Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warrior's Intuition ❯ Warrior's Intuition ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own DBZ.

Warning: Lemon!

Warrior's Intuition

Bulma moaned as the sharp pain stabbed once more at her stomach, causing her to heave the contents of her stomach into the porcelain bowl before her. She drew in short, quick breaths as the sweat dripped from her brow; a moment later she hurled again into the depths of the toilet.

Collapsing onto her back on the floor, Bulma took in a huge gulp of air as another painful cramp assailed her abdomen. She groaned, but the urge to vomit was gone. She had already emptied her stomach of everything in it twice this evening; she had nothing left to give.

She hated the aging process. More specifically, she hated her own pre-menopausal state. After birthing Bra, she had begun getting the symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, and the like. Her periods had become less frequent, only one every two or three months or so, but they had also become increasingly painful. She wondered why she couldn't just get it over with, and have a blissfully pain-free existence.

With a weary sigh she stood up on shaky legs. She brushed her teeth and gargled. She took a nice, long shower, letting the constant stream of warm water soothe the cramps that plagued her belly. Afterwards, she lay down in her bed, snuggled up beneath the covers, and prepared herself for a nice, long nap.

Just as her mind started drifting off towards dreamland, something invaded her private little world and caught her attention. It sounded like a … purr?

Bulma moaned. No, not tonight! She had almost forgotten; tonight was a full moon.

Whenever a full moon graced the midnight sky, Vegeta always got a little frisky. Alright, more than frisky; the man was downright horny on the night of the full moon!

And although she normally enjoyed the sex marathons that he instigated one night every twenty-eight days, tonight she felt like shit. She wasn't in the mood for sex; she just wanted to sleep it off in hopes that she'd feel better by morning, although even that wasn't very likely.

So, instead of turning around to invite her husband to come to bed with her, Bulma stayed exactly where she was, her back facing towards him, her eyes shut tightly. She refused to let him take advantage her tonight! She would just have to refuse his advances.

The thought of refusing him when he was at his most amorous, however, seemed like a horrible waste. True, it was on these nights when the sex was at its most rough and primal. But whenever the full moon came out it seemed as though all Vegeta's defenses came down; he smirked instead of scowled, and sometimes he'd even laugh with her, or get into a rare playful mood. If she turned him down, he'd just get angry and sulk. He'd probably go out and spend the entire night training in the gravity room, when she would have liked to spend the night locked in his warm embrace, taking comfort in his strength.

Dammit. Why did she have to be incapacitated this night of all nights? Why couldn't her little problem have waited a day or two? She let out a soft moan as another spasm of pain took control of her body.

She would give anything right now to just be free of the pain so that she could fuck her Saiyan husband silly.

As she had been fighting with herself internally and bemoaning her current situation, she hadn't bothered to notice the purring getting louder and closer, until Vegeta had straddled her body and purred directly into her ear, his tongue darting out with wicked and playful intentions.

Bulma grit her teeth as she tried to ignore the sensations. Damn her hormones; she was so much more easily aroused during that time of the month, yet her arousal always felt more painful, too, when her natural lubrication mixed with the blood from her uterus. She had to tell him to stop this.

But, Dende, how could she tell him to stop doing something that felt so wonderful? How could she refuse him and tell him to go away when he was obviously in such an amorous and playful mood? She loved Vegeta in his playful mood, almost as much as she loved him when he took her mercilessly, roughly, like an animal.

Her body shuddered involuntarily as Vegeta nuzzled her neck and ground his bulging erection into the side of her hip. Dammit, there was only so much a woman could take.

"I know you're not asleep, Woman," her husband murmured between purrs as he nipped at the sensitive flesh of her neck. "So stop pretending and let's fuck." His tongue caressed the bite marks he had given her years ago to mark her as his mate.

She wished he would stop purring like that; he was like a Kami-damned motorboat, for Dende's sake! And he knew exactly how much she loved it when his chest rumbled against her while he purred. Damn the man! He knew every single way to bring down her resistance.

She moaned as his nose brushed aside the covers and her warm flannel pajamas, his lips descending to her breasts. "Not tonight, Vegeta," she said breathlessly. Although she was more than ready to receive his generous length inside her, she knew that she'd regret her surrender in the morning.

Vegeta frowned against her breasts and gave her a sharp little bite. She drew in a sharp breath as a moment of pain turned to a warm haze of ecstasy. She cursed herself for not remembering how skillful her husband was at the art of seduction.

"I can't, Vegeta," she replied to his unasked question. "It's …" her voice trailed off as a brush crept up her body to her cheeks.

Vegeta admired the blush that stained the skin of her breasts and nuzzled the two mounds appreciatively. Bulma's hands somehow found themselves stroking his hair in spite of her commands to her body that she remain still and unresponsive.

"It's what, Woman?" he asked as his fingers deftly took care of the buttons on the front of her sensible pajama top, pushing it aside to reveal her breasts to him completely. Her nipples were already hard and puckered, begging for his caress. He took one in his mouth with a gentle bite."

"It's" Bulma stopped to let out a soft moan. Dammit, why did he have to be so sexy? "It's that time of the month again."

Vegeta chuckled. "I know," he whispered as he switched breasts. She was now lying on her back instead of curled up on her side, and he rotated his hips against hers, rubbing his erection into the soft, welcoming flesh of her belly.

Her cramps were gone, the pain driven from her mind by her husband's expert ministrations. But she knew that they would be back with a vengeance the next morning if she didn't turn him down now.

