Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ WALK LIKE A MAN ❯ Chapter 16

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"You did what?!?"

"I promised to be a go between for him" Mai curled up on the sofa "he's got everything on me Jamie. I had no choice"

"I'll break him in half"

"No Jamie, you can't get involved. he's really out to get you too"

"I don't care. I won't let that bastard hang anything over my sister's head. I'm telling Trunks"

"NO!!" She grabbed his arm as he headed got he phone "don't'.....I'll lose him, and I can't lose him"

Their bond as very tight. When his sister was stressed, he stressed and vise versa. This wasn't going to be easy for him. He had to hold his tongue while the man that nearly ended her life walked around freely to terrorize her for his pleasure.

"I'll be fine. I promise. I won't do anything degrading"

"He's already degrading you" Jamie huffed "look at you. You haven't slept have you?"

"No not really. I haven't been feeling good."

"He's stressing you. If you get ill behind this...all bets are off. I'm smashing his head in"

"Just be there for me.....please" she tried to stand up only to have her knees buckle "I just need you to be there for me" she leaned into her brothers chest breathing shallowly

Jamie held her up "I will, but I won't like it. And I don't like seeing you like this"

Jamie picked her up and placed her back on the sofa. Mai curled up and fell asleep. She was past exhaustion. The strain of living a double life and the heavy burden of Malachi's threats seemed to be draining all the life out of her quickly. Mai wasn't a weak person, but under the circumstances, this was enough to take down the strongest person.

Jamie was gone when she woke. Her eyes focused on the clock as it flashed 6:30. She sat up and shook off the sleepiness.

"I've got to get dressed" she headed for the bathroom and quickly showered. Tonight's even was a fundraiser. Not the proper place to solicited business but Malachi's small brain wouldn't understand that. So she had to be way beyond her charming self, pulling clients aside to whisper in their ear. She didn't know how Trunks was going to take it. She slipped into the basic black dress and did her make up quickly before leaving a note for Jamie and speeding off to meet Trunks. All the time her stomach did flip flops and her mind played a scenario of Trunks realizing who Malachi was and snapping him in half in front of an audience. Hopefully she could keep him under control. Having him go super tonight wouldn't be good. She checked her car and entered the building as low key as possible. Checking her watch, she had arrived at least a good 5 minutes before Trunks enough time to mentally pull herself together. In a quiet corner of the theater she sat with her eyes closed, praying for forgiveness. It seemed this was the most she had prayed in the long time, asking for the strength to continue forgiveness, understanding. When she opened her eyes Trunks had just walked in.

"Over here" Mai waved her hand to get his attention.

He walked over to her and hugged her tightly "Hey you. How'd you get here so quickly?"

"Timing I guess" she straightened out his crooked tie "you look really handsome "

"and you look divine" his lips caught hers "Oh before I forget" he slipped long velvet box out of his inner pocket "this is for you"

Mai held her breath, he hand really lavished her with gifts, much to his dismay, but when he saw this one he couldn't resist getting it for her.

"Open it. I didn't spend the better part of my day searching for it to have you just stare at the box"

"You shouldn't have. I told you I don't like jewelry.......ohm gosh" she gasped opening the box and being blinded by the array of glittering stones set in a elegant bracelet.

"I take it you like it?" Trunks said slipping the bracelet out the box and onto her wrist "never take it off"

She held it up and examined it "it's too much" she said clutching her chest "but it's so lovely"

"You're lovely, this just accentuates that" he kissed her again among the crowd of by passers. For a brief moment Mai had forgotten about all the drama in her life, until Malachi arrived and non-too happy.

"Good evening Mr. Briefs"

"Hello Mr. Stacy"

"It's a good night for a premier isn't it......oh my goodness......Mai?" He said as if he was shocked to see her "is that you?"

Mai swallowed hard. Gathering all her strength she answered and the little play began "hello Malachi"

"You look good.....It's been along time"

She gave a half smile " you look well"

"I'm ok......how's the family......Cassy, Jamie, your mom?"

"Everyone's fine"

"You two know each other?" Trunks asked suspiciously.

"Yea.... were old friends" Mai gripped his hand tightly signaling her uneasiness with her surroundings " Trunks, this is Malachi Stacy......my ex" he let out her held in breath.

