Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warui No Ou ❯ Gohan... Dead? ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warui no Ou - (King of Evil)
Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan
Midair, the two halted, eyes widening in shock. They glanced at each other, and across Trunks' face appeared a dark grin. "I can't believe it."
I can, Goten mused, but didn't allow the words to be voiced. Merely he turned back to the growing ki with a small inner sigh of relief. Gokou had achieved the power that Gohan had. It would be a fair fight, and Gokou would emerge victorious.
"Oh, this'll be fun," Trunks exclaimed at his side, hair exploding into sunlight shades. He spun around once before darting forward through the chilling winds. Goten hurried after, forced to ascend to keep pace. Trunks was laughing manically when he caught the elder demi-Saiyajin. Rolling onto his back, hands behind his head, Trunks looked to Goten. "This is great! Now Gohan will probably need our help! The fight of the century, and we're going to be in it!"
Trunks' eyes widened suddenly and he glanced gain to the direction they were heading. The sun was approaching the horizon, and darkness was minutes away from overwhelming their chaotic world. Goten followed his friend's gaze and realized what had caused the pause. "Juuhachigou and Trunks," he muttered absently - nothing that truly couldn't be dealt with by Gohan, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks.
"Oh yeah, he'll need our help," Trunks grinned, laughing aloud again. Goten nodded. Indeed, Gohan would need their help. They would have to keep Juuhachigou and Trunks occupied while he fought Gokou. Wonderful, Goten sighed painfully. The first time he met his father, and Goten would be helping his brother kill him.
Piccolo watched in silence, standing on the ground, gazing up to the darkening heavens, as the boy that had caused him to feel love struggled to kill his father. Sick… twisted… both in many ways. It was very disturbing, and he couldn't decide what he wanted. If Gokou won, Gohan would die. If Gohan won, the true innocent that was caged somewhere deep inside that boy would vanish. What was supposed to happen? Why were the fates so cruel? With half a mind he paid attention to Trunks, Marron, and Juuhachigou, but even if they tried to interfere in the battle they would do little other than cause an annoyance and get themselves killed.
He almost hoped that they would try. It would give him something to focus his mind on other than the brutal battle above. He wanted to intervene himself, but on what side? He couldn't betray Gohan, but he couldn't kill Gohan either!
Above, Gokou and Gohan continued their endless battle that had been preparing for years. Fists were exchanged, fists with the desire to draw blood instead of to gain power. No, this was far from training. This was war. The darkening sky resembled afternoon as a result of their glowing powers. Lightening caused humans far away to believe a storm was approaching. Devious smirks were received by a frightened glare as both struggled for victory, while at the same time wished for defeat.
Neither of them really knew what they wanted. It was too unusual a situation. Never had this occurred before. They were fighting the person they had once trusted with their life. The battle wasn't one of violence, good verses evil, but if it wasn't that, what was it? Silently they struggled, hovering in the sky like angels fighting the eternal war of light and darkness. Both resembled those glowing angels of heaven… but who truly was the one hiding behind the mask? Gokou, for abandoning his children and wife, leaving them vulnerable to the darkness, or Gohan, for embracing the darkness, allowing it to seep into his small black flame and add fuel, making that flame into a blaze that could and did engulf valleys and forests as far as the eye could see? Was there an answer to this question, or was it just one of those mysteries that cannot be answered?
A fist to the face sent the son reeling backwards. Both foes fell back, gaining lost breath and retrieving their senses. Matching eyes locked, both filled with endless lost emotions. Why did this have to occur? Why did night have to be approaching? They were both lost in the chaotic world, wishing that the sun would rise and they could escape in its peaceful breath, raise their arms, and vanish into its glory. No. They could do no such thing, and both knew it. "Gohan… we don't have to do this."
Silence returned; deathly-annoyed silence accompanied by a glare of irrational irritation. Gohan stood statuesque, watching his father, waiting for an attack that was sure to come. Had this not been his beloved boy, an attack would have indeed come… but this wasn't Frieza or Cell… this was Gohan. "I love you, Gohan! I'm sorry!"
"I'll let you know when I care." Hissed words from clenched teeth, blood dripping from palms, dropping to the ground and splattering on the soft surface of grass blades and tree leaves… wherever they landed. Wind whistled by, cooling flushed cheeks, and enraging emotions. Gohan lunged again, long hair whipping around his features, threatening to hide the look of pure hatred that Gokou was receiving. Tears begged to be shed, but not now. They couldn't be unleashed now. It would only fuel Gohan's rage and shame, as well as Gokou's.