But the words of rejection stuck in her throat.

She didn't want him to stop.

She wanted him to continue doing this to her all night long.

Her heart and her mind warred against each other as Vegeta's hands found the elastic waistband of her pajama bottoms and began slowly sliding them off.

"No!" Her hands caught his, stopping their movement. She couldn't let him remove that barrier from between them; she couldn't let him get that close to her. Not tonight.

The purring stopped, replaced by a low growl. "What's your problem, Woman?" he asked. He rocked his hips against her thigh, his hardness evident with each small, sharp thrust.

"It's my time of the month," she finished softly, turning her face away from him, flushed with embarrassment. Even after all these years, there were still some subjects she preferred not to broach with her Saiyan husband.

Vegeta frowned down at her. "So what?"

Bulma turned back to him and glared, her temper rising fast. "So what? I'm in pain, that's so what!" She tried to shove him off of her, but his chest was a rock hard slab of muscle, and he refused to budge.

"Is that all this is about?" he asked as though it were nothing.

Bulma gritted her teeth. "Is that all?" she shrieked, furious at his insensitivity. "Maybe it's not all, but it's enough!" She tried to escape from beneath him, but he planted his arms on either side of her and lowered his body until she was trapped between him and the bed, with no room for maneuver.

"Foolish Woman," he breathed against her mouth before claiming it with his own. The purrs returned, and Bulma's entire body trembled as she felt his chest vibrating against hers, his mouth purring into hers, her lips parting to let his tongue caress hers.

When his lips finally left hers with one last, lingering caress, he looked down into her eyes, his gaze burning with unfulfilled desire. "I have the cure for your pain," he murmured. His hips nudged hers again.

Bulma's eyes widened. "No, Vegeta-if we do that, it'll be even worse in the morning!"

He chuckled at her foolishness and leaned down to purr into her ear. "You misunderstand, Woman. After my remedy, you'll feel better in the morning than you've felt in years."

She wanted to believe him. Really, she did. His promises sounded so tempting.

"How do you know?" she whispered softly.

She felt his hot breath stroke her neck in gentle puffs as he chuckled against her skin. "Warrior's intuition," he murmured before reopening the bite wounds that symbolized their marriage.

Bulma gasped as her entire body fell into a swirling pool of pure sensation. She could no longer think; she couldn't question him with a stern gaze, asking, "Don't you mean woman's intuition?" All she could do now was feel him everywhere around her. The only place she couldn't feel him was where she needed him the most-inside her.

"Vegeta," she moaned as he lapped up the blood from the reopened marks, "please."

With a chuckle, his playful mood still in tact, he complied, slithering down her body and taking her pajama bottoms and pink panties with him. He lay between her legs, pressing the tip of his nose against her entrance, sniffing at the mixed scent of blood and arousal. He let out a primitive growl as the wonderful aroma reached him, and began purring into her warm, dark passage as his tongue darted out to lick up some of the excess blood.

Bulma shuddered as her Saiyan husband ate her out. The feel of his purrs echoed through her body, along with the feel of his rough tongue thrusting inside her, tasting and savoring the same blood that she found to be such a nuisance. He soon had her writhing beneath his mouth, her entire body on the brink of climax.

He moved his head from between her legs a moment too soon, and Bulma cried out at the loss, only to have his gorgeous, muscular body hovering over her a moment later as he plunged inside her, careless of the blood that still remained and would soon coat his turgid length. The presence of blood only fueled his animalistic nature even further.

Bulma cried out and climaxed at his very first thrust. Her hands clutched at his body and her legs flew to his waist, wrapping themselves around him, one of her heels rubbing purposefully against his exposed tail spot.

His playful demeanor vanished, replaced by the look of a seasoned warrior. He snarled and buried his face in the sea of blue hair on her pillow as his lower body pounded into hers with a frightening speed, his primal nature evident to the fullest.

Bulma just hung onto him as another climax began to build inside her. Her soft whimpers and moans mixed with his vicious snarls and growls until they finally exploded together in a single moment of shudder-inducing ecstasy, and collapsed onto the bed in each others' arms.

Now that his sexual urges had been satisfied for the moment, Vegeta's playful nature returned. His arms fastened around his wife's waist as he pulled her back against his chest and started purring again, much to her delight, as he teasingly nibbled on her ear.

"Vegeta, about that warrior's intuition-"

Her husband chuckled and pulled away from her, lying on his back with his arms folded behind his head. Bulma frowned at him, but her gaze soon wandered down his sleek, muscular form all the way to his recovered erection, which gleamed brightly with her blood.

"Oh, Vegeta!" she gasped. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get blood all over you!"

Vegeta smirked. "Since it's your fault, Woman," his husky voice invited her lowly, "you should be the one to clean it up, ne?"

Bulma's mouth opened to speak then closed again a second later. A tiny smirk drew up the corner of her lips. "Clean it up?" she asked seductively, all the pain she had felt earlier completely vanished.

As she knelt in front of his rampant arousal, her breasts brushing against the sensitive skin of his thigh and making him shudder even as her tongue touched the very tip of his throbbing tower, Bulma smiled.

As his eyes slid closed and all his senses focused on the one sensitive spot upon which his wife chose to bestow her gentle ministrations, a gentle flicker of a smile crossed his face, too.

"My warrior's intuition," he whispered so softly so that not even Bulma could hear, "tells me that tonight will be a night to remember for a long time to come."

His warrior's intuition was right. On all counts.