Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warui No Ou ❯ Brotherly Love ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warui no Ou - (King of Evil)
Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan
"He's talking to the air again," Goten heard Piccolo's voice as he stepped around the corridor. He paused and leaned against the wall, staring at the alien that sat on the floor in a meditative position, eyes closed, hands resting on his knees. The corridor wasn't as dim as the rest of the small mansion. The lights above worked perfectly, chasing away the shadows. Around the opposite corner Gohan's voice originated. "How long?" he questioned with a faint sigh. Piccolo didn't move from his position. Years ago he'd abandoned the extensive outfit with the long cape and odd hat. These days he remained in a black gi much like the purple one he'd worn years ago, a dark red belt looped around his waist. "Ten minutes," he responded gruffly.
Goten frowned at the answer and glanced in the direction. "What about Videl?" he continued. Piccolo's eyes jerked open, narrowed. "Don't tell me that's pity I hear in your voice."
Quickly, Goten shook his head and forced the sympathetic look that had been on his face seconds ago back into the depths of hell where it belonged. "Of course not."
Piccolo grunted in dissatisfaction, but nevertheless his eyes slid closed again. "Don't know. Heard her scream, then Gohan came out and started talking to the air."
For the entire ten years they had been serving beneath Gohan, suffering beneath his insanity, Piccolo had never seemed to accept or understand the fact that Gohan's friends-of-air actually had form in the demi-Saiyajin's eyes. Doing so would probably mean in Piccolo's mind that he'd given up on the small innocent defeater of Cell. "Who does he think he's talking to now?"
"Frieza and Raditzu - they seem to interchange," he muttered back. A moment of silence passed as Gohan's faint voice continued the nonsense of a half-sided conversation, before Piccolo finally glared up at him. "Why don't you be a good chibi Oniisan and stop him?"
"Stop Gohan's ranting?" he frowned nervously as his gaze shifted back towards the corridor entrance. Goten shook his head. "Piccolo, you know you're the only one who can ever bring him out of the spells."
"I'm losing my effect," he responded with a sigh, finally climbing to his feet. "Last time I intervened in Gohan's conversations with the air he nearly killed me."
Goten nodded with understanding. Similar things had occurred with himself and Trunks. Gohan was very protective of his mental projections. Goten would even go as far to say that he cared for them… loved them. "We can't let this madness go on," Piccolo continued with a faint growl, folding his arms across his chest. "Gohan is beginning to believe that the madness isn't in his mind. They will soon begin to overwhelm him, and if what you believe is true… if Gohan has fallen in love with this insanity, he could do anything. He will be at the beckoned call of his demons."
Mid-swing, Vejita froze. Mirai no Trunks landed on the ground with a sickening thud, bones cracking beneath the pressure of his body as he landed on his arms. He moaned out with the pain, turning on the ground, trying to prepare for the attack he was expecting to come from nowhere. To his surprise, as he gazed up to the blue heavens, Vejita remained motionless, clenched fist still extended, eyes hazed as he gazed into nothingness.
"Tousan?" Trunks whispered with pain as he climbed to his knees, staring upwards at the stilled figure. When he received no response, Trunks forced whatever little ki remained inside him and hovered upwards, approaching the statuesque Saiyajin. "Tousan, what's wrong? What is it?"
The word came out like a proclamation of the destruction of the universe, like the gods were announcing that time would come to an end in less than a second. Trunks' eyes widened at the single word as he gazed into the emotionless black eyes of his father. "Gohan?" he questioned, begged. He knew it wasn't Gohan. Those eyes would be filled with amusement and disappointment had it been. The emotionless black eyes told him much more than anyone outside of his bloodline could tell - someone he cared deeply for was dead. With a shaking breath he inched forward. "Please, Tousan… who?"
Black eyes were overwhelmed in a violent light. The unexpected transformation sent Trunks soaring backwards. He came to a halt midair, watching the pulsing aura glow gold. "He's taken her from me… but I want let hurt Bura!"
"Bura?" Trunks screamed out against the screams of power that radiated from within his father's soul. From far away he'd been watching the young Bura and listening to Vejita talk about her through their connection between father and daughter. Someone was dead, and now Bura was in trouble… "I'm coming with you!" he screamed out and darted after his already fleeing father.