What choice was he given? What option was he offered? With a scream, power engulfed the Saiyajin, light brighter than the heavens could ever imagine. It caused Gohan to pause, eyes wide with shock and terror. Far away, the two demi-Saiyajins that were approaching also froze in horror, realizing what was happening. Another level achieved… Gohan could not win. Gokou had not lied to Trunks when he had told him that he would do whatever it took. Perhaps, if the gods and fates were merciful, Gohan would surrender.
Gokou knew he wouldn't, though. He had not raised a quitter. In the end, Gohan would win this battle… because he would force his father to kill him.
Victory… such an odd goal…
Both horror and intrigue filled him as he watched the glowing white orb that hovered before him. Within the whiteness of Baba's orb something moved, but the light that engulfed the magical object of sight caused Dende to turn his head away. Whatever moved within that silver orb, it had to be the key of Gohan's final demise… hopefully…
"Will this work?" Dende begged quietly of Baba as he managed to dare a look to her. Baba stood beneath the crystal ball, hands raised in the air as her wrinkled features were set to the hovering object. The light was growing brighter, casting shadows in every available corner of the room. Dende winced and turned his head away, hiding his eyes with his hands. The light was so bright it was painful. Behind him he could hear Baba's ragged breath. It was exhausting her. She'd never done anything such as this before. Traveling through worlds, the living realm and the afterworld was something simple… but this was uncharted territory for the old woman. "The spell," she whispered, breathing heavily. He could hear each strain in her vocal cords. Panic began to fill Dende. Baba might hurt herself… or die… and then what? Whose hands would the world's fate fall into? Gohan's… gods no…
"Baba!" he exclaimed as he moved towards her, but an explosion sent him spiraling backwards. The bright light was accompanied by violent winds that smashed Dende against stonewall. He tried to rip himself off, but it was nearly fruitless. "Baba! No!" he cried out, but her response was tainted with amusement. "The spell will work!" she exclaimed over the whipping winds before they vanished.
Vanished… like she'd pressed a button. The crystal ball hovered against the ceiling, near the cracked chandelier that swayed, glass falling to the floor. It continued to glow, pulsing with hellish energy that sent shivers down Dende's spine and caused him to weep. Wet streaks darkened his cheeks. He slid to the floor with a sickening thud; body aching as if he'd just fought Gohan himself. "What I fear is that its purpose shall fail, Dende."
From above the crystal ball faded and plummeted, connecting with the hard floors. Crystal scattered across the floor while golden light was unleashed like dust thrown into the wind. It soared about, exploding in tiny bursts of flame when it connected with various things, the walls, the floor, or nearby tables and things. Dende watched Baba in silent terror, seeing the faded look across her features. She swayed a little bit, hands limp at her side, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed on the floor.
"No! Baba!" Dende exclaimed as she rushed across the room to kneel at her side. A single touch told him that she was not dead, or injured… just very tired. His eyes gazed up to the white sparkles that were slowly fading, and to the supreme beings that even he couldn't name he prayed… prayed for success… prayed for failure…
It was almost entertaining, watching that look of pure fear on such a façade of power. With eyes wide, Gohan watched the ascension. The power he felt caused his skin to crawl, as well as cause his insanity to increase. His father had achieved such power… power almost beyond imagination. The golden hair fell down Gokou's back, coating his shoulders. Brows vanished, along with any other trace of humanity outside of that fearful look in his eyes.
So this was the definition of Saiyajin, huh?
Tossing his head back in pure laughter, Gohan allowed himself to be completely absorbed by the comforting lightening that had destroyed Cell. He felt his father's complete confusion and horror, but didn't give a damn in all honesty. "This is what Saiyajin means!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, lightening the heavens with his unholy glow. Oh, how he loathed darkness. It had been day when he'd killed his father; it should be day when he did it again. "Ah," he exclaimed with a feral growl as he focused his eyes back on the Saiyajin before him. Yes, indeed, this was the true meaning of Saiyajin. This was what it was to be a Saiyajin warrior. This is what Vejita wanted him to feel, to achieve - this undeniable uncontrollable lust for bloodshed and domination. He wanted to taste his father's sweat, to cut those long locks of hair and shove them down his throat, to cut that face and watch the blood slid down his arm. He was hard, trembling with lusts beyond what he'd ever imagined. Want after crave, lust after covet screamed to be satisfied and sedated. He screamed out again, fists balling as he smelt his own blood and the sweat of every living and dead thing on the planet.
