood."

"What is a tomatoes?" Kakarott pondered, not realizing he had to transform 'tomatoes' into the singular form.

Bulma ignored him as she felt a considerable amount of bile rise up, she knew that instant that she wouldn't be able to eat what was presented to her. "I don't want to be rude, but do you have any kind of fruit?" She pleaded silently with Radditz, hoping he wouldn't force her to eat the vile looking food.

Kakarott didn't notice her hesitation, so he used the wooden spoon in the pot and began placing the chinks of marinated meat onto his plate.

Radditz growled at his brother's lack of courtesy. He turned back to Bulma and noticed that she looked rather sickly. "Yes we do. Do not worry, I shall not force you to eat that," he gestured to the pot.

Bulma breathed a sigh of relief and cocked her head, "Did you cook that?"

Radditz looked at the floor slightly embarrassed, but nodded in affirmation.

As Kakarott began to eat with full force, she continued her conversation with Radditz, "I didn't know Saiya-jins could cook."

He folded his arms, "They can't, but when one is alone, one has to learn the basis of survival. I have yet to obtain a mate and therefore I am subjected to making my own meals, for the time being."

Kakarott continued eating, oblivious to the conversation occurring around him.

Bulma chewed on her bottom lip, "Why don't you already have a mate? In my opinion, you're one of the few Saiya-jins' that actually have a personality, aside from the blood lust."

Radditz didn't like the direction this conversation was taking, "I have yet to find a mate worthy of me..." he glanced at her under hooded eyes so she wouldn't see the intense emotion simmering in them. He walked away quickly into the adjoining room and returned with a basket of edible fruits.

Radditz slammed it on the table, "That is all the fruit we have as of now. If you want more then you shall get it yourself. You have already caused enough upheavel as it is."

Bulma was surprised at his agitated tone, but she nodded and quietly began to pick at the beautiful looking fruit. They ate silently for the duration of the meal. At the end of the meal, Kakarott squelched a burp emitting from his throat, as he caught the deadly glare of his brother.

Bulma noticed that they had finished eating and stood up, retrieving their plates. She noticed the perplexed look on Kakarott's face and confusion on Radditz's.

Radditz stood up from his seat, next to Bulma, and growled. "What do you think you're doing?"

Bulma shrugged, "I'm clearing up. It's the least I can do." She offered him a small smile.

Radditz was taken aback by this. Never had such a small gesture made him feel so complete. He bowed his head in understanding, feeling pride that the female Chikyuu-jin honored him enough to oblige with the cleaning. Yes, she would make a perfect mate. He couldn't deny his feelings for her any longer, as sickening as they felt to him.

Kakarott was silently amazed and sat rooted to his seat. This was the first time he had ever seen his brother be so submissive to another being. Normally when outsiders touched their belongings without consent, Radditz would have blasted them to the next dimension.

She walked into the kitchen with the dirty wooden plates and frowned when she couldn't find a sink. She turned around to Radditz who had followed. "Where is the sink?"

Radditz shrugged, "What is a sink?"

Bulma shook her head, "My Kami, you people are strange. You have the technology to have healing machines and yet you do not have the technology for a simple sink?"

Radditz was now confused, "Some of the technology is not ours. We aquire it from different planets we have conquered."

Bulma's mouth formed a tiny 'o'. "I see.. So, where do I put this for washing then?"

He pointed to the counter. "We leave it there. Once a week a fourth-class Saiya-jin comes to clean everything."

Now it was her turn to be muddled, "Ok, so you don't let anyone cook for you and yet you have someone that comes to clean for you every week?"

He nodded, not understanding the expression on her face.

Bulma sniffed, she still had a long way to go before she understood Saiya-jin culture. A known voice rang out from outside of the small home, one she recognized all too well. Vegeta. The plates fell from her grasp and landed with a thud on the stone floor.

"Radditz! Come out here this instance, I know you're in there. I demand that you come out at once!"

Bulma looked fearfully at Radditz, she shook her head pleading with him not to answer to the Prince's calls.

