Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vraie ❯ The Escape ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The cloaked figure ran as fast as it could from the well protected home. `gods please let her be safe' it prayed as it turned around to see if it was being followed. `5 oh gods help me' it cried in its head as it continued running trying not to raise its power level too much. The dark figure came to a clearing when it saw the small pod that would protect the bundle in its arms. With its free hand it pulled out a small controller and pressed a small red button and a small door opened in the pod. The figure laid the bundle down and pulled back the blanket just to see a small face curled up with what looked like a small silverish pillow. `I will not let them ruin your life my dear daughter' the figure promised as it brushed a piece of hair out of her face that fell back as soon as the hand left. The figure froze and turned its head so quickly that the hood fell down to reveal a rather young and very beautiful woman. She had long, black hair and the darkest eyes with small flecks of silver in them. `They found me to quickly' she underestimated the men that had been chasing her for about three weeks now, as soon as her daughter was born she has been trying to escape but never finding salvation. Until she met a man that was not from her planet, he promised that he could take care of her daughter all she would have to do is get to the pod and send it away. He promised that the coordinates would already be in the computer. She looked back at her daughter one last time then pressed a button in the ship and crushed the controller. That was the last time that she saw her daughter, she watched as the pod shot off into space off to a planet that would keep her safe. "Hikarino Megami, we have to bring you to the king, and we could do it the hard was or the easy way though I would prefer the hard way." A rather tall muscular man with unruly long dark hair and a brown tail. She turned around to face them and glared. `Whatever happens now doesn't mater she is safe.' They flew to the palace and walked into the throne room. "Your majesty, we have brought Hikarino Megami just as you asked." The head guard said as the two beside her grabbed her arms and pulled her in front of the King. The king was about 5'10, his black hair stood straight up and his dark eyes scared everyone that looked into them except for Hikarino. She stood tall like she was his equal that was one of the reasons that he hated her so much. "Where is the child?" He asked coldly still staring at her. The guard answered rather quickly hopping that the king wouldn't kill him. "When we found the woman she had already sent the child to another planet." The king's eyes narrowed, he raised his hand and shot a rather large ki blast at the man, killing him instantly. He looked back to the woman standing in front of him. "Where is the child!" He demanded, she looked into his eyes. "Somewhere safe from your grasp Vegeta." She hissed not even taking his formal name, which was a crime in its self. King Vegeta grew more impatient and angry with the woman in front of him. He looked at the new head guard. "Get the answer from her anyway possible but don't kill her…yet" He smiled it would have to work no one could withstand Sayain torture. They brought her into a room that had only one candle to light it up. They placed chains around her hands and strung her up till she could no longer touch the cold floor. They took turns beating her and shooting small ki blasts at her, they took out a small dagger and cut up her beautiful face, they broke all of her bones one at a time. When they were done she didn't even look Saiyan; they even cut off her tail. During the torment she her them asking her where her daughter was but she never uttered a sound, but on the inside she was screaming, and crying; begging for some higher power to kill her..it never came. After what seemed like years, but was only a few days the king came in and asked her one last time "where is the child?" she looked up at him, even though she was almost dead she looked down at him and laughed. "She will rise up and destroy you and your entire world Vegeta." His anger grew larger; he formed a small ball of light in the palm of his hand and killed her. "I will find her." He whispered to the body, he turned around and walked to the entrance of the room. "And when I do she will wish she was never born."