Vejita froze and spun around, grabbing Trunks' arm as he went to pass by. Raging green eyes gazed into similar orbs. "No," Vejita snarled and shoved him backwards. The golden locks of Trunks' hair faded in the soft and limp lavender. "You're too weak from the battle…"
Vejita trailed off into silence, eyes locked on Trunks'. Within those glowing green orbs, though neither man would admit to it, was fear. It was not fear of what lay in the near future. No, Vejita would never fear the battle that he was soon to have with Gohan. The small spark of fear within those Super Saiyajin eyes was fear of his inevitable failure… and what that would cause the rest of the universe. Someone was dead, and Trunks was slowly beginning to understand that it was Bulma. Now, the youngest demi-Saiyajin in existence could be on the last thread of her life. Only three possible senshi remained to fight Gohan, and more than likely, two of them would die this afternoon.
Trunks would be all that was left. Someone had to remain alive, to find a way to correct all the wrongs that had occurred. In silence Vejita allowed a curt nod. The motion was of respect, and perhaps even love. Without a final word, a final goodbye, Vejita slowly turned and flew off into the heavens.
Sobbing, she turned on her side as he pulled away from her. Her knees curled into her chest as she ducked her head between them. Sweat covered her nearly bare chest, and blood coated her thighs. Hatred and loathing filled her soul as she cried with her weakness. The tears cascaded down her cheeks, scarring her for the rest of eternity. Bura knew she would never forgive Videl, Bulma, or Vejita for causing this. How they were responsible, she didn't know, but they were supposed to protect her and keep her safe, and in that they had failed.
Bura heard her brother's raving as he dressed, but the words were merely gibberish in her ears. She heard the name of Gohan somewhere in the mingles of meaninglessness, along with the growls at her tears - being weak. Bura knew she was being weak. How could she possibly not?
Where was Goten? He loved her! They were destined to be together! He was supposed to protect her, keep her safe. He was supposed to be the first to make love to her, and it was supposed to be wonderful! This… whatever had happened just minutes ago, had been painful and horrible. She didn't want Goten to do this to her.
She had been told that Gohan was the evil one, and that Trunks and Goten were forced to be the evil people that they had become. No longer did she believe that. No longer did Goten and Trunks have her sympathy.
A firm had gripped her shoulder, forcing her up. She was forced to gaze into the angered eyes of her older brother. His other hand rose up gently, rubbing across her flushed and damp cheek. His thumb brushed away another tear before the firm had slapped her hard, causing her to fall against the wall. "Weakness is not tolerated, Bura," he snarled from above her. "Better learn your lessons quickly, my precious chibi onna. The sooner you do, the better your life will be."
With that said, Trunks turned and walked out of the room. Bura heard the click of the lock as she was again caged in this bedroom. She forced her tears away, and within that same moment rage overwhelmed her. No one was going to take care of or protect her ever again. She was dependent on herself now - a lone senshi on the enemy's ground. It would take months, even years, before she gained the power, but she would, somehow, destroy Gohan, Goten, and Trunks.
How Videl loathed darkness. Her head hung limp against her chest as she felt the skin in her wrists being sliced. The metal was rusted and bent, slicing her skin. Blood dropped down her arms, discoloration her skin, staining her already destroyed clothing. She didn't care any longer. Chikyuu was doomed. Bura hadn't been trained, and even if what Gohan had told her were true, if the young female demi-Saiyajin was alive, it would have no affect on the future. Her inevitable death would come, and soon.
The one thing Videl had always believed in, the one thing that had kept her going through all this madness was gone - hope. There was no future of Chikyuu. The apocalypse had come, and it had come in the form of the boy she had once had a crush on during her childhood - Gohan.
All hope inside her was lost. There was little reason to struggle, and the only one that came to mind was the pain. She couldn't ever defeat Gohan. She'd never had a chance, and now, as she swung in the dark chamber, she wondered why she ever believed she could. It had been the lust for revenge. Gohan had killed her father. Then, just as the hopelessness of the situation had become apparent, she had found Bulma and Bura, and they had become her reason. Now, they were gone, or would be gone in only a matter of short time - once Gohan grew bored with them, just like he would grow bored with her.