Radditz looked back in regret and began to make his way out of the house. He knew that he hated the Prince with a passion and that if he went outside then he would lose Bulma to him, but his loyalty to the throne came first.

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Vegeta neared the entrance of the cave style house that Radditz and his brother Kakarrot lived in. He landed at the mouth of the entrance and powered down.

On his way here he had worked himself into quite a bit of rage at the thought of Bulma alone with the third-class. Even though he was an elite soldier, he was still to be considered a lowly third class.

He briefly scowled at the lowly living quarters, before calling out and banging on the hard wooden door, "Radditz! Come out here this instance, I know you're in there. I demand that you come out at once!"

Kakarott had not moved from his seat and was most surprised to hear the voice of his Prince speak out. This was the first time that he had ever allowed himself to come here. Standing quickly, he made his way to the door but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, roughly yanking him back.

Radditz pulled his brother close and began to whisper, even though there was no need, "Stay with Bulma, don't leave her side. Take her to my room and keep her there, do not bring her out. Understood?" He hissed.

Kakarott was now entirely confused by what was going on but nodded in agreement at his brother. Never before had he seen his brother look so worried. He took Bulma by the arm and quickly, but quietly led her away from the dining room towards his brother's room.

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Radditz waited until they were out of site before he opened the door and calmy walked outside. Inside he was fearing for the safety of his own life and that of the ningen's.

Vegeta scowled as he saw Radditz emerge slowly from his home.

Radditz got down on one knee and bowed in respect at the Prince. "Vegeta no Ouji, this is a surprise. I am honored that you are here, what may I do for you?" He choked each word out painfully, hating the Prince even more with each word.

"Get up." Vegeta spat.

Radditz stood up, but kept his head bowed.

Vegeta snarled, "Look up this instance."

Radditz slowly looked up into the rage filled eyes of the proud Prince. "You highness?" The words seemed to stick in his throat.

Vegeta growled, "What right did you have to take the Chikyuu-jin from the palace?"

Radditz did not back down, "I had no right, Vegeta no Ouji. Please forgive me." His voice was lower than a baritones and laced with a hidden new found hate for the young Prince.

Vegeta clenched his fists, "Bring her out here. She must return to the palace."

Radditz stood his ground, "Forgive me, Vegeta no Ouji but that will not be possible."

"Why the fuck not?" He snarled at the larger man.

"She is in no condition to return to the palace. Once she is, I shall willingly send her."

"I don't give a flying fuck whether or not she is in good condition. Bring her out here now or I shall blast your home, including the woman inside." He smirked as Radditz's resolve faded slightly.

Radditz knew it wasn't an empty threat, and braced himself for the Prince's angry display.

Vegeta concentrated a ki ball in the palm of his hand. Although it looked tiny, it had enough force to destroy anything within twenty feet and turn it to ashes. Vegeta sneered, "Now you have until the count of three to bring her out. One." He began.

Radditz did not move.


Radditz's heart began thumping at a wild pace. He felt his defiance begin to break, but he still did not move from his position in front of the Prince.

"THREE!" Vegeta snarled and hurled the ki ball past Radditz, straight in the direction of the house.

Radditz let out a battle cry and phased himself in front of the ki blast, taking the brunt of the explosion. The blast had completely missed the house because he had absorbed the whole attack into his body.

Radditz had done this for one reason and one reason only, Bulma. He gasped and choked on the blood that he began to cough up, he fell to his knees and then onto his front, laying completely motionless.

Vegeta looked blankly at the unconscious body of Radditz. His face had scratches all over it and a pool of blood was forming by his head. Vegeta snorted, "Weakling." Stepping over the unconscious body, he made his way calmly into the house. He looked around, not finding anything.

There was on room he had not tried yet and that was at the end of the narrow hallway. He couldn't believe he had degraded himself so much as to allow himself to walk through a third-class Saiya-jin's home. He opened the door slowly and heard shuffling coming from inside. He smirk grew wider.