In his head, heard in only his own ears, laughed Raditzu. Wild hard and callous fingertips traced across his skin, licks ran down his neck, hands twisted in his hair as arms circled his waist. Wild hands ran down between his legs, squeezing that hardness between. Gohan groaned out, hearing the defiant laughter of Raditzu behind him. A tail twisted around his leg. Do it, Gohan. Take his life. Make it your own. He might not be here for long. Better to it before he flees in terror like the damn coward that he is! Take him! Make him yours!
"You will be mine!" Gohan screamed, his voice shaking the earth below. Power engulfed that voice as the light that circled him grew brighter. The golden locks of his hair grew more brilliant as they grew in length, locks treading along his ankles. Turquoise eyes became a vivid haunting green as they locked upon his father, a smirk dressing his lips.
"You… you…" Gokou's voice trembled as he stared at his son. The lightening began to settle around Gohan's body as the power began to fade back to normal, leaving a man that didn't even resemble Gohan any longer. Large muscles had grown beneath the soft material of his purple gi. The hair whipped in the wind as the narrowed bare brows were drawn up in a sinister expression of amusement. "Are you proud of me, Tousan?" Gohan demanded with a devious chuckle. Gokou's silence echoed amid the uncanny calmness.
Behind them, the sun vanished beneath the horizon, leaving the two Saiyajin males the only light…
"Are you proud of your murderer?" Gohan roared as he attacked, ki blasts burning inside of his hands. He lunged at his father, those blasts at his side, and Gokou remained still. The tears that were in his eyes fell to the ground below, intermingling with the blood that had fallen from his son's palms.
Then, as tiny white flames amid the sky fell down and touched the soft cloth of Gohan's clothing, the long hair vanished, returning to the short black locks they had been before all of this chaos had begun. Blank black eyes stared at Gokou before rolling backwards. The blasts of ki dissipated as the lanky body plunged from the sky, leaving Gokou staring in the darkness… alone in the sky.
Piccolo had darted into the sky as soon as he had saw those white specks falling. There had been something frightening about them… and when he saw Gohan fell from the heavens, as if a dagger had been shoved through his heart and the gentle hand of death had touched his shoulder, fear overwhelmed him, and somewhere deep inside him, relief as well. His eyes darted down to the forest, praying and fearing that Gohan was still alive, and that this was some trick, and any moment now that long golden hair would return and he'd shoot from beneath the trees, proclaiming Gokou's demise. Had he learned his father's teleportation technique sometime within the last few years, perhaps even perfected it? Was this some kind of game, guided by the voices in Gohan's head? Was this sudden change in the battle a part of some scheme? It was possible, but wasn't such a magnificent level difficult to achieve at a single whim? When had Gohan ascended beyond the ascension?
"Nissan!" screamed a voice from behind him. The Namek spun around at the familiar voice of Goten, seeing the two Super Saiyajin teenagers finally arrive. They came to an abrupt halt before Piccolo, staring at him with pleading eyes. "Where's Gohan?" Trunks demanded. Piccolo stared at them for a long moment, aware of their weak ki sensing abilities but also unsure of his answer, before his eyes drifted up to the statuesque Gokou that hadn't moved from the skies. Had Gokou done something, moved so fast that he could not be detected, and somehow… somehow done the impossible… no… Gohan couldn't be… Gokou wouldn't have…
"He's killed him…" Goten whispered, voice trembling. A sob escaped those lips as tears fell from eyes that hadn't cried since childhood. He screamed as power erupted throughout his body, lightening erupted.
"Damn it," Piccolo hissed as he fell back from the awesome power. Not only had Gohan reached a third level, now Goten was reaching the second! Trunks roared violently as he lunged to Gokou while Goten continued to scream in his anguish. Lightening stung the teen's skin, tainting it red with the uncontrollable power.
Goten had never felt his power before, Piccolo realized as he fell to the ground, fearful to be so close to such a time bomb. The first time… he wouldn't be able to control himself. It was all Gohan had been able to do to tame that awesome power.
Again, Gokou would find himself in the same position he'd been in only moments ago. He would have to kill another son…
Timeline: Sequel to Crowned Evil, A/U, After Cell Saga
Rated: R
Summary: Gohan rules the world!
Warnings: rape, incest, torture, character deaths
Pairings: Goten/C-Trunks, C-Trunks/Bura, Goten/Bura, Piccolo/Gohan
Midair, the two halted, eyes widening in shock. They glanced at each other, and across Trunks' face appeared a dark grin. "I can't believe it."
I can, Goten mused, but didn't allow the words to be voiced. Merely he turned back to the growing ki with a small inner sigh of relief. Gokou had achieved the power that Gohan had. It would be a fair fight, and Gokou would emerge victorious.
"Oh, this'll be fun," Trunks exclaimed at his side, hair exploding into sunlight shades. He spun around once before darting forward through the chilling winds. Goten hurried after, forced to ascend to keep pace. Trunks was laughing manically when he caught the elder demi-Saiyajin. Rolling onto his back, hands behind his head, Trunks looked to Goten. "This is great! Now Gohan will probably need our help! The fight of the century, and we're going to be in it!"
Trunks' eyes widened suddenly and he glanced gain to the direction they were heading. The sun was approaching the horizon, and darkness was minutes away from overwhelming their chaotic world. Goten followed his friend's gaze and realized what had caused the pause. "Juuhachigou and Trunks," he muttered absently - nothing that truly couldn't be dealt with by Gohan, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks.
"Oh yeah, he'll need our help," Trunks grinned, laughing aloud again. Goten nodded. Indeed, Gohan would need their help. They would have to keep Juuhachigou and Trunks occupied while he fought Gokou. Wonderful, Goten sighed painfully. The first time he met his father, and Goten would be helping his brother kill him.
Piccolo watched in silence, standing on the ground, gazing up to the darkening heavens, as the boy that had caused him to feel love struggled to kill his father. Sick… twisted… both in many ways. It was very disturbing, and he couldn't decide what he wanted. If Gokou won, Gohan would die. If Gohan won, the true innocent that was caged somewhere deep inside that boy would vanish. What was supposed to happen? Why were the fates so cruel? With half a mind he paid attention to Trunks, Marron, and Juuhachigou, but even if they tried to interfere in the battle they would do little other than cause an annoyance and get themselves killed.
He almost hoped that they would try. It would give him something to focus his mind on other than the brutal battle above. He wanted to intervene himself, but on what side? He couldn't betray Gohan, but he couldn't kill Gohan either!
Above, Gokou and Gohan continued their endless battle that had been preparing for years. Fists were exchanged, fists with the desire to draw blood instead of to gain power. No, this was far from training. This was war. The darkening sky resembled afternoon as a result of their glowing powers. Lightening caused humans far away to believe a storm was approaching. Devious smirks were received by a frightened glare as both struggled for victory, while at the same time wished for defeat.
Neither of them really knew what they wanted. It was too unusual a situation. Never had this occurred before. They were fighting the person they had once trusted with their life. The battle wasn't one of violence, good verses evil, but if it wasn't that, what was it? Silently they struggled, hovering in the sky like angels fighting the eternal war of light and darkness. Both resembled those glowing angels of heaven… but who truly was the one hiding behind the mask? Gokou, for abandoning his children and wife, leaving them vulnerable to the darkness, or Gohan, for embracing the darkness, allowing it to seep into his small black flame and add fuel, making that flame into a blaze that could and did engulf valleys and forests as far as the eye could see? Was there an answer to this question, or was it just one of those mysteries that cannot be answered?
A fist to the face sent the son reeling backwards. Both foes fell back, gaining lost breath and retrieving their senses. Matching eyes locked, both filled with endless lost emotions. Why did this have to occur? Why did night have to be approaching? They were both lost in the chaotic world, wishing that the sun would rise and they could escape in its peaceful breath, raise their arms, and vanish into its glory. No. They could do no such thing, and both knew it. "Gohan… we don't have to do this."
Silence returned; deathly-annoyed silence accompanied by a glare of irrational irritation. Gohan stood statuesque, watching his father, waiting for an attack that was sure to come. Had this not been his beloved boy, an attack would have indeed come… but this wasn't Frieza or Cell… this was Gohan. "I love you, Gohan! I'm sorry!"
"I'll let you know when I care." Hissed words from clenched teeth, blood dripping from palms, dropping to the ground and splattering on the soft surface of grass blades and tree leaves… wherever they landed. Wind whistled by, cooling flushed cheeks, and enraging emotions. Gohan lunged again, long hair whipping around his features, threatening to hide the look of pure hatred that Gokou was receiving. Tears begged to be shed, but not now. They couldn't be unleashed now. It would only fuel Gohan's rage and shame, as well as Gokou's.
What choice was he given? What option was he offered? With a scream, power engulfed the Saiyajin, light brighter than the heavens could ever imagine. It caused Gohan to pause, eyes wide with shock and terror. Far away, the two demi-Saiyajins that were approaching also froze in horror, realizing what was happening. Another level achieved… Gohan could not win. Gokou had not lied to Trunks when he had told him that he would do whatever it took. Perhaps, if the gods and fates were merciful, Gohan would surrender.
Gokou knew he wouldn't, though. He had not raised a quitter. In the end, Gohan would win this battle… because he would force his father to kill him.
Victory… such an odd goal…
Both horror and intrigue filled him as he watched the glowing white orb that hovered before him. Within the whiteness of Baba's orb something moved, but the light that engulfed the magical object of sight caused Dende to turn his head away. Whatever moved within that silver orb, it had to be the key of Gohan's final demise… hopefully…
"Will this work?" Dende begged quietly of Baba as he managed to dare a look to her. Baba stood beneath the crystal ball, hands raised in the air as her wrinkled features were set to the hovering object. The light was growing brighter, casting shadows in every available corner of the room. Dende winced and turned his head away, hiding his eyes with his hands. The light was so bright it was painful. Behind him he could hear Baba's ragged breath. It was exhausting her. She'd never done anything such as this before. Traveling through worlds, the living realm and the afterworld was something simple… but this was uncharted territory for the old woman. "The spell," she whispered, breathing heavily. He could hear each strain in her vocal cords. Panic began to fill Dende. Baba might hurt herself… or die… and then what? Whose hands would the world's fate fall into? Gohan's… gods no…
"Baba!" he exclaimed as he moved towards her, but an explosion sent him spiraling backwards. The bright light was accompanied by violent winds that smashed Dende against stonewall. He tried to rip himself off, but it was nearly fruitless. "Baba! No!" he cried out, but her response was tainted with amusement. "The spell will work!" she exclaimed over the whipping winds before they vanished.
Vanished… like she'd pressed a button. The crystal ball hovered against the ceiling, near the cracked chandelier that swayed, glass falling to the floor. It continued to glow, pulsing with hellish energy that sent shivers down Dende's spine and caused him to weep. Wet streaks darkened his cheeks. He slid to the floor with a sickening thud; body aching as if he'd just fought Gohan himself. "What I fear is that its purpose shall fail, Dende."
From above the crystal ball faded and plummeted, connecting with the hard floors. Crystal scattered across the floor while golden light was unleashed like dust thrown into the wind. It soared about, exploding in tiny bursts of flame when it connected with various things, the walls, the floor, or nearby tables and things. Dende watched Baba in silent terror, seeing the faded look across her features. She swayed a little bit, hands limp at her side, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed on the floor.
"No! Baba!" Dende exclaimed as she rushed across the room to kneel at her side. A single touch told him that she was not dead, or injured… just very tired. His eyes gazed up to the white sparkles that were slowly fading, and to the supreme beings that even he couldn't name he prayed… prayed for success… prayed for failure…
It was almost entertaining, watching that look of pure fear on such a façade of power. With eyes wide, Gohan watched the ascension. The power he felt caused his skin to crawl, as well as cause his insanity to increase. His father had achieved such power… power almost beyond imagination. The golden hair fell down Gokou's back, coating his shoulders. Brows vanished, along with any other trace of humanity outside of that fearful look in his eyes.
So this was the definition of Saiyajin, huh?
Tossing his head back in pure laughter, Gohan allowed himself to be completely absorbed by the comforting lightening that had destroyed Cell. He felt his father's complete confusion and horror, but didn't give a damn in all honesty. "This is what Saiyajin means!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, lightening the heavens with his unholy glow. Oh, how he loathed darkness. It had been day when he'd killed his father; it should be day when he did it again. "Ah," he exclaimed with a feral growl as he focused his eyes back on the Saiyajin before him. Yes, indeed, this was the true meaning of Saiyajin. This was what it was to be a Saiyajin warrior. This is what Vejita wanted him to feel, to achieve - this undeniable uncontrollable lust for bloodshed and domination. He wanted to taste his father's sweat, to cut those long locks of hair and shove them down his throat, to cut that face and watch the blood slid down his arm. He was hard, trembling with lusts beyond what he'd ever imagined. Want after crave, lust after covet screamed to be satisfied and sedated. He screamed out again, fists balling as he smelt his own blood and the sweat of every living and dead thing on the planet.
In his head, heard in only his own ears, laughed Raditzu. Wild hard and callous fingertips traced across his skin, licks ran down his neck, hands twisted in his hair as arms circled his waist. Wild hands ran down between his legs, squeezing that hardness between. Gohan groaned out, hearing the defiant laughter of Raditzu behind him. A tail twisted around his leg. Do it, Gohan. Take his life. Make it your own. He might not be here for long. Better to it before he flees in terror like the damn coward that he is! Take him! Make him yours!
"You will be mine!" Gohan screamed, his voice shaking the earth below. Power engulfed that voice as the light that circled him grew brighter. The golden locks of his hair grew more brilliant as they grew in length, locks treading along his ankles. Turquoise eyes became a vivid haunting green as they locked upon his father, a smirk dressing his lips.
"You… you…" Gokou's voice trembled as he stared at his son. The lightening began to settle around Gohan's body as the power began to fade back to normal, leaving a man that didn't even resemble Gohan any longer. Large muscles had grown beneath the soft material of his purple gi. The hair whipped in the wind as the narrowed bare brows were drawn up in a sinister expression of amusement. "Are you proud of me, Tousan?" Gohan demanded with a devious chuckle. Gokou's silence echoed amid the uncanny calmness.
Behind them, the sun vanished beneath the horizon, leaving the two Saiyajin males the only light…
"Are you proud of your murderer?" Gohan roared as he attacked, ki blasts burning inside of his hands. He lunged at his father, those blasts at his side, and Gokou remained still. The tears that were in his eyes fell to the ground below, intermingling with the blood that had fallen from his son's palms.
Then, as tiny white flames amid the sky fell down and touched the soft cloth of Gohan's clothing, the long hair vanished, returning to the short black locks they had been before all of this chaos had begun. Blank black eyes stared at Gokou before rolling backwards. The blasts of ki dissipated as the lanky body plunged from the sky, leaving Gokou staring in the darkness… alone in the sky.
Piccolo had darted into the sky as soon as he had saw those white specks falling. There had been something frightening about them… and when he saw Gohan fell from the heavens, as if a dagger had been shoved through his heart and the gentle hand of death had touched his shoulder, fear overwhelmed him, and somewhere deep inside him, relief as well. His eyes darted down to the forest, praying and fearing that Gohan was still alive, and that this was some trick, and any moment now that long golden hair would return and he'd shoot from beneath the trees, proclaiming Gokou's demise. Had he learned his father's teleportation technique sometime within the last few years, perhaps even perfected it? Was this some kind of game, guided by the voices in Gohan's head? Was this sudden change in the battle a part of some scheme? It was possible, but wasn't such a magnificent level difficult to achieve at a single whim? When had Gohan ascended beyond the ascension?
"Nissan!" screamed a voice from behind him. The Namek spun around at the familiar voice of Goten, seeing the two Super Saiyajin teenagers finally arrive. They came to an abrupt halt before Piccolo, staring at him with pleading eyes. "Where's Gohan?" Trunks demanded. Piccolo stared at them for a long moment, aware of their weak ki sensing abilities but also unsure of his answer, before his eyes drifted up to the statuesque Gokou that hadn't moved from the skies. Had Gokou done something, moved so fast that he could not be detected, and somehow… somehow done the impossible… no… Gohan couldn't be… Gokou wouldn't have…
"He's killed him…" Goten whispered, voice trembling. A sob escaped those lips as tears fell from eyes that hadn't cried since childhood. He screamed as power erupted throughout his body, lightening erupted.
"Damn it," Piccolo hissed as he fell back from the awesome power. Not only had Gohan reached a third level, now Goten was reaching the second! Trunks roared violently as he lunged to Gokou while Goten continued to scream in his anguish. Lightening stung the teen's skin, tainting it red with the uncontrollable power.
Goten had never felt his power before, Piccolo realized as he fell to the ground, fearful to be so close to such a time bomb. The first time… he wouldn't be able to control himself. It was all Gohan had been able to do to tame that awesome power.
Again, Gokou would find himself in the same position he'd been in only moments ago. He would have to kill another son…