She fell lip against the chains, no longer caring that the rusty metal was slicing into her veins. Perhaps, if she allowed her entire weight to be supported by the chains, they would cut the veins and bleed her to death. It was surely a more pleasant way of dying than Gohan would allow. Her eyes closed tightly, exhaustion overwhelming. Her breathing began to slow as sleep slowly claimed her.
"They're coming. They've been whispering about you."
Gohan turned away from Frieza, staring down the desolate corridors. The faint traces of ki became apparent to him as he watched Piccolo and Goten, together, walking down the hall. They were standing close together, and the overwhelming protectiveness of one of his claimed mates filled him. He moved forward, canines protruding from his lips. He knew, of course, that Goten would never do something like that - Goten and Trunks were going to mate together - but he was a Saiyajin, and instincts were un-ignorable. He stepped forward as the two reached him and shoved Goten backwards, sending the young demi-Saiyajin to the ground. Goten glared at him from the floor, but remained there. "You stay away from MY Piccolo," Gohan snarled, stepping in front of the green alien.
Goten glanced at the Namekian with a faint and irritated sigh. "Of course, Niisan," he responded obediently, slowly rising to his feet. "Piccolo-sama and I were merely worried about you. We… we heard you talking to someone."
Gohan glanced over his shoulder to Frieza. The white-skinned demon chuckled softly and blew a kiss to Gohan. He chuckled and shook his head, turning to Goten. "It's not important, chibi. Feed Videl, will you? I want to go see my new loyal servant. I'm sure she'll be a useful card when it comes to fight Vejita-sama."
Piccolo frowned as Gohan moved and vanished down the corridors. His gazed turned to Goten, watching as the youngest Son male brushed away the dirt from his gi. "You okay, kid?" he questioned with a sigh.
"Yeah. Better go to the kitchen and get the cooks working." Goten turned stiffly and walked away - his pride injured, as well as his emotions. Piccolo knew how the boy felt. It was understandable. Goten would do almost anything for Gohan. They were brothers, and despite everything, Goten still loved Gohan.
Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan
"He's talking to the air again," Goten heard Piccolo's voice as he stepped around the corridor. He paused and leaned against the wall, staring at the alien that sat on the floor in a meditative position, eyes closed, hands resting on his knees. The corridor wasn't as dim as the rest of the small mansion. The lights above worked perfectly, chasing away the shadows. Around the opposite corner Gohan's voice originated. "How long?" he questioned with a faint sigh. Piccolo didn't move from his position. Years ago he'd abandoned the extensive outfit with the long cape and odd hat. These days he remained in a black gi much like the purple one he'd worn years ago, a dark red belt looped around his waist. "Ten minutes," he responded gruffly.
Goten frowned at the answer and glanced in the direction. "What about Videl?" he continued. Piccolo's eyes jerked open, narrowed. "Don't tell me that's pity I hear in your voice."
Quickly, Goten shook his head and forced the sympathetic look that had been on his face seconds ago back into the depths of hell where it belonged. "Of course not."
Piccolo grunted in dissatisfaction, but nevertheless his eyes slid closed again. "Don't know. Heard her scream, then Gohan came out and started talking to the air."
For the entire ten years they had been serving beneath Gohan, suffering beneath his insanity, Piccolo had never seemed to accept or understand the fact that Gohan's friends-of-air actually had form in the demi-Saiyajin's eyes. Doing so would probably mean in Piccolo's mind that he'd given up on the small innocent defeater of Cell. "Who does he think he's talking to now?"
"Frieza and Raditzu - they seem to interchange," he muttered back. A moment of silence passed as Gohan's faint voice continued the nonsense of a half-sided conversation, before Piccolo finally glared up at him. "Why don't you be a good chibi Oniisan and stop him?"
"Stop Gohan's ranting?" he frowned nervously as his gaze shifted back towards the corridor entrance. Goten shook his head. "Piccolo, you know you're the only one who can ever bring him out of the spells."
"I'm losing my effect," he responded with a sigh, finally climbing to his feet. "Last time I intervened in Gohan's conversations with the air he nearly killed me."
Goten nodded with understanding. Similar things had occurred with himself and Trunks. Gohan was very protective of his mental projections. Goten would even go as far to say that he cared for them… loved them. "We can't let this madness go on," Piccolo continued with a faint growl, folding his arms across his chest. "Gohan is beginning to believe that the madness isn't in his mind. They will soon begin to overwhelm him, and if what you believe is true… if Gohan has fallen in love with this insanity, he could do anything. He will be at the beckoned call of his demons."
Mid-swing, Vejita froze. Mirai no Trunks landed on the ground with a sickening thud, bones cracking beneath the pressure of his body as he landed on his arms. He moaned out with the pain, turning on the ground, trying to prepare for the attack he was expecting to come from nowhere. To his surprise, as he gazed up to the blue heavens, Vejita remained motionless, clenched fist still extended, eyes hazed as he gazed into nothingness.
"Tousan?" Trunks whispered with pain as he climbed to his knees, staring upwards at the stilled figure. When he received no response, Trunks forced whatever little ki remained inside him and hovered upwards, approaching the statuesque Saiyajin. "Tousan, what's wrong? What is it?"
The word came out like a proclamation of the destruction of the universe, like the gods were announcing that time would come to an end in less than a second. Trunks' eyes widened at the single word as he gazed into the emotionless black eyes of his father. "Gohan?" he questioned, begged. He knew it wasn't Gohan. Those eyes would be filled with amusement and disappointment had it been. The emotionless black eyes told him much more than anyone outside of his bloodline could tell - someone he cared deeply for was dead. With a shaking breath he inched forward. "Please, Tousan… who?"
Black eyes were overwhelmed in a violent light. The unexpected transformation sent Trunks soaring backwards. He came to a halt midair, watching the pulsing aura glow gold. "He's taken her from me… but I want let hurt Bura!"
"Bura?" Trunks screamed out against the screams of power that radiated from within his father's soul. From far away he'd been watching the young Bura and listening to Vejita talk about her through their connection between father and daughter. Someone was dead, and now Bura was in trouble… "I'm coming with you!" he screamed out and darted after his already fleeing father.
Vejita froze and spun around, grabbing Trunks' arm as he went to pass by. Raging green eyes gazed into similar orbs. "No," Vejita snarled and shoved him backwards. The golden locks of Trunks' hair faded in the soft and limp lavender. "You're too weak from the battle…"
Vejita trailed off into silence, eyes locked on Trunks'. Within those glowing green orbs, though neither man would admit to it, was fear. It was not fear of what lay in the near future. No, Vejita would never fear the battle that he was soon to have with Gohan. The small spark of fear within those Super Saiyajin eyes was fear of his inevitable failure… and what that would cause the rest of the universe. Someone was dead, and Trunks was slowly beginning to understand that it was Bulma. Now, the youngest demi-Saiyajin in existence could be on the last thread of her life. Only three possible senshi remained to fight Gohan, and more than likely, two of them would die this afternoon.
Trunks would be all that was left. Someone had to remain alive, to find a way to correct all the wrongs that had occurred. In silence Vejita allowed a curt nod. The motion was of respect, and perhaps even love. Without a final word, a final goodbye, Vejita slowly turned and flew off into the heavens.
Sobbing, she turned on her side as he pulled away from her. Her knees curled into her chest as she ducked her head between them. Sweat covered her nearly bare chest, and blood coated her thighs. Hatred and loathing filled her soul as she cried with her weakness. The tears cascaded down her cheeks, scarring her for the rest of eternity. Bura knew she would never forgive Videl, Bulma, or Vejita for causing this. How they were responsible, she didn't know, but they were supposed to protect her and keep her safe, and in that they had failed.
Bura heard her brother's raving as he dressed, but the words were merely gibberish in her ears. She heard the name of Gohan somewhere in the mingles of meaninglessness, along with the growls at her tears - being weak. Bura knew she was being weak. How could she possibly not?
Where was Goten? He loved her! They were destined to be together! He was supposed to protect her, keep her safe. He was supposed to be the first to make love to her, and it was supposed to be wonderful! This… whatever had happened just minutes ago, had been painful and horrible. She didn't want Goten to do this to her.
She had been told that Gohan was the evil one, and that Trunks and Goten were forced to be the evil people that they had become. No longer did she believe that. No longer did Goten and Trunks have her sympathy.
A firm had gripped her shoulder, forcing her up. She was forced to gaze into the angered eyes of her older brother. His other hand rose up gently, rubbing across her flushed and damp cheek. His thumb brushed away another tear before the firm had slapped her hard, causing her to fall against the wall. "Weakness is not tolerated, Bura," he snarled from above her. "Better learn your lessons quickly, my precious chibi onna. The sooner you do, the better your life will be."
With that said, Trunks turned and walked out of the room. Bura heard the click of the lock as she was again caged in this bedroom. She forced her tears away, and within that same moment rage overwhelmed her. No one was going to take care of or protect her ever again. She was dependent on herself now - a lone senshi on the enemy's ground. It would take months, even years, before she gained the power, but she would, somehow, destroy Gohan, Goten, and Trunks.
How Videl loathed darkness. Her head hung limp against her chest as she felt the skin in her wrists being sliced. The metal was rusted and bent, slicing her skin. Blood dropped down her arms, discoloration her skin, staining her already destroyed clothing. She didn't care any longer. Chikyuu was doomed. Bura hadn't been trained, and even if what Gohan had told her were true, if the young female demi-Saiyajin was alive, it would have no affect on the future. Her inevitable death would come, and soon.
The one thing Videl had always believed in, the one thing that had kept her going through all this madness was gone - hope. There was no future of Chikyuu. The apocalypse had come, and it had come in the form of the boy she had once had a crush on during her childhood - Gohan.
All hope inside her was lost. There was little reason to struggle, and the only one that came to mind was the pain. She couldn't ever defeat Gohan. She'd never had a chance, and now, as she swung in the dark chamber, she wondered why she ever believed she could. It had been the lust for revenge. Gohan had killed her father. Then, just as the hopelessness of the situation had become apparent, she had found Bulma and Bura, and they had become her reason. Now, they were gone, or would be gone in only a matter of short time - once Gohan grew bored with them, just like he would grow bored with her.
She fell lip against the chains, no longer caring that the rusty metal was slicing into her veins. Perhaps, if she allowed her entire weight to be supported by the chains, they would cut the veins and bleed her to death. It was surely a more pleasant way of dying than Gohan would allow. Her eyes closed tightly, exhaustion overwhelming. Her breathing began to slow as sleep slowly claimed her.
"They're coming. They've been whispering about you."
Gohan turned away from Frieza, staring down the desolate corridors. The faint traces of ki became apparent to him as he watched Piccolo and Goten, together, walking down the hall. They were standing close together, and the overwhelming protectiveness of one of his claimed mates filled him. He moved forward, canines protruding from his lips. He knew, of course, that Goten would never do something like that - Goten and Trunks were going to mate together - but he was a Saiyajin, and instincts were un-ignorable. He stepped forward as the two reached him and shoved Goten backwards, sending the young demi-Saiyajin to the ground. Goten glared at him from the floor, but remained there. "You stay away from MY Piccolo," Gohan snarled, stepping in front of the green alien.
Goten glanced at the Namekian with a faint and irritated sigh. "Of course, Niisan," he responded obediently, slowly rising to his feet. "Piccolo-sama and I were merely worried about you. We… we heard you talking to someone."
Gohan glanced over his shoulder to Frieza. The white-skinned demon chuckled softly and blew a kiss to Gohan. He chuckled and shook his head, turning to Goten. "It's not important, chibi. Feed Videl, will you? I want to go see my new loyal servant. I'm sure she'll be a useful card when it comes to fight Vejita-sama."
Piccolo frowned as Gohan moved and vanished down the corridors. His gazed turned to Goten, watching as the youngest Son male brushed away the dirt from his gi. "You okay, kid?" he questioned with a sigh.
"Yeah. Better go to the kitchen and get the cooks working." Goten turned stiffly and walked away - his pride injured, as well as his emotions. Piccolo knew how the boy felt. It was understandable. Goten would do almost anything for Gohan. They were brothers, and despite everything, Goten still loved Gohan.