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Kakarott frowned as he sat stiffly on the large chair in his brother's room. He did not like what was going on, even though he had no clue as to what was happening. The small sound of the door opening made him look up expectedly.

Bulma rubbed her arms, trying to rid herself of the coldness. She heard the tiny squeak of the door opening a fraction. Her heart nearly leapt into her throat. She realized that Radditz must have sent the Prince away. She bounded to the door and opened it readily.

Vegeta stood, leaning against the frame of the door with a smirk plastered on his face. He allowed himself a small chuckle as he saw the pure shock and terror written across Bulma's face.

Bulma stood paralysed as she stared at the face of her tormentor.

Vegeta had never known that terrorising this tiny human could be so much fun. "Boo."

She let out a tiny yelp of surprise at the one syllable word and began retreating back into the room, trying to distance herself as far away as she could from him. Memories of him taking advantage of her flashed before her eyes, making her run to Kakarott's side in abject fear.

Kakarott's eyes widened as the Prince entered Radditz's room, which seemed much smaller now that the Prince had stepped into it. He immediately fell to his knee, giving the formal greeting. "Forgive me Vegeta no Ouji, I have no idea what is happening." He stood up respectfully. He had admired the Prince since a young age and they were 'friends' in Saiya-jin terms, as far as friendship goes. However this was never recognized in front of other beings, only when they were alone.

"Keep it that way Kakarott." Vegeta's eyes narrowed to where Bulma was cowering behind the taller Saiya-jin.

"What is your order sire?" Kakarott asked, not realizing the intensity of the situation.

"I order that you hand over the Chikyuu-jin scientist. She was brought here against the order that she was to stay at the palace at all times."

Kakarott stepped aside, leaving Bulma feeling bare against the Prince's gaze. "Then she shall have to return. Do you wish me to bring her back to the palace?"

Vegeta was silently pleased at his 'friends' loyalty. He would have to remember to reward the dunderhead. "It is late. I shall take her." In two strides he stalked over to Bulma and grabbed her upper arm. Looking intently into the other Saiya-jin's eyes he spoke in an eerily calm voice. "Get some rest Kakarott, I expect to see you at the training arena before sunrise."

Kakarott nodded, he knew Radditz had told him not to let Vegeta near Bulma, but he didn't see the point in angering the proud Prince. He wasn't that much of a threat to anyone, or so Kakarott thought.

Kakarott had always thought that Vegeta only needed a little more love in his life, something which did not come to him in great quantity or often. In truth, Kakarott could see under the Prince's pretences and could see that he was a good person behind the cruel facade.

Even though most people turned a blind eye towards it, Kakarott had recognized it and observed as their relationship grew into a strong friendship from when they were only young boys.

Vegeta gripped Bulma's arms tightly, earning a gasp from her. He nodded once to Kakarott in made his way out of the door, with Bulma in tow. He stopped and turned around, "Your brother got in my range of fire. See to it that he is healed in the rejuvenation tanks at the medical ward." The gruffness of his tone grated against Bulma's ears.

Kakarott's eyes burned into the Prince, but he nodded and then there was a momentary silence. Bulma looked as the two stared at each other with hidden meanings behind their expressions. It was as if they were having a silent conversation through their eyes and features.

Bulma felt her arm go numb as Vegeta's grip was almost cutting off the circulation to it. She tried to pull it free from his grasp, but the effort was futile. "Ow." She hissed under her breath, and was sent back into silent shock as she felt his grip loosen, if only slightly.

Vegeta grunted, as if he were answering to something. He glared at Bulma momentarily, before dragging her out of the room by the iron grip he had on her.

They were now standing outside, with Vegeta looking at her in silence. Bulma caught sight of Radditz's figure laying motionless on the coppery grass, a few feet away from them. She gasped and went to run towards the still body, but found that Vegeta's grip was still firmly on her.

Bulma looked at him in fury, "Let. Me. Go." She spat out each word. She saw his steely resolve at letting her go and she became earnest. Her eyes changed from spitting fire, to pleading in an instant. "I have to see if he's alright!" She cried.

Vegeta did not allow himself to answer. Instead he drank in her beautiful face and form.

Bulma began to grow uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze. She squirmed slightly.

Vegeta left his head cock slightly to the right, as he took in the full extent. He had not seen her since she had been placed in the rejuvenation tank. He did not think that the burns would have healed. In truth he surprised to see that not a mark was left on her.

She stood before him in all her beautiful glory, with eyes as cold as frost. He knew she held no emotion towards him apart from hatred, and that was what he was thankful for. She had passion and he needed someone who would hate him with a passion. In that instant as he looked at her beautiful porcelain face, he knew he had no regrets in taking her as his.

Bulma pulled again profusely, "Please, I have to see he's alright!" She pleaded again. She turned to look at Radditz's charred body and choked on her sob. She couldn't believe her protector was immobile, she had done this to him, in had inadvertedly hurt him. Tears began to form, threatening to spill.

Vegeta snarled as he caught her looking at Radditz with concern shimmering in her cerulean depths. He wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her to him. "Don't worry your pity head over that pathetic weakling."

A deep gutteral growl was emitted from his throat. He began to levitate off of the ground and up into the starry night sky of Vegeta-sei. He had a funny feeling that things were going to get even more complicated.

Bulma turned her head fearfully, still looking back at Radditz forlornly. She prayed to Kami that he would be ok, deep down she knew he would. After all, he was a fighter.

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Kakarott watched as they flew off into the inky black sky. He shook his head as he looked at his brother unconscious on the ground.

He looked back at the sky, "Vegeta's got it bad..." He commented quietly to himself. His gaze wandered back to his brother, "You both do."

He began to feel as though Bulma had woven a spell on the two, normally, fierce warriors'. They had both fought over something which they would generally never have fought over. They both were trying to win the love of the pretty blue-haired Chikyuu-jin.

But he knew that Radditz fought unnecessarily and futilely, Kakarott had already seen the bite mark on Bulma's neck and if he honed in his senses, he could smell Vegeta's scent that already permeated from her.

Shaking his head, he carefully slung his brother's large and heavy body over his shoulder and flew off into the direction of the Saiya-jin medical ward. He knew that Radditz would be out of commission for the rest of the night.

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Bulma squeezed her eyes shut as she found herself flying horizontally underneath Vegeta. He had turned her around so that she was facing downwards.

She didn't want to scream because she was afraid of heights, it was the fact that she was with Vegeta. The sheer speed of the flight was leaving breathless, knocking away any fear that she felt of him and replacing it with anger.

She began to squirm under his grip as terrifying memories worked their way up into her mind.

Vegeta growled, getting annoyed by her constant fidgeting, "Woman, stop moving or-"

Bulma's anger at being stuck with him caused her to be careless and cut into his voice, "Or what Vegeta? You're going to drop me, is that what it is?" She snarled, moving with all her might.

It was Vegeta's turn to snarl, "That's exactly what I'll do."

"Go ahead, rapist!" She said mockingly.

That did it. Vegeta released his grip on her waist and watched her plunge down into the jade green forest below. He was almost surprised that she didn't scream.

Bulma closed her eyes, she felt as though she were soaring like a beautiful blue bird.

In reality she was plunging down faster by the second, gravity taking hold of her. A few more seconds and she would be free from this torture that was called life, she smiled sadly waiting for the hard bone shattering impact of her body against the solid ground.

Nothing came.

Instead she felt bulky muscled arms wrap around her waist and lift her back up again.

Upon seeing her nearing the tip of the trees, Vegeta phased his way down to her altitude and grabbed her by the waist again. He powered up and flew back to their previous altitude. He should have just let her fall, he silently berated himself for allowing himself to be so lenient towards her.

"You are more trouble than you are worth, ningen." He breathed into her ear.

Bulma shivered against his rock hard body. He was beginning to scare her again, he was acting like he had the night he had taken advantage of her.

The palace was coming into view and Bulma thanked the heavens. She would finally be able to retreat to her own room and hide away from the nightmarish Prince.

Vegeta levitated back down to the ground, vertically this time. Their feet touched the ground softly, without making the slightest sound. They were in the palace gardens, under the two moons of Vegeta-sei. He still held her close, not letting her go. The bond was forcing the two to become one again.

It was as if unheard voices were chanting the Saiya-jin ritual of mating, calling them to be joined together. The bond was growing stronger, and it would do so until either one of them died.

Vegeta could feel the lust pumping in his veins again, the silent chanting pushing him to finish off the bond with his mate. He knew that he did not love her. He needed her, it was as simple as that. Without her, the bond would be one-sided on his part, causing him to lose his sanity. Either that or die from the pain of an uncompleted bond.

Bulma opened her left eye tenderly and caught the lustful look on Vegeta's face. The pace of her beating heart quickened and grew thunderous in her ears. The fast rhythmic beat was pushed up against Vegeta's own chest as he held her close.

Bulma gasped as she saw his eyes emanating a radiant blue colour. The blue drowned out the onyx depths she had learned to hate. She tried to take a step back but found it useless as he held her tight up against him.

The look in his eyes was more than full of lust. They were full of a need, for her. She couldn't bring herself to move. The eyes she was staring into were too hypnotizing, beckoning her to him.

That's when he kissed her.

But this time, she couldn't refuse. The kiss was soft, deep and laced with passion, not savage as it had been the last time. She found that she couldn't resist returning the kiss with equal passion. Her reasoning had gone flying out of the window when she saw the bright glow of his eyes.

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Frieza crushed the glass containing his favourite red liquid. He was growing impatient by the day. He had received word that the Chikyuu-jin had an 'accident'. If he didn't know any better then he would have said it was Brolli's doing.

He needed to get Vegeta bonded, so that he could use it to his advantage.

Zarbon looked at the threatening expression on his master's face. "Lord Frieza?"

Frieza snarled at the beautiful green haired man. "Shut up Zarbon!"

Zarbon instantly clamped his mouth shut, knowing full well how cranky Frieza could become.

Frieza growled as he looked out of the large window and out into the dark expanse of space. He turned back to Zarbon, "Set the course of the ship for Vegeta-sei."

Zarbon immediately gave orders to the pilot, without question. They would reach Vegeta-sei in two days. He wasn't sure what Frieza had planned up his sleeve.

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Under the moonlight two figures could be seen embracing together in a mixture of heat, lust, passion and hate. But the greatest of these emotions was hate, for it was the hate that brought them together.

Vegeta broke the kiss for a brief moment long enough to speak, "You will not join Frieza's legion." He rasped, his throat sticky and dry.

Bulma nodded mutely and closed her eyes as his lips pushed back against hers. She trembled with fear and excitement as she felt his hands roaming down her back. She found herself being lifted up into his arms, obligingly she wrapped her legs around his waist, reveling in the surprisingly soft touch of his hands as they trailed up into the back of her shirt.

Vegeta smirked, he could almost smell her urgency. He had her right where he wanted her, eating out of the palm of his hand. He knew now that she wouldn't dare to leave the planet. He had Bulma by his side. He was safe, for now.

Bulma didn't know what she was doing, she just felt the urgent need to be with him and his glowing eyes were the reason she became even more attracted towards him. That night the stars twinkled mischieviously.

~*~If the sky opened up for me,

And the mountain disappeared,

If the seas ran dry, turned to dust

And the sun refused to rise

I would still find my way,

By the light I see in your eyes

The world I know fades away,

But you stay~*~

Bulma felt as though she were soaring.

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A/N: There you go, longer chapter lol. I love the end if this chapter! (lol) Poor Radditz. And Frieza's heading back to Vegeta-sei. Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I don't have spell check on my computer. Please review and let me know if you liked this chapter. Thank you.