"Malachi? Malachi!.......the Malachi" his brows connect "the man I hired for my security is the same man who......."

"That was years ago......and I'm sorry for what I did to her. I was another person then"

"Mai are you ok?" He pulled her as closes to himself as he could " baby, if you want this guy gone.......it's done" he cracked his knuckles "I don't have a trouble dismissing problems"

The look on his face nearly made her confess everything. But not here like this.

"It's ok........I forgave him along time ago. I chalked it up to his immaturity. Besides " she looked up into Trunks baby blue eyes " I've got everything I need now. Lets' just enjoy the movie and wipe the plane clean"

"If you say so honey" Trunks made sure his kiss lasted longer than usual. He wanted to make sure Malachi understood......... hands off his.


In the lobby, most of Capsule Corps' business partners were talking among themselves. Mai didn't want to do it, but she had no choice.
"Honey" she tugged gently on Trunks arm "I'm going over there and talk to Mr. and Mrs. Jenson ok"

"Sure, fine babe" he responded "Love you" he kissed her hand as she walked away.

"Love you too"

Mai approached the Jenson's looking back to until she was out of Trunk's eyesight. Then she struck up a conversation with them and Malachi came from out of the shadows and joined her.

She couldn't ever remember what the movie was about. After everyone began to file out from the theater Mai couldn't conjure one happy feeling inside her. Malachi sat only a few chairs away form them and it seemed each time she turned her head, the was staring at her. His eyes glaring at her with the same intensity he used to when he was wired. The results: a midnight beating. It sent chills down her spine. He had gotten her where he wanted, and she knew he'd want more. At this point she would be in his debut forever.

The flash of the cameras got her attention as Trunks stopped to answers some question, Mai held his hand and tried to divert her face from the on lookers only to make contact with Malachi's. She nearly jumped out of her skin as he waved before disappearing into the crowd.

"You're quiet tonight" Trunks slipped out of his jacket and shoes as the car rolled down the empty streets "enjoy the movie?"

"yes...it was nice" Mia's attention seemed somewhere else.

"Want to hit some of the after parties?"


"Ready to turn in aren't you" he snuggled next to her.

"Yea. I'm beat. Would you be awfully mad if I called it a night?"
"No sweetie. You look like you could use some rest. I'll drop you off and go on ok?"

"Ok" she rested on his chest "you still love me?" She asked

"Very much. I'll always love you" her whispered " Always. Whenever you doubt it just remember that love is patient and understanding" He cupped her chin and tilted her face towards his " I'm patient and understanding"

So worried about her dilemma, Mai totally missed his point. He suspected something was wrong tonight. Her restlessness, Malachi's showing up all of a sudden. And the fake apology he gave to them, not very convincing. Something smelled rotten, something just wasn't right. And whatever it was he was going to find out.


"Mike.....M ia" Malachi walked over to the copier "wanted to thank you for the referral. The Jenson's need my services. I'm telling you, you are very convincing. They took it all hook line and sinker. I'm so in......and thanks to my little partner...."

"I'm no partner. I'm just ..."
"doing this to save your skin.......save your little relationship" Malachi sneered "it was a great first referral.....But I need more" he thumbed his nose "get on it"

Mai clutched the papers in her hand and cruising under her breath. She was going to have to do more, but would more ever satisfy him? Maybe, but he means justifies the end......her end. The ending to her fairytale romance that seemed to be turning into a horror story.

The Oracle files were sitting on her desk in plane view. Mai sat back in her chair and stared at them. This project was supposed to be hush hush, only a few know about it.

"Now I trust you to keep this under wraps Mike " Trunks said handing her the file " I know you'll take good care of these. I trust you"

Mai felt her stomach churn. He trusted her with his most important files.

"You're my "go to" man Mike. You're the best. I don't know what I'd do without you"

His praises were like daggers in her heart "What am I doing" she said under her breath looking in the file. Malachi wanted to know about the pending Oracle contract, how many units of silicone chips were being assembled and for how much.

"We've got the best bid" she looked through the papers making sure each was signed by her boss "Too bad were going to loose it" she sighed placing he file in her desk. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out was Malachi was doing. He could sell the information he acquired to Capsule Corps. competitors and they could under bid them. He's gets a fat commission off the top. Easy money, but with a heavy price. Mai's soul. This was his 5th pay off.

The company had a very distinctive list of companies that worked with them closely. Their loyalty extended over decades of business, before the androids, dating back to Capsule Corps. humble beginnings when her father created inventions out of his garage. All that was about to be jeopardized behind a lie and deceit .

Hey Mikie" Malachi slithered up to her desk.

"Here" she handed him an envelope with a copy of the bids inside "take it and go. I don't want anyone to see you talking to me"

"Aw....come on. Let's do lunch. I'll pay"

"Not in this lifetime. I wouldn't break bread with you if I were starving to death"

"Come on, were old buddies. Remember the time we snuck into Hartman's' department store? We hit every floor, playing round with stuff. Remember the mattress section?" He slid his finger across her "you were very cooperative then"

"I hate you"

"Hate is such an ugly word"

Just then Trunks rounded the corner returning from the lab "Hey Mike" he waved Got a little job for you to take care of"

"Anything to get away from here" she said in a low voice cutting her eyes at Malachi "Sure boss, what cha you need?"

"Having a dinner party in a week, all the shareholders at the grand ballroom, Hotel Florence. I've got to get back the accounts I've lost over the past few weeks. I need you to........"
"I got it. The seating arrangements, dinner menu entertainment, yadda , yadda, yadda"

"See" he showed the inters standing next to him "an assistant should know your every thought before you do." The small crowd of collage students laughed "Mike he's a pro. Solid and dependable and a great karaoke singer. And ladies.... he's single"

"Boss" Mai blushed noticing the females flirting "can I go now?" She said nervously.

"See you after lunch. I'm seeing mother and my aunt ChiChi. I'll catch up to you later" he walked off with the crowd of inspired students behind him.

"That was so sweet" Malachi came up "let's give Mike a hand" he mockingly began clapping. "You're a great performer. Hope he never finds out his assistant is his lover...it's could be messy"

"Would you stop it" Mai raised her voice a little making some of the employees stop "Take you're list an go"

"Sure thing Mikie. Just remember. I got you"

The pressure seemed to be more than she could handle. More time than less Mai found herself standing on wobbly knees. Her head would spin and sometimes she felt she'd faint.

"I'm dying here" she held herself together by sheer will finding her way back to her seat as her phone rang.

"Hello Mike Daveson"

"Mai it's me Ty. It's Cassy, she's turned for the worse."
'No" Mai sunk in her seat

"The doctors say the tumor is larger than they thought, operating is going to be risky"

"Do you need me there?"

"I know it might be hard for you to get away, but she asking for you"

"I'll be there"

Mai found Brittany and asked her to cover her for an hour. Mai hurried over to the hospital where she was Jamie and her mother auguring in the hallway.

"I'm giving her blood.........."

"I don't want your blood. No telling what you've go. you're not giving that disease to my girl.

"You're so blind mother. No matter what I do, how hard I try, or how successful I am you'll never accept me for me"

"It's not natural Jamie. You an Ty aren't natural"

"Why cues were men? I love him, more than anything in this world...yes even more then you mom. Why? Because he cares for me no questions asked."

"Just leave. We don't need you"

"I'm staying. I won't go and you can't make me. I have a right to be here"

Mai walked up still dressed in drag "what is up wit you two? This is a hospital" she shouted loosening her tie.

Her mother could have been knocked over with a feather.

"My baby girl" she sobbed "look at you............what are you wearing?"

"It's just for a job mom. Me going to work like this pays for Cassy's hospital bills"

"You have some explaining to do" her mother said now angry with both her children

"Later. What Cassy is going through is more important, and all this childish bickering isn't helping"

"I'm sorry sis. Mother wants me to leave. Cassy needs blood and mom refuses to take mine"

Mai marched over to her mother "What are you doing?"

"I don't need his blood" her mother frowned up.

"It's family mom..........for goodness sake it's his daughter!!"

"I don't care. she's mine now. I make the decisions and I will do what's best for her"

"Jamie's good for her mom and you know it" Mai pounded her fist in the palm of her hand "how long do you think you'll keep up this charade. Cassy's going to find out eventually.... then